Wednesday, February 15, 2023

2023-1 Shorties: Lydden Hill


Race 1:

The first one went off with chaos at the back as humans tried to shuffle their way through.

Some were shuffled themselves.

Tnadz and Egg were swapping spots several times but they had nothing on Zolecki who scored another win.

Race 2:
Slightly less epic with the field split.  It was Webster and Smith at the front, dueling about.

But with it being hot, Tnadz lost his engine coming to the final corners, causing a small collision with Webster who went on to snipe the win in a race where cool heads and engines prevailed.

Race 3:
The finale of the night saw Zolecki take Tnadz and Egg away from the pack and close in competition.

Lap 3 and a late divebomb sent Tnadz spinning.  The Egg decided not to redress and was punished, although his car wouldn't survive to the end, as Webster's didn't either.

Tires were precious commodities and drivers struggled to keep them in one piece by the end of the stint.

Zolecki was on for a win when he stopped for his pit but lost reverse!

Losing too much time limping back around, Tnadz hopped him and took the win.

Race 1

Track: Lydden Hill 2004

Date: 02/15/23

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 90 °F, Southeast 10 mph

Session: Qualifying

107F Fleming47.203
269J Miller47.288
361A Baker47.389
417B King47.416
514R Bones47.437
636L Miller47.557
710E Flemke, Jr.47.583
86J Leaty47.677
943S Huhn47.775
101B Myers47.851
1146J Rodrigez47.862
1238J James47.940
1357B Burton Jr.47.949
1448T Hirschman47.999
1521J Hill48.004
1688C Hines48.013
1723C Arnold48.058
1815L Leeson48.085
193E Beers48.089
2031G Pack48.145
2116K Tomlinson48.158
2224T Raines48.229
2329K Harvick48.237
249T Phil48.637
250P Butts48.867
2626A Jones49.132
2722B Angles49.326
284J Marquis49.398
2918D Lia49.444
3011H Wilkins49.783
312T Szegedy49.805
3293S Vivy50.451
33023Z Webster58.918
34001G Slab--
35008J Zolecki--
36021T Bear--
37034T Egg--
38013T Nadz--

Weather: Cloudy, 90 °F, Southeast 8 mph

Session: Happy Hour

107F Fleming48.399
224T Raines49.054
316K Tomlinson49.309

Weather: Cloudy, 89 °F, Northwest 16 mph

Session: Race


135008J Zolecki83.764103180Running
2361A Baker-1.32105*180Retired
386J Leaty-8.15100165Retired
4514R Bones-10.18100160Retired
537034T Egg-10.92100155Running
6636L Miller-12.77100150Running
738013T Nadz-12.90100146Running
8417B King-13.20100142Retired
9943S Huhn-14.02100138Retired
101146J Rodrigez-14.74100134Retired
11193E Beers-14.96100130Retired
12101B Myers-15.88100127Retired
131357B Burton Jr.-16.71100124Retired
14710E Flemke, Jr.-16.94100121Running
15269J Miller-17.70100118Running
161238J James-17.92100115Running
171688C Hines-18.36100112Running
182224T Raines-19.39100109Running
191521J Hill-19.51100106Running
202116K Tomlinson-20.03100103Running
212031G Pack-20.29100100Running
223293S Vivy-21.3210097Retired
231815L Leeson-21.3310094Running
242626A Jones-22.1610091Running
25250P Butts-22.5310088Running
262329K Harvick-23.2510085Running
272722B Angles-23.9010082Running
283011H Wilkins-25.0210079Running
291448T Hirschman-25.2310076Running
301723C Arnold-25.6910073Running
31312T Szegedy-26.7310070Running
322918D Lia-26.8110067Running
33284J Marquis-27.5810064Running
34249T Phil-36.1710061Running
35107F Fleming-1L9263Running
3633023Z Webster-3L7055Piston
3734001G Slab-3L7052Retired
3836021T Bear-4L6049Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 88 °F, North 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 85%


0013Passing on the insideStop and go
7021Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 82 °F, Southeast 8 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz46.057
2023Z Webster46.125
39T Phil47.127
428J Civali47.550
51Y Smith47.568
614B Hutchens47.607
722B Angles47.682
888C Hines47.713
926A Jones47.752
1069J Miller47.754
1124T Raines47.764
1218D Lia47.777
1311H Wilkins47.848
1410E Flemke, Jr.47.856
156J Leaty47.867
1617B King47.912
1761A Baker47.917
1881B Pack47.923
195C Pasteryak47.924
2038J James47.956
214J Marquis48.017
2294K Miller48.037
2316K Tomlinson48.109
2446J Rodrigez48.112
252S Huhn48.136
2615L Leeson48.166
2793S Vivy48.244
283E Beers48.267
2983T Brown48.336
3029K Harvick48.508
3121J Hill48.547
3223C Arnold48.630
330P Butts48.723
3448T Hirschman49.269
35021T Bear50.208
36008J Zolecki--
37034T Egg--

Weather: Cloudy, 82 °F, Southwest 7 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 92 °F, Northeast 8 mph

Session: Race


12023Z Webster83.642101180Running
239T Phil-17.60100170Retired
3722B Angles-19.12100165Retired
4614B Hutchens-19.33100160Running
5888C Hines-20.23100155Retired
6926A Jones-20.58100150Retired
71069J Miller-22.06100146Running
81311H Wilkins-24.90100142Running
91410E Flemke, Jr.-24.95100138Running
1051Y Smith-25.19100134Running
111617B King-26.26100130Running
12156J Leaty-26.30100127Running
132038J James-26.48100124Running
142316K Tomlinson-26.75100121Running
151761A Baker-27.21100118Running
161218D Lia-28.10100115Running
171124T Raines-28.48100112Running
18195C Pasteryak-28.92100109Running
19214J Marquis-29.69100106Running
202446J Rodrigez-30.82100103Running
213223C Arnold-31.60100100Running
223029K Harvick-32.0210097Running
232983T Brown-32.4310094Running
242793S Vivy-33.2710091Running
25330P Butts-34.0910088Running
262294K Miller-35.3910085Running
273448T Hirschman-36.2610082Running
283121J Hill-37.0010079Running
29428J Civali-38.0610076Running
301881B Pack-38.7210073Running
312615L Leeson-39.0010070Running
321013T Nadz-1L99*77Running
3335021T Bear-1L9064Running
34252S Huhn-1L9061Running
3536008J Zolecki-2L8058Engine
36283E Beers-2L8055Tire
3737034T Egg-6L4052Clutch

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 91 °F, East 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 85%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 80 °F, Southeast 15 mph

Session: Qualifying

1008J Zolecki44.338
2013T Nadz44.847
3034T Egg44.922
423C Arnold47.099
522B Angles47.169
624T Raines47.193
74S Paulmer47.239
88T York47.294
955B Vance47.349
102T Szegedy47.353
111Y Smith47.360
1293S Vivy47.363
1311H Wilkins47.388
1446J Rodrigez47.399
1538J James47.453
1610E Flemke, Jr.47.509
1721J Schmitt47.518
186J Leaty47.525
1983T Brown47.571
2088C Hines47.592
213E Beers47.615
229T Phil47.630
2329K Harvick47.661
2426A Jones47.697
2594K Miller47.702
2643S Huhn47.754
2717B King47.803
2816M Stefanik47.850
2931G Pack47.911
3028J Civali47.980
310P Butts47.993
3236T Christopher48.193
3315Z Sylvester48.241
3414R Bones48.315
3561A Baker48.347
36023Z Webster--
37021T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, 79 °F, North 9 mph

Session: Happy Hour

193S Vivy48.077
288C Hines48.375
322B Angles48.553
436T Christopher48.562
511H Wilkins48.565
64S Paulmer48.622
71Y Smith48.676
861A Baker48.690
955B Vance48.732
1038J James48.768
1183T Brown48.808
1229K Harvick48.968
133E Beers49.014
1414R Bones49.033
159T Phil49.107
1610E Flemke, Jr.49.120
172T Szegedy49.183
1816M Stefanik49.196
1946J Rodrigez49.320
2043S Huhn49.336
2126A Jones49.341
2217B King49.447
2323C Arnold49.548
2428J Civali49.597
2524T Raines49.902
2631G Pack49.909
2794K Miller50.170
28021T Bear1:19.106

Weather: Clear, 90 °F, Northwest 9 mph

Session: Race


12013T Nadz82.0823015*185Running
2423C Arnold-1L290170Retired
3624T Raines-1L290165Retired
4955B Vance-1L290160Retired
51008J Zolecki-1L2915*165Running
6111Y Smith-1L290150Running
71446J Rodrigez-1L290146Retired
83028J Civali-1L290142Retired
92816M Stefanik-1L290138Retired
1088T York-1L290134Retired
113561A Baker-1L290130Retired
12310P Butts-1L290127Retired
131610E Flemke, Jr.-1L290124Running
14186J Leaty-1L290121Retired
151311H Wilkins-1L290118Running
16522B Angles-1L290115Running
173414R Bones-1L290112Retired
183315Z Sylvester-2L280109Retired
191721J Schmitt-2L280106Retired
201538J James-2L280103Retired
212329K Harvick-2L280100Retired
221293S Vivy-3L27097Running
2374S Paulmer-3L27094Retired
242717B King-3L27091Retired
252643S Huhn-3L27088Retired
26102T Szegedy-4L26085Accident
273236T Christopher-4L26082Retired
282426A Jones-4L26079Retired
29229T Phil-5L25076Running
302594K Miller-6L24073Running
312088C Hines-6L24070Running
32213E Beers-6L24067Running
3337021T Bear-11L19064Disco
342931G Pack-13L17061Accident
351983T Brown-16L14058Accident
363034T Egg-17L13055Accident
3736023Z Webster-23L7052Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 90 °F, Northeast 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 4x

AI Strength: 86%