Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 31-33 Indy Wave

Live Stream:

It was a high speed spectacle at Indy Wave.

Race 1:
Zolecki and Webster were charging to the front of the field but Jamie got disconnected and Tnadz jumped out in front of Webster late in the race, forcing a 4 minute tow (actually Sandy hit him for the killing blow, but we won't mention names).  A pretty dismal race for all humans as they mostly watched their AI teammates gather points.

Race 2:
It was the Know U show but again things went sideways.  Tnadz chased Bear through fire and flames (somehow without a scratch) and in the end it was The Egg who pulled it in for the humans.  Know U had a 1-2 with the Saints and Panthers, shoring up some good points.

Race 3:
Half the humans were wiped out in the first couple turns.  Bear and Jamie paddled around for a while with Zolecki really pulling up the order.  Then he was taken out by the Gators out of 4 and both he and Sandy smoked their way to an early grave.  Man Chest Hair United ran their own 1-2 finish with the X Factor within about 10 seconds of the lead.  Closer and closer.

Next week is the final Wild Card round between Egg Sandywiches and Man Chest Hair United at Dover Jump.

Race 1


Date: 01/29/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 26 °F, North 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

114U Hurricanes--
244N Fighting Irish--
395A Falcons--
445H Texans--
518O Rebels--
615U Knights--
734N Giants--
881F Seminoles--
998N Jets--
101T Aggies--
1126I Hawkeyes--
1261A Crimson Tide--
138O Sooners--
1425I Hoosiers--
1530P Boilermakers--
1610B Bills--
176V Wildcats--
1899D Cowboys--
1927O Ducks--
2090S Gamecocks--
2117S Cardinal--
2231O Buckeyes--
2335U Bruins--
2456M Vikings--
2580D Lions--
2652T Titans--
2770P Nittany Lions--
2823C Panthers--
2913M Dolphins--
3047F Gators--
3139G Bulldogs--
3288N Saints--
3311T Longhorns--
3450B Bears--
3558P Steelers--
3673T Buccaneers--
379C Tigers--
3886T Nadz--
3919Z Webster--
4063T Bear--
4122T Egg--
4242J Zolecki--
4355G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11261A Crimson Tide209.092256180Running
2734N Giants-4.73252175Running
3176V Wildcats-9.02250165Running
4395A Falcons-11.402512*170Running
52456M Vikings-11.60250155Running
61425I Hoosiers-11.86250150Running
7244N Fighting Irish-16.37250146Running
8379C Tigers-25.02250142Running
9114U Hurricanes-31.13250138Running
103673T Buccaneers-35.36250134Running
11998N Jets-35.87250130Running
12138O Sooners-37.81250127Running
133450B Bears-1L240124Running
141899D Cowboys-1L240121Running
152117S Cardinal-1L240118Running
162652T Titans-1L240115Running
172580D Lions-1L240112Running
181610B Bills-1L240109Running
192335U Bruins-1L240106Running
203047F Gators-1L240103Running
211927O Ducks-1L240100Running
222090S Gamecocks-2L23097Running
23518O Rebels-2L23094Running
243558P Steelers-3L22091Running
25881F Seminoles-3L22088Running
263919Z Webster-3L22590Running
273311T Longhorns-3L22082Running
28101T Aggies-4L21079Running
291126I Hawkeyes-4L21076Running
302823C Panthers-4L21073Running
312770P Nittany Lions-5L20070Running
323139G Bulldogs-5L20067Running
33615U Knights-6L19064Running
343288N Saints-6L19061Running
35445H Texans-8L17058Running
362913M Dolphins-8L17055Running
374063T Bear-9L16052Running
384242J Zolecki-11L14049Running
391530P Boilermakers-13L12046Ignition
404355G Slab-14L11043Running
414122T Egg-16L9040Retired
423886T Nadz-17L8037Running
432231O Buckeyes-18L7034DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 29 °F, East 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 96%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 17 °F, North 14 mph

Session: Qualifying

125I Hoosiers--
210B Bills--
31T Aggies--
473T Buccaneers--
539G Bulldogs--
658P Steelers--
78O Sooners--
856M Vikings--
99C Tigers--
1034N Giants--
1118O Rebels--
1214U Hurricanes--
1326I Hawkeyes--
1447F Gators--
1523C Panthers--
1670P Nittany Lions--
1745H Texans--
1881F Seminoles--
1930P Boilermakers--
2017S Cardinal--
2190S Gamecocks--
2235U Bruins--
2395A Falcons--
2431O Buckeyes--
2555L Tigers--
2698N Jets--
2744N Fighting Irish--
2899D Cowboys--
2980D Lions--
3011T Longhorns--
3115U Knights--
326V Wildcats--
3352T Titans--
3488N Saints--
3513M Dolphins--
3627O Ducks--
3750B Bears--
3861A Crimson Tide--
3919Z Webster--
4022T Egg--
4186T Nadz--
4242J Zolecki--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11523C Panthers210.395208*185Retired
23488N Saints-0.26201175Retired
31745H Texans-2.43203170Running
478O Sooners-6.26200160Running
52017S Cardinal-16.89200155Running
62395A Falcons-17.13203155Running
73750B Bears-23.68200146Running
8856M Vikings-24.43200142Running
94022T Egg-24.98200138Running
103627O Ducks-39.59200134Running
113513M Dolphins-41.10200130Running
1299C Tigers-1L193132Running
131670P Nittany Lions-1L190124Running
143352T Titans-1L190121Retired
152555L Tigers-1L190118Running
163861A Crimson Tide-1L190115Running
172899D Cowboys-1L190112Running
182980D Lions-2L180109Running
192190S Gamecocks-2L180106Running
202744N Fighting Irish-3L170103Retired
211930P Boilermakers-3L170100Running
221118O Rebels-4L16097Running
233919Z Webster-4L16094Running
244242J Zolecki-5L15091Running
254186T Nadz-5L15088Running
261034N Giants-5L15085Running
272698N Jets-8L12082Retired
281447F Gators-8L12184Retired
2931T Aggies-10L10181Retired
30539G Bulldogs-10L10073Accident
31125I Hoosiers-12L8070Accident
321214U Hurricanes-12L8067Accident
33210B Bills-12L8064Accident
34658P Steelers-13L7061Camshaft
352431O Buckeyes-14L6058Accident
364363T Bear-14L6055Retired
371326I Hawkeyes-15L5052Retired
38473T Buccaneers-18L2049Accident
391881F Seminoles-19L1046Accident
402235U Bruins-19L1043Retired
413011T Longhorns-19L1040Accident
42326V Wildcats-19L1037Accident
433115U Knights-19L1034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 9 (7 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 35 °F, Northwest 17 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 96%


1242Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
1342Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 27 °F, East 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

114U Hurricanes--
218O Rebels--
352T Titans--
480D Lions--
513M Dolphins--
617S Cardinal--
730P Boilermakers--
86V Wildcats--
927O Ducks--
1010B Bills--
1181F Seminoles--
1215U Knights--
1355L Tigers--
1439G Bulldogs--
1595A Falcons--
1650B Bears--
1723C Panthers--
1844N Fighting Irish--
1925I Hoosiers--
2047F Gators--
2135U Bruins--
2290S Gamecocks--
2358P Steelers--
2445H Texans--
2570P Nittany Lions--
2634N Giants--
2788N Saints--
2861A Crimson Tide--
299C Tigers--
3098N Jets--
3199D Cowboys--
3231O Buckeyes--
3356M Vikings--
3426I Hawkeyes--
351T Aggies--
3611T Longhorns--
3773T Buccaneers--
388O Sooners--
3922T Egg--
4063T Bear--
4142J Zolecki--
4286T Nadz--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1927O Ducks210.499151180Running
2218O Rebels-7.09151175Running
3114U Hurricanes-8.45158*175Running
41844N Fighting Irish-15.25150160Running
5388O Sooners-19.85150155Running
62570P Nittany Lions-20.02150150Running
71355L Tigers-21.35150146Running
82047F Gators-31.46150142Running
93199D Cowboys-1L142143Retired
103611T Longhorns-1L140134Running
114142J Zolecki-2L130130Running
12480D Lions-3L120127Fuel Lk
1386V Wildcats-3L120124Running
14730P Boilermakers-4L110121Accident
15352T Titans-4L113123Retired
163426I Hawkeyes-5L100115Accident
171439G Bulldogs-6L90112Retired
184063T Bear-7L80109Header
19617S Cardinal-11L40106Accident
201181F Seminoles-11L40103Accident
211723C Panthers-12L30100Accident
222445H Texans-12L3097Accident
231650B Bears-14L1094Retired
241595A Falcons-14L1091Retired
251010B Bills-14L1088Accident
261215U Knights-14L1085Accident
27513M Dolphins-14L1082Accident
281925I Hoosiers-15L0079Accident
292290S Gamecocks-15L0076Retired
302135U Bruins-15L0073Retired
312358P Steelers-15L0070Header
322634N Giants-15L0067Accident
332861A Crimson Tide-15L0064Retired
342788N Saints-15L0061Retired
35299C Tigers-15L0058Accident
363098N Jets-15L0055Accident
373231O Buckeyes-15L0052Accident
383356M Vikings-15L0049Accident
39351T Aggies-15L0046Retired
403773T Buccaneers-15L0043Accident
413922T Egg-15L0040Accident
424286T Nadz-15L0037Accident
434319Z Webster-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 19 °F, South 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 96%


763Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1442Smoking EnginePit for repairs