Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nationwide Series 2012 - 32 Pheonix

The hardest 95% we've ever gone up against.  My own race was fraught with danger (and bad AI drivers).  Mostly just small skirmishes around the track.  Darrel got knocked around a bit and so did Chad (though a bit by his own doing).  Sandy had no damage almost the entire time though he got caught in some nasty business at the end there but held it together to finish with his peer humans in the twenties.  One track left and we've all got a bit of work cut out.  We'll take a break for Halloween and then wrap up the final race in two weeks.

Date: 10/24/12

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz28.802
222B Keselowski29.068
318K Busch29.079
44T Stewart29.136
530R Newman29.142
660C Edwards29.184
72E Sadler29.196
89M Ambrose29.213
997J Nemechek29.226
105D Earnhardt Jr.29.247
1133C Bowyer29.279
1239J Wise29.313
13061D Hamilton29.336
1420J Logano29.341
15055C Ferguson29.355
1640S Wimmer29.378
1716T Bayne29.390
1819M Bliss29.405
196R Stenhouse Jr29.411
201L Cassill29.419
2112S Hornish Jr29.454
2288A Almirola29.464
237D Patrick29.494
2438J Leffler29.512
2550T Bell29.525
2687K Conway29.543
2732R Sorenson29.570
2805D Starr29.617
2901M Wallace29.664
3023R Richardson29.677
3144J Green29.680
3209K Wallace29.766
3366S Wallace29.773
3415T Hill29.792
3514E McClure29.815
3649D Setzer29.831
3793K DA29.868
3831J Allgaier29.910
3928D Cope29.952
4062M Annett30.008
41021T Bear30.101
4289M Shepherd30.101
4311B Scott30.152

Weather: Clear, 84 °F, Southwest 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

118K Busch28.848
24T Stewart28.900
3013T Nadz28.912
460C Edwards28.950
520J Logano28.956
630R Newman29.012
712S Hornish Jr29.083
816T Bayne29.088
99M Ambrose29.089
1022B Keselowski29.105
115D Earnhardt Jr.29.106
1288A Almirola29.171
131L Cassill29.230
142E Sadler29.231
1597J Nemechek29.242
1632R Sorenson29.315
1719M Bliss29.325
1838J Leffler29.346
19061D Hamilton29.387
2087K Conway29.445
2133C Bowyer29.456
2240S Wimmer29.465
2344J Green29.497
2423R Richardson29.511
2515T Hill29.512
2649D Setzer29.514
277D Patrick29.526
2831J Allgaier29.575
2950T Bell29.595
3009K Wallace29.600
3128D Cope29.617
3266S Wallace29.656
336R Stenhouse Jr29.729
3439J Wise29.781
3501M Wallace29.820
3605D Starr29.969
3714E McClure30.006
3862M Annett30.045
3911B Scott30.149
4093K DA30.229
41021T Bear30.353
4289M Shepherd30.373
43055C Ferguson30.377

Weather: Clear, 84 °F, West 6 mph

Session: Happy Hour

160C Edwards28.997
2013T Nadz29.028
330R Newman29.089
45D Earnhardt Jr.29.101
54T Stewart29.154
618K Busch29.210
7061D Hamilton29.211
822B Keselowski29.221
933C Bowyer29.236
1087K Conway29.289
119M Ambrose29.316
1220J Logano29.349
131L Cassill29.366
142E Sadler29.371
1512S Hornish Jr29.376
1615T Hill29.402
1788A Almirola29.411
18055C Ferguson29.429
1916T Bayne29.441
2040S Wimmer29.455
216R Stenhouse Jr29.486
2232R Sorenson29.508
2397J Nemechek29.510
2428D Cope29.535
2523R Richardson29.544
2605D Starr29.582
2701M Wallace29.585
2838J Leffler29.617
2919M Bliss29.667
3050T Bell29.668
3149D Setzer29.673
3244J Green29.758
3366S Wallace29.773
347D Patrick29.791
3539J Wise29.791
3631J Allgaier29.855
3709K Wallace29.975
3862M Annett29.979
3989M Shepherd30.137
4014E McClure30.170
4111B Scott30.210
4293K DA30.232
43021T Bear30.430

Weather: Clear, 76 °F, North 4 mph

Session: Race


1460C Edwards73.2484723*185Running
2115D Earnhardt Jr.-0.45470170Running
3712S Hornish Jr-0.90470165Running
4520J Logano-1.36470160Running
51022B Keselowski-1.81470155Running
6142E Sadler-2.27470150Running
71597J Nemechek-2.72470146Running
82087K Conway-4.10470142Running
924T Stewart-4.574717143Running
102344J Green-5.50470134Running
11336R Stenhouse Jr-5.98470130Running
123605D Starr-6.45470127Running
131719M Bliss-6.93470124Running
141288A Almirola-7.41470121Running
152649D Setzer-7.89470118Running
162423R Richardson-8.84470115Running
172240S Wimmer-9.31470112Running
183266S Wallace-9.79470109Running
193013T Nadz-10.02476111Running
20816T Bayne-10.29470103Running
214093K DA-10.51470100Running
223009K Wallace-10.9847097Running
2399M Ambrose-11.4547094Running
243439J Wise-12.9847091Running
253714E McClure-13.5147088Running
2641021T Bear-13.6447085Running
2743055C Ferguson-13.6947187Running
2819061D Hamilton-1L46079Running
29118K Busch-1L46076Running
302515T Hill-1L46073Running
312831J Allgaier-1L46070Running
323128D Cope-7L40067Running
331838J Leffler-12L35064Retired
341632R Sorenson-39L8061Valve
352133C Bowyer-39L8058Retired
362950T Bell-40L7055Accident
37277D Patrick-40L7052Accident
38131L Cassill-40L7049Accident
39630R Newman-40L7046Accident
403501M Wallace-41L6043Accident
413862M Annett-41L6040Retired
423911B Scott-41L6037Accident
434289M Shepherd-41L6034Retired

Caution Flags: 6 (23 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 74 °F, East 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 95%


22061Entering closed pitsGo to end of longest line
31055Speeding in pitsGo to end of longest line
47021Dropping DebrisPit for repairs
48061Passing under yellowHeld for 1 seconds