Friday, November 30, 2018

Twisted Metal 2018: 25-27 Michigan Volcano

Another Wild Card round under the ruddy red sky of Michigan Volcano.  Up on the drawing is The Egg vs Hamilton for the most survivors.  30-25-20 laps with progressive damage.

Race 1:
The start saw the most epic wreck ever witnessed on this track which spared few.

Many of the humans ended up finding each other but the majority spent the race trying to gain positions.  Although Gut Slab did resort to plan B a few times.

After a hard fought battle with Webster, Tnadz moved to the lead and finished out with a win,  Zack held on for 3rd behind The Bear's Browns.  The Egg and Sandy hung around the top 20 mark.  No fatalities in Race 1.

Race 2:
Things started off rough for Webster as Tnadz took off the gloves and went straight for the jugular.

As he rolled the infield hill and died, Hamilton went out right next to him as he dropped to second too fast to slow for the turn 1 wreck.

Tnadz did not get away clean and was clipped by the Gut Slab and could only watch as his points rival, GB drove away.

But part way through the race, Tnadz eventually caught him and hit him like he did Webster.

But even after sliding through the infield and rolling into the air, he landed gently and kept going, even barely missing the wrecking Egg.

Not once but twice in the same crash.

Gut Slab had gotten going again and was up to the top 20 when he took the final jump wrong and landed poorly.

Buster was doing well, up to 3rd when he was crushed against the wall by the Giants.

After dropping fluid and getting an unsalvageable black flag, he returned the favor before being DQed.  Sandy was nearly caught up in the aftermath but just missed and managed a top ten.

It came down to the final laps as The Egg closed rapidly on the flagging Redskins of Tnadz.  Despite a few cautious attempts, he was unable to unseat the racist racer and had to settle for second.

Race 3:
Tnadz scuppered the start of Race 3 and would start on the back foot.

The Egg and Gurton Buster were running close together most of the race.

Gut Slab was breathing on the top 5 when he overdid the last jump, this time flying into the catch fence and ending his race prematurely.

Tnadz and The Bear roved the track picking up positions slowly, nearly missing each other and the leaders on several occasions.  In the end they would settle just outside the top 5.

Closing in on the final laps, GB had his sights on The Egg.

Suddenly, he clipped the outside wall after running long on a jump and damaged his engine with one to go!

In the end he barely held off Buster.  Up at the front, Webster fought long and hard but had to settle for 2nd in the end.

After the dust settled and the lava cooled, it turned out that The Egg had the most survivors and stole 12 points from Hamilton.  The points shuffled but still remain close.  Webster holds the lead with The Egg, Hamilton and GB well within striking distance.  Next up, 6 Feet Under.

Race 1


Session: Qualifying

175O Raiders--
233S Seahawks--
360I Colts--
414U Hurricanes--
580D Lions--
658P Steelers--
752T Titans--
819A Tigers--
938A Cardinals--
1088N Saints--
1155L Tigers--
1263C Browns--
1399D Cowboys--
1462J Jaguars--
1590S Gamecocks--
1683C Bears--
1747F Gators--
1873T Buccaneers--
1929G Packers--
2015U Knights--
2137P Eagles--
2295A Falcons--
2313M Dolphins--
2432K Chiefs--
2521S Chargers--
2656M Vikings--
2724L Cardinals--
2828S Rams--
2912N Patriots--
3016S 49ers--
3198N Jets--
3235U Bruins--
3326I Hawkeyes--
3434N Giants--
3520B Ravens--
367D Broncos--
3710T Egg--
3842J Zolecki--
3922T Bear--
4023Z Webster--
4145D Hamilton--
4286T Nadz--
4339G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14286T Nadz196.0973021*185Running
21263C Browns-1L292175Running
34023Z Webster-1L293170Running
4360I Colts-2L280160Running
51590S Gamecocks-2L280155Running
6938A Cardinals-2L280150Running
72521S Chargers-2L280146Running
81155L Tigers-2L280142Running
91399D Cowboys-2L280138Running
101462J Jaguars-2L280134Running
112015U Knights-3L270130Running
123198N Jets-3L270127Running
131929G Packers-3L270124Running
14233S Seahawks-3L274126Running
15414U Hurricanes-4L260118Running
162295A Falcons-4L260115Running
173710T Egg-4L260112Running
183016S 49ers-4L260109Running
19658P Steelers-4L260106Running
20175O Raiders-5L250103Running
212432K Chiefs-5L250100Running
222828S Rams-5L25097Running
232724L Cardinals-5L25094Running
243922T Bear-6L24091Running
251088N Saints-6L24088Running
263520B Ravens-6L24085Running
273235U Bruins-7L23082Running
281747F Gators-7L23079Running
29752T Titans-7L23076Running
303326I Hawkeyes-8L22073Running
31580D Lions-8L22070Running
322137P Eagles-10L20067Running
334145D Hamilton-11L19064Running
34367D Broncos-11L19061Running
353434N Giants-12L18058Running
36819A Tigers-12L18055Running
372912N Patriots-12L18052Running
383842J Zolecki-14L16049Running
391683C Bears-15L15046Running
402313M Dolphins-15L15043Running
411873T Buccaneers-16L14040Running
422656M Vikings-18L12037Running
434339G Slab-21L9034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -170 °F, East 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


742Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
842Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

138A Cardinals--
299D Cowboys--
352T Titans--
455L Tigers--
575O Raiders--
673T Buccaneers--
783C Bears--
826I Hawkeyes--
932K Chiefs--
1047F Gators--
1128S Rams--
1220B Ravens--
1395A Falcons--
1415U Knights--
1556M Vikings--
1634N Giants--
1760I Colts--
1812N Patriots--
197D Broncos--
2098N Jets--
2114U Hurricanes--
2221S Chargers--
2316S 49ers--
2424L Cardinals--
2537P Eagles--
2633S Seahawks--
2762J Jaguars--
2880D Lions--
2990S Gamecocks--
3035U Bruins--
3129G Packers--
3258P Steelers--
3363C Browns--
3419A Tigers--
3513M Dolphins--
3688N Saints--
3739G Slab--
3822T Bear--
3942J Zolecki--
4023Z Webster--
4186T Nadz--
4245D Hamilton--
4310T Egg--

Session: Race


14186T Nadz186.353257180Running
24310T Egg-1L240170Running
31047F Gators-4L210165Running
43688N Saints-5L200160Running
5826I Hawkeyes-6L190155Running
62990S Gamecocks-7L1812*160Accident
73942J Zolecki-7L180146DQ
83822T Bear-8L170142Running
91220B Ravens-8L170138Running
101634N Giants-9L160134Running
113129G Packers-11L140130Retired
123739G Slab-12L130127Accident
13783C Bears-13L120124Accident
14575O Raiders-15L100121DQ
152098N Jets-16L90118Accident
162114U Hurricanes-16L90115Accident
17299D Cowboys-16L93117Fuel Lk
183419A Tigers-17L80109Accident
192537P Eagles-17L80106Accident
203513M Dolphins-17L80103Clutch
211556M Vikings-18L70100Accident
22352T Titans-18L7097Accident
23455L Tigers-19L6094Accident
24932K Chiefs-19L6091Accident
25673T Buccaneers-20L5088Accident
261760I Colts-21L4085Accident
273363C Browns-21L4082Accident
28138A Cardinals-21L4384Accident
291812N Patriots-22L3076Accident
30197D Broncos-22L3073Accident
311395A Falcons-22L3070Accident
322762J Jaguars-23L2067Accident
332633S Seahawks-23L2064Accident
342221S Chargers-23L2061Accident
351415U Knights-23L2058Accident
363258P Steelers-24L1055Accident
372880D Lions-24L1052Accident
381128S Rams-24L1049Accident
392316S 49ers-25L0046Accident
402424L Cardinals-25L0043Retired
413035U Bruins-25L0040Accident
424023Z Webster-25L0037Piston
434245D Hamilton-25L0034Piston

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -174 °F, West 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


1542Dropping FluidPit for repairs
1542Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1239Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1522Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1942Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

156M Vikings--
220B Ravens--
319A Tigers--
452T Titans--
562J Jaguars--
675O Raiders--
734N Giants--
873T Buccaneers--
963C Browns--
1032K Chiefs--
1137P Eagles--
1233S Seahawks--
1388N Saints--
1438A Cardinals--
1524L Cardinals--
1680D Lions--
1716S 49ers--
1826I Hawkeyes--
1983C Bears--
2099D Cowboys--
2115U Knights--
2245H Texans--
2360I Colts--
2458P Steelers--
2555L Tigers--
2690S Gamecocks--
2747F Gators--
2835U Bruins--
2928S Rams--
3013M Dolphins--
3195A Falcons--
3229G Packers--
3312N Patriots--
3414U Hurricanes--
3521S Chargers--
367D Broncos--
3798N Jets--
3810T Egg--
3939G Slab--
4042J Zolecki--
4123Z Webster--
4286T Nadz--
4322T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, South 3 mph

Session: Race

13312N Patriots197.764202180Running
24123Z Webster-6.10200170Running
3319A Tigers-7.832018*175Running
43810T Egg-9.63200160Running
54042J Zolecki-10.01200155Running
61826I Hawkeyes-1L190150Running
74322T Bear-1L190146Running
84286T Nadz-2L180142Running
93939G Slab-8L120138Accident
101680D Lions-10L100134Piston
112099D Cowboys-11L90130Accident
122245H Texans-14L60127Accident
131388N Saints-15L50124Accident
141233S Seahawks-15L50121Accident
15675O Raiders-15L50118Accident
161438A Cardinals-15L50115Accident
172747F Gators-16L40112DQ
182115U Knights-16L40109Accident
191983C Bears-16L40106Accident
20156M Vikings-17L30103Accident
213798N Jets-17L30100Accident
223229G Packers-17L3097Accident
232360I Colts-18L2094Retired
242555L Tigers-18L2091Retired
252835U Bruins-18L2088Accident
262690S Gamecocks-18L2085Accident
27220B Ravens-18L2082Accident
281524L Cardinals-18L2079Accident
291137P Eagles-18L2076Accident
301716S 49ers-18L2073Accident
31963C Browns-18L2070Accident
32562J Jaguars-18L2067Accident
331032K Chiefs-18L2064Retired
34873T Buccaneers-18L2061Accident
35452T Titans-18L2058Accident
36734N Giants-18L2055Accident
373414U Hurricanes-18L2052Accident
383195A Falcons-18L2049Accident
392458P Steelers-19L1046Retired
403013M Dolphins-19L1043Accident
412928S Rams-19L1040Accident
423521S Chargers-19L1037Accident
43367D Broncos-19L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, West 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%