Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nationwide Series 2012 - 2 Phoenix

Lots of thrilling racing all over the track.  Wrecks were a plenty but I think we got plenty of good racing in as well.  And while some of the accidents got rather violent, in looking at the footage, most of them weren't novice errors or gross miscalculations.  In fact, I'd say if we haven't significantly improved in our racing skills, we are certainly better at crashing and driving away.  So good work everyone.  Vegas can be a good place to advance position.  Let's rock it!


Date: 02/29/12

Session: Practice

1061D Hamilton28.970
2013T Nadz29.088
360C Edwards29.213
438J Leffler29.353
566S Wallace29.530
622B Keselowski29.559
719M Bliss29.567
809K Wallace29.613
918K Busch29.635
1031J Allgaier29.709
1120J Logano29.747
1201M Wallace29.780
13021T Bear29.809
1414E McClure29.884
1516T Bayne29.885
1633C Bowyer29.892
1762M Annett29.907
189M Ambrose29.911
1997J Nemechek29.915
2032R Sorenson29.928
2123R Richardson29.936
2211B Scott29.955
2340S Wimmer29.961
2493K DA29.967
2528D Cope30.065
2689M Shepherd30.098
2739J Wise30.103
2888A Almirola30.113
292E Sadler30.157
3034J Buescher30.190
314T Stewart30.197
3287K Conway30.203
3351J Clements30.220
3430R Newman30.233
3512S Hornish Jr30.265
3627J Fitzpatrick30.266
376R Stenhouse Jr.30.273
385D Earnhardt Jr.30.321
3952K Lepage30.351
40029M Max30.358
41055C Ferguson30.365
4247C Lewandoski30.418
4374M Harmon30.431

Weather: Cloudy, 87 °F, Northwest 12 mph

Session: Qualifying

160C Edwards29.138
2013T Nadz29.307
338J Leffler29.316
466S Wallace29.594
519M Bliss29.633
622B Keselowski29.660
718K Busch29.698
820J Logano29.768
901M Wallace29.789
1031J Allgaier29.831
1109K Wallace29.849
1262M Annett29.951
13021T Bear29.978
1433C Bowyer30.016
1514E McClure30.027
1640S Wimmer30.092
1732R Sorenson30.133
1893K DA30.133
1923R Richardson30.197
2016T Bayne30.202
2139J Wise30.227
226R Stenhouse Jr.30.231
235D Earnhardt Jr.30.238
2497J Nemechek30.259
2511B Scott30.265
2688A Almirola30.286
2730R Newman30.286
289M Ambrose30.318
2947C Lewandoski30.339
30061D Hamilton30.353
3189M Shepherd30.354
3287K Conway30.375
3328D Cope30.376
344T Stewart30.403
352E Sadler30.411
3634J Buescher30.432
3752K Lepage30.438
3851J Clements30.441
39055C Ferguson30.448
4012S Hornish Jr30.471
4174M Harmon30.595
4227J Fitzpatrick30.715
43029M Max37.670

Weather: Clear, 87 °F, Northwest 12 mph

Session: Happy Hour

160C Edwards29.438
238J Leffler29.593
322B Keselowski29.674
4013T Nadz29.676
5061D Hamilton29.720
666S Wallace29.842
719M Bliss29.880
818K Busch29.888
931J Allgaier29.899
1033C Bowyer29.904
1114E McClure30.006
1297J Nemechek30.007
1340S Wimmer30.013
1420J Logano30.051
1562M Annett30.091
1601M Wallace30.105
1789M Shepherd30.117
189M Ambrose30.135
19021T Bear30.149
2009K Wallace30.150
2188A Almirola30.174
2232R Sorenson30.192
2316T Bayne30.218
2451J Clements30.291
2593K DA30.312
2628D Cope30.314
2723R Richardson30.326
282E Sadler30.353
29029M Max30.368
304T Stewart30.405
316R Stenhouse Jr.30.420
3252K Lepage30.434
3387K Conway30.472
3439J Wise30.476
3527J Fitzpatrick30.489
365D Earnhardt Jr.30.499
3734J Buescher30.525
3811B Scott30.547
3930R Newman30.585
4074M Harmon30.651
4112S Hornish Jr30.806
4247C Lewandoski30.877
43055C Ferguson31.430

Weather: Clear, 73 °F, Southeast 9 mph

Session: Race


1160C Edwards72.4644715180Running
2338J Leffler-0.684718*180Running
3718K Busch-4.32470165Running
41031J Allgaier-7.66470160Running
52013T Nadz-11.224714160Running
61514E McClure-12.92470150Running
71893K DA-13.07470146Running
81109K Wallace-13.17470142Running
92016T Bayne-13.42470138Running
103328D Cope-19.93470134Running
113634J Buescher-22.74470130Running
124174M Harmon-24.12470127Running
13344T Stewart-24.54470124Running
143752K Lepage-24.95470121Running
152947C Lewandoski-25.78470118Running
16466S Wallace-32.28470115Running
171640S Wimmer-1L460112Running
18622B Keselowski-1L460109Running
191732R Sorenson-1L460106Running
20235D Earnhardt Jr.-1L460103Running
2139055C Ferguson-1L460100Running
22820J Logano-1L46097Running
23901M Wallace-1L46094Running
242688A Almirola-1L46091Running
252139J Wise-1L46088Running
261433C Bowyer-1L46085Running
274012S Hornish Jr-2L45082Running
2830061D Hamilton-2L45079Running
293851J Clements-3L44076Running
301262M Annett-3L44073Running
3113021T Bear-4L43070Running
323189M Shepherd-17L30067Clutch
33352E Sadler-18L29064Retired
342730R Newman-18L29061Camshaft
354227J Fitzpatrick-18L29058Retired
36226R Stenhouse Jr.-18L29055Accident
372497J Nemechek-18L29052Accident
38289M Ambrose-19L28049Retired
393287K Conway-20L27046Accident
4043029M Max-30L17043Ignition
412511B Scott-35L12040Retired
421923R Richardson-35L12037Retired
43519M Bliss-35L12034Accident

Caution Flags: 7 (24 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 72 °F, Southeast 10 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 95%


2021Entering closed pitsGo to end of longest line
17021Entering closed pitsGo to end of longest line
28021Entering closed pitsGo to end of longest line