Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sprint Car Dirt Devils Championship 2013 - 4-6 Drummond

Another exciting trio of races.  Practice prepped us well for the mayhem to unfold in the main events.  Race 1 had us all at the front of the field for an unexpected quick start.  I took the win after a great amount of avoiding traffic.  Darrel and Sandy had some unlucky destruction and Chad ran a very good second.

Race 2 was a similar setup at the beginning with Darrel leading the start.  There was some trouble as Chad blew his engine (too much tape).  Darrel stuck close to me and took second to my first.

Race 3 was almost identical a start to Race 1.  We all were incredibly close for the first half dozen laps and then we hit traffic.  Chad had an incredible moment halfway in when his wheel lost battery power and in 11 seconds he had the wheel back on and only lost about two spots which he started making up right away.  Unfortunately he had a run in and was taken out.  Darrel also had some similar destructive moments but did manage to finish.  It was Sandy who would come up to the front after falling all the way to last early on and take second not far behind me.

Next track is Fireman's Park which we will race after the holidays.  Check for the updated date via email.

Race 1

Date: 12/19/12

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz18.569
2061D Hamilton19.445
3021T Bear19.554
4007C Ferguson20.057
560M Colvin20.609
735S Wilshe20.669
800D Martin JR.20.679
915D Schlit20.682
1088A Peterson20.703
1117L Lovering20.724
121T Hoosier20.740
1318J Jones20.763
14016L 7720.793
1563E Jackson20.809
1655S McCarty20.853
1773T McCarty20.863
1814M Mooney20.887
1966T Gentile20.887
2012D McCormack20.889
2133C Vette20.894
2252D Reid20.931
2399D Wilshe20.970
2427J Barlow20.992
2510T Gray20.998
2601T Martin21.016
2754J Jiant21.022
2832K Sheppard21.043
2982R Merritts21.065
3051B Lutz21.076
3144C Benier21.092
3221B Bouchet21.126
3389A Norris21.145
3425J York21.157
3547B Rafuse21.286
3623K Somerton21.297
3724T Robinson21.389

Weather: Clear, 72 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz19.062
2061D Hamilton19.135
3021T Bear19.734
4007C Ferguson20.306
514M Mooney21.331
610T Gray21.603
715D Schlit21.695
818J Jones21.713
900D Martin JR.21.714
1027J Barlow21.715
1112D McCormack21.718
1273T McCarty21.762
1352D Reid21.774
1466T Gentile21.778
1551B Lutz21.810
1660M Colvin21.811
1744C Benier21.834
181T Hoosier21.850
1921B Bouchet21.863
20016L 7721.869
2135S Wilshe21.881
2217L Lovering21.882
2355S McCarty21.915
2499D Wilshe21.917
2547B Rafuse21.929
2625J York21.956
2723K Somerton21.961
2832K Sheppard22.008
2988A Peterson22.025
3063E Jackson22.026
3133C Vette22.027
3254J Jiant22.060
3382R Merritts22.062
3424T Robinson22.073
3601T Martin22.196
3789A Norris22.241

Weather: Clear, 72 °F, Southwest 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1013T Nadz18.369
2061D Hamilton19.302
3021T Bear19.437
4007C Ferguson19.776
554J Jiant20.475
6016L 7720.525
789A Norris20.526
863E Jackson20.679
955S McCarty20.700
1015D Schlit20.723
1188A Peterson20.787
1260M Colvin20.795
1482R Merritts20.864
1566T Gentile20.867
1618J Jones20.896
1714M Mooney20.915
1825J York20.936
1924T Robinson20.955
2044C Benier20.980
2127J Barlow21.002
2201T Martin21.054
2321B Bouchet21.055
2473T McCarty21.062
2523K Somerton21.073
261T Hoosier21.078
2712D McCormack21.087
2800D Martin JR.21.087
2952D Reid21.096
3032K Sheppard21.098
3133C Vette21.108
3235S Wilshe21.125
3399D Wilshe21.134
3410T Gray21.155
3547B Rafuse21.187
3617L Lovering21.202
3751B Lutz21.247

Weather: Clear, 65 °F, South 1 mph

Session: Race


11013T Nadz89.5572525*185Running
24007C Ferguson-1L240170Running
3715D Schlit-1L240165Running
42135S Wilshe-1L240160Running
51921B Bouchet-2L230155Running
63424T Robinson-2L230150Running
73254J Jiant-2L230146Running
82217L Lovering-2L230142Running
93601T Martin-2L230138Running
10181T Hoosier-2L230134Running
11900D Martin JR.-2L230130Running
122547B Rafuse-2L230127Running
131273T McCarty-2L230124Running
143789A Norris-2L230121Running
152625J York-2L230118Running
162355S McCarty-2L230115Running
172988A Peterson-2L230112Running
183063E Jackson-2L230109Running
201551B Lutz-2L230103Running
211744C Benier-2L230100Running
223133C Vette-2L23097Running
232723K Somerton-2L23094Running
242499D Wilshe-2L23091Running
252832K Sheppard-2L23088Running
263382R Merritts-2L23085Running
271027J Barlow-3L22082Running
281466T Gentile-3L22079Running
2920016L 77-3L22076Running
303021T Bear-4L21073Running
311352D Reid-4L21070Running
32818J Jones-5L20067Running
332061D Hamilton-5L20064Running
341660M Colvin-6L19061Running
35610T Gray-8L17058Running
36514M Mooney-23L2055DQ
371112D McCormack-23L2052DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, 65 °F, Northwest 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 85%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

1061D Hamilton18.904
2013T Nadz18.942
3007C Ferguson19.458
4021T Bear19.523
599D Wilshe21.260
621B Bouchet21.295
714M Mooney21.335
800D Martin JR.21.456
933C Vette21.494
1027J Barlow21.527
1173T McCarty21.541
1218T Grogan21.548
1312R Gephart21.549
1463E Jackson21.562
1515D Schlit21.566
1617L Lovering21.576
1788A Peterson21.632
1844C Benier21.637
1923K Somerton21.642
2089A Norris21.652
2101T Martin21.682
2224T Robinson21.683
23016L 7721.690
2435S Wilshe21.702
2555S McCarty21.703
2652D Reid21.704
271T Hoosier21.706
2860M Colvin21.710
2925J York21.754
3032K Sheppard21.760
3147L Bennet21.761
3210T Gray21.804
3354J Jiant21.830
3482R Merritts21.830
3551B Lutz21.838
3766T Gentile21.854

Weather: Cloudy, 77 °F, Southwest 14 mph

Session: Race


12013T Nadz88.7202520*185Running
21061D Hamilton-16.80251175Running
3621B Bouchet-1L240165Running
41173T McCarty-1L240160Running
5714M Mooney-1L240155Running
623016L 77-1L240150Running
71617L Lovering-1L240146Running
81844C Benier-1L240142Running
9933C Vette-1L240138Running
103551B Lutz-1L240134Running
112860M Colvin-1L240130Running
123032K Sheppard-1L240127Running
131027J Barlow-1L240124Running
143147L Bennet-1L240121Running
151788A Peterson-1L240118Running
16271T Hoosier-1L240115Running
171515D Schlit-2L230112Running
182101T Martin-2L230109Running
192224T Robinson-2L230106Running
202652D Reid-3L220103Accident
213482R Merritts-4L210100Running
22599D Wilshe-5L20097Running
234021T Bear-5L20094Running
242555S McCarty-5L20091Running
252925J York-5L20088Running
26800D Martin JR.-6L19085Running
283210T Gray-9L16079Accident
293007C Ferguson-10L15481Accident
301923K Somerton-10L15073Accident
311312R Gephart-10L15070Accident
323354J Jiant-16L9067Accident
333766T Gentile-17L8064Accident
342435S Wilshe-19L6061Accident
352089A Norris-19L6058Accident
361218T Grogan-21L4055Accident
371463E Jackson-23L2052DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 76 °F, West 10 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 85%


16007Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz18.723
2061D Hamilton19.272
3021T Bear19.611
4007C Ferguson20.014
573T McCarty21.537
635S Wilshe21.589
755S McCarty21.648
833C Vette21.650
901T Martin21.678
1023K Somerton21.715
1188A Peterson21.762
1227J Barlow21.769
1352D Reid21.781
1544C Benier21.791
1617L Lovering21.791
1721B Helman21.803
1847B Rafuse21.812
1932K Sheppard21.881
2089A Norris21.904
2118T Grogan21.907
221T Hoosier21.918
2312J McKinleyDodge21.941
2415D Schlit21.954
2514M Mooney21.958
2624T Robinson21.967
2763E Jackson21.986
2866T Gentile21.989
2951B Lutz21.991
3082R Merritts22.044
3110T Gray22.074
3254J Jiant22.086
3399D Wilshe22.091
3425J York22.126
3560M Colvin22.154
3600D Martin JR.22.162
37016L 7722.181

Weather: Clear, 70 °F, Southwest 1 mph

Session: Race


11013T Nadz87.5802521*185Running
23021T Bear-1L240170Running
3755S McCarty-1L240165Running
42118T Grogan-1L240160Running
51023K Somerton-1L240155Running
61352D Reid-1L240150Running
73425J York-1L240146Running
81544C Benier-1L240142Running
9635S Wilshe-1L240138Running
101721B Helman-1L240134Running
111847B Rafuse-1L240130Running
121227J Barlow-1L240127Running
131932K Sheppard-1L240124Running
142763E Jackson-1L240121Running
152514M Mooney-1L240118Running
173254J Jiant-1L240112Running
181617L Lovering-1L240109Running
192951B Lutz-1L240106Running
203082R Merritts-1L240103Running
213600D Martin JR.-1L240100Running
222312J McKinleyDodge-1L24097Running
232866T Gentile-1L24094Running
242061D Hamilton-2L23496Running
252089A Norris-3L22088Running
264007C Ferguson-4L21085Running
272415D Schlit-4L21082Accident
28833C Vette-4L21079Running
29221T Hoosier-5L20076Running
302624T Robinson-6L19073Running
313399D Wilshe-17L8070Accident
323110T Gray-17L8067Accident
331188A Peterson-22L3064Accident
34901T Martin-22L3061Accident
3537016L 77-23L2058DQ
363560M Colvin-24L1055Accident
37573T McCarty-24L1052Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 69 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 85%