Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sprint Car Dirt Devils Championship 2013 - 1-3 Dakota Dirt

A rough opening to the season as we tried our first race of an all dirt bumper season.

Race 1:  The inaugural race started with 3 humans at the front, Sandy, Chad and me.  We all were doing well until Sandy was sideswiped and his race pretty much was down the tubes.  Darrel also came upon some misfortune as he was working his way up through the field.  Chad shadowed me as we weaved through lap traffic and took a lunge into turn 1 on the penultimate lap, sending me through a 360.  Fortunately we'd gapped the field enough that I only fell one position, though the marshals will be reviewing that footage...Chad and I took the first 1-2 of the season.

Race 2: Again, humans on point, this time Darrel took the pole with Chad and me right behind.  Sandy would again find himself struggling with an elusive setup and falling through the grid.  I managed to run out front early with Darrel and Chad close in tow.  By the end, Chad would have made a grab for second or first but was tangled up with a slower lap car.  Darrel could have come away with the win if he had one more lap and less traffic.  But as it was, he was hot on my heels as I gained my first win of the season.

Race 3:  Identical start to Race 2.  Things went in a similar fashion though taking more than a few laps to get going.  Chad and Darrel managed to stir up trouble with lappers as I laid back in 3rd.  Darrel was slowed up and I moved to 2nd.  Then Chad had a major run-in with some more lap cars and dropped back a bit more. Last lap, Darrel gets into a major wreck and with damage on full, fell from second back several positions.  Chad would swing by for a 2nd place as I took my second win.

The dirt is definitely taking some getting used to and with the variable damage through all three races, strategies mixed with bullheaded-stupid racing will be the only way to grab those very few points available.  I've also updated the scoring:  No bonuses for fastest lap.  I just can't find a way to record it in-race.  Also, I've updated the archive pages for standings and stats so they now contain all information for both and display correctly.

Hopefully we can get Scot and Rob into the action next week for some intense fun and funky racing.

On to Drummond next week.

Race 1

Date: 12/05/12

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz20.808
2061D Hamilton21.622
3007C Ferguson21.947
4021T Bear22.693
600D Martin JR.23.391
727J Barlow23.423
882R Merritts23.486
944C Benier23.501
1066T Gentile23.539
1147B Rafuse23.541
1215D Schlit23.563
1317L Lovering23.584
1455S McCarty23.601
1524T Robinson23.624
1618J Jones23.628
1752D Reid23.634
1825J York23.634
1999D Wilshe23.640
20016L 7723.640
2114M Mooney23.653
2273T McCarty23.659
2388A Peterson23.665
241T Hoosier23.673
2501T Martin23.679
2635S Wilshe23.693
2763E Jackson23.695
2854J Jiant23.704
2960M Colvin23.709
3051B Lutz23.720
3123K Somerton23.725
3221B Bouchet23.726
3389A Norris23.729
3412R Gephart23.753

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, East 12 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz21.316
2007C Ferguson21.672
3021T Bear22.636
423K Somerton22.727
560M Colvin22.809
725J York22.827
801T Martin22.832
952D Reid22.885
1021B Bouchet22.893
1114M Mooney22.901
1289A Norris22.910
1382R Merritts22.926
1451B Lutz22.935
1573T McCarty22.947
1600D Martin JR.22.951
1754J Jiant22.959
1827J Barlow22.961
19016L 7722.964
2024T Robinson22.977
2199D Wilshe23.023
2215D Schlit23.026
2366T Gentile23.040
2412R Gephart23.047
2518J Jones23.108
2647B Rafuse23.149
271T Hoosier23.163
2835S Wilshe23.258
2963E Jackson23.270
3088A Peterson23.288
3144C Benier23.296
3255S McCarty23.614
3317L Lovering23.703
34061D Hamilton35.886

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, East 11 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1061D Hamilton21.470
2013T Nadz21.563
3007C Ferguson21.782
4021T Bear23.391
552D Reid23.505
623K Somerton23.512
7016L 7723.518
818J Jones23.522
912R Gephart23.611
1088A Peterson23.623
1151B Lutz23.631
1200D Martin JR.23.637
1360M Colvin23.646
1424T Robinson23.702
1563E Jackson23.715
1699D Wilshe23.726
1721B Bouchet23.732
1854J Jiant23.735
1966T Gentile23.762
2014M Mooney23.762
2182R Merritts23.771
2255S McCarty23.782
2344C Benier23.790
2415D Schlit23.797
251T Hoosier23.816
2635S Wilshe23.844
2747B Rafuse23.862
2827J Barlow23.865
2917L Lovering23.901
3001T Martin23.936
3173T McCarty23.958
3289A Norris23.980
3325J York24.036

Weather: Clear, 66 °F, Northeast 10 mph

Session: Race


12007C Ferguson76.339204180Running
21013T Nadz-0.862016*180Running
3560M Colvin-13.23200165Running
4423K Somerton-13.69200160Running
5725J York-14.68200155Running
61382R Merritts-15.01200150Running
72366T Gentile-15.46200146Running
81114M Mooney-16.54200142Running
92963E Jackson-16.81200138Running
10801T Martin-16.96200134Running
121451B Lutz-17.91200127Running
13271T Hoosier-18.47200124Running
141573T McCarty-19.70200121Running
152199D Wilshe-19.98200118Running
1619016L 77-20.06200115Running
172518J Jones-20.40200112Running
181021B Bouchet-21.66200109Running
192835S Wilshe-22.25200106Running
20952D Reid-22.78200103Running
213144C Benier-23.04200100Running
221289A Norris-1L19097Running
233255S McCarty-1L19094Running
242647B Rafuse-1L19091Running
251600D Martin JR.-1L19088Running
262024T Robinson-1L19085Running
271754J Jiant-1L19082Running
282412R Gephart-1L19079Running
291827J Barlow-1L19076Running
3034061D Hamilton-1L19073Running
312215D Schlit-1L19070Running
323317L Lovering-1L19067Running
333088A Peterson-2L18064Running
343021T Bear-5L15061Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 66 °F, Northeast 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 90%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

1061D Hamilton21.444
2007C Ferguson21.582
3013T Nadz21.825
499D Wilshe22.692
689A Norris22.791
7016L 7722.824
810T Gray22.825
921B Helman22.881
1044C Benier22.899
1132K Sheppard22.911
1266T Gentile22.921
1347B Rafuse22.922
1414M Mooney22.926
1552S Kue22.934
1651B Lutz22.947
1712R Gephart22.982
1815D Schlit22.983
1963E Jackson23.019
2088A Peterson23.043
2125J York23.044
2218J Jones23.045
2317L Lovering23.050
241T Hoosier23.053
2524T Robinson23.074
2660M Colvin23.076
2755S McCarty23.076
2833C Vette23.107
2973T McCarty23.114
3000D Martin JR.23.126
3154J Jiant23.137
3282R Merritts23.138
3301T Martin23.145
3427J Barlow23.344
35021T Bear23.353
3635S Wilshe23.426

Weather: Clear, 67 °F, Southeast 5 mph

Session: Race


13013T Nadz77.4802020*185Running
21061D Hamilton-0.27200170Running
32007C Ferguson-16.70200165Running
4689A Norris-19.87200160Running
5499D Wilshe-21.79200155Running
61347B Rafuse-21.82200150Running
72524T Robinson-22.12200146Running
8810T Gray-22.21200142Running
91132K Sheppard-1L190138Running
101963E Jackson-1L190134Running
111414M Mooney-1L190130Running
13921B Helman-1L190124Running
142125J York-1L190121Running
153301T Martin-1L190118Running
161815D Schlit-1L190115Running
172317L Lovering-1L190112Running
182755S McCarty-1L190109Running
192660M Colvin-1L190106Running
201552S Kue-1L190103Running
211044C Benier-1L190100Running
221266T Gentile-1L19097Running
231712R Gephart-1L19094Running
243000D Martin JR.-1L19091Running
252218J Jones-1L19088Running
267016L 77-1L19085Running
272088A Peterson-1L19082Running
282973T McCarty-1L19079Running
293427J Barlow-1L19076Running
303154J Jiant-1L19073Running
313635S Wilshe-1L19070Running
321651B Lutz-2L18067Running
333282R Merritts-2L18064Running
34241T Hoosier-2L18061Running
352833C Vette-4L16058Running
3635021T Bear-6L14055Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, 67 °F, Southeast 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 90%



Race 3

Session: Qualifying

1061D Hamilton21.152
2007C Ferguson21.628
3013T Nadz21.636
489A Norris22.662
551B Lutz22.684
688A Peterson22.733
700D Martin JR.22.809
927J Barlow22.830
1063E Jackson22.844
111T Hoosier22.860
1215D Schlit22.897
1312R Gephart22.901
1414M Mooney22.945
1535S Wilshe22.963
1682R Merritts22.971
1773T McCarty23.000
1821B Bouchet23.013
1917L Lovering23.022
2024T Robinson23.029
2199D Wilshe23.034
22016L 7723.061
2344C Benier23.073
2433C Vette23.130
2523K Somerton23.131
2647L Bennet23.169
2755S McCarty23.175
2810T Gray23.179
2925J York23.180
3052S Kue23.193
3118T Grogan23.196
3266T Gentile23.218
3332K Sheppard23.223
3454J Jiant23.256
3560M Colvin23.314
36021T Bear23.862

Weather: Clear, 68 °F, Southeast 8 mph

Session: Race


13013T Nadz77.545208180Running
22007C Ferguson-12.742011*180Running
3489A Norris-19.97200165Running
4927J Barlow-21.92200160Running
51535S Wilshe-22.74200155Running
6551B Lutz-1L190150Running
7700D Martin JR.-1L190146Running
81773T McCarty-1L190142Running
92344C Benier-1L190138Running
102755S McCarty-1L190134Running
111917L Lovering-1L190130Running
122925J York-1L190127Running
133052S Kue-1L190124Running
14111T Hoosier-1L190121Running
15688A Peterson-1L190118Running
173454J Jiant-1L190112Running
1822016L 77-1L190109Running
191682R Merritts-1L190106Running
201312R Gephart-1L190103Running
213118T Grogan-1L190100Running
221215D Schlit-1L19097Running
232199D Wilshe-1L19094Running
242810T Gray-1L19091Running
251821B Bouchet-1L19088Running
262523K Somerton-1L19085Running
272024T Robinson-1L19082Running
281061D Hamilton-2L18184Running
292647L Bennet-2L18076Running
303332K Sheppard-2L18073Running
313560M Colvin-3L17070Running
321063E Jackson-4L16067Accident
331414M Mooney-4L16064Accident
3436021T Bear-4L16061Running
352433C Vette-11L9058Accident
363266T Gentile-12L8055Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 68 °F, Northwest 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 2x

AI Strength: 90%



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