Wednesday, September 18, 2013

British World Touring Car Championship 2013 - 49-51 Mid Ohio

Over 3000 pages views!  And we've raced 51 races this season.  Definitely a long time and we're coming to the end for sure.  Just a trip to Cleveland, some tracks down south, and we wrap up with the Canadians and Papyrus.  Here at Mid Ohio we had some issues with crashing servers so we had to just skip qualifying.  Sadly we suffered for it, but we each made some progress.

Race 1: A $%&* storm of a first lap.  Cars everywhere down each section.  The field settled somewhat quickly and things ended up with Scot and I at the front.  Darrel and Sandy, however, suffered well.

Race 2: Darrel took out quite a few people at the start before turn 1.  From there it was just intensely close racing through the circuit.  Scot lost 4th gear somewhere along the way but he managed to stay in the running through to the end and got a top 20.  Darrel and Sandy also improved, with Darrel in position to get to the top runners.  He would get rear ended in one of the tighter turns a few times which caused all kinds of issues.

Race 3: Another intense first lap with small skirmishes all around the track, usually ending with more than one car off course.  Scot lost another gear, 2nd this time, but still held on until the very end.  And I mean the very end.  Battle damage caused his engine to die just before the finish, costing him a top ten.  Sandy held on just barely to pass him at the end.  But I didn't make it easy on him.  After taking the win, I didn't notice him coming to the hairpin of turn 2.  Last second I cranked it to the right which launched me over the grass, into the air, and right over his hood.  Fortunately, he finished the race.  I need to remember that one for the highlight reel.  Darrel almost took the win as I struggled to hold onto a struggling car going through the last corners.

To the classic Cleveland Airport where CART has had some historical moments.  It will be interesting to see how we do on a track with virtually no elevation changes and huge turns.

Race 1

Session: Qualifying

111J Plato--
231A Menu--
310R Collard--
42Y Muller--
535D Leslie--
61J Thompson--
79T Chilton--
830N Mansell--
912R Huff--
103M Neal--
1198J Cleland--
1236L Aiello--
1329K Burt--
1427R Rydell--
1555S Soper--
1677J Hughes--
1745F Biela--
1814M Bentwood--
1932P Radisch--
2048G Simoni--
2147D Warwick--
228C Turkington--
236A Reid--
2499T Harvey--
2515F Hairuman--
2623C Breeze--
2722C B. Henderson--
2828V R Macker--
2944A Slight--
3046J Bintcliffe--
3157L Hines--
3233J Cecotto--
3337J Boullion--
3420S Watson-smith--
3534J Winkelhock--
3616J Kaye--
3738W Hoy--
3817J George--
3926S Hodgetts--
40021T Bear--
41013T Nadz--
42029M Max--
43061D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, 59 °F, Northeast 20 mph

Session: Race


141013T Nadz91.342105*185Running
242029M Max-17.87100170Running
3310R Collard-19.87100165Running
461J Thompson-26.42100160Running
542Y Muller-27.36100155Running
6535D Leslie-27.69100150Running
71427R Rydell-28.13100146Running
8830N Mansell-29.89100142Running
91236L Aiello-30.32100138Running
10103M Neal-32.70100134Running
11231A Menu-33.13100130Running
12912R Huff-33.95100127Running
131745F Biela-42.50100124Running
141555S Soper-45.11100121Running
151329K Burt-46.75100118Running
162499T Harvey-48.29100115Running
17228C Turkington-51.06100112Running
182623C Breeze-55.48100109Running
1979T Chilton-55.86100106Running
203337J Boullion-57.22100103Running
213926S Hodgetts-58.04100100Running
221932P Radisch-1:03.7410097Running
232828V R Macker-1:08.7810094Running
243157L Hines-1:09.9010091Running
25236A Reid-1:15.4410088Running
263534J Winkelhock-1:18.7610085Running
271198J Cleland-1:19.2210082Running
282147D Warwick-1:20.5010079Running
293233J Cecotto-1:21.8210076Running
301677J Hughes-1:23.0810073Running
312048G Simoni-1:35.0610070Running
322515F Hairuman-1:35.4810067Running
3343061D Hamilton-1:42.2710064Running
341814M Bentwood-1L9061Retired
353738W Hoy-1L9058Running
363616J Kaye-1L9055Retired
373046J Bintcliffe-1L9052Running
382722C B. Henderson-1L9049Running
392944A Slight-1L9046Running
4040021T Bear-1L9043Running
41111J Plato-1L95*50Running
423420S Watson-smith-1L9037Running
433817J George-1L9034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 59 °F, North 18 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 70%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

131A Menu--
230N Mansell--
311J Plato--
435D Leslie--
510R Collard--
63M Neal--
79T Chilton--
899T Harvey--
912R Huff--
101J Thompson--
112Y Muller--
124D Eaves--
1323C Breeze--
1447D Warwick--
1570J Wheals--
1637J Boullion--
1729K Burt--
188C Turkington--
1936L Aiello--
2077J Hughes--
2148G Simoni--
2255S Soper--
2346J Bintcliffe--
246A Reid--
2527R Rydell--
2645F Biela--
2715F Hairuman--
2834J Winkelhock--
2932P Radisch--
3026S Hodgetts--
3128V R Macker--
3298J Cleland--
3333J Cecotto--
3420S Watson-smith--
3514M Bentwood--
3644A Slight--
3740R Marsh--
3816J Kaye--
3917J George--
40061D Hamilton--
41029M Max--
42021T Bear--
43013T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 50 °F, Northeast 10 mph

Session: Race

143013T Nadz92.743107*185Running
2131A Menu-28.37103175Running
3435D Leslie-34.89100165Running
4230N Mansell-43.70100160Running
5899T Harvey-45.53100155Running
6311J Plato-48.43100150Running
7912R Huff-50.79100146Running
82255S Soper-51.16100142Running
91936L Aiello-53.30100138Running
1079T Chilton-54.78100134Running
1140061D Hamilton-55.19100130Running
12101J Thompson-55.73100127Running
132645F Biela-57.78100124Running
141323C Breeze-1:00.79100121Running
15112Y Muller-1:06.44100118Retired
16188C Turkington-1:11.23100115Running
1741029M Max-1:12.15100112Running
182932P Radisch-1:14.10100109Running
192077J Hughes-1:17.71100106Running
20510R Collard-1:18.02100103Running
213298J Cleland-1:18.60100100Running
222715F Hairuman-1:21.7710097Running
233644A Slight-1:28.0110094Running
24124D Eaves-1:30.0710091Running
252346J Bintcliffe-1:30.5910088Running
262527R Rydell-1:31.2210085Running
2763M Neal-1:31.5210082Running
283514M Bentwood-1:33.4010079Running
293816J Kaye-1:43.5710076Running
303740R Marsh-1:45.3010073Running
312148G Simoni-1:51.3510070Running
323128V R Macker-1:24.6310067Running
333333J Cecotto-1L9064Running
341570J Wheals-1L9061Running
353420S Watson-smith-1L9058Running
362834J Winkelhock-1L9055Running
373026S Hodgetts-1L9052Running
381637J Boullion-1L9049Running
3942021T Bear-1L9046Running
40246A Reid-1L9043Running
413917J George-1L9040Running
421729K Burt-1L9037Running
431447D Warwick-1L9034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 50 °F, South 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 70%

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

130N Mansell--
22Y Muller--
335D Leslie--
410R Collard--
51J Thompson--
631A Menu--
711J Plato--
83M Neal--
932P Radisch--
109T Chilton--
1112R Huff--
1236L Aiello--
1328V R Macker--
148C Turkington--
1545F Biela--
1699T Harvey--
1747D Warwick--
1827R Rydell--
1933J Cecotto--
206A Reid--
2146J Bintcliffe--
2220S Watson-smith--
2340R Marsh--
2434J Winkelhock--
2548G Simoni--
2655S Soper--
2744A Slight--
2857L Hines--
2998J Cleland--
3023C Breeze--
3115F Hairuman--
3270J Wheals--
3377J Hughes--
3426S Hodgetts--
3529K Burt--
3637J Boullion--
3717J George--
384D Eaves--
3938W Hoy--
40013T Nadz--
41029M Max--
42021T Bear--
43061D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, 50 °F, Southeast 3 mph

Session: Race


140013T Nadz90.017107*185Running
243061D Hamilton-1.41100170Running
3335D Leslie-3.29100165Running
4631A Menu-5.67100160Running
5410R Collard-6.85100155Running
651J Thompson-9.24100150Running
7130N Mansell-17.43100146Running
883M Neal-17.99100142Running
9932P Radisch-19.31100138Running
101236L Aiello-23.64100134Running
11711J Plato-24.21100130Running
12109T Chilton-30.02100127Retired
131112R Huff-30.72100124Retired
142744A Slight-41.77100121Running
152655S Soper-43.86100118Running
1622Y Muller-46.66103120Running
171933J Cecotto-1:09.35100112Running
182857L Hines-1:09.46100109Running
193529K Burt-1:09.75100106Running
201328V R Macker-1:09.78100103Running
211747D Warwick-1:10.12100100Running
222146J Bintcliffe-1:11.0810097Running
232998J Cleland-1:12.0410094Running
241545F Biela-1:12.1010091Running
252434J Winkelhock-1:28.5110088Running
2642021T Bear-1:45.1310085Running
2741029M Max-1L9082Running
28384D Eaves-1L9079Running
291699T Harvey-1L9076Running
303938W Hoy-1L9073Running
31148C Turkington-1L9070Running
323115F Hairuman-1L9067Running
332340R Marsh-1L9064Running
342548G Simoni-1L9061Running
353637J Boullion-1L9058Running
363717J George-1L9055Running
373426S Hodgetts-2L8052Retired
381827R Rydell-3L7049Retired
392220S Watson-smith-4L6046Retired
403023C Breeze-9L1043Retired
413377J Hughes-9L1040Accident
423270J Wheals-9L1037Retired
43206A Reid-9L1034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 50 °F, Southwest 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 70%



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