Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Shorties RC 2019: 19-20 Lime Rock


A true spectacle to behold.  Several massive accidents shook up the order and ended races early for some.  Lots of close calls too and some occasional touch-and-go racing wheel-to-wheel.  Tnadz and Egg were fighting up the field in Race 1 when Smith was caught in the chain reaction of a slowing car off the final turn.  The resulting accident ruined The Egg's race.  Tnadz went on to finish 2nd.  Webster also suffered some misfortune after showing strong pace in practice, getting wrecked several times.  Slab, Myhr and The Bear made some moves around the track but couldn't find the numbers they were hoping for.

Race 2 went a little better for some.  Hamilton and Tnadz had finally worked their way up to a podium behind Egg when Hamilton lost it off the high speed final corner with just two laps remaining.  Dead and gone which was a shame after he recovered from a few serious looking incidents earlier.  Webster was having good and bad luck when he finally binned it.  Slab never started.  And with a few points positions after avoiding the conga line of death, Sandy and Myhr held on and finished somewhat strong.

On to Croft Club for some sure fire British racing.

Race 1

Track: Lime Rock Park

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz48.690
230N Mansell48.890
336L Aiello48.913
46A Reid48.959
527R Rydell48.980
6023Z Webster49.026
712R Huff49.210
811J Plato49.282
945F Biela49.440
1032P Radisch49.446
1147D Warwick49.449
1223C Breeze49.522
133M Neal49.525
148C Turkington49.573
1546J Newbile49.621
161J Thompson49.662
1798J Cleland49.815
1829K Burt50.233
1931A Menu50.290
2020S Watson-smith50.648
2134J Winkelhock50.776
2214M Bentwood50.927
232Y Muller51.058
2415F Hairuman51.109
2528V R Macker51.218
2617J George51.227
2722C B. Henderson51.243
2877J Hughes51.323
2926S Hodgetts51.465
3057L Hines51.545
3199T Harvey51.758
3233J Cecotto51.854
3340R Marsh52.309
34021T Bear52.413
354D Eaves52.500
3616J Kaye52.883
37061D Hamilton55.015
3810R Collard57.317
39029M Max59.512
409T Chilton1:03.071

Weather: Clear, 89 °F, West 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

111J Plato48.275
245F Biela48.333
38C Turkington48.351
430N Mansell48.402
56A Reid48.414
62Y Muller48.433
727R Rydell48.451
81J Thompson48.466
931A Menu48.470
1029K Burt48.482
1147D Warwick48.495
1223C Breeze48.533
1398J Cleland48.535
143M Neal48.547
1546J Newbile48.547
1610R Collard48.554
1712R Huff48.570
1835D Leslie48.640
199T Chilton48.644
20023Z Webster48.721
2132P Radisch48.837
22061D Hamilton49.539
2320S Watson-smith49.978
2417J George50.137
25098G Slab50.148
2628V R Macker50.303
2734J Winkelhock50.312
2814M Bentwood50.336
2926S Hodgetts50.375
304D Eaves50.449
3140R Marsh50.526
3215F Hairuman50.570
3316J Kaye50.677
3499T Harvey50.702
3533J Cecotto50.900
3677J Hughes51.078
3722C B. Henderson52.507
38021T Bear52.988
3936L Aiello53.369
4057L Hines55.442
41013T Nadz--
42034T Egg--
43029M Max--

Weather: Clear, 89 °F, Northeast 5 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1034T Egg47.201
2013T Nadz47.303
3023Z Webster48.471
4061D Hamilton48.478
529K Burt48.814
66A Reid48.917
745F Biela49.093
835D Leslie49.101
91J Thompson49.224
1012R Huff49.235
1146J Newbile49.274
1210R Collard49.354
1336L Aiello49.450
1411J Plato49.532
1527R Rydell49.536
1647D Warwick49.622
178C Turkington50.168
1831A Menu50.204
1916J Kaye50.452
2077J Hughes50.453
213M Neal50.708
2214M Bentwood50.735
234D Eaves50.775
2415F Hairuman50.844
2533J Cecotto50.856
2620S Watson-smith51.041
279T Chilton51.073
2826S Hodgetts51.086
2928V R Macker51.108
3022C B. Henderson51.184
3199T Harvey51.469
3240R Marsh51.936
332Y Muller52.819
34029M Max54.445
35021T Bear54.579
3632P Radisch55.072
37098G Slab57.041

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, North 6 mph

Session: Race


1111J Plato109.6842525*185Running
241013T Nadz-18.40250170Running
3931A Menu-24.02250165Running
4143M Neal-26.12250160Running
51029K Burt-26.56250155Running
6430N Mansell-30.37250150Running
762Y Muller-34.33250146Running
881J Thompson-34.72250142Running
91398J Cleland-36.62250138Running
1038C Turkington-37.48250134Retired
1156A Reid-39.93250130Running
122320S Watson-smith-1L240127Running
134057L Hines-1L240124Running
143215F Hairuman-1L240121Running
153316J Kaye-1L240118Running
16199T Chilton-1L240115Running
172814M Bentwood-1L240112Running
182926S Hodgetts-1L240109Running
19304D Eaves-2L230106Running
202628V R Macker-2L230103Running
213140R Marsh-2L230100Running
221546J Newbile-2L23097Running
231223C Breeze-2L23094Running
2422061D Hamilton-3L22091Accident
253499T Harvey-3L22088Running
26245F Biela-6L19085Retired
2743029M Max-6L19082Running
28727R Rydell-7L18079Retired
291147D Warwick-7L18076Accident
3038021T Bear-7L18073Running
313936L Aiello-9L16070Accident
323677J Hughes-9L16067Accident
332417J George-16L9064Accident
341610R Collard-18L7061Retired
3542034T Egg-18L7058Accident
3620023Z Webster-19L6055Accident
371712R Huff-22L3052Accident
381835D Leslie-23L2049Accident
3925098G Slab-23L2046Retired
403533J Cecotto-24L1043Retired
412132P Radisch-25L0040Accident
422734J Winkelhock-25L0037Running
433722C B. Henderson-25L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, 70 °F, Northeast 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


5021Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane

Race 2

Track: Lime Rock Park

Date: 06/12/19

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 71 °F, West 9 mph

Session: Qualifying

110R Collard47.560
22Y Muller47.579
327R Rydell47.651
411J Plato47.678
532P Radisch47.680
629K Burt47.685
798J Cleland47.693
81J Thompson47.713
923C Breeze47.714
108C Turkington47.730
11034T Egg47.736
1235D Leslie47.747
139T Chilton47.747
146A Reid47.770
1545F Biela47.779
1636L Aiello47.803
1747D Warwick47.817
1830N Mansell47.821
1946J Newbile47.829
203M Neal47.851
2131A Menu47.859
2212R Huff47.877
23023Z Webster48.958
24061D Hamilton49.064
2540R Marsh49.625
2628V R Macker49.760
2799T Harvey49.761
2855S Soper49.814
2926S Hodgetts49.886
3020S Watson-smith49.948
3144A Slight50.016
3216J Kaye50.033
3348G Simoni50.076
3417J George50.084
3557L Hines50.088
3677J Hughes50.104
374D Eaves50.109
3838W Hoy50.112
3914M Bentwood50.172
40013T Nadz--
41029M Max--
42021T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, 71 °F, North 9 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1013T Nadz48.538
2034T Egg48.981
33M Neal49.216
446J Newbile49.282
59T Chilton49.601
629K Burt49.768
736L Aiello49.789
82Y Muller49.812
930N Mansell49.835
1027R Rydell49.851
1110R Collard49.921
126A Reid49.939
131J Thompson50.029
1412R Huff50.415
1544A Slight50.853
1626S Hodgetts50.958
1740R Marsh50.996
1899T Harvey51.002
1957L Hines51.075
2020S Watson-smith51.093
2132P Radisch51.210
2238W Hoy51.230
2317J George51.276
2447D Warwick51.285
2528V R Macker51.486
2648G Simoni51.627
2723C Breeze51.648
2877J Hughes51.876
2955S Soper52.022
3016J Kaye52.680
3131A Menu52.770
328C Turkington52.933
3314M Bentwood53.239
3498J Cleland54.559
35023Z Webster55.233
36021T Bear56.434
37061D Hamilton56.488
384D Eaves56.568
3935D Leslie57.079
40029M Max57.318
4145F Biela1:11.130
4211J Plato1:11.281

Weather: Clear, 80 °F, Southwest 10 mph

Session: Race

111034T Egg108.1692520*185Running
240013T Nadz-22.37250170Running
322Y Muller-31.88250165Running
42131A Menu-1L240160Running
5110R Collard-1L245160Running
6146A Reid-1L240150Running
73144A Slight-1L240146Running
82212R Huff-1L240142Running
981J Thompson-1L240138Running
10532P Radisch-1L240134Running
111830N Mansell-1L240130Running
12327R Rydell-1L240127Running
13108C Turkington-1L240124Running
141235D Leslie-2L230121Running
151545F Biela-2L230118Running
162628V R Macker-2L230115Running
17411J Plato-2L230112Running
183020S Watson-smith-2L230109Running
192926S Hodgetts-2L230106Running
203557L Hines-2L230103Running
213417J George-2L230100Running
222540R Marsh-2L23097Running
2342021T Bear-3L22094Running
2441029M Max-4L21091Running
253914M Bentwood-5L20088Running
26798J Cleland-5L20085Clutch
2724061D Hamilton-6L19082Accident
28139T Chilton-7L18079Accident
29629K Burt-7L18076Accident
30374D Eaves-7L18073Accident
313677J Hughes-8L17070Accident
32923C Breeze-10L15067Retired
332799T Harvey-11L14064Accident
34203M Neal-12L13061No Fuel
353838W Hoy-12L13058Accident
361636L Aiello-13L12055Accident
372855S Soper-14L11052Accident
383348G Simoni-15L10049Accident
391747D Warwick-16L9046Retired
4023023Z Webster-16L9043Retired
411946J Newbile-24L1040Accident
423216J Kaye-24L1037Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 80 °F, West 13 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 95%

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