Thursday, November 7, 2019

Twisted Metal Tour 2019 7-9 Humpty Dumpty

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The first wildcard race of the season featured Gut Slab and Hamilton of Dick Trickle's Strip Club vs Sandy and Egg of Egg Sandywiches.  With The Egg out for the night, could Sandy win?  The winning criteria: Most Survivors.

Race 1:  40 laps seemed like too long for the humans to hold on to any useful finishing spots.  But everyone worked doubly hard to advance various teammates up the order, keeping the points fight exciting.  With damage off, no teams were lost, despite Scot showing up to run.

Race 2:  Definitely more out as damage went to moderate and the laps were halved.  Darrel was repeatedly abused by humans throughout the race.  This, despite the fact he's fresh from carpal tunnel surgery.  We should all feel bad.

After losing the same number of drivers each (3) the teams remained tied and it would all come down to the final race to determine the winner.

Race 3:
Realistic damage and 20 laps.  Things started off in most spectacular fashion:

Half the field was down and out very quickly.  But most of the humans stuck around with minor bumps and bruises at the most.  However, not all would make it.  Webster, who had died close to the end, continued to roll his broken husk around the track, eventually pulling a Slab maneuver and parking it in the middle of the track.

This proved to be the death blow for not only the Atlanta Falcons but for Dick Trick's Strip Club on the last lap of the race, giving them one more DNF than Egg Sandywiches and losing out on 12 points.

However, thanks to a boat load of points throughout the weekend, they remain well within striking distance of first.  And with the X Factor constantly looming around the front of the field (up to 2nd during Race 3), there's always a chance for an upset.

On to the classic, Mr Norm's Mayhem.

Race 1

Track: Humpty_Dumpty_Raceway_WCR

Date: 11/06/19

Session: Practice

131T Nadz24.614
219Z Webster24.674
342J Zolecki24.799
452T Titans25.004
544N Fighting Irish25.135
630P Boilermakers25.164
780D Lions25.304
81T Aggies25.399
99C Tigers25.401
1099D Cowboys25.441
1122C Bengals25.503
1210B Bills25.507
1311T Longhorns25.575
1486W Red Skins25.623
158O Sooners25.628
1688N Saints25.649
1750B Bears25.651
1890S Gamecocks25.685
196V Wildcats25.752
2013M Dolphins25.796
2127O Ducks25.851
2214U Hurricanes25.870
2395A Falcons25.881
2415U Knights25.890
2573T Buccaneers25.942
2663T Bear25.963
2726I Hawkeyes26.003
2839D Hamilton26.016
2945H Texans26.033
3061A Crimson Tide26.049
3135U Bruins26.078
3223C Panthers26.104
3398N Jets26.123
3425I Hoosiers26.131
3581F Seminoles26.137
3617S Cardinal26.140
3747F Gators26.181
3818O Rebels26.362
3958P Steelers26.408
4070P Nittany Lions26.513
4156M Max26.524
4234N Giants26.952

Weather: Clear, 92 °F, West 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

173T Buccaneers--
281F Seminoles--
350B Bears--
486W Red Skins--
545H Texans--
69C Tigers--
790S Gamecocks--
81T Aggies--
944N Fighting Irish--
1013M Dolphins--
1127O Ducks--
1223C Panthers--
1358P Steelers--
1435U Bruins--
1599D Cowboys--
1698N Jets--
178O Sooners--
1870P Nittany Lions--
1995A Falcons--
2014U Hurricanes--
2117S Cardinal--
2222C Bengals--
2325I Hoosiers--
2430P Boilermakers--
2510B Bills--
2611T Longhorns--
2780D Lions--
2852T Titans--
2961A Crimson Tide--
306V Wildcats--
3115U Knights--
3234N Giants--
3388N Saints--
3447F Gators--
3518O Rebels--
3626I Hawkeyes--
3739D Hamilton--
3863T Bear--
3942J Zolecki--
4055G Slab--
4131T Nadz--
4256M Max--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12117S Cardinal128.1754011180Running
2790S Gamecocks-28.704015*180Running
31995A Falcons-1L390165Running
42611T Longhorns-1L390160Running
5173T Buccaneers-1L397160Running
61698N Jets-1L390150Running
781T Aggies-1L390146Running
83115U Knights-1L390142Running
91435U Bruins-1L390138Running
10944N Fighting Irish-1L390134Running
112961A Crimson Tide-1L390130Running
123518O Rebels-1L390127Running
132014U Hurricanes-1L390124Running
141127O Ducks-1L390121Running
15350B Bears-1L396123Running
162430P Boilermakers-1L390115Running
173447F Gators-2L380112Running
183388N Saints-2L380109Running
191013M Dolphins-2L380106Running
201870P Nittany Lions-2L380103Running
211223C Panthers-2L380100Running
223626I Hawkeyes-3L37097Running
23178O Sooners-3L37094Running
241599D Cowboys-4L36091Running
25486W Red Skins-4L36088Running
262222C Bengals-4L36085Running
273234N Giants-5L35082Running
28281F Seminoles-5L35184Running
291358P Steelers-5L35076Running
302325I Hoosiers-5L35073Running
31545H Texans-5L35070Running
322780D Lions-5L35067Running
33306V Wildcats-5L35064Running
342852T Titans-6L34061Running
352510B Bills-6L34058Running
364319Z Webster-6L34055Running
373863T Bear-7L33052Running
384256M Max-8L32049Running
3969C Tigers-9L31046Running
403942J Zolecki-9L31043Running
414131T Nadz-12L28040Running
423739D Hamilton-16L24037Running
434055G Slab-31L9034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 101 °F, Northwest 22 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


1542Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 81 °F, West 22 mph

Session: Qualifying

110B Bills--
295A Falcons--
390S Gamecocks--
48O Sooners--
570P Nittany Lions--
634N Giants--
798N Jets--
830P Boilermakers--
980D Lions--
1099D Cowboys--
1114U Hurricanes--
1213M Dolphins--
1322C Bengals--
1461A Crimson Tide--
156V Wildcats--
1626I Hawkeyes--
1755L Tigers--
1817S Cardinal--
1915U Knights--
2052T Titans--
2125I Hoosiers--
2244N Fighting Irish--
2335U Bruins--
249C Tigers--
2518O Rebels--
2658P Steelers--
2788N Saints--
2850B Bears--
291T Aggies--
3023C Panthers--
3127O Ducks--
3245H Texans--
3386W Red Skins--
3481F Seminoles--
3573T Buccaneers--
3611T Longhorns--
3742J Zolecki--
3839D Hamilton--
3947G Slab--
4063T Bear--
4119Z Webster--
4256M Max--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour

131T Nadz24.573
242J Zolecki25.011
311T Longhorns25.162
458P Steelers25.524
523C Panthers25.596
650B Bears25.597
781F Seminoles25.628
834N Giants25.708
963T Bear25.709
1019Z Webster25.739
111T Aggies25.778
1286W Red Skins25.778
1313M Dolphins25.817
146V Wildcats25.824
1539D Hamilton25.869
1614U Hurricanes25.899
1788N Saints25.948
1810B Bills26.081
1927O Ducks26.134
2018O Rebels26.160
2117S Cardinal26.204
2290S Gamecocks26.306
2347G Slab26.357
2495A Falcons26.375
2599D Cowboys26.390
2630P Boilermakers26.395
2798N Jets26.432
2856M Max26.437
2952T Titans26.443
3055L Tigers26.465
3122C Bengals26.539
329C Tigers26.740
3325I Hoosiers26.766
3445H Texans27.378
3544N Fighting Irish28.020
368O Sooners33.528
3773T Buccaneers34.451
3835U Bruins34.895
3961A Crimson Tide36.356
4026I Hawkeyes42.088
4115U Knights56.243
4280D Lions1:08.584

Weather: Clear, 94 °F, Southeast 23 mph

Session: Race


1980D Lions138.5672015*185Running
2390S Gamecocks-7.58200170Running
33742J Zolecki-7.69200165Running
44331T Nadz-14.05200160Running
53023C Panthers-1L190155Running
63127O Ducks-1L190150Running
71099D Cowboys-1L190146Running
81626I Hawkeyes-2L180142Accident
91322C Bengals-3L170138Running
10830P Boilermakers-3L170134Running
111114U Hurricanes-3L170130Running
122052T Titans-3L170127Clutch
13570P Nittany Lions-3L170124Running
143386W Red Skins-3L170121Running
152335U Bruins-3L170118Running
163481F Seminoles-3L170115Running
171817S Cardinal-4L160112Running
184256M Max-6L140109Running
193573T Buccaneers-7L130106Running
204063T Bear-7L130103Running
2148O Sooners-7L130100Running
222850B Bears-7L13097Running
23798N Jets-8L12094Running
243611T Longhorns-8L12091Running
253947G Slab-8L12088Running
263839D Hamilton-9L11085Running
272125I Hoosiers-9L11082Running
282788N Saints-11L9079Accident
294119Z Webster-11L9076Accident
30156V Wildcats-12L8073Accident
312518O Rebels-12L8070Accident
321461A Crimson Tide-14L6067Retired
331915U Knights-14L6064Retired
34110B Bills-15L5566Accident
351755L Tigers-16L4058Retired
361213M Dolphins-19L1055Accident
372244N Fighting Irish-19L1052Retired
38634N Giants-19L1049Accident
39295A Falcons-19L1046Accident
40249C Tigers-20L0043Accident
412658P Steelers-20L0040Retired
42291T Aggies-20L0037Accident
433245H Texans-20L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 94 °F, Southeast 31 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


847Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice

131T Nadz24.372
242J Zolecki24.749
327O Ducks25.060
450B Bears25.192
513M Dolphins25.203
66V Wildcats25.223
744N Fighting Irish25.269
818O Rebels25.285
995A Falcons25.327
1086W Red Skins25.341
118O Sooners25.351
1258P Steelers25.358
1380D Lions25.359
1426I Hawkeyes25.362
1539D Hamilton25.386
1617S Cardinal25.484
1723C Panthers25.625
181T Aggies25.659
1945H Texans25.808
2022C Bengals25.843
2199D Cowboys25.904
2234N Giants25.917
2398N Jets25.948
2461A Crimson Tide26.086
2547G Slab26.129
2615U Knights26.168
2756M Max26.238
2811T Longhorns26.456
2973T Buccaneers26.759
3025I Hoosiers27.213
3119Z Webster28.781
3263T Bear28.827
3388N Saints29.549
3410B Bills32.422
3530P Boilermakers33.103
3681F Seminoles33.774
3755L Tigers34.016
3890S Gamecocks35.207
3935U Bruins45.479

Weather: Clear, 51 °F, West 34 mph

Session: Qualifying

134N Giants--
288N Saints--
323C Panthers--
46V Wildcats--
573T Buccaneers--
69C Tigers--
727O Ducks--
835U Bruins--
918O Rebels--
1080D Lions--
1195A Falcons--
1226I Hawkeyes--
1317S Cardinal--
1461A Crimson Tide--
151T Aggies--
1658P Steelers--
1781F Seminoles--
1825I Hoosiers--
1910B Bills--
2090S Gamecocks--
2144N Fighting Irish--
2215U Knights--
2314U Hurricanes--
2445H Texans--
2550B Bears--
2670P Nittany Lions--
2711T Longhorns--
288O Sooners--
2913M Dolphins--
3086W Red Skins--
3198N Jets--
3252T Titans--
3330P Boilermakers--
3422C Bengals--
3599D Cowboys--
3655L Tigers--
3742J Zolecki--
3819Z Webster--
3939D Hamilton--
4047G Slab--
4131T Nadz--
4256M Max--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 94 °F, Southeast 23 mph

Session: Race


146V Wildcats140.2022012*185Running
23086W Red Skins-18.52200170Running
31317S Cardinal-19.99200165Running
42711T Longhorns-21.33200160Running
5835U Bruins-21.98200155Running
62144N Fighting Irish-24.88200150Running
71080D Lions-1L190146Running
81195A Falcons-1L190142Running
91910B Bills-1L190138Running
104256M Max-1L190134Running
114131T Nadz-1L190130Running
123599D Cowboys-3L170127Running
134363T Bear-3L170124Running
143198N Jets-8L120121Accident
153939D Hamilton-8L120118Running
16288N Saints-9L110115Accident
173819Z Webster-9L110112Running
18134N Giants-10L108114Retired
19323C Panthers-10L100106Piston
20918O Rebels-11L90103Accident
213742J Zolecki-13L70100Accident
2269C Tigers-13L7097Retired
23727O Ducks-14L6094Accident
242215U Knights-14L6091Header
252550B Bears-15L5088Accident
262913M Dolphins-15L5085Accident
271825I Hoosiers-15L5082Accident
284047G Slab-16L4079Running
292090S Gamecocks-19L1076Accident
301658P Steelers-19L1073Accident
311781F Seminoles-19L1070Accident
321461A Crimson Tide-19L1067Accident
33151T Aggies-19L1064Accident
34573T Buccaneers-19L1061Accident
351226I Hawkeyes-20L0058Accident
362445H Texans-20L0055Accident
372314U Hurricanes-20L0052Accident
382670P Nittany Lions-20L0049Accident
39288O Sooners-20L0046Accident
403252T Titans-20L0043Accident
413422C Bengals-20L0040Accident
423330P Boilermakers-20L0037Accident
433655L Tigers-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 62 °F, Northeast 17 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



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