Sunday, January 10, 2021

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 13: Raleigh

 Live Stream:

Closing in on the end of the series and hitting up the smallest tracks on the calendar.  The little figure 8 of Raleigh proved to be quick and violent like a supernova.  Almost as many cars survived.

Race 1:

The first race was kicked off with a very large incident in the beginning.  But it was still a fairly packed field carrying on.  The Trojans took the win after 20 laps with the first human being Zolecki and Tnadz just out of reach due to early damage repairs.  Less than 10 finishers.

Race 2:
Jamie managed to cross the line backwards after taking out The Redskins.

The Egg took top honors (of drivers), unable to track down Villanova, settling for 2nd.

Race 3:
The last race was also filled with attrition.  Black Smiths were down to the Steelers who lead a great many laps but were passed on the final lap by The Eagles thanks to a maneuver by Zolecki.  The real winners though were Know You 2 who barely managed to have all drivers finish and in the top ten.  Although that was almost not the case thanks to UCF rolling Zack, killing him but also giving him a hit in the back to roll him across the line.

This kept KU2 in striking distance of Black Smiths as the penultimate race looms.

Race 1

Track: Raleigh Raceway Park

Date: 01/06/21

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 56 °F, Southwest 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

155L Tigers--
226I Hawkeyes--
339G Bulldogs--
49C Tigers--
51T Aggies--
68O Sooners--
781F Seminoles--
825I Hoosiers--
935U Bruins--
1027O Ducks--
1144N Fighting Irish--
1247F Gators--
1313M Dolphins--
1456M Vikings--
1552T Titans--
1685U Trojans--
1718O Rebels--
1899D Cowboys--
1973T Buccaneers--
2098N Jets--
2130P Boilermakers--
2214U Hurricanes--
2386W Red Skins--
2470P Nittany Lions--
2515U Knights--
262N Cornhuskers--
2734N Giants--
2880D Lions--
2995A Falcons--
306V Wildcats--
3188N Saints--
3250B Bears--
3361A Crimson Tide--
3445H Texans--
3520B Ravens--
3658P Steelers--
3737P Eagles--
3811T Longhorns--
3963T Bear--
4022T Egg--
4142J Zolecki--
4231T Nadz--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11685U Trojans67.7772017*185Running
23361A Crimson Tide-1L190170Retired
34142J Zolecki-2L180165Running
44231T Nadz-4L160160Running
54319Z Webster-4L160155Running
64022T Egg-5L150150Running
73963T Bear-9L110146Running
81899D Cowboys-14L60142Accident
92470P Nittany Lions-14L60138Retired
10155L Tigers-15L50134Retired
11825I Hoosiers-16L40130Accident
123737P Eagles-16L40127Accident
133445H Texans-16L40124Accident
142515U Knights-16L40121Accident
15935U Bruins-17L31123Accident
161144N Fighting Irish-17L30115Accident
172386W Red Skins-17L30112Retired
1849C Tigers-17L30109Accident
192214U Hurricanes-17L30106Retired
2051T Aggies-17L30103Accident
212734N Giants-17L30100Accident
22262N Cornhuskers-17L3097Retired
233520B Ravens-17L3094Accident
243188N Saints-17L3091Retired
252130P Boilermakers-17L3088Accident
26306V Wildcats-17L3085Accident
2768O Sooners-17L3187Accident
281247F Gators-17L3079Accident
291313M Dolphins-17L3076Accident
301552T Titans-18L2073Accident
31781F Seminoles-18L2070Accident
323811T Longhorns-18L2067Accident
333250B Bears-18L2064Retired
341456M Vikings-18L2061Accident
351718O Rebels-18L2058Accident
36226I Hawkeyes-18L2160Accident
373658P Steelers-18L2052Retired
38339G Bulldogs-18L2049Accident
392880D Lions-18L2046Retired
401973T Buccaneers-18L2043Accident
412098N Jets-19L1040Accident
421027O Ducks-19L1037Accident
432995A Falcons-19L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 62 °F, West 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


063Passing on the insideStop and go
022Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
063Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
442Dropping FluidPit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 67 °F, South 11 mph

Session: Qualifying

199D Cowboys--
220B Ravens--
361A Crimson Tide--
434N Giants--
535U Bruins--
611T Longhorns--
718O Rebels--
839G Bulldogs--
985U Trojans--
1073T Buccaneers--
1181F Seminoles--
1288N Saints--
1398N Jets--
1425I Hoosiers--
1580D Lions--
168O Sooners--
1730P Boilermakers--
1814U Hurricanes--
1970P Nittany Lions--
2058P Steelers--
2152T Titans--
2255L Tigers--
232N Cornhuskers--
2427O Ducks--
2556M Vikings--
266V Wildcats--
2713M Dolphins--
2845H Texans--
299C Tigers--
3037P Eagles--
3195A Falcons--
3244N Fighting Irish--
331T Aggies--
3450B Bears--
3547F Gators--
3626I Hawkeyes--
3786W Red Skins--
3815U Knights--
3963T Bear--
4042J Zolecki--
4122T Egg--
4219Z Webster--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1266V Wildcats66.2022016*185Running
24122T Egg-1L190170Running
34042J Zolecki-1L190165Running
4361A Crimson Tide-2L183165Running
53786W Red Skins-4L160155Running
64331T Nadz-5L150150Running
71425I Hoosiers-16L40146Accident
82845H Texans-16L40142Retired
93195A Falcons-16L40138Retired
101730P Boilermakers-17L30134Retired
11232N Cornhuskers-17L30130Accident
123450B Bears-17L30127Accident
13220B Ravens-17L30124Accident
144219Z Webster-17L30121Accident
152152T Titans-17L30118Accident
163547F Gators-17L30115Accident
17985U Trojans-18L20112Accident
18839G Bulldogs-18L20109Accident
19535U Bruins-18L20106Accident
201398N Jets-18L20103Accident
211970P Nittany Lions-18L20100Accident
221073T Buccaneers-18L2097Accident
232255L Tigers-18L2094Accident
241288N Saints-18L2091Retired
252058P Steelers-18L2088Accident
263815U Knights-18L2085Accident
27611T Longhorns-18L2082Accident
283626I Hawkeyes-18L2079Accident
293037P Eagles-18L2076Retired
30199D Cowboys-18L2178Accident
31331T Aggies-18L2070Retired
322556M Vikings-18L2067DQ
33434N Giants-19L1064Accident
34718O Rebels-19L1061Accident
351181F Seminoles-19L1058Accident
36168O Sooners-19L1055Accident
371814U Hurricanes-19L1052Accident
383244N Fighting Irish-19L1049Retired
393963T Bear-19L1046Accident
401580D Lions-20L0043Retired
412427O Ducks-20L0040Retired
42299C Tigers-20L0037Accident
432713M Dolphins-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 62 °F, West 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 62 °F, Southwest 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

18O Sooners--
250B Bears--
334N Giants--
480D Lions--
586W Red Skins--
62N Cornhuskers--
798N Jets--
813M Dolphins--
91T Aggies--
1020B Ravens--
1156M Vikings--
1214U Hurricanes--
1358P Steelers--
1426I Hawkeyes--
1585U Trojans--
1618O Rebels--
1747F Gators--
1895A Falcons--
1973T Buccaneers--
206V Wildcats--
219C Tigers--
2261A Crimson Tide--
2325I Hoosiers--
2427O Ducks--
2537P Eagles--
2655L Tigers--
2739G Bulldogs--
2881F Seminoles--
2944N Fighting Irish--
3099D Cowboys--
3130P Boilermakers--
3245H Texans--
3315U Knights--
3435U Bruins--
3570P Nittany Lions--
3688N Saints--
3711T Longhorns--
3852T Titans--
3931T Nadz--
4063T Bear--
4119Z Webster--
4222T Egg--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12537P Eagles67.442202180Running
21358P Steelers-0.462010*180Running
3219C Tigers-1.77200165Running
43315U Knights-16.02200160Running
54222T Egg-1L190155Running
64342J Zolecki-1L190150Running
74119Z Webster-3L170146Running
82427O Ducks-3L170142Running
92739G Bulldogs-6L140138Accident
101747F Gators-10L102139Accident
113435U Bruins-12L80130Accident
124063T Bear-12L80127Accident
131973T Buccaneers-13L70124Accident
143570P Nittany Lions-13L70121Accident
151156M Vikings-14L65123Accident
161426I Hawkeyes-14L60115Accident
173130P Boilermakers-14L60112Accident
181020B Ravens-14L60109Accident
193711T Longhorns-15L50106Accident
20480D Lions-16L40103Accident
21813M Dolphins-16L40100Accident
222261A Crimson Tide-17L3097Accident
23206V Wildcats-17L3094Accident
24586W Red Skins-17L3091Accident
252655L Tigers-17L3088Accident
26250B Bears-17L3190Accident
271585U Trojans-18L2082Accident
281618O Rebels-18L2079Accident
2962N Cornhuskers-18L2076Accident
302325I Hoosiers-18L2073Accident
3118O Sooners-18L2070Accident
32334N Giants-18L2067Accident
333852T Titans-18L2064Accident
341895A Falcons-19L1061Accident
3591T Aggies-19L1058Retired
363931T Nadz-19L1055Accident
373245H Texans-19L1052Accident
383688N Saints-19L1049Accident
391214U Hurricanes-19L1046Accident
403099D Cowboys-19L1043Accident
41798N Jets-19L1040Accident
422944N Fighting Irish-20L0037Retired
432881F Seminoles-20L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 68 °F, Southwest 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



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