Wednesday, February 16, 2022

2021-3 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 3: Mr Norm's Mayhem


Wildcard for the first quarter and it's Jamie's I Don't Know U and Zack's Weathered Men for Most Top 5's

Race 1:

Gut Slab pulled it out of the bag and stayed steady to the end, lapping the field and taking the win in style.  The rest of the humans were all vying for the top spot but had various misfortunes, allowing Slab to take the win with The Bear not far behind.

Race 2:

After his Red Skins (who then killed themselves) took him out as he was working past Egg, Tnadz was tossed on his hood and passed by Jamie for the win.  The Egg also jumped him for 2nd, making it a very small field of finishers.

Race 3:
Towards the end of the final race, there were 4 left.  The Egg was slowing up Tnadz who was once again looking for a way past to try and hold onto first.  After coming to a near complete stop, from nowhere came The Bear to ravage the back of Egg's car and take both of them completely out.  Tnadz almost had a clear shot home when Gut Slab then attempted to take him out at slow speed.  A snail's-pace PIT maneuver sent them both tumbling, yet they both barely survived and Slab chased down the OSU car, both engines billowing.  But Tnadz would stay just barely ahead with both drivers barely being the only ones to finish.

Zolecki's team easily won out against Zack's for a 4-0 victory in top 5's, sending the Weathered Men plummeting to last behind Scot's group.  Tnadz holds a firm lead but still plenty of season to go.

Race 1

Track: MNorms Mayhem Night

Date: 02/16/22

Session: Practice

131T Nadz14.096
263T Bear14.386
342J Zolecki14.665
432K Chiefs14.719
513G Slab14.749
619A Tigers14.761
762J Jaguars14.812
885U Trojans14.831
956M Vikings14.832
108O Sooners14.834
1134N Giants14.836
1290S Gamecocks14.839
132N Cornhuskers14.850
1410B Bills14.861
1560I Colts14.882
1620B Ravens14.885
1715U Knights14.902
1837P Eagles14.904
1961A Crimson Tide14.904
2086W Red Skins14.908
2127O Ducks14.915
2214U Hurricanes14.918
2350B Bears14.922
2481F Seminoles14.924
2516S 49ers14.924
2647F Gators14.925
2730P Boilermakers14.928
2838A Cardinals14.928
2935U Bruins14.929
3022C Bengals14.930
3175O Raiders14.961
3244N Fighting Irish14.963
336V Wildcats14.982
3458P Steelers14.989
3570P Nittany Lions15.000
3695A Falcons15.002
3773T Buccaneers15.157
3883C Bears15.184
3929G Packers15.215
4025I Hoosiers15.222
4155L Tigers15.236
4299D Cowboys15.303
4398T Egg18.263

Weather: Cloudy, 43 °F, North 8 mph

Session: Qualifying

147F Gators--
285U Trojans--
344N Fighting Irish--
48O Sooners--
562J Jaguars--
637P Eagles--
790S Gamecocks--
819A Tigers--
975O Raiders--
1081F Seminoles--
1130P Boilermakers--
1273T Buccaneers--
1327O Ducks--
1420B Ravens--
1599D Cowboys--
1695A Falcons--
1715U Knights--
1860I Colts--
1958P Steelers--
2032K Chiefs--
2183C Bears--
2235U Bruins--
2316S 49ers--
242N Cornhuskers--
2529G Packers--
2656M Vikings--
2734N Giants--
2814U Hurricanes--
2910B Bills--
3022C Bengals--
3150B Bears--
3255L Tigers--
3338A Cardinals--
3470P Nittany Lions--
3525I Hoosiers--
3686W Red Skins--
3761A Crimson Tide--
386V Wildcats--
3942J Zolecki--
4031T Nadz--
4113G Slab--
4298T Egg--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14113G Slab167.9094837*185Running
24363T Bear-1L470170Running
34298T Egg-3L450165Running
43942J Zolecki-4L446165Running
54031T Nadz-4L441160Running
62656M Vikings-8L400150Running
72235U Bruins-9L390146Running
8975O Raiders-10L380142Running
92032K Chiefs-10L380138Running
10344N Fighting Irish-10L380134Running
112316S 49ers-11L370130Running
12386V Wildcats-12L360127Running
13819A Tigers-12L360124Running
143686W Red Skins-12L360121Running
15790S Gamecocks-13L350118Running
163761A Crimson Tide-14L340115Running
172183C Bears-14L340112Running
18285U Trojans-15L332114Running
19242N Cornhuskers-15L330106Running
203022C Bengals-15L330103Running
21637P Eagles-15L330100Running
221860I Colts-16L32097Running
232529G Packers-17L31094Running
243255L Tigers-18L30091Running
251958P Steelers-18L30088Running
263150B Bears-18L30085Running
272734N Giants-19L29082DQ
282814U Hurricanes-19L29079Running
293525I Hoosiers-19L29076Running
30562J Jaguars-19L29073Running
3148O Sooners-20L28070Running
322910B Bills-21L27067Running
333338A Cardinals-22L26064Running
341715U Knights-22L26061Running
351130P Boilermakers-22L26058Running
36147F Gators-23L25055Running
371695A Falcons-23L25052Running
383470P Nittany Lions-24L24049Running
391273T Buccaneers-26L22046Running
401081F Seminoles-26L22043Running
411420B Ravens-29L19040Running
421327O Ducks-34L14242Running
431599D Cowboys-34L14034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 45 °F, North 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 45 °F, East 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

185U Trojans--
227O Ducks--
332K Chiefs--
430P Boilermakers--
573T Buccaneers--
610B Bills--
720B Ravens--
883C Bears--
981F Seminoles--
1025I Hoosiers--
1190S Gamecocks--
1215U Knights--
1314U Hurricanes--
1416S 49ers--
1535U Bruins--
1655L Tigers--
1737P Eagles--
1856M Vikings--
1986W Red Skins--
2061A Crimson Tide--
216V Wildcats--
2258P Steelers--
232N Cornhuskers--
2434N Giants--
2550B Bears--
2638A Cardinals--
2760I Colts--
2899D Cowboys--
2975O Raiders--
3029G Packers--
3122C Bengals--
3270P Nittany Lions--
3319A Tigers--
348O Sooners--
3595A Falcons--
3644N Fighting Irish--
3747F Gators--
3862J Jaguars--
3931T Nadz--
4013G Slab--
4142J Zolecki--
4263T Bear--
4398T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14142J Zolecki173.226244180Running
24398T Egg-3L210170Running
33931T Nadz-4L2018*175Running
41986W Red Skins-13L110160Running
51215U Knights-14L100155Retired
62550B Bears-16L80150Accident
72061A Crimson Tide-16L80146Accident
8332K Chiefs-16L82147Accident
93747F Gators-17L70138Accident
10720B Ravens-17L70134Retired
111737P Eagles-18L60130Accident
121655L Tigers-19L50127Accident
13981F Seminoles-19L50124Accident
14227O Ducks-19L50121Running
153319A Tigers-20L40118Accident
164013G Slab-20L40115Accident
174263T Bear-20L40112Accident
182258P Steelers-21L30109Accident
19185U Trojans-22L20106Accident
20216V Wildcats-22L20103Running
21883C Bears-22L20100Retired
223644N Fighting Irish-23L1097Running
23232N Cornhuskers-23L1094Retired
242638A Cardinals-23L1091Accident
252899D Cowboys-23L1088Accident
262434N Giants-23L1085Accident
271856M Vikings-23L1082Accident
281535U Bruins-23L1079Accident
292760I Colts-23L1076Accident
301416S 49ers-23L1073Accident
31610B Bills-23L1070Accident
321025I Hoosiers-23L1067Accident
33573T Buccaneers-23L1064Accident
34430P Boilermakers-24L0061Running
352975O Raiders-24L0058Accident
363029G Packers-24L0055Accident
373122C Bengals-24L0052Accident
383270P Nittany Lions-24L0049Accident
39348O Sooners-24L0046Accident
403595A Falcons-24L0043Accident
413862J Jaguars-24L0040Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 44 °F, East 15 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


413Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 45 °F, East 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

135U Bruins--
295A Falcons--
322C Bengals--
450B Bears--
538A Cardinals--
683C Bears--
716S 49ers--
815U Knights--
986W Red Skins--
1081F Seminoles--
1125I Hoosiers--
122N Cornhuskers--
1310B Bills--
1434N Giants--
1529G Packers--
1614U Hurricanes--
176V Wildcats--
1870P Nittany Lions--
1958P Steelers--
2019A Tigers--
2127O Ducks--
2290S Gamecocks--
2385U Trojans--
2499D Cowboys--
2555L Tigers--
2620B Ravens--
2732K Chiefs--
2837P Eagles--
298O Sooners--
3073T Buccaneers--
3147F Gators--
3256M Vikings--
3330P Boilermakers--
3475O Raiders--
3562J Jaguars--
3660I Colts--
3761A Crimson Tide--
3844N Fighting Irish--
3913G Slab--
4042J Zolecki--
4163T Bear--
4231T Nadz--
4398T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14231T Nadz163.3872418*185Running
23913G Slab-2L220170Running
34163T Bear-6L180165Accident
44398T Egg-9L150160Accident
53761A Crimson Tide-18L62160Accident
61310B Bills-18L61155Retired
73660I Colts-19L50146Retired
81125I Hoosiers-19L52147Accident
9176V Wildcats-19L50138Accident
102620B Ravens-20L40134Accident
114042J Zolecki-21L30130Accident
123844N Fighting Irish-21L30127Accident
131434N Giants-21L30124Retired
14122N Cornhuskers-22L20121Accident
15295A Falcons-22L20118Accident
162555L Tigers-22L20115Accident
172127O Ducks-22L20112Accident
182385U Trojans-22L20109Accident
19716S 49ers-22L20106Accident
20322C Bengals-22L21108Accident
21135U Bruins-22L20100Accident
222499D Cowboys-23L1097Accident
231529G Packers-23L1094Accident
241614U Hurricanes-23L1091Accident
252290S Gamecocks-23L1088Accident
261958P Steelers-23L1085Accident
272837P Eagles-23L1082Accident
282019A Tigers-23L1079Accident
291870P Nittany Lions-23L1076Accident
302732K Chiefs-23L1073Accident
311081F Seminoles-23L1070Accident
32450B Bears-23L1067Accident
33538A Cardinals-23L1064Accident
34986W Red Skins-23L1061Accident
35815U Knights-23L1058Accident
36683C Bears-23L1055Accident
37298O Sooners-24L0052Accident
383073T Buccaneers-24L0049Accident
393147F Gators-24L0046Running
403256M Vikings-24L0043Accident
413330P Boilermakers-24L0040Accident
423475O Raiders-24L0037Accident
433562J Jaguars-24L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 43 °F, West 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



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