Wednesday, March 30, 2022

2021-3 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 9: Humpty Dumpty


The 3rd Wildcard pitted Egg and Bear head to head for the most wins.  Spoiler Alert: it was a tie.  Goose eggs all around at a track with lots of geese.

Race 1:

The first race ended up not going well for any of the humans with many cratering down to the back of the order.  But Zack's team scored some good points.

Race 2:

The second go round was where it was at.  The AI put on a spectacle going into T1 launching one of the most explosive pileups in the series history with haybails sending cars high into the air.  Tnadz managed to carve his way through the field to take the win (though it was not guaranteed by some of his competitors).  The Egg came through for a daring last lap pass on The Bear for 9th.

Race 3:

It was down to the last race for either Egg or Bear to pull out the wildcard advantage.  However, The Egg threw it away taking out Tnadz (who's dead husk killed several of his teammates, including his own).  This left the door open to Zack's team to continue on and score a boat load of points, launching him far afield of the field.

Well into the second half of the championship, and there are some shakeups and unshakeups.  Egg's win was returned to him from the last race of Raleigh which means Jamie did not swap places with Scot.  The Bear was nearly last but thanks to the boat anchor, he has moved just ahead.

Next up is Mission Demo 8.

Race 1

Track: Humpty_Dumpty_Raceway_WCR

Date: 03/30/22

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 101 °F, West 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

195A Falcons--
290S Gamecocks--
319A Tigers--
434N Giants--
581F Seminoles--
627O Ducks--
761A Crimson Tide--
870P Nittany Lions--
937P Eagles--
1055L Tigers--
1120B Ravens--
1260I Colts--
1322C Bengals--
1413M Dolphins--
1599D Cowboys--
1686W Red Skins--
1785U Trojans--
1835U Bruins--
192N Cornhuskers--
2058P Steelers--
2110B Bills--
2230P Boilermakers--
2332K Chiefs--
2444N Fighting Irish--
2550B Bears--
2647F Gators--
2716S 49ers--
2815U Knights--
2962J Jaguars--
3014U Hurricanes--
3173T Buccaneers--
3229G Packers--
3383C Bears--
3438A Cardinals--
356V Wildcats--
3625I Hoosiers--
378O Sooners--
3842J Zolecki--
3998T Egg--
4056M Max--
4131T Nadz--
4263T Bear--
4375G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1319A Tigers131.9674031*185Running
2192N Cornhuskers-10.06400170Running
3870P Nittany Lions-11.14400165Running
43173T Buccaneers-16.35400160Running
53383C Bears-24.35400155Running
62230P Boilermakers-24.88400150Running
7434N Giants-1L390146Running
8937P Eagles-1L390142Running
91120B Ravens-1L390138Running
101322C Bengals-1L390134Running
113229G Packers-1L390130Running
122962J Jaguars-2L380127Running
131413M Dolphins-2L380124Running
14195A Falcons-2L389126Running
15356V Wildcats-2L380118Running
162647F Gators-2L380115Running
17627O Ducks-2L380112Running
18378O Sooners-3L370109Running
19761A Crimson Tide-3L370106Running
202110B Bills-3L370103Running
212815U Knights-3L370100Running
22581F Seminoles-4L36097Running
231260I Colts-4L36094Running
242716S 49ers-4L36091Running
25290S Gamecocks-4L36088Running
261599D Cowboys-4L36085Running
271055L Tigers-4L36082Running
283438A Cardinals-4L36079Running
291686W Red Skins-5L35076Running
301835U Bruins-5L35073Running
313014U Hurricanes-6L34070Running
321785U Trojans-6L34067Running
332444N Fighting Irish-6L34064Running
342058P Steelers-7L33061Running
354263T Bear-7L33058Running
362332K Chiefs-7L33055Running
373625I Hoosiers-8L32052Running
382550B Bears-8L32049Running
394131T Nadz-11L29046Running
403998T Egg-15L25043Running
413842J Zolecki-20L20040Running
424056M Max-21L19037Running
434375G Slab-24L16034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 59 °F, Southeast 29 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


1142Dropping DebrisPit for repairs
2698Unsafe pit exitStop and go
3031Unsafe pit exitStop and go

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 74 °F, West 26 mph

Session: Qualifying

18O Sooners--
299D Cowboys--
330P Boilermakers--
462J Jaguars--
516S 49ers--
614U Hurricanes--
725I Hoosiers--
822C Bengals--
958P Steelers--
1032K Chiefs--
116V Wildcats--
1237P Eagles--
1355L Tigers--
1410B Bills--
1534N Giants--
1690S Gamecocks--
1761A Crimson Tide--
1850B Bears--
1973T Buccaneers--
2027O Ducks--
2138A Cardinals--
2283C Bears--
2386W Red Skins--
2470P Nittany Lions--
252N Cornhuskers--
2615U Knights--
2760I Colts--
2820B Ravens--
2913M Dolphins--
3085U Trojans--
3181F Seminoles--
3235U Bruins--
3319A Tigers--
3447F Gators--
3595A Falcons--
3644N Fighting Irish--
3729G Packers--
3856M Max--
3931T Nadz--
4075G Slab--
4198T Egg--
4242J Zolecki--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13931T Nadz137.162202180Running
21761A Crimson Tide-13.65200170Running
3116V Wildcats-25.72201170Running
43085U Trojans-1L190160Running
5462J Jaguars-1L195160Running
62470P Nittany Lions-1L190150Running
72820B Ravens-1L190146Running
83235U Bruins-1L190142Running
94198T Egg-1L190138Running
104363T Bear-1L190134Running
111355L Tigers-1L190130Running
123181F Seminoles-2L180127Running
133595A Falcons-2L180124Running
141534N Giants-2L180121Running
152386W Red Skins-2L180118Running
16330P Boilermakers-2L180115Running
173856M Max-3L170112Running
184075G Slab-4L160109Running
192913M Dolphins-4L160106Running
202760I Colts-5L150103Running
211973T Buccaneers-5L150100Running
224242J Zolecki-6L14097Accident
232138A Cardinals-6L14094Running
241850B Bears-6L14091Running
25958P Steelers-6L14088Running
2618O Sooners-7L1312*95Accident
27725I Hoosiers-11L9082Camshaft
283447F Gators-12L8079Accident
293729G Packers-12L8076Accident
302027O Ducks-12L8073Running
313644N Fighting Irish-13L7070Accident
322615U Knights-13L7067Accident
332283C Bears-15L5064Accident
34822C Bengals-18L2061Accident
35299D Cowboys-19L1058Retired
36516S 49ers-19L1055Retired
371410B Bills-19L1052Accident
38614U Hurricanes-19L1049Accident
391690S Gamecocks-19L1046Accident
401237P Eagles-19L1043Accident
411032K Chiefs-19L1040Accident
42252N Cornhuskers-20L0037Accident
433319A Tigers-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 85 °F, South 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


1756Dropping FluidPit for repairs
1756Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1775Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 93 °F, West 20 mph

Session: Qualifying

119A Tigers--
26V Wildcats--
386W Red Skins--
48O Sooners--
585U Trojans--
625I Hoosiers--
770P Nittany Lions--
860I Colts--
910B Bills--
1055L Tigers--
112N Cornhuskers--
1261A Crimson Tide--
1335U Bruins--
1450B Bears--
1532K Chiefs--
1622C Bengals--
1714U Hurricanes--
1881F Seminoles--
1947F Gators--
2073T Buccaneers--
2158P Steelers--
2213M Dolphins--
2390S Gamecocks--
2444N Fighting Irish--
2527O Ducks--
2630P Boilermakers--
2799D Cowboys--
2895A Falcons--
2915U Knights--
3083C Bears--
3138A Cardinals--
3262J Jaguars--
3329G Packers--
3416S 49ers--
3534N Giants--
3637P Eagles--
3720B Ravens--
3842J Zolecki--
3956M Max--
4063T Bear--
4198T Egg--
4231T Nadz--
4375G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1119A Tigers137.133206180Running
2585U Trojans-2.10205175Running
32527O Ducks-8.37200165Running
43956M Max-2L180160Running
53329G Packers-4L160155Running
61532K Chiefs-5L158*160Accident
7910B Bills-5L150146Accident
84063T Bear-5L150142Running
91622C Bengals-6L140138Accident
102630P Boilermakers-10L100134Accident
113262J Jaguars-10L100130Accident
12112N Cornhuskers-10L100127Accident
133534N Giants-11L90124Accident
144198T Egg-12L80121Running
1526V Wildcats-13L70118Retired
161714U Hurricanes-13L70115Accident
17770P Nittany Lions-13L70112Accident
182390S Gamecocks-14L60109Accident
193842J Zolecki-14L60106Accident
201261A Crimson Tide-14L60103Accident
214231T Nadz-15L50100Running
222444N Fighting Irish-15L5097Accident
231947F Gators-16L4094Accident
241335U Bruins-16L4091Accident
251450B Bears-16L4088Accident
262799D Cowboys-17L3085Accident
27386W Red Skins-17L3187Accident
282915U Knights-18L2079Accident
294375G Slab-18L2076Accident
3048O Sooners-19L1073Accident
311055L Tigers-19L1070Retired
322213M Dolphins-19L1067Accident
33625I Hoosiers-19L1064Accident
341881F Seminoles-19L1061Accident
352073T Buccaneers-19L1058Accident
362158P Steelers-19L1055Accident
37860I Colts-19L1052Accident
382895A Falcons-20L0049Accident
393083C Bears-20L0046Accident
403138A Cardinals-20L0043Accident
413416S 49ers-20L0040Accident
423637P Eagles-20L0037Retired
433720B Ravens-20L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 75 °F, Southwest 16 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


898Smoking EnginePit for repairs