Wednesday, March 23, 2022

2021-3 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 8: Raleigh


Race 1:

Gut Slab stunned them all in the first out of 20 laps.  Dodging and ducking the absolute wreckfest that filled the circuit early on.  He was unphased by the various restarts and drove his ride to victory, despite constant pressure.

Race 2: 
A controversial start by the Egg had his entire race under review but his appeals were strongly considered during the course of the night and ultimately his win was kept. Also amusing was Tnadz killing Jamie's Ducks just before the end.  He didn't gain positions from it but cost them points.  Points Jamie should have been happy to lose...

Race 3:
Another mass of chaos for the final run of the night which was helped along by a returning Scot.  At the end of the race, The Seminoles were leading the way on the last lap when they were struck down by The Egg who didn't want to see an X Factor win ahead of him.  But it was for not as they were still scored in first (but with no points...not that it matters).  Egg was absolutely furious and Zolecki crestfallen given that he was ruined.  It was nearly a tie between him and his former teammate, Webster.  But a technicality rendered him with one more point than his buddy from beyond.  69 points were sacrificed to Scot's Black Flights.  Next week is the 3rd Wildcard and the points are in turmoil.

Race 1

Track: Raleigh Raceway Park

Date: 03/23/22

Session: Practice

120B Ravens23.874
275G Slab24.184
395A Falcons26.621
473T Buccaneers26.796
516S 49ers26.938
642J Zolecki29.917

Weather: Clear, 61 °F, Southwest 10 mph

Session: Qualifying

147F Gators--
215U Knights--
385U Trojans--
461A Crimson Tide--
510B Bills--
613M Dolphins--
716S 49ers--
86V Wildcats--
937P Eagles--
1086W Red Skins--
1181F Seminoles--
1299D Cowboys--
1360I Colts--
1419A Tigers--
1538A Cardinals--
1629G Packers--
1770P Nittany Lions--
1820B Ravens--
1944N Fighting Irish--
202N Cornhuskers--
2190S Gamecocks--
2235U Bruins--
2332K Chiefs--
2483C Bears--
2530P Boilermakers--
2622C Bengals--
2755L Tigers--
2858P Steelers--
2995A Falcons--
3073T Buccaneers--
318O Sooners--
3227O Ducks--
3334N Giants--
3414U Hurricanes--
3562J Jaguars--
3625I Hoosiers--
3750B Bears--
3842J Zolecki--
3975G Slab--
4056M Max--
4198T Egg--
4263T Bear--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13975G Slab66.4282018*185Running
24331T Nadz-16.56200170Running
3202N Cornhuskers-3L170165Running
4385U Trojans-17L31165Retired
5215U Knights-17L31160Accident
6147F Gators-17L30150Accident
73073T Buccaneers-17L30146Retired
8716S 49ers-18L20142Accident
91181F Seminoles-18L20138Accident
101770P Nittany Lions-18L20134Accident
11937P Eagles-18L20130Retired
123842J Zolecki-18L20127DQ
13461A Crimson Tide-19L10124Accident
14510B Bills-19L10121Accident
15613M Dolphins-19L10118Accident
1686V Wildcats-19L10115Accident
171360I Colts-19L10112Accident
182858P Steelers-19L10109Accident
191538A Cardinals-19L10106Accident
204198T Egg-19L10103Accident
212235U Bruins-19L10100Accident
222995A Falcons-19L1097Retired
231629G Packers-19L1094Retired
241299D Cowboys-19L1091Accident
253562J Jaguars-19L1088Retired
262190S Gamecocks-19L1085Accident
271086W Red Skins-20L0082Accident
281419A Tigers-20L0079Accident
291820B Ravens-20L0076Accident
301944N Fighting Irish-20L0073Accident
312332K Chiefs-20L0070Accident
322483C Bears-20L0067Accident
332622C Bengals-20L0064Accident
342530P Boilermakers-20L0061Retired
352755L Tigers-20L0058Accident
36318O Sooners-20L0055Retired
373227O Ducks-20L0052Retired
383334N Giants-20L0049Accident
393414U Hurricanes-20L0046Accident
403750B Bears-20L0043Accident
413625I Hoosiers-20L0040Accident
424056M Max-20L0037Accident
434263T Bear-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 65 °F, Northwest 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


042Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
163Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
442Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 2

Track: Raleigh Raceway Park

Date: 03/23/22

Session: Practice

142J Zolecki23.176
256M Max25.131

Weather: Clear, 60 °F, Southwest 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

170P Nittany Lions--
286W Red Skins--
390S Gamecocks--
413M Dolphins--
585U Trojans--
620B Ravens--
76V Wildcats--
822C Bengals--
999D Cowboys--
1038A Cardinals--
1181F Seminoles--
1283C Bears--
1332K Chiefs--
1415U Knights--
1530P Boilermakers--
1616S 49ers--
1719A Tigers--
1827O Ducks--
1929G Packers--
2025I Hoosiers--
2134N Giants--
2250B Bears--
2358P Steelers--
2495A Falcons--
258O Sooners--
2655L Tigers--
2744N Fighting Irish--
2861A Crimson Tide--
2910B Bills--
3060I Colts--
3147F Gators--
3273T Buccaneers--
3335U Bruins--
3462J Jaguars--
3514U Hurricanes--
3637P Eagles--
372N Cornhuskers--
3898T Egg--
3942J Zolecki--
4056M Max--
4131T Nadz--
4275G Slab--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13898T Egg66.2672012*185Running
21530P Boilermakers-3.09200170Running
31283C Bears-6.46200165Running
43942J Zolecki-10.93200160Running
51827O Ducks-1L191160Running
64131T Nadz-1L190150Running
72025I Hoosiers-1L190146Running
82744N Fighting Irish-2L180142Running
93637P Eagles-4L160138Running
101332K Chiefs-5L150134Running
114056M Max-8L120130Running
12170P Nittany Lions-12L87132Accident
132250B Bears-13L70124Accident
144275G Slab-13L70121Accident
151719A Tigers-14L60118Accident
161415U Knights-16L40115Accident
173060I Colts-17L30112Retired
182358P Steelers-17L30109Retired
19620B Ravens-17L30106Accident
20585U Trojans-17L30103Retired
211616S 49ers-17L30100Accident
221038A Cardinals-17L3097Retired
23372N Cornhuskers-17L3094Accident
243335U Bruins-17L3091Accident
253147F Gators-17L3088Accident
262495A Falcons-17L3085Accident
272134N Giants-17L3082Accident
28413M Dolphins-18L2079Accident
2976V Wildcats-18L2076Accident
30999D Cowboys-18L2073Accident
311929G Packers-18L2070DQ
32822C Bengals-18L2067Accident
33258O Sooners-18L2064Accident
341181F Seminoles-18L2061Accident
352910B Bills-18L2058DQ
363273T Buccaneers-18L2055Accident
372655L Tigers-19L1052Accident
382861A Crimson Tide-19L1049Accident
39390S Gamecocks-19L1046Accident
40286W Red Skins-19L1043Accident
414363T Bear-19L1040Accident
423514U Hurricanes-19L1037Accident
433462J Jaguars-19L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 55 °F, Southwest 13 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


263Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
756Smoking EnginePit for repairs
775Smoking EnginePit for repairs
875Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds

Race 3

Track: Raleigh Raceway Park

Date: 03/23/22

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 66 °F, Southwest 10 mph

Session: Qualifying

161A Crimson Tide--
26V Wildcats--
327O Ducks--
432K Chiefs--
534N Giants--
670P Nittany Lions--
719A Tigers--
822C Bengals--
925I Hoosiers--
1050B Bears--
1162J Jaguars--
1299D Cowboys--
1381F Seminoles--
1416S 49ers--
1560I Colts--
1644N Fighting Irish--
1714U Hurricanes--
1837P Eagles--
1973T Buccaneers--
2058P Steelers--
2190S Gamecocks--
2285U Trojans--
2395A Falcons--
2438A Cardinals--
2529G Packers--
2686W Red Skins--
272N Cornhuskers--
2815U Knights--
2947F Gators--
3030P Boilermakers--
3155L Tigers--
3213M Dolphins--
3310B Bills--
3420B Ravens--
358O Sooners--
3635U Bruins--
3783C Bears--
3875G Slab--
3931T Nadz--
4098T Egg--
4142J Zolecki--
4263T Bear--
4356M Max--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11381F Seminoles65.2561914*185Running
24098T Egg-1.88190170Running
33931T Nadz-3L160165Running
42438A Cardinals-4L150160Accident
51644N Fighting Irish-6L130155Retired
61416S 49ers-7L120150Retired
71050B Bears-12L70146Retired
83030P Boilermakers-12L70142Accident
93875G Slab-12L70138Piston
103420B Ravens-13L60134Accident
11327O Ducks-13L61135Accident
123635U Bruins-13L60127Accident
131299D Cowboys-14L50124Accident
141714U Hurricanes-14L50121Accident
15534N Giants-14L50118Accident
16161A Crimson Tide-14L51120Accident
172285U Trojans-14L50112Accident
18822C Bengals-15L43114Accident
194142J Zolecki-15L40106Accident
202815U Knights-15L40103Accident
212395A Falcons-15L40100Accident
224263T Bear-15L4097Accident
233155L Tigers-15L4094Accident
24670P Nittany Lions-15L4091Accident
253783C Bears-15L4088Accident
26719A Tigers-16L3085Accident
272190S Gamecocks-16L3082Retired
281560I Colts-16L3079Accident
294356M Max-16L3076Accident
301837P Eagles-17L2073Retired
31432K Chiefs-17L2070Accident
321162J Jaguars-17L2067Retired
333310B Bills-17L2064Accident
3426V Wildcats-17L2061Accident
352686W Red Skins-17L2058Accident
361973T Buccaneers-17L2055Accident
372058P Steelers-18L1052Accident
382529G Packers-18L1049Accident
39925I Hoosiers-18L1046Retired
402947F Gators-18L1043Accident
413213M Dolphins-18L1040Accident
42358O Sooners-18L1037Accident
43272N Cornhuskers-18L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, Northwest 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


475Dropping FluidPit for repairs
475Smoking EnginePit for repairs
531Dropping FluidPit for repairs
642Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
875Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended

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