Wednesday, April 13, 2022

2021-3 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 11: Marty MoVille


Race 1:

Tnadz was able to take the victory with a resounding 6 lap lead on the field in the no damage race.  Even though there was a short tow for a flip, he mostly avoided incidents to dominate the field, including sweeping attacks from Zolecki and the ninja hit squad.

Race 2:

Tnadz dropped to the bottom of the podium not far behind Egg who was putting major pressure on Zolecki.  Despite some close calls and a near flip, GB held the lead and took the win. 

Race 3:

Damage full and balls out racing, it was cut throat.  While the first two races saw little attrition, the final race would not have many finishers.  Only 6 scored positional points at the end, many thanks to Slab and others causing mega wrecks.  Zolecki was on for a strong finish when he was jacked up a few times by AI.  While he didn't finish, his Knights took 2nd despite Tnadz's best efforts.  Slab filled out the podium with Tnadz crushing a second win.  The Bear also had honorable mention in 5th, barely hanging in there.  He could have taken an extra point killing the Hurricans and robbing the diehard but he chickened out.

Killer In Stink had a massive haul of points for the night and took the lead of the series.  But not by many points.  And with Bear and Mad Max fighting for last and 12 races remaining, there are plenty of opportunities to flip the script.

Race 1


Date: 04/13/22

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 78 °F, Southeast 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

195A Falcons--
215U Knights--
358P Steelers--
486W Red Skins--
510B Bills--
662J Jaguars--
78O Sooners--
814U Hurricanes--
990S Gamecocks--
1030P Boilermakers--
1185U Trojans--
1281F Seminoles--
1332K Chiefs--
1456M Vikings--
1527O Ducks--
1637P Eagles--
1725I Hoosiers--
1829G Packers--
192N Cornhuskers--
2044N Fighting Irish--
2147F Gators--
2261A Crimson Tide--
2320B Ravens--
2434N Giants--
2538A Cardinals--
266V Wildcats--
2773T Buccaneers--
2813M Dolphins--
2950B Bears--
3055L Tigers--
3183C Bears--
3216S 49ers--
3322C Bengals--
3460I Colts--
3599D Cowboys--
3670P Nittany Lions--
3735U Bruins--
3819A Tigers--
3963T Bear--
4075G Slab--
4198T Egg--
4242J Zolecki--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14331T Nadz74.4115541*185Running
21030P Boilermakers-6L496175Running
378O Sooners-6L492170Running
44198T Egg-6L490160Running
5358P Steelers-7L480155Running
6192N Cornhuskers-7L480150Running
71332K Chiefs-8L470146Running
8486W Red Skins-8L470142Running
91185U Trojans-8L470138Running
10814U Hurricanes-8L470134Running
11662J Jaguars-8L471135Running
122147F Gators-8L470127Running
131456M Vikings-8L470124Running
142950B Bears-8L470121Running
151637P Eagles-8L470118Running
16990S Gamecocks-9L460115Running
17215U Knights-9L460112Running
181725I Hoosiers-9L460109Running
193735U Bruins-9L460106Running
201829G Packers-9L460103Running
213322C Bengals-9L460100Running
223216S 49ers-9L46097Running
231281F Seminoles-10L45094Running
243819A Tigers-10L45091Running
252773T Buccaneers-10L45088Running
26510B Bills-11L44190Running
271527O Ducks-11L44082Running
282044N Fighting Irish-11L44079Running
292434N Giants-12L43076Running
30195A Falcons-12L43478Running
312261A Crimson Tide-12L43070Running
32266V Wildcats-12L43067Running
333670P Nittany Lions-12L43064Running
342320B Ravens-13L42061Running
353599D Cowboys-13L42058Running
362538A Cardinals-13L42055Running
373055L Tigers-14L41052Running
383183C Bears-15L40049Running
392813M Dolphins-15L40046Running
403460I Colts-15L40043Running
413963T Bear-17L38040Running
424075G Slab-19L36037Running
434242J Zolecki-19L36034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (6 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 83 °F, North 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


875Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
875Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
1575Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
2242Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 52 °F, Southwest 18 mph

Session: Qualifying

181F Seminoles--
270P Nittany Lions--
319A Tigers--
450B Bears--
561A Crimson Tide--
686W Red Skins--
799D Cowboys--
873T Buccaneers--
916S 49ers--
1055L Tigers--
1160I Colts--
1222C Bengals--
1385U Trojans--
1410B Bills--
1556M Vikings--
1647F Gators--
1714U Hurricanes--
1813M Dolphins--
1938A Cardinals--
2030P Boilermakers--
2132K Chiefs--
226V Wildcats--
2320B Ravens--
248O Sooners--
2535U Bruins--
2629G Packers--
2725I Hoosiers--
2837P Eagles--
2927O Ducks--
3090S Gamecocks--
3115U Knights--
3234N Giants--
3395A Falcons--
3444N Fighting Irish--
3558P Steelers--
3662J Jaguars--
372N Cornhuskers--
3883C Bears--
3963T Bear--
4042J Zolecki--
4175G Slab--
4231T Nadz--
4398T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14042J Zolecki80.8162821*185Running
24398T Egg-2.17280170Running
34231T Nadz-1L270165Running
4319A Tigers-1L271165Running
5686W Red Skins-2L260155Running
6799D Cowboys-2L261155Running
71055L Tigers-2L260146Running
81556M Vikings-3L250142Running
94175G Slab-3L250138Running
101222C Bengals-4L240134Running
113558P Steelers-4L240130Running
121410B Bills-4L240127Running
132132K Chiefs-4L240124Running
143444N Fighting Irish-4L240121Running
152725I Hoosiers-4L240118Running
16270P Nittany Lions-5L230115Running
171647F Gators-5L230112Running
182837P Eagles-5L230109Running
191714U Hurricanes-5L230106Running
20226V Wildcats-6L220103Running
21248O Sooners-6L220100Running
223090S Gamecocks-6L22097Running
231160I Colts-6L22094Running
24916S 49ers-6L22091Running
25561A Crimson Tide-7L21293Running
26873T Buccaneers-7L21085Running
273883C Bears-8L20082Running
28372N Cornhuskers-9L19079Retired
292927O Ducks-9L19076Running
302320B Ravens-9L19073Running
313395A Falcons-10L18070Running
323115U Knights-10L18067Running
332030P Boilermakers-15L13064Retired
341938A Cardinals-17L11061Retired
35181F Seminoles-18L10363Accident
363963T Bear-19L9055Accident
371813M Dolphins-19L9052Retired
383662J Jaguars-20L8049Retired
39450B Bears-21L7046Retired
402629G Packers-21L7043Retired
411385U Trojans-22L6040Accident
422535U Bruins-23L5037Accident
433234N Giants-27L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 63 °F, North 15 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Race 3

Session: Practice

142J Zolecki20.685
275G Slab21.333
398T Egg21.386
422C Bengals22.820
537P Eagles23.016
695A Falcons23.040
783C Bears23.060
870P Nittany Lions23.098
986W Red Skins23.168
1014U Hurricanes23.314
1158P Steelers23.360
1299D Cowboys23.422
1361A Crimson Tide23.777
1490S Gamecocks23.885
1573T Buccaneers23.933
1635U Bruins24.709
1734N Giants25.038
1847F Gators25.048
1927O Ducks25.051
2056M Vikings25.156
216V Wildcats25.372
2262J Jaguars25.806
232N Cornhuskers25.856

Weather: Clear, 66 °F, South 25 mph

Session: Qualifying

138A Cardinals--
229G Packers--
358P Steelers--
490S Gamecocks--
522C Bengals--
686W Red Skins--
720B Ravens--
830P Boilermakers--
914U Hurricanes--
1025I Hoosiers--
1115U Knights--
1219A Tigers--
1370P Nittany Lions--
1432K Chiefs--
1561A Crimson Tide--
1699D Cowboys--
1750B Bears--
1810B Bills--
1935U Bruins--
2083C Bears--
2181F Seminoles--
2227O Ducks--
2395A Falcons--
2447F Gators--
2555L Tigers--
262N Cornhuskers--
2734N Giants--
2816S 49ers--
2944N Fighting Irish--
306V Wildcats--
3185U Trojans--
3213M Dolphins--
3356M Vikings--
3462J Jaguars--
3560I Colts--
3637P Eagles--
3773T Buccaneers--
388O Sooners--
3998T Egg--
4075G Slab--
4142J Zolecki--
4263T Bear--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14331T Nadz78.2332815*185Running
21115U Knights-3L250170Running
34075G Slab-5L230165Running
4686W Red Skins-5L230160Running
54263T Bear-6L220155Running
6914U Hurricanes-6L220150Running
72181F Seminoles-7L210146Accident
83185U Trojans-7L210142Accident
91561A Crimson Tide-12L160138Retired
101370P Nittany Lions-12L164139Retired
11522C Bengals-16L122135Retired
121935U Bruins-16L122132Retired
133462J Jaguars-16L120124Retired
141699D Cowboys-16L120121Retired
15830P Boilermakers-16L120118Retired
161750B Bears-16L120115Retired
172227O Ducks-17L110112Accident
184142J Zolecki-18L100109Accident
19229G Packers-20L80106Retired
20490S Gamecocks-21L70103Retired
21720B Ravens-21L71105Retired
22138A Cardinals-22L64102Retired
231432K Chiefs-22L6094Accident
24262N Cornhuskers-22L6091Accident
25306V Wildcats-22L6088Retired
263213M Dolphins-22L6085Retired
271810B Bills-23L5082Retired
28358P Steelers-23L5079Retired
293560I Colts-24L4076Retired
302734N Giants-24L4073Retired
31388O Sooners-24L4070Accident
322447F Gators-24L4067Accident
331025I Hoosiers-24L4064Retired
343773T Buccaneers-24L4061Retired
352395A Falcons-24L4058Retired
362555L Tigers-25L3055Accident
373998T Egg-25L3052Accident
382944N Fighting Irish-25L3049Accident
393356M Vikings-25L3046Accident
402816S 49ers-25L3043Accident
411219A Tigers-25L3040Accident
422083C Bears-26L2037Retired
433637P Eagles-27L1034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, West 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


842Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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