Wednesday, May 11, 2022

2021-3 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 13: Bone Crusher


Race 1:

Humans didn't fair well for the first 20 lapper.  Zolecki was hurt bad but able to finish in the pits without much complication while the 49ers took the win.

Race 2:

The second round of 20 was quite deadly and entertaining.  It came down to just two cars as Killer In Stink and Briar Bear facing off where the Cowboys held off the Bills for the win.

Race 3:

But the Bear came back big in the final race as the final car after 15 laps.  He could have made history and given the biggest DNF race ever but decided to go for his first win of the season.

On to the penultimate round of the season before the big finale.  NC Jump next!

Race 1

Track: BoneCrusher

Date: 05/11/22

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 73 °F, West 10 mph

Session: Qualifying

135U Bruins--
285U Trojans--
373T Buccaneers--
461A Crimson Tide--
547F Gators--
616S 49ers--
786W Red Skins--
810B Bills--
958P Steelers--
1020B Ravens--
1137P Eagles--
1283C Bears--
1329G Packers--
1430P Boilermakers--
1598N Jets--
1622C Bengals--
1734N Giants--
182N Cornhuskers--
1938A Cardinals--
2081F Seminoles--
2190S Gamecocks--
2270P Nittany Lions--
2325I Hoosiers--
2450B Bears--
2514U Hurricanes--
2613M Dolphins--
2727O Ducks--
2844N Fighting Irish--
298O Sooners--
3062J Jaguars--
3132K Chiefs--
3219A Tigers--
3356M Vikings--
3495A Falcons--
3599D Cowboys--
3615U Knights--
3755L Tigers--
3860I Colts--
396V Wildcats--
4031T Nadz--
4163T Bear--
4275G Slab--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1616S 49ers83.604207180Running
2958P Steelers-1L1910*180Running
31734N Giants-5L150165Running
42844N Fighting Irish-6L141165Running
51430P Boilermakers-6L140155Accident
63860I Colts-6L140150Running
7547F Gators-7L130146Running
81622C Bengals-7L130142Running
92727O Ducks-8L120138Accident
10461A Crimson Tide-8L120134Running
112450B Bears-11L90130Accident
124342J Zolecki-11L90127Running
133495A Falcons-13L70124Accident
14285U Trojans-13L70121Accident
151020B Ravens-13L70118Retired
162270P Nittany Lions-13L70115Accident
171283C Bears-14L60112Retired
182613M Dolphins-14L60109Retired
193599D Cowboys-15L50106Accident
201137P Eagles-15L50103Accident
213062J Jaguars-16L40100Accident
22373T Buccaneers-16L4097Retired
234031T Nadz-16L4094Accident
241598N Jets-16L4091Accident
25786W Red Skins-16L4088Accident
262514U Hurricanes-16L4085Accident
272081F Seminoles-16L4082Accident
28810B Bills-17L3184Accident
29182N Cornhuskers-17L3181Accident
30298O Sooners-17L3073Accident
313132K Chiefs-17L3070Accident
321329G Packers-17L3067Accident
333755L Tigers-17L3064Accident
342190S Gamecocks-17L3061Accident
35396V Wildcats-18L2058Accident
363356M Vikings-18L2055Accident
372325I Hoosiers-18L2052Accident
38135U Bruins-18L2049Accident
393219A Tigers-18L2046Accident
404163T Bear-19L1043Accident
411938A Cardinals-19L1040Retired
423615U Knights-20L0037Accident
434275G Slab-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 81 °F, Southeast 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


942Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 72 °F, West 19 mph

Session: Qualifying

150B Bears--
235U Bruins--
361A Crimson Tide--
462J Jaguars--
530P Boilermakers--
686W Red Skins--
798N Jets--
890S Gamecocks--
938A Cardinals--
1070P Nittany Lions--
1115U Knights--
1214U Hurricanes--
1344N Fighting Irish--
148O Sooners--
1534N Giants--
1655L Tigers--
1756M Vikings--
1825I Hoosiers--
1937P Eagles--
2083C Bears--
2127O Ducks--
2285U Trojans--
2332K Chiefs--
2410B Bills--
256V Wildcats--
2658P Steelers--
2716S 49ers--
2819A Tigers--
2947F Gators--
3060I Colts--
312N Cornhuskers--
3220B Ravens--
3313M Dolphins--
3473T Buccaneers--
3595A Falcons--
3629G Packers--
3781F Seminoles--
3899D Cowboys--
3922C Bengals--
4031T Nadz--
4163T Bear--
4242J Zolecki--
4375G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13899D Cowboys66.229192180Running
22410B Bills-1L180170Running
3938A Cardinals-2L1716*175Retired
4462J Jaguars-3L160160Tire
52947F Gators-6L130155Accident
64031T Nadz-6L130150Accident
71825I Hoosiers-7L120146Accident
84375G Slab-8L110142Accident
91070P Nittany Lions-8L110138Accident
103060I Colts-8L110134Retired
111115U Knights-9L100130Accident
122332K Chiefs-9L100127Accident
133595A Falcons-9L100124Accident
142285U Trojans-10L90121Retired
154163T Bear-10L90118Accident
16798N Jets-11L80115Retired
173313M Dolphins-11L80112Retired
183629G Packers-11L80109Accident
191344N Fighting Irish-11L80106Accident
202658P Steelers-12L70103Accident
21150B Bears-12L70100Retired
223922C Bengals-13L6097Retired
23312N Cornhuskers-13L6094Accident
241534N Giants-13L6091Accident
25530P Boilermakers-13L6088Ignition
26890S Gamecocks-14L5085Retired
27148O Sooners-14L5082Accident
282083C Bears-15L4079Accident
29256V Wildcats-15L4076Accident
302819A Tigers-15L4073Retired
31686W Red Skins-16L3070Accident
322716S 49ers-16L3067Accident
331756M Vikings-16L3064Accident
343473T Buccaneers-17L2061Accident
353781F Seminoles-17L2058Retired
36235U Bruins-17L2055Accident
371214U Hurricanes-17L2052Accident
38361A Crimson Tide-17L2049Accident
391655L Tigers-17L2151Retired
403220B Ravens-18L1043Accident
412127O Ducks-18L1040Accident
421937P Eagles-18L1037Accident
434242J Zolecki-19L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 91 °F, North 25 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 73 °F, West 8 mph

Session: Qualifying

186W Red Skins--
216S 49ers--
350B Bears--
460I Colts--
573T Buccaneers--
630P Boilermakers--
722C Bengals--
835U Bruins--
913M Dolphins--
1032K Chiefs--
1115U Knights--
1285U Trojans--
1399D Cowboys--
1420B Ravens--
1583C Bears--
1655L Tigers--
1729G Packers--
182N Cornhuskers--
1956M Vikings--
2098N Jets--
216V Wildcats--
2295A Falcons--
2362J Jaguars--
2470P Nittany Lions--
2527O Ducks--
2690S Gamecocks--
2744N Fighting Irish--
2858P Steelers--
2919A Tigers--
3061A Crimson Tide--
3110B Bills--
3234N Giants--
338O Sooners--
3481F Seminoles--
3514U Hurricanes--
3625I Hoosiers--
3738A Cardinals--
3847F Gators--
3937P Eagles--
4031T Nadz--
4175G Slab--
4263T Bear--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14263T Bear86.171159*185Running
23234N Giants-6L90170Accident
31583C Bears-7L80165Retired
44175G Slab-7L80160Accident
5216V Wildcats-7L81160Accident
61729G Packers-7L80150Accident
7630P Boilermakers-10L52151Retired
8216S 49ers-10L50142Piston
91420B Ravens-10L50138Retired
101956M Vikings-10L50134Accident
112295A Falcons-11L40130Retired
123738A Cardinals-11L40127Retired
131032K Chiefs-11L40124Accident
14350B Bears-11L42126Accident
152744N Fighting Irish-11L40118Accident
161285U Trojans-11L40115Accident
172858P Steelers-12L30112Retired
183514U Hurricanes-12L30109Accident
192919A Tigers-12L30106Retired
203110B Bills-12L30103Accident
212470P Nittany Lions-12L30100Accident
223847F Gators-12L3097Accident
23835U Bruins-12L3094Accident
243061A Crimson Tide-12L3091Accident
25913M Dolphins-12L3088Accident
26338O Sooners-13L2085Accident
27182N Cornhuskers-13L2082Accident
283937P Eagles-13L2079Accident
292527O Ducks-13L2076Accident
301655L Tigers-13L2178Accident
31186W Red Skins-13L2070Accident
32573T Buccaneers-13L2067Accident
331399D Cowboys-13L2064Accident
34722C Bengals-13L2061Accident
35460I Colts-13L2058Accident
364031T Nadz-14L1055Accident
373481F Seminoles-14L1052Accident
383625I Hoosiers-14L1049Accident
392690S Gamecocks-14L1046Accident
402098N Jets-14L1043Accident
412362J Jaguars-14L1040Accident
424342J Zolecki-14L1037Accident
431115U Knights-14L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 78 °F, East 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



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