Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nationwide Series 2012 - 1 Daytona

The first 4 laps were great.  I worked my way up to 6th with Darrel close by and Chad not far behind.  But it was Scot and Sandy who would benefit from some sandbagging strategy.  Coming into turn 3, I bumped Edwards and we both came off the wall.  He kept going and I went down into 2 cars.  Mayhem ensued.  Darrel was in the middle of it with Chad slamming into the back of Morgan Sheppard.  Sheppard flew through the air and landed on my hood taking me out.  From there, Sandy just hung along until he could repair some damage.  Scot also hung on and minded his own business.  Unfortunately Scots computer died and he lost a few spots to finish 18.  Sandy ended 15th.


Date: 02/22/12

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz47.059
2061D Hamilton47.113
332R Sorenson47.198
4021T Bear47.216
59M Ambrose47.243
6055C Ferguson47.269
731J Allgaier47.284
833C Bowyer47.285
909K Wallace47.317
1015T Hill47.323
1119M Bliss47.327
1211B Scott47.385
1352K Lepage47.385
1401M Wallace47.393
1518K Busch47.394
1616T Bayne47.406
1760C Edwards47.407
18029M Max47.474
1962M Annett47.501
202E Sadler47.512
216R Stenhouse, Jr47.539
2228D Cope47.539
2340S Wimmer47.579
2466S Wallace47.607
2551J Clements47.616
2687K Conway47.616
2723R Richardson47.619
2844J Green47.629
294T Stewart47.631
3038J Leffler47.645
3134J Buescher47.647
3222B Keselowski47.658
3397J Nemechek47.669
3488A Almirola47.688
357D Patrick47.740
3693K DA47.774
3739J Wise47.832
3814E McClure47.845
3930B Said47.869
4020J Logano47.897
4112S Hornish Jr47.973
4289M Shepherd48.085
4370S Howard48.104

Weather: Cloudy, 52 °F, North 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

160C Edwards48.643
238J Leffler48.677
366S Wallace48.768
422B Keselowski48.785
519M Bliss48.972
618K Busch48.989
701M Wallace49.105
831J Allgaier49.146
909K Wallace49.202
1033C Bowyer49.223
1120J Logano49.227
1214E McClure49.275
1316T Bayne49.357
1432R Sorenson49.359
159M Ambrose49.367
1640S Wimmer49.404
1797J Nemechek49.405
1862M Annett49.419
19061D Hamilton49.429
206R Stenhouse, Jr49.463
2188A Almirola49.511
2252K Lepage49.556
2389M Shepherd49.576
24013T Nadz49.583
2523R Richardson49.605
2651J Clements49.610
2739J Wise49.639
2811B Scott49.655
29055C Ferguson49.685
3028D Cope49.692
314T Stewart49.694
322E Sadler49.736
3334J Buescher49.745
3430B Said49.747
3515T Hill49.751
367D Patrick49.762
3787K Conway49.814
3870S Howard49.822
3912S Hornish Jr49.865
4044J Green49.879
4193K DA50.144
42021T Bear50.375
43029M Max--

Weather: Clear, 52 °F, North 8 mph

Session: Happy Hour

160C Edwards48.361
233C Bowyer48.555
3013T Nadz48.568
438J Leffler48.604
589M Shepherd48.626
618K Busch48.642
74T Stewart48.652
8055C Ferguson48.676
922B Keselowski48.686
109M Ambrose48.725
1111B Scott48.779
1220J Logano48.801
1316T Bayne48.805
14029M Max48.807
1588A Almirola48.850
16061D Hamilton48.856
1701M Wallace48.868
1819M Bliss48.887
1912S Hornish Jr48.892
2015T Hill48.896
2131J Allgaier48.903
2270S Howard48.947
2309K Wallace49.000
2487K Conway49.058
252E Sadler49.078
2628D Cope49.079
2751J Clements49.090
2852K Lepage49.112
2997J Nemechek49.153
3014E McClure49.156
3140S Wimmer49.228
3230B Said49.245
33021T Bear49.247
347D Patrick49.298
3544J Green49.317
3662M Annett49.325
3766S Wallace49.395
3832R Sorenson49.433
3993K DA49.453
4034J Buescher49.497
4123R Richardson49.597
4239J Wise49.706
436R Stenhouse, Jr49.926

Weather: Clear, 51 °F, Southwest 1 mph

Session: Race


1366S Wallace159.306406180Running
2519M Bliss-0.07404175Running
3238J Leffler-0.494029*175Running
41640S Wimmer-4.25400160Running
51797J Nemechek-4.43400155Running
6160C Edwards-4.50401155Running
71316T Bayne-4.58400146Running
8422B Keselowski-12.50400142Running
9159M Ambrose-12.66400138Running
101432R Sorenson-29.73400134Running
111120J Logano-29.94400130Running
123515T Hill-30.07400127Running
133430B Said-30.22400124Running
142811B Scott-30.38400121Running
1542021T Bear-1L390118Running
162252K Lepage-2L380115Running
173787K Conway-4L360112Running
1843029M Max-13L270109Running
191033C Bowyer-35L50106Retired
20206R Stenhouse, Jr-35L50103Retired
211862M Annett-35L50100Susp
22322E Sadler-36L4097Retired
23367D Patrick-36L4094Retired
242188A Almirola-36L4091Retired
254193K DA-36L4088Retired
264044J Green-36L4085Fuel Lk
2719061D Hamilton-36L4082Accident
282389M Shepherd-36L4079Accident
2924013T Nadz-36L4076Accident
30831J Allgaier-36L4073Accident
31618K Busch-36L4070Accident
321214E McClure-36L4067Accident
33701M Wallace-36L4064Accident
34909K Wallace-36L4061Accident
352651J Clements-37L3058Accident
363028D Cope-37L3055Accident
3729055C Ferguson-37L3052Accident
382523R Richardson-37L3049Retired
392739J Wise-37L3046Accident
40314T Stewart-37L3043Accident
413334J Buescher-37L3040Accident
423870S Howard-37L3037Accident
433912S Hornish Jr-37L3034Accident

Caution Flags: 1 (4 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 51 °F, Northeast 0 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 103%


5061Entering closed pitsGo to end of longest line
6029Unsafe pit exitGo to end of longest line
27029Unsafe pit exitStop and go

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