Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Twisted Metal Tour 2011 - 13-15 Bonecrusher

Never a dull moment at Bonecrusher.  Two heats at 15 laps and a main at 25.  A couple of us managed to finish in at least a race or two.  Darrel and I both took wins in the heats with Sandy managing a 3rd in the main.  Scot was actually running 3rd during the main when his computer lost connection.  He could probably have taken second if not the win.  It was actually shaping up to be a repeat (threepeat?) of his previous main performances at this track where he and one other car were all that remained.  Some black flags given out at various points due to dropping fluid and smoking engines but surprisingly no excessive cheating took place by the AI.  And Chad performed a disappearing act in the standings during Heat 2 (I have since corrected.  Please stop messing with the standings, Chad).

We now move into the final chapters of this series as we enter races 16-18 at GNC Carnival.  Make sure to brush up on your air-time tricks because you'll have plenty opportunity at this place.

Heat 1

Track: BoneCrusher

Date: 02/01/12

Session: Practice

157B Burton Jr.17.958
238J James18.384
36J Leaty18.807
42T Szegedy19.141
510B Hogg19.496
65C Pasteryak20.456
718D Lia20.689
81Y Smith21.068
928J Civali22.185
1024J McFarland22.234
110P Butts22.239
1215L Leeson22.256
1394K Miller22.679
1411H Wilkins22.741
1514R Bones22.768
1607F Fleming22.901
1717B King22.968
1823C Arnold23.055
1993S Vivy23.744
208T York23.763
219T Phil24.176
2281B Pack24.243
2322B Angles24.409
2443S Huhn24.891
25061D Hamilton25.009
2644R Ruggiero25.276
2783T Brown25.484
284J Myers25.901
2929K Harvick26.558
3055B Vance26.655
3121J Hill26.868
32029M Max27.131
3388C Hines27.386
34021T Bear27.568
3531G Pack27.610
36055C Ferguson30.021
3748T Hirschman30.762
3836T Christopher31.186
3926A Jones31.318
403E Beers31.460
4116M Stefanik33.025
4261A Baker34.073

Weather: Cloudy, 70 °F, West 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

1061D Hamilton24.959
2055C Ferguson26.349
3013T Nadz26.362
4021T Bear27.362
5029M Max27.496
683T Brown29.942
711H Wilkins30.275
824J McFarland30.300
90P Butts30.465
102T Szegedy30.583
1110B Hogg30.614
1261A Baker30.676
1314R Bones30.704
1443S Huhn30.922
1548T Hirschman31.238
163E Beers31.761
1757B Burton Jr.31.772
1822B Angles32.241
1916M Stefanik32.306
2023C Arnold32.323
2144R Ruggiero32.337
228T York32.338
2381B Pack32.374
2431G Pack32.691
2555B Vance32.771
2694K Miller32.821
271Y Smith32.843
2826A Jones32.850
2907F Fleming32.892
3017B King33.000
314J Myers33.065
326J Leaty33.084
3321J Hill33.087
3429K Harvick33.158
3518D Lia33.275
369T Phil33.342
3728J Civali33.357
3815L Leeson33.607
3993S Vivy33.949
4036T Christopher34.118
4188C Hines34.332
425C Pasteryak34.515
4338J James34.745

Weather: Cloudy, 70 °F, Southwest 15 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1013T Nadz19.390
226A Jones21.515
33E Beers22.321
414R Bones22.721
511H Wilkins22.883
69T Phil23.108
724J McFarland23.642
829K Harvick23.959
983T Brown25.647
10029M Max26.242
11061D Hamilton26.352
1293S Vivy26.386
13055C Ferguson26.778
14021T Bear26.941
1555B Vance27.915
1621J Hill31.539
1717B King31.620
182T Szegedy31.747
194J Myers31.795
2022B Angles31.843
2188C Hines31.979
226J Leaty32.006
2357B Burton Jr.32.074
2431G Pack32.154
251Y Smith32.220
2615L Leeson32.854
278T York33.651
2818D Lia34.684
2907F Fleming35.293
3081B Pack35.837
3194K Miller35.895
3236T Christopher36.582
3310B Hogg37.743
3448T Hirschman38.210
3516M Stefanik38.939
3643S Huhn39.753
375C Pasteryak40.573
3828J Civali43.378
390P Butts46.107
4061A Baker46.231
4123C Arnold51.324
4238J James1:24.524

Weather: Clear, 81 °F, East 13 mph

Session: Race


13013T Nadz85.2981511*185Running
23518D Lia-2L130170Running
35029M Max-2L130165Running
490P Butts-3L120160Running
51110B Hogg-3L120155Running
6326J Leaty-4L110150Running
71822B Angles-5L100146Running
82555B Vance-5L100142Accident
91061D Hamilton-5L100138Running
104338J James-6L90134Retired
11314J Myers-6L90130Accident
122431G Pack-6L90127Running
13163E Beers-6L90124Accident
14271Y Smith-6L90121Running
15711H Wilkins-6L90118Running
162381B Pack-7L80115Accident
17228T York-8L71117Accident
183815L Leeson-9L60109Accident
193993S Vivy-9L60106Retired
201916M Stefanik-9L60103Accident
211443S Huhn-9L60100Retired
221757B Burton Jr.-9L6097Accident
233321J Hill-10L5094Retired
242055C Ferguson-11L4396Accident
253429K Harvick-11L4088Accident
261314R Bones-11L4085Retired
272826A Jones-11L4082Accident
284021T Bear-12L3079Accident
292144R Ruggiero-12L3076Accident
301548T Hirschman-12L3073Accident
31102T Szegedy-12L3070Accident
32683T Brown-12L3067Accident
333728J Civali-13L2064Accident
34369T Phil-13L2061Accident
351261A Baker-13L2058Accident
362023C Arnold-13L2055Accident
372694K Miller-13L2052Retired
38824J McFarland-13L2049Accident
393017B King-13L2046Accident
404188C Hines-14L1043Accident
414036T Christopher-14L1040Retired
422907F Fleming-14L1037Accident
43425C Pasteryak-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 81 °F, South 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Heat 2

Track: BoneCrusher

Date: 02/01/12

Session: Qualifying

1061D Hamilton25.082
2013T Nadz25.384
3055C Ferguson25.984
4029M Max26.278
5021T Bear26.484
693S Vivy30.776
724T Raines31.043
821J Schmitt31.050
923C Arnold31.081
1017B King31.093
1115Z Sylvester31.175
1210B Hogg31.592
1329K Harvick31.822
141Y Smith32.307
154S Paulmer32.703
1611H Wilkins32.830
1716K Tomlinson32.847
1848T Hirschman32.879
1961Y Name32.928
2094K Miller32.999
216J Leaty33.090
220P Butts33.175
2326A Jones33.217
249T Phil33.302
258T York33.377
2607F Fleming33.403
2736T Christopher33.500
2844R Ruggiero33.529
2918D Lia33.572
3046J Rodrigez33.585
312T Szegedy33.603
3222B Angles33.690
3357B Burton Jr.33.772
345C Pasteryak33.850
3514R Bones33.940
3643S Huhn33.969
3755B Vance34.072
3869J Miller34.081
3983T Brown34.289
4081B Pack34.327
4128J Civali34.927
423E Beers35.038
4338J James35.580

Weather: Clear, 86 °F, East 18 mph

Session: Race


11061D Hamilton92.412156180Running
22013T Nadz-2L138*180Running
33983T Brown-3L120165Running
41611H Wilkins-4L110160Running
53357B Burton Jr.-5L100155Running
6345C Pasteryak-6L90150Accident
72607F Fleming-6L90146Running
8821J Schmitt-6L90142Running
9249T Phil-7L80138Accident
10154S Paulmer-7L80134Accident
111716K Tomlinson-7L80130Accident
124338J James-7L80127Accident
133046J Rodrigez-7L80124Retired
143643S Huhn-8L70121Accident
152094K Miller-8L70118Retired
161848T Hirschman-8L71120Accident
172844R Ruggiero-8L70112Accident
184128J Civali-9L60109Accident
191115Z Sylvester-9L60106Accident
201329K Harvick-9L60103Running
214029M Max-10L50100Accident
22312T Szegedy-11L4097Retired
233755B Vance-11L4094Accident
241017B King-11L4091Accident
252326A Jones-11L4088Accident
26724T Raines-11L4085Accident
275021T Bear-12L3082Accident
282736T Christopher-12L3079Accident
293869J Miller-12L3076Retired
301210B Hogg-12L3073Retired
31923C Arnold-12L3070Accident
322918D Lia-12L3067Retired
333222B Angles-13L2064Accident
343514R Bones-13L2061Accident
35141Y Smith-13L2058Retired
36258T York-13L2055Accident
3721055C Ferguson-13L2052Accident
38693S Vivy-13L2049Accident
391961Y Name-14L1046Accident
40423E Beers-14L1043Accident
41220P Butts-14L1040Accident
424081B Pack-15L0037Accident
4336J Leaty-15L0037Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 86 °F, Northeast 14 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 101%


2055Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds


Track: BoneCrusher

Date: 02/01/12

Session: Qualifying

1061D Hamilton24.772
2013T Nadz25.207
3021T Bear25.977
4029M Max26.136
543S Huhn30.929
61B Myers30.931
76J Leaty30.978
848T Hirschman31.062
926A Jones31.136
1083T Brown31.549
1122B Angles31.722
1261Y Name32.426
1388C Hines32.557
1411H Wilkins32.779
1538J James33.189
1636T Christopher33.333
1793S Vivy33.366
180P Butts33.466
1946J Rodrigez33.509
2081B Pack33.543
2117B King33.595
2218D Lia33.641
2315L Leeson33.709
2423C Arnold33.745
252T Szegedy33.764
2629K Harvick33.772
2744R Ruggiero33.773
2810B Hogg33.926
294S Paulmer33.953
309T Phil33.973
3124T Raines34.075
3294K Miller34.090
3369J Miller34.120
3428J Civali34.285
3514R Bones34.298
3616M Stefanik34.304
3755B Vance34.339
388T York34.616
3931G Pack35.246
4021J Hill35.340
413E Beers35.345
4207F Fleming--
43055C Ferguson--

Weather: Clear, 88 °F, East 11 mph

Session: Race


1309T Phil78.1982515*185Running
2294S Paulmer-1L240170Running
33021T Bear-4L210165Running
44021J Hill-5L200160Running
51122B Angles-6L190155Running
64029M Max-7L180150Disco
73514R Bones-11L144151Accident
83931G Pack-13L120142Accident
93294K Miller-14L110138Accident
10848T Hirschman-15L100134Accident
111411H Wilkins-15L100130DQ
122315L Leeson-16L90127Retired
132810B Hogg-17L80124Retired
14543S Huhn-17L83126Accident
151793S Vivy-17L80118Retired
16926A Jones-18L70115Retired
173755B Vance-18L70112Retired
1843055C Ferguson-18L70109Accident
192744R Ruggiero-18L70106Accident
201261Y Name-18L70103Retired
212423C Arnold-18L70100Accident
224207F Fleming-18L7097Accident
231388C Hines-19L6094Accident
24252T Szegedy-19L6091Accident
251946J Rodrigez-21L4088Accident
263616M Stefanik-21L4085Accident
2761B Myers-21L4287Accident
282117B King-21L4079Accident
292629K Harvick-21L4076Accident
30388T York-22L3073Accident
312013T Nadz-22L3070Accident
323369J Miller-22L3067Accident
331061D Hamilton-22L3064Accident
341636T Christopher-23L2166Accident
353124T Raines-23L2058Accident
361083T Brown-23L2055Accident
372218D Lia-23L2052Accident
38180P Butts-23L2049Accident
3976J Leaty-23L2046Accident
403428J Civali-23L2043Retired
412081B Pack-24L1040Accident
421538J James-24L1037Accident
43413E Beers-25L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 88 °F, East 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 102%


3061Dropping FluidPit for repairs
16021Dropping FluidPit for repairs
16021Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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