Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Twisted Metal Tour - Grid Iron Division 2015 - 1-3 Raleigh

After some housekeeping with technical aspects, we got going and had a great opener to the season.  Rob was able to join us after a bit of a hiatus and Zack has made an appearance as well.  In fact the only regular out was Scot who had black helicopters to fly.  And Bill had to miss due to a stringent night life.

Unfortunately, my 1st race replay was corrupted, the second race bounced to desktop before I could save it and the 3rd race I must have forgot.  Sadly, there are no screen grabs this time.  I'll make it up, I promise.

Race 1:  Actually had to redo as the sim crashed ON THE LAST OF 40 LAPS!  We redid with a 10 lap sprint instead as that was way too long otherwise.  Sad because I would have won the first.  Zack had lots of trouble through both and would have had 4th in the first but did a second for the repeat.  Had to go with Moderate damage to avoid potential crash to desktops.

Race 2: Just a 20 lapper with Moderate damage again.  Zack again showed great prowess and longevity and pulled out a 3rd.  I held the lead after a late race tangle at the cross over to take the win.

Race 3:  Lots of humans out on this one.  Rob proved the tortoise-approach was worth while and managed top 20s for the night as he didn't die (Surprisingly.  I saw some of those hits).  But it would be Zack with a win and the only driver, period, to have a podium in every race.  What a way to break into the championship.

I could go on at length about the destruction and chaos of it all, but it's overwhelming and I'm tired.  Next week we will be off to Michigan Volcano where staying alive may prove quite difficult.  More so.

You can see where folks are in the standings but I'll start posting who has the highest positioned team AI here after each "weekend".  This is kind of a most wanted board as it has the most potential for bonus points at the end of the series.

  • 1st AI - N/A
  • 2nd AI - N/A
  • 3rd AI - N/A
  • 1st AI NFL - Saints - Darrel
  • 2nd AI NFL - Steelers - Rob
  • 1st AI NCAA - USC Trojans - Bill

Race 1

Session: Qualifying

110B Bills--
211T Longhorns--
356M Max--
488N Saints--
583C Bears--
662J Jaguars--
727O Ducks--
847F Gators--
952T Titans--
1055L Tigers--
1144N Fighting Irish--
1285U Trojans--
1395B Man--
1416S 49ers--
1521S Chargers--
1673T Buccaneers--
1734N Giants--
1832K Chiefs--
1958P Steelers--
2098N Jets--
2112N Patriots--
2260I Colts--
2339G Bulldogs--
2475O Raiders--
2537P Eagles--
2620B Ravens--
2799D Cowboys--
2881F Seminoles--
2929G Packers--
3033S Seahawks--
3180D Lions--
3242M Wolverines--
3345H Texans--
3431O Buckeyes--
3538A Cardinals--
3613M Dolphins--
3761A Crimson Tide--
3822C Ferguson--
3986T Nadz--
4023Z Webster--
417D Hamilton--
4263T Bear--
4328R Cook--

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, West 3 mph

Session: Race


1110B Bills61.753109*185Running
24023Z Webster-4.24100170Running
33180D Lions-1L90165Running
43986T Nadz-1L90160Running
51055L Tigers-1L90155Running
61958P Steelers-1L90150Running
7488N Saints-2L80146Running
82098N Jets-2L80142Running
94263T Bear-2L80138Running
101285U Trojans-2L80134Running
112881F Seminoles-2L80130Running
12417D Hamilton-2L80127Running
133431O Buckeyes-2L80124Running
14727O Ducks-3L70121Running
15356M Max-3L71123Accident
162112N Patriots-3L70115Retired
171416S 49ers-3L70112Running
18952T Titans-4L60109Accident
193761A Crimson Tide-4L60106Accident
202339G Bulldogs-4L60103Running
211521S Chargers-4L60100Running
221832K Chiefs-5L5097Accident
233242M Wolverines-5L5094Running
243822C Ferguson-5L5091Running
254328R Cook-5L5088Running
262537P Eagles-6L4085Accident
272620B Ravens-6L4082Accident
28662J Jaguars-7L3079Accident
29583C Bears-7L3076Accident
301673T Buccaneers-7L3073Accident
312260I Colts-7L3070Accident
323538A Cardinals-7L3067Accident
331395B Man-7L3064Retired
342475O Raiders-7L3061Accident
353033S Seahawks-7L3058Accident
363345H Texans-7L3055Retired
37847F Gators-8L2052Accident
383613M Dolphins-8L2049Accident
392799D Cowboys-8L2046Accident
402929G Packers-8L2043Retired
41211T Longhorns-8L2040Accident
421144N Fighting Irish-9L1037Accident
431734N Giants-9L1034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, West 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


222Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
923Smoking EnginePit for repairs
863Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
1063Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

186T Nadz21.996
239G Bulldogs22.317
385U Trojans22.439
456M Max22.461
534N Giants22.483
611T Longhorns22.492
788N Saints22.575
883C Bears22.576
910B Bills22.596
1029G Packers22.616
1133S Seahawks22.633
1280D Lions22.637
1352T Titans22.646
1445H Texans22.653
1531O Buckeyes22.660
1661A Crimson Tide22.662
1758P Steelers22.662
1844N Fighting Irish22.667
1927O Ducks22.669
2016S 49ers22.681
2147F Gators22.689
2237P Eagles22.694
2320B Ravens22.695
2473T Buccaneers22.702
2521S Chargers22.725
2612N Patriots22.727
2795B Man22.739
2832K Chiefs22.745
2962J Jaguars22.749
3098N Jets22.755
3138A Cardinals22.765
3255L Tigers22.772
3375O Raiders22.775
3481F Seminoles22.794
3542M Wolverines22.827
3699D Cowboys22.841
3713M Dolphins22.843
3860I Colts22.851
3923Z Webster23.034
407D Hamilton23.708
4122C Ferguson25.304
4263T Bear25.938
4328R Cook27.617

Weather: Clear, 47 °F, East 17 mph

Session: Race


1186T Nadz63.487193180Running
2534N Giants-16.301911*180Running
33923Z Webster-23.57190165Running
42832K Chiefs-33.01190160Running
5407D Hamilton-1L180155Running
6788N Saints-2L170150Running
71531O Buckeyes-3L160146Running
82320B Ravens-3L160142Running
91758P Steelers-3L160138Running
102237P Eagles-3L160134Running
114263T Bear-4L150130Running
12456M Max-12L70127Retired
13910B Bills-12L70124Retired
144328R Cook-12L70121Running
153255L Tigers-13L60118Accident
163138A Cardinals-13L60115Accident
173375O Raiders-13L60112Accident
183481F Seminoles-13L60109Accident
193860I Colts-13L60106Accident
20611T Longhorns-14L53108Accident
211352T Titans-14L50100DQ
222795B Man-14L5097Accident
231445H Texans-14L5094DQ
24883C Bears-14L5091DQ
251927O Ducks-14L5088DQ
261844N Fighting Irish-15L4085Accident
272473T Buccaneers-15L4082Accident
283098N Jets-15L4079DQ
292016S 49ers-16L3076Retired
30385U Trojans-16L3278Accident
31239G Bulldogs-16L3070Accident
321133S Seahawks-16L3067Accident
332147F Gators-16L3064Accident
341661A Crimson Tide-17L2061Accident
352612N Patriots-17L2058Accident
362521S Chargers-17L2055Accident
373542M Wolverines-17L2052Accident
383699D Cowboys-17L2049Accident
391029G Packers-18L1046Accident
401280D Lions-18L1043Accident
412962J Jaguars-18L1040Accident
423713M Dolphins-18L1037Accident
434122C Ferguson-18L1034DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 47 °F, Northeast 10 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


022Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
128Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
222Cutting the courseHeld for 25 seconds
422Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

144N Fighting Irish20.740
262J Jaguars22.410
310B Bills22.578
421S Chargers22.606
538A Cardinals22.619
652T Titans22.628
786T Nadz22.629
895B Man22.630
980D Lions22.633
1011T Longhorns22.639
1132K Chiefs22.646
1261A Crimson Tide22.651
1320B Ravens22.655
1445H Texans22.666
1523Z Webster22.670
1637P Eagles22.672
1756M Max22.679
1858P Steelers22.685
1942M Wolverines22.695
2085U Trojans22.708
2199D Cowboys22.711
2212N Patriots22.728
2398N Jets22.736
2460I Colts22.738
2527O Ducks22.760
2655L Tigers22.762
2716S 49ers22.769
2833S Seahawks22.783
2947F Gators22.789
3073T Buccaneers22.793
3134N Giants22.793
3213M Dolphins22.794
3329G Packers22.813
3481F Seminoles22.822
3539G Bulldogs22.827
3631O Buckeyes22.832
3775O Raiders22.839
3888N Saints22.903
3983C Bears22.912
407D Hamilton23.606
4163T Bear23.665
4222C Ferguson24.106
4328R Cook25.702

Weather: Clear, 70 °F, Northeast 11 mph

Session: Race


11523Z Webster63.330205180Running
22833S Seahawks-2.00200170Running
32199D Cowboys-7.13200165Running
42085U Trojans-8.44200160Running
52947F Gators-1L190155Running
63073T Buccaneers-4L160150Retired
71011T Longhorns-4L160146Retired
83775O Raiders-4L160142Accident
93888N Saints-4L160138Running
103134N Giants-5L1510*144Accident
111261A Crimson Tide-6L141135Accident
123983C Bears-8L120127Accident
133481F Seminoles-10L100124Accident
144328R Cook-10L100121Running
15652T Titans-12L80118Accident
16310B Bills-14L62120Accident
17144N Fighting Irish-15L50112Retired
181637P Eagles-15L50109Retired
19786T Nadz-16L40106Accident
203213M Dolphins-16L40103Accident
211756M Max-16L40100Accident
221858P Steelers-16L4097Accident
234163T Bear-16L4094Running
242460I Colts-16L4091Accident
25538A Cardinals-17L3088Retired
261132K Chiefs-17L3085Retired
272655L Tigers-17L3082Accident
282398N Jets-17L3079Retired
29895B Man-17L3076Retired
302212N Patriots-17L3073Retired
31262J Jaguars-17L3175Accident
32407D Hamilton-17L3067Accident
33980D Lions-17L3064Accident
341445H Texans-17L3061Accident
351942M Wolverines-18L2163Accident
36421S Chargers-18L2055Accident
374222C Ferguson-18L2052Accident
382716S 49ers-18L2049Accident
391320B Ravens-18L2046Accident
402527O Ducks-19L1043Accident
413631O Buckeyes-19L1040Accident
423329G Packers-20L0037Accident
433539G Bulldogs-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 69 °F, Northeast 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


37Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds

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