Monday, January 30, 2017

Twisted Metal 2017 - Michigan Volcano R10-12

Sans Zack tonight as he's busy with "adult responsibilities".  For two TMTs in a row, he's missed this place.  And missed some great races.

Race 1:
Sandy and I went for it and took up row 2 while others stayed at the rear.

100% chance of wrecking immediately.

High off my starboard, he was getting killed by the Colts.

And several others as he attempted to recover.

Scot slowed up attempting to pick through the pile when the Panters came up and knocked him sideways.  I mean, really...

I quickly took the lead and Darrel was on the charge with a head full of steam.

And as we know, steam rises and so did Darrel's car...into the catch fence.  He was immediately down the order.

They both managed to recover and would spend the next several laps not more than about a second apart at any time.

Which was crazy because there's lots of crazy stuff all over the place.

Sandy was getting more doses of punishment as he found more people to run into.

I thought things were going well at the top but quickly learned things are never safe, ever.  I got screwed up with the Gamecocks...

...then Villanova.

And down through half the field I went.

Scot stayed straight and narrow on the path and I was just a few cars ahead.

The three humans then worked past wrecking traffic (hi Dad) up the field.

He didn't get me...hehehe.

But he did shoot his race more in the foot.  A tow is required.

Darrel was right on Scot's ass and then after several laps of cat and mouse, the bricks fell.  He caught on the Falcons.

BUT, he managed to save it and keep her straight.  He then put the attack on Scot.

And overzealously continued that.

But it didn't work out.

And neither did it for me after I got caught on Scot's Lions.

My return to glory was cut short.

The wreckers were called.  Funny, in the time it took for me to totally wreck myself, Darrel managed to recover and get back in the pursuit for Scot.

He'd see old friends along the way.  Darrel was a lap or so ahead but Sandy was making up ground.  He WILL get a point this race.

Darrel was actually starting to get the hang of things and turnout out my Eagles.

Penultimate lap, Scot was leading when he crested the hill and found the Broncos!

Oh what backflips for joy!

I then took the lead with Scot to 3rd.

Not to be outdone, he knocked the Dolphins out of the way and was on the road for the top.

Only one more jump to go, my car dug in.

And suddenly turned right as I tried to just barely correct.

I almost caught it but started rolling.

And Scot goes flying by on the inside.

I'd manage to get a good finish in the top 5 but Scot reclaimed his throne and took the win.

Race 2:
Moderate damage and I started things off by killing the Seahawks accidentally.

It caused something of a wreck.

Sandy came up on it pretty quick and got spun by the Eagles.

He then turned about and slammed Darrel in the size.  They both spun about for a bit.

Meanwhile at the front of the grid, I was trying to hold off the charge but was tapped by the Badgers!

I spun...

...and was flipped...

...and greatly wrecked with others.  Good to see the Badgers getting destroyed in the back there.  I hope Scot is proud of these awesome wrecks I'm causing.

As I was smoking, Sandy flew by my smoking heap with Darrel not far behind.

The grew wouldn't fix it and neither would the official.

Darrel was rolling around when the Jets decided they had damaged and sideswipped the hell out of him.

He rolled but managed to not die and actually kept things together pretty well.  Scot went by and got a lap on him.

I came out on the track to slowly roll around until I got a black flag or saw competition worth wrecking when Green Bay slapped the piss out of me.

I was still barely alive until the NY Giants hit me, taking us both out.  0 for the team.  Well done.

Sandy was on the charge after Scot as he rose up the order and also got into the Jets.

Despite the hard hit, he kept it going and saved it from rolling.

He was then up to 2nd and also lapping Darrel who was actually top 10 by this point.

Sandy was on a charge and looking for a win.

But Scot was at least two turns ahead.

And took the win with Sandy 2nd.

Race 3:
Round three and the laps were reduce by another 5 to 20, only because we'd probably never make it to 30.  All humans elect to start WAY in the back.

Even then we managed to get caught in some of the wrecking.  By 'we' I mean me.

Everyone else kept it clean and moved up.

I was charging hard and barely avoid the pitfalls of massive wrecking.


Sandy and Darrel weren't far behind and Darrel just got tagged by the Buccs.

Scot flew by and kept Sandy in his sights.

After a few laps, Sandy started to spy me on the horizon.

And he closed in.

With little traffic to get in the way and my car slightly more broken than his, he slowly reeled me in.

Soon I was within striking distance.  But would I try and take him out.  Truly a game of high-speed-cat-and-mouse.

We danced for about half a dozen laps until the final one.  I had a little too much lift over the second-to-last jump.

I smacked the outside wall and lost speed.

But would Sandy have enough to carry through to the finish line.

With .078 of a second between us, I held him off for a palm-sweatin' 1st.  He could have had a win but 2nd is still good points.  Better than dead.

We now go to the tiny figure 8 at Sandy and Darrel's home track, Raleigh.

Race 1

Session: Practice

186T Nadz32.688
263T Bear33.787
345D Hamilton33.966
456M Max34.346
54V Hokies35.959
612N Patriots36.262
73W Badgers36.383
820B Ravens36.404
922C Bengals36.410
105W Mountaineers36.450
111T Aggies36.453
1288N Saints36.501
1362J Jaguars36.545
1490S Gamecocks36.569
1533S Seahawks36.600
1695A Falcons36.629
1740M Spartans36.635
1873T Buccaneers36.639
1916S 49ers36.652
207D Broncos36.661
2198N Jets36.665
2238A Cardinals36.709
2328S Rams36.726
2475O Raiders36.731
2532K Chiefs36.821
266V Wildcats36.823
2721S Chargers36.825
2829G Packers36.826
2952T Titans36.826
3050B Bears36.860
3170P Nittany Lions36.891
3237P Eagles36.895
3380D Lions36.901
3413M Dolphins36.976
3583C Bears36.978
3699D Cowboys37.013
3723C Panthers37.014
3834N Giants37.051
3958P Steelers37.068
4030P Boilermakers37.092
4110B Bills37.131
4260I Colts37.181
432N Cornhuskers37.355

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, South 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

170P Nittany Lions33.139
26V Wildcats33.162
386T Nadz33.713
463T Bear34.281
560I Colts34.396
64V Hokies34.529
745D Hamilton34.802
895A Falcons35.058
980D Lions35.080
1016S 49ers35.165
1113M Dolphins35.229
1233S Seahawks35.232
1332K Chiefs35.238
1423C Panthers35.298
1538A Cardinals35.348
163W Badgers35.366
1740M Spartans35.403
1834N Giants35.502
1950B Bears35.549
2075O Raiders35.555
2121S Chargers35.775
2283C Bears35.816
2388N Saints35.858
2498N Jets35.862
2556M Max35.907
2622C Bengals36.099
277D Broncos36.229
2810B Bills36.398
2958P Steelers36.899
3090S Gamecocks37.247
315W Mountaineers38.229
3229G Packers--
3399D Cowboys--
342N Cornhuskers--
351T Aggies--
3652T Titans--
3712N Patriots--
3873T Buccaneers--
3920B Ravens--
4028S Rams--
4162J Jaguars--
4230P Boilermakers--
4337P Eagles--

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, East 2 mph

Session: Happy Hour

163T Bear34.410
256M Max36.539
323C Panthers36.671
47D Broncos36.848
590S Gamecocks37.016
638A Cardinals37.028
750B Bears37.059
812N Patriots37.099
910B Bills37.106
1088N Saints37.142
1180D Lions37.346
1252T Titans37.348
1328S Rams37.387
1475O Raiders37.417
1529G Packers37.453
1699D Cowboys37.554
1721S Chargers37.660
1820B Ravens37.676
1933S Seahawks37.992
202N Cornhuskers38.099
2160I Colts38.210
2283C Bears38.809
235W Mountaineers39.039
2416S 49ers44.376
2545D Hamilton45.432
2673T Buccaneers47.701
2713M Dolphins48.561
2837P Eagles49.524
291T Aggies50.612
3086T Nadz1:44.120

Weather: Cloudy, -172 °F, Southwest 1 mph

Session: Race


12556M Max189.157307180Running
2170P Nittany Lions-3.20308175Running
31423C Panthers-4.66300165Running
4386T Nadz-10.17304165Running
5351T Aggies-16.62300155Running
6315W Mountaineers-21.42300150Running
72958P Steelers-22.40300146Running
83229G Packers-22.48300142Running
93090S Gamecocks-24.76300138Running
101233S Seahawks-24.79300134Running
114162J Jaguars-34.57300130Running
122622C Bengals-35.02300127Running
134337P Eagles-35.20300124Running
14745D Hamilton-35.22300121Running
151016S 49ers-37.19300118Running
162498N Jets-39.08300115Running
171332K Chiefs-1L290112Running
183399D Cowboys-1L290109Running
191950B Bears-1L290106Running
201740M Spartans-1L290103Running
21163W Badgers-1L290100Running
222121S Chargers-1L29097Running
232388N Saints-1L29094Running
241538A Cardinals-1L29091Running
252810B Bills-1L29088Running
262283C Bears-1L29085Running
271834N Giants-1L29082Running
28980D Lions-2L28079Running
29463T Bear-2L28076Running
30277D Broncos-3L27073Running
31560I Colts-3L27070Running
3226V Wildcats-4L2611*77Running
333652T Titans-4L26064Running
341113M Dolphins-4L26061Running
354028S Rams-4L26058Running
3664V Hokies-4L26055Running
373873T Buccaneers-6L24052Running
383920B Ravens-6L24049Running
394230P Boilermakers-7L23046Running
40895A Falcons-7L23043Running
412075O Raiders-9L21040Running
423712N Patriots-11L19037Running
43342N Cornhuskers-11L19034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -172 °F, West 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

133S Seahawks33.423
252T Titans33.988
386T Nadz34.020
490S Gamecocks34.138
54V Hokies34.535
61T Aggies34.703
750B Bears34.848
840M Spartans35.095
93W Badgers35.154
1080D Lions35.155
117D Broncos35.183
1230P Boilermakers35.225
1375O Raiders35.303
1412N Patriots35.324
1599D Cowboys35.332
1658P Steelers35.366
1734N Giants35.388
1883C Bears35.422
1910B Bills35.457
2037P Eagles35.492
2129G Packers35.716
2295A Falcons35.856
2398N Jets36.075
2462J Jaguars36.354
2520B Ravens36.428
2673T Buccaneers36.500
2738A Cardinals36.871
285W Mountaineers36.875
2928S Rams--
3060I Colts--
3132K Chiefs--
3288N Saints--
3316S 49ers--
3422C Bengals--
352N Cornhuskers--
3621S Chargers--
3723C Panthers--
386V Wildcats--
3970P Nittany Lions--
4013M Dolphins--
4145D Hamilton--
4263T Bear--
4356M Max--

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, East 3 mph

Session: Race


14356M Max199.0662514*185Running
24263T Bear-8.72250170Running
354V Hokies-19.952510170Running
42520B Ravens-28.78250160Running
561T Aggies-30.74250155Running
63970P Nittany Lions-1L240150Running
73723C Panthers-1L240146Running
84145D Hamilton-2L230142Running
94013M Dolphins-2L230138Running
101375O Raiders-7L181139Accident
11840M Spartans-7L180130Accident
122129G Packers-11L140127Accident
131230P Boilermakers-18L70124Accident
142398N Jets-20L50121Retired
151599D Cowboys-21L40118Accident
16490S Gamecocks-21L40115Accident
171734N Giants-22L30112Accident
181910B Bills-23L20109Retired
192462J Jaguars-23L20106Clutch
202037P Eagles-23L20103Accident
211080D Lions-24L10100Retired
223621S Chargers-24L1097Accident
23285W Mountaineers-24L1094Accident
241658P Steelers-24L1091Accident
25750B Bears-24L1088Retired
26386T Nadz-24L1085Accident
272928S Rams-24L1082Accident
28386V Wildcats-24L1079Accident
291412N Patriots-24L1076Accident
30133S Seahawks-24L1073Accident
312295A Falcons-24L1070Accident
32117D Broncos-24L1067Accident
3393W Badgers-24L1064Accident
341883C Bears-24L1061Retired
352738A Cardinals-25L0058Accident
36252T Titans-25L0055Accident
373132K Chiefs-25L0052Accident
383316S 49ers-25L0049Retired
393060I Colts-25L0046Accident
40352N Cornhuskers-25L0043Accident
412673T Buccaneers-25L0040Accident
423288N Saints-25L0037Accident
433422C Bengals-25L0034Overheat

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -171 °F, East 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


086Passing on the insideStop and go

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

140M Spartans--
26V Wildcats--
358P Steelers--
41T Aggies--
54V Hokies--
688N Saints--
734N Giants--
883C Bears--
937P Eagles--
1020B Ravens--
1175O Raiders--
1290S Gamecocks--
1360I Colts--
1432K Chiefs--
1533S Seahawks--
1638A Cardinals--
1780D Lions--
187D Broncos--
1929G Packers--
2021S Chargers--
2173T Buccaneers--
2223C Panthers--
235W Mountaineers--
2428S Rams--
2570P Nittany Lions--
2610B Bills--
273W Badgers--
2822C Bengals--
2913M Dolphins--
3095A Falcons--
3130P Boilermakers--
3262J Jaguars--
3398N Jets--
3499D Cowboys--
352N Cornhuskers--
3650B Bears--
3752T Titans--
3816S 49ers--
3912N Patriots--
4045D Hamilton--
4156M Max--
4286T Nadz--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, East 3 mph

Session: Race


1786T Nadz195.4092011*185Running
24363T Bear-0.08200170Running
34156M Max-5.63200165Running
426V Wildcats-15.82204165Running
5734N Giants-24.73205160Running
63816S 49ers-25.08200150Running
7358P Steelers-28.85200146Running
83650B Bears-29.63200142Running
93912N Patriots-1L190138Running
102610B Bills-1L190134Running
111175O Raiders-3L170130Running
1241T Aggies-7L130127Running
131360I Colts-10L100124Accident
1454V Hokies-13L70121Accident
153499D Cowboys-14L60118Accident
163398N Jets-14L60115Accident
173095A Falcons-14L60112Accident
181780D Lions-14L60109Accident
19352N Cornhuskers-14L60106Accident
203130P Boilermakers-14L60103Accident
211929G Packers-15L50100Accident
224045D Hamilton-16L4097Accident
231638A Cardinals-16L4094Accident
242173T Buccaneers-16L4091Accident
252223C Panthers-16L4088Retired
261020B Ravens-16L4085Radiator
272822C Bengals-17L3082Accident
28883C Bears-17L3079Accident
291432K Chiefs-17L3076Accident
30140M Spartans-17L3073Accident
313752T Titans-19L1070Accident
32235W Mountaineers-19L1067Accident
331533S Seahawks-19L1064Retired
34937P Eagles-19L1061Accident
35187D Broncos-19L1058Accident
362021S Chargers-19L1055Accident
37688N Saints-19L1052Accident
381290S Gamecocks-19L1049Accident
392428S Rams-20L0046Accident
402570P Nittany Lions-20L0043Accident
41273W Badgers-20L0040Accident
422913M Dolphins-20L0037Accident
433262J Jaguars-20L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, Southeast 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%