Sunday, February 12, 2017

Twisted Metal 2017 - North Carolina Jump R16-18

Our second wild card track and I'll spoil it by saying that there was no winner between Scot's and Rob's teams.  The draw was for Most Awards and it was a dead heat at one each.  It was very close at times though.  Both drivers could have used points; Scot to close the gap with me in first and Rob to climb out of mid field.  But there are plenty of more races and at least one more potential shot at a Wild Card in the final three rounds at Destruction Arena.  For now, we'll take a look at how North Carolina Jump went for everyone.

Race 1:
A late decision to forego qualifying had us starting at the rear of the field.

Which put us right in the backstretch wreck.  Darrel and Zack had a rough go early on while Sandy and I launched at the field.

Lap 2 was scary...

Lap 3 had me end up on the inside wall and I would have to switch to plan B: cause havoc.

Darrel was finding himself constantly in wrecks and Sandy was doing his best to stay out of it but couldn't.

Zack also found himself in some of the pileups, attempting to vault over them.  Which he did with some success.  This would not be an effective strategy in damage races.

Sandy was then on the hunt for Zack and the top position, watching as I took out competitors.

He ended up running into the outside wall avoiding wrecks and cracked his car into this little disjointed wall section.

I don't know if it was that hit or the subsequent odd gear changing that followed but he took a page out of Scot's book and his engine died in a non-damage race.

Darrel wasn't fairing much better and found himself on pit road more than once after turtling.

I continued to attack Zack's team as they had a distinct advantage with all of them in the top ten at one point during the race.

I also tried taking out others that were in front of my teammates...

...but Zack kept things steady for the win and also saw his Raiders and Broncos hold their top ten spots.  A big points haul in race one.

Race 2:
Another laid back start for the humans.  Sandy and Darrel made sure to lay WAY back.

Zack and I tried to get close to the action but it was just smoke and mirrors on the first pass.

The real wreck was taking place on the front stretch and Zack got a hood full of Wisconsin.

He survived and was racing back with Sandy and Darrel for a bit.

I was up trying to get through log jams of traffic without getting wrecked.

Sandy and Darrel were working on avoiding accidents and keeping pace with each other.

10 Laps in and Zack was making hay when he reached a pile of unmovable objects, slamming the hell out of my Cowboys and killing himself for good.

The wreck was still there when Darrel showed up shortly after.

Sandy and I quickly joined the mix.  Even full on the brakes, I barreled into the side of the Browns car and we both went flying.  He did not survive.

I did but I started leaking fluid later on and had to get fixed.  The pits are not safe as Scot's Vikings killed themselves right behind me.

Running 4th and chasing down Darrel, I collided with the Panthers and started see-sawing.  It ended with me going straight into the wall, the air and other dimensions which obliterated all my atoms.

Darrel kept it cool and steady, taking a 3rd of about four or five cars remaining.

Race 3:
Last race and we shortened from 40 to 30 laps for sake of sanity (based on so few finishing the Moderate damage race).  Darrel took the "easy-does-it" strategy and hung WAY back.

Didn't seem too bad on the first pass, only minor spins and most of the wrecking flowing towards the inside.

Zack made a decisive pass and left Sandy and me in the dust.

A couple laps later, this roadblock was happening.

With no room for brakes, Zack and Sandy piled in, with Sandy landing on the Chargers car and most of the wall.

I threw myself to the inside, turning my car into a wedge but coming out without debilitating damage.

The sandbagger, Darrel, came up on the scene very quickly and aimed for The Bear, shutting his eyes and anticipating the end.

But suddenly his way was clear as Sandy disappeared, giving Darrel his singular chance to do well.

Zack actually got his ride fixed even though he looked like he was done.

But against Darrel's nearly pristine ride, he didn't stand much chance.

And in an unorthodox move, Zack seized upon Scot's Vikings while Scot was out.  Keep in mind that Scot and Rob were going at each other for the wildcard.  Could it be that Zack was trying to help him get an award?  Was he helping Rob?  Maybe he was just trying to get points for himself?  Either way, they both were dead.

Darrel continued on and stayed out of trouble, avoiding the few remaining cars on the track.  I had no steam to try and catch him and resorted to simply holding off contenders for 5th.  Darrel took the well deserved win but sadly had no teammates to help him with finishing points.

The Colts and Rams each had a Headache award during the three races, meaning no points were exchanged.  We now go on to Mission Demo 8 for our second figure 8 of the season.  What could go wrong?

Race 1


Session: Practice

121Z Webster18.393
263T Bear18.476
345D Hamilton18.555
486T Nadz18.710
590S Gamecocks19.986
688N Saints20.025
723C Panthers20.027
860I Colts20.031
958P Steelers20.034
1032K Chiefs20.049
1130P Boilermakers20.052
1238A Cardinals20.061
1328S Rams20.075
1433S Seahawks20.075
1595A Falcons20.084
161T Aggies20.102
173W Badgers20.104
186V Wildcats20.122
197D Broncos20.125
2016S 49ers20.129
212N Cornhuskers20.130
2252T Titans20.142
2340M Spartans20.160
2420B Ravens20.160
2522C Bengals20.169
2610B Bills20.186
275W Mountaineers20.195
2870P Nittany Lions20.197
2937P Eagles20.201
3029G Packers20.208
3113M Dolphins20.231
3280D Lions20.238
334V Hokies20.244
3450B Bears20.250
3599D Cowboys20.251
3662J Jaguars20.273
3773T Buccaneers20.277
3834N Giants20.281
3956M Vikings20.299
4083C Bears20.300
4175O Raiders20.330
4298N Jets20.344
4312N Patriots20.379

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Southwest 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

140M Spartans--
223C Panthers--
390S Gamecocks--
450B Bears--
528S Rams--
630P Boilermakers--
780D Lions--
81T Aggies--
988N Saints--
105W Mountaineers--
1132K Chiefs--
1275O Raiders--
136V Wildcats--
1437P Eagles--
1560I Colts--
1634N Giants--
1733S Seahawks--
183W Badgers--
1929G Packers--
2052T Titans--
214V Hokies--
2256M Vikings--
2395A Falcons--
2422C Bengals--
2598N Jets--
2673T Buccaneers--
2712N Patriots--
282N Cornhuskers--
2983C Bears--
3099D Cowboys--
3170P Nittany Lions--
3258P Steelers--
3316S 49ers--
347D Broncos--
3520B Ravens--
3610B Bills--
3713M Dolphins--
3862J Jaguars--
3938A Cardinals--
4045D Hamilton--
4186T Nadz--
4221Z Webster--
4363T Bear--

Session: Race


14221Z Webster167.319407180Running
2630P Boilermakers-3.62400170Running
3214V Hokies-19.37400165Running
41275O Raiders-1L390160Running
5183W Badgers-1L390155Running
62395A Falcons-1L390150Running
781T Aggies-1L3931*156Running
83316S 49ers-1L390142Running
91132K Chiefs-1L390138Running
102673T Buccaneers-1L390134Running
11282N Cornhuskers-1L390130Running
12136V Wildcats-1L390127Running
13105W Mountaineers-2L380124Running
143520B Ravens-2L380121Running
15450B Bears-2L380118Running
163713M Dolphins-2L380115Running
17390S Gamecocks-2L380112Running
18347D Broncos-2L380109Running
192983C Bears-2L380106Running
201634N Giants-2L380103Running
21223C Panthers-3L370100Running
22988N Saints-3L37097Running
231437P Eagles-3L37094Running
241733S Seahawks-3L37091Running
253258P Steelers-3L37088Running
263610B Bills-4L36085Running
273170P Nittany Lions-4L36082Running
283862J Jaguars-4L36079Running
29140M Spartans-4L36181Running
303099D Cowboys-5L35073Running
31780D Lions-5L35175Running
322256M Vikings-7L33067Running
331560I Colts-7L33064Running
342052T Titans-7L33061Running
351929G Packers-7L33058Running
362598N Jets-7L33055Running
373938A Cardinals-8L32052Running
382422C Bengals-9L31049Running
394045D Hamilton-11L29046Running
404186T Nadz-16L24043Running
41528S Rams-17L23040Running
424363T Bear-30L10037Valve
432712N Patriots-34L6034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, West 0 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

175O Raiders--
283C Bears--
330P Boilermakers--
410B Bills--
57D Broncos--
680D Lions--
798N Jets--
890S Gamecocks--
922C Bengals--
1033S Seahawks--
1173T Buccaneers--
1256M Vikings--
1316S 49ers--
1412N Patriots--
1537P Eagles--
1662J Jaguars--
1732K Chiefs--
184V Hokies--
1928S Rams--
2088N Saints--
2113M Dolphins--
2295A Falcons--
2334N Giants--
2440M Spartans--
2538A Cardinals--
2670P Nittany Lions--
2750B Bears--
281T Aggies--
296V Wildcats--
3052T Titans--
313W Badgers--
325W Mountaineers--
3360I Colts--
3499D Cowboys--
3529G Packers--
362N Cornhuskers--
3758P Steelers--
3820B Ravens--
3923C Panthers--
4045D Hamilton--
4121Z Webster--
4263T Bear--
4386T Nadz--

Session: Race


1330P Boilermakers172.3084038*185Running
21928S Rams-2L380170Running
34045D Hamilton-2L380165Running
43923C Panthers-5L350160Running
54386T Nadz-25L150155Accident
61537P Eagles-31L90150Accident
7184V Hokies-31L90146Accident
8410B Bills-31L90142Accident
93758P Steelers-32L80138Retired
10325W Mountaineers-32L80134Piston
111316S 49ers-32L80130Accident
121256M Vikings-32L80127Accident
133499D Cowboys-33L70124Accident
144121Z Webster-33L70121Accident
154263T Bear-33L70118Accident
16283C Bears-33L70115Retired
172295A Falcons-33L70112DQ
18798N Jets-34L61114Accident
193529G Packers-34L60106Accident
202440M Spartans-34L60103Accident
21296V Wildcats-34L60100Accident
223360I Colts-34L6097Retired
231033S Seahawks-34L6094Accident
242088N Saints-34L6091DQ
251662J Jaguars-34L6088Accident
262113M Dolphins-34L6085DQ
27281T Aggies-34L6082Accident
281732K Chiefs-35L5079Accident
292334N Giants-35L5076Accident
301173T Buccaneers-35L5073Accident
31890S Gamecocks-35L5070Accident
323820B Ravens-36L4067Retired
33362N Cornhuskers-36L4064Retired
342670P Nittany Lions-36L4061Accident
3557D Broncos-37L3058Accident
36922C Bengals-37L3055Accident
37680D Lions-37L3052Accident
382538A Cardinals-37L3049Accident
393052T Titans-38L2046Running
402750B Bears-38L2043Accident
411412N Patriots-38L2040Accident
42175O Raiders-38L2142Accident
43313W Badgers-39L1034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, West 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


1186Dropping FluidPit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

162J Jaguars--
25W Mountaineers--
375O Raiders--
428S Rams--
556M Vikings--
637P Eagles--
716S 49ers--
873T Buccaneers--
960I Colts--
1098N Jets--
1113M Dolphins--
1234N Giants--
1399D Cowboys--
141T Aggies--
1523C Panthers--
1695A Falcons--
1783C Bears--
1822C Bengals--
1988N Saints--
202N Cornhuskers--
216V Wildcats--
227D Broncos--
233W Badgers--
2412N Patriots--
2580D Lions--
2650B Bears--
2720B Ravens--
2858P Steelers--
2932K Chiefs--
3040M Spartans--
3170P Nittany Lions--
3233S Seahawks--
3329G Packers--
344V Hokies--
3590S Gamecocks--
3652T Titans--
3710B Bills--
3830P Boilermakers--
3938A Cardinals--
4063T Bear--
4186T Nadz--
4221Z Webster--
4345D Hamilton--

Session: Race


14345D Hamilton176.9763012180Running
2428S Rams-18.30300170Running
3716S 49ers-18.55300165Running
4202N Cornhuskers-1L290160Running
54186T Nadz-1L290155Running
62650B Bears-1L290150Running
725W Mountaineers-1L290146Running
8556M Vikings-9L2117*152Accident
94221Z Webster-14L160138Accident
102720B Ravens-19L110134Accident
113938A Cardinals-20L100130Accident
122858P Steelers-24L60127Retired
131822C Bengals-24L60124DQ
141523C Panthers-25L50121Accident
152580D Lions-26L40118Accident
162412N Patriots-26L40115DQ
17233W Badgers-27L30112Accident
18375O Raiders-27L30109Accident
191695A Falcons-27L30106Accident
201113M Dolphins-27L30103Accident
211234N Giants-27L30100Accident
22162J Jaguars-27L31102Accident
23873T Buccaneers-28L2094Accident
243710B Bills-28L2091Accident
253652T Titans-28L2088Retired
263329G Packers-28L2085Accident
272932K Chiefs-28L2082Accident
283170P Nittany Lions-28L2079Accident
293830P Boilermakers-28L2076Running
304063T Bear-28L2073Accident
311988N Saints-28L2070DQ
321098N Jets-28L2067Accident
331783C Bears-28L2064Accident
34637P Eagles-29L1061Accident
351399D Cowboys-29L1058Accident
36216V Wildcats-29L1055Accident
373233S Seahawks-29L1052Accident
383040M Spartans-29L1049Accident
39344V Hokies-29L1046Accident
40141T Aggies-29L1043Accident
41960I Colts-29L1040Accident
42227D Broncos-29L1037Accident
433590S Gamecocks-30L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Southeast 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



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