Thursday, September 20, 2018

Twisted Metal 2018: 1-3 Indy Wave

The series opener at Indy Wave went off with few hitches and plenty of impacts.  A few key players were missing from the field but that didn't stop the wrecks from flowing freely.  Egg Stream for those wishing to relive the action.

Race 1:
With no qualifying or happy hour, things kicked off quickly.  25 laps and no damage didn't mean races weren't ruined.  Gut Slab and The Egg were both caught up in the immediate aftermath of hits running to turn 2, knocking them to the back of the field for the better part of the race.

Buster and Tnadz piled into each other in wreck 2.0, resulting in an uphill battle for the race.

Webster was within striking distance of the leader late in the race when he scuppered the hills on the backstretch and turtled.

Tnadz ended up just grabbing 20th, finishing as the highest human.

The Chargers took the win.

Race 2:
Moderate damage and down to 20 laps.  There wasn't nearly as large a wreck in the start of the race which kept the field closely knit.

And that caused several drivers to take a bad line of the backstretch jumps and producing massive wrecks.

The Egg was sadly out early thanks to the Buccaneers.

Webster and Buster were running almost nose to tail when they were collected in the same accident which allowed Tnadz to slip through.

Gut Slab was stuck on the wall in a precarious spot, spinning his wheels as he watched GB kill himself and The Bear run by for a 10th place finish.

Tnadz mostly stayed out of trouble and avoided most wrecks to take the win.

Race 3:
Race 3 went to full damage and 15 laps.  The big one was definitely in full bloom.

GB was involved and his car wouldn't make it far into the run.

Slab and Webster swept up the inside and moved into the top 5 within the first lap.

Tnadz wasn't far behind and slipped into the top 10 as competitors dropped off.

After suffering some early damage, Egg was messing with the Rams when Slab came out of nowhere and blew him out of the water.  The Rams may have had a little to do with this.

Tnadz grabbed 5th by the end, avoiding some nasty hits.

Gut Slab was a position ahead, holding on to the end.

But it was Zack Webster who kept a cool head and prevailed with the win.

Up next is Raleigh.

Race 1


Session: Qualifying

188N Saints--
213M Dolphins--
329G Packers--
434N Giants--
558P Steelers--
662J Jaguars--
745H Texans--
899D Cowboys--
952T Titans--
1026I Hawkeyes--
1122C Bengals--
1214U Hurricanes--
1383C Bears--
1480D Lions--
1547F Gators--
1675O Raiders--
1737P Eagles--
1816S 49ers--
1938A Cardinals--
2060I Colts--
217D Broncos--
2295A Falcons--
2310B Bills--
2435U Bruins--
2521S Chargers--
2619A Tigers--
2720B Ravens--
2856M Vikings--
2928S Rams--
3033S Seahawks--
3124L Cardinals--
3232K Chiefs--
3342M Wolverines--
3473T Buccaneers--
3539G Bulldogs--
3612N Patriots--
3755L Tigers--
3863T Bear--
3990G Slab--
4098T Egg--
4123Z Webster--
4215J Zolecki--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12521S Chargers211.723252180Retired
22720B Ravens-6.84254175Running
33539G Bulldogs-12.48251170Running
42928S Rams-16.70251165Running
52619A Tigers-25.55250155Running
63033S Seahawks-31.93250150Running
71547F Gators-33.14250146Retired
8745H Texans-41.88250142Running
9213M Dolphins-45.45250138Running
103124L Cardinals-45.51250134Running
111675O Raiders-54.15257135Running
12329G Packers-57.27252132Running
132856M Vikings-58.08250124Running
143232K Chiefs-1L240121Retired
153473T Buccaneers-1L240118Retired
161938A Cardinals-1L240115Running
171214U Hurricanes-1L240112Running
182310B Bills-1L240109Running
193342M Wolverines-1L240106Running
204386T Nadz-1L240103Running
21662J Jaguars-1L240100Running
223755L Tigers-1L24097Running
232435U Bruins-1L24094Running
244215J Zolecki-1L24091Running
252295A Falcons-2L23088Running
261026I Hawkeyes-2L23085Running
274098T Egg-2L23082Running
28952T Titans-2L23079Running
292060I Colts-2L23076Running
30899D Cowboys-2L23073Running
311383C Bears-3L228*80Running
324123Z Webster-3L22067Running
331480D Lions-4L21064Running
34434N Giants-4L21061Running
353612N Patriots-4L21058Running
36188N Saints-4L21055Running
37558P Steelers-4L21052Running
38217D Broncos-4L21049Running
391816S 49ers-4L21046Running
403863T Bear-7L18043Running
411122C Bengals-7L18040Running
423990G Slab-8L17037Running
431737P Eagles-24L1034Gearbox

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (7 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 26 °F, Northeast 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 98%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

156M Vikings--
213M Dolphins--
388N Saints--
422C Bengals--
524L Cardinals--
633S Seahawks--
712N Patriots--
852T Titans--
934N Giants--
1019A Tigers--
1114U Hurricanes--
1255L Tigers--
1375O Raiders--
1480D Lions--
1539G Bulldogs--
1632K Chiefs--
1745H Texans--
1862J Jaguars--
1995A Falcons--
2042M Wolverines--
2126I Hawkeyes--
2273T Buccaneers--
2360I Colts--
2438A Cardinals--
2528S Rams--
2647F Gators--
2716S 49ers--
2899D Cowboys--
2910B Bills--
3020B Ravens--
3137P Eagles--
3258P Steelers--
3335U Bruins--
3421S Chargers--
3529G Packers--
3683C Bears--
377D Broncos--
3890G Slab--
3986T Nadz--
4063T Bear--
4115J Zolecki--
4223Z Webster--
4398T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14286T Nadz223.052203185Running
2556M Vikings-24.932011*175Running
3720B Ravens-25.15200165Running
43813M Dolphins-30.21200160Running
53919A Tigers-34.76200155Running
63534N Giants-45.63200150Running
73729G Packers-51.73200146Running
82573T Buccaneers-55.00200142Running
92058P Steelers-1L190138Running
101563T Bear-1L190134Running
11683C Bears-1L193130Running
121435U Bruins-1L190127Running
134012N Patriots-1L190124Running
14380D Lions-2L180126Running
153210B Bills-2L180118Running
163223Z Webster-4L160118Running
173142M Wolverines-12L80115Camshaft
18437D Broncos-12L80112Accident
192739G Bulldogs-13L70109Accident
201995A Falcons-13L73106Accident
211333S Seahawks-13L70103Accident
221021S Chargers-13L70100Accident
23260I Colts-14L6097Retired
241224L Cardinals-14L6094Retired
25915J Zolecki-14L6091Retired
26499D Cowboys-14L6088Accident
271114U Hurricanes-14L6085Accident
28862J Jaguars-14L6082Accident
29137P Eagles-14L6079Accident
301690G Slab-15L5076Accident
311775O Raiders-15L5073Radiator
321832K Chiefs-15L5070Accident
332155L Tigers-15L5067Accident
342226I Hawkeyes-15L5064Retired
352338A Cardinals-15L5061Accident
362447F Gators-15L5058Header
372616S 49ers-15L5055Retired
382845H Texans-15L5052Valve
392928S Rams-15L5049Retired
403098T Egg-15L5046Accident
413322C Bengals-15L5043Camshaft
423452T Titans-15L5040Retired
433688N Saints-15L5037Header

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 28 °F, North 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 98%



Race 3

Session: Qualifying

156M Vikings--
213M Dolphins--
388N Saints--
422C Bengals--
524L Cardinals--
633S Seahawks--
712N Patriots--
852T Titans--
934N Giants--
1019A Tigers--
1114U Hurricanes--
1255L Tigers--
1375O Raiders--
1480D Lions--
1539G Bulldogs--
1632K Chiefs--
1745H Texans--
1862J Jaguars--
1995A Falcons--
2042M Wolverines--
2126I Hawkeyes--
2273T Buccaneers--
2360I Colts--
2438A Cardinals--
2528S Rams--
2647F Gators--
2716S 49ers--
2899D Cowboys--
2910B Bills--
3020B Ravens--
3137P Eagles--
3258P Steelers--
3335U Bruins--
3421S Chargers--
3529G Packers--
3683C Bears--
377D Broncos--
3890G Slab--
3986T Nadz--
4063T Bear--
4115J Zolecki--
4223Z Webster--
4398T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14223Z Webster223.0521511*185Running
2524L Cardinals-24.93152175Running
3712N Patriots-25.15150165Running
43890G Slab-30.21150160Running
53986T Nadz-34.76150155Running
63529G Packers-45.63150150Running
7377D Broncos-51.73150146Running
82528S Rams-1L140142Running
92042M Wolverines-1L140138Running
101539G Bulldogs-1L140134Running
11633S Seahawks-1L140130Running
121480D Lions-2L130127Running
134063T Bear-6L90124Running
14388N Saints-7L82126Header
153258P Steelers-8L70118Accident
163137P Eagles-12L30115Camshaft
174398T Egg-12L30112Accident
182716S 49ers-13L20109Accident
191995A Falcons-13L20106Accident
201375O Raiders-13L20103Accident
211019A Tigers-13L20100Accident
22213M Dolphins-14L1097Retired
231255L Tigers-14L1094Retired
24934N Giants-14L1091Retired
25422C Bengals-14L1088Accident
261114U Hurricanes-14L1085Accident
27852T Titans-14L1082Accident
28156M Vikings-14L1079Accident
291632K Chiefs-15L0076Accident
301745H Texans-15L0073Radiator
311862J Jaguars-15L0070Accident
322126I Hawkeyes-15L0067Accident
332273T Buccaneers-15L0064Retired
342360I Colts-15L0061Accident
352438A Cardinals-15L0058Header
362647F Gators-15L0055Retired
372899D Cowboys-15L0052Valve
382910B Bills-15L0049Retired
393020B Ravens-15L0046Accident
403335U Bruins-15L0043Camshaft
413421S Chargers-15L0040Retired
423683C Bears-15L0037Header
434115J Zolecki-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 28 °F, North 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 98%



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