Thursday, October 11, 2018

Twisted Metal 2018: 10-12 Bone Crusher

The next figure 8 wasn't too far off and despite the Moderate damage for two races, the death toll was high.

Race 1:
The start was typical.

A couple in and the Egg found opportunity to take back some vengeance from Mr. Norms.

After losing his rear tire through the intersection, Tnadz became a menace at the front stretch.
His race ended on the hood of Darrel's car.  His car didn't last much longer either.  And The Egg only made it a few more laps as well.

Buster got busted by the Gamecocks after making it through mostly unscathed up to this point.

Slab succumbed to excessive damage, some of it after he tried to use up what he had to take out anyone he could get a fender on.

Webster also fell short as he got clobbered by the Cowboys.

The Bear almost made it to the end after taking a conservative route through the race when a surly car put him right in front of the 49ers.  And dead.

And that gave the Chiefs the win.

Race 2:
Another typical start and humans were struggling to deal with the pile past the intersection.

After cheating and taking a shortcut (and the lead), Hamilton was harshly punished by being one of the first to die.

It wasn't long before he was joined by Slab.

The Bear almost made it halfway when Green Bay rendered him useless.

Mad Max wasn't far behind.

Neither was Egg.

Tnadz had took the lead and might have taken the win when he hit Gut Slab's Tigers (2nd) after taking the white flag.

It took another 4 laps to make it but GB stayed safe and stole the win.

Race 3:
The damage was full and the laps went from 20 to 15.  The AI got very confused and at least half the field cheated.

That caused great confusion for the humans.

While normally a force to be reckoned with, Mad Max simply wrecked on the first lap.

Slab saw it happen and was trying to wait for a hole to open in the new traffic patterns.

When the Falcons chose for him.

Not long after, GB and Webster put their heads together and tried to come up with a strategy.  Instead they both died.

There were still several cars left, considering the circumstances, and Tnadz was in position to win.  The Egg, holding out for a top 10, wasn't going to let him take the win easily.  And Hamilton was waiting in the eaves to capitalize on the conversation.

But he was wrapped up in it.

The Egg continued to use the last of his car to try and end The Redskins but he simply didn't have enough to do so.
In the end he held on for first to just barely hold the lead in the points.

Marty Mo'Ville is up next.

Race 1

Track: BoneCrusher

Session: Practice

160I Colts16.516
238A Cardinals17.245
316S 49ers20.278
419A Tigers20.517
590S Gamecocks20.787
695A Falcons20.799
729G Packers21.370
833S Seahawks21.470
912N Patriots21.818
1014U Hurricanes22.149
1152T Titans22.973
1221S Chargers23.060
137D Broncos23.270
1456M Vikings23.331
1558P Steelers23.577
1623Z Webster24.086
1742J Zolecki24.300
1875O Raiders24.580
1932K Chiefs25.331
2045D Hamilton25.693
2186T Nadz26.025
2247G Slab26.124
2398T Egg26.696
2463T Bear27.669
2526I Hawkeyes29.501
2680D Lions29.503
2720B Ravens29.880
2824L Cardinals29.893
2937P Eagles29.999
3083C Bears30.108
3173T Buccaneers30.146
3213M Dolphins30.308
3315U Knights30.352
3434N Giants30.452
3599D Cowboys30.478
3622C Bengals30.955
3728S Rams31.355
3810B Bills34.490
3939G Bulldogs35.184
4088N Saints35.720
4155L Tigers37.302
4262J Jaguars37.510
4335U Bruins39.112

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, West 15 mph

Session: Qualifying

114U Hurricanes--
226I Hawkeyes--
310B Bills--
419A Tigers--
575O Raiders--
658P Steelers--
734N Giants--
829G Packers--
960I Colts--
1013M Dolphins--
1183C Bears--
1238A Cardinals--
1390S Gamecocks--
1495A Falcons--
1580D Lions--
1624L Cardinals--
1712N Patriots--
1832K Chiefs--
1935U Bruins--
2073T Buccaneers--
2133S Seahawks--
2216S 49ers--
2337P Eagles--
2462J Jaguars--
2556M Vikings--
2620B Ravens--
2752T Titans--
2839G Bulldogs--
2921S Chargers--
3015U Knights--
3155L Tigers--
3299D Cowboys--
3322C Bengals--
347D Broncos--
3528S Rams--
3688N Saints--
3742J Zolecki--
3847G Slab--
3998T Egg--
4045D Hamilton--
4163T Bear--
4223Z Webster--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11832K Chiefs76.844194180Running
23155L Tigers-7.48191175Running
31183C Bears-15.85196*175Running
42073T Buccaneers-1L180160Running
53688N Saints-1L180155Running
6575O Raiders-2L170150Running
72620B Ravens-3L161151Accident
82216S 49ers-3L160142Running
9419A Tigers-4L151143Accident
103528S Rams-5L140134Retired
113015U Knights-10L90130Retired
121580D Lions-10L90127Accident
131624L Cardinals-10L91129Accident
14960I Colts-10L90121Accident
154163T Bear-10L90118Accident
16658P Steelers-10L90115Retired
17114U Hurricanes-11L81117Retired
181013M Dolphins-12L72114Accident
194223Z Webster-13L60106Accident
20734N Giants-13L60103Retired
21310B Bills-14L50100Retired
222462J Jaguars-14L5097Accident
233847G Slab-14L5094Accident
241238A Cardinals-14L5091Accident
251390S Gamecocks-15L4193Accident
263299D Cowboys-15L4085Accident
27226I Hawkeyes-15L4187Accident
282921S Chargers-15L4079Accident
291935U Bruins-15L4076Accident
303998T Egg-15L4073Accident
312839G Bulldogs-16L3070Accident
322752T Titans-16L3067Accident
331495A Falcons-16L3064Accident
343742J Zolecki-17L2061Accident
354045D Hamilton-17L2058Accident
36829G Packers-17L2055Accident
372556M Vikings-17L2052Accident
384386T Nadz-18L1049Accident
392337P Eagles-18L1046Accident
402133S Seahawks-18L1043Accident
411712N Patriots-18L1040Accident
42347D Broncos-19L0037Accident
433322C Bengals-19L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 11 (10 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 69 °F, Southwest 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


447Smoking EnginePit for repairs
498Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Practice

137P Eagles20.431
252T Titans25.427
386T Nadz26.552
498T Egg28.577
556M Max29.170
642J Zolecki29.363
788N Saints29.368
810B Bills31.191
995A Falcons31.616
1023Z Webster31.718
1119A Tigers31.767
1260I Colts32.475
1375O Raiders32.882
1413M Dolphins34.657
1573T Buccaneers35.862
1624L Cardinals37.017
1729G Packers37.806
1880D Lions39.424
1945D Hamilton39.483
2063T Bear40.602
2112N Patriots44.265
2220B Ravens1:36.329

Weather: Cloudy, 66 °F, Northwest 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

137P Eagles--
288N Saints--
395A Falcons--
499D Cowboys--
535U Bruins--
675O Raiders--
733S Seahawks--
890S Gamecocks--
922C Bengals--
1083C Bears--
1158P Steelers--
1239G Bulldogs--
1316S 49ers--
1438A Cardinals--
1513M Dolphins--
1652T Titans--
1712N Patriots--
1824L Cardinals--
1919A Tigers--
2020B Ravens--
2126I Hawkeyes--
2232K Chiefs--
2328S Rams--
2421S Chargers--
2510B Bills--
2629G Packers--
2780D Lions--
2860I Colts--
2915U Knights--
3073T Buccaneers--
3155L Tigers--
3262J Jaguars--
3314U Hurricanes--
3434N Giants--
357D Broncos--
3686T Nadz--
3742J Zolecki--
3898T Egg--
3956M Max--
4023Z Webster--
4145D Hamilton--
4263T Bear--
4347G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13742J Zolecki74.611202180Running
23073T Buccaneers-1L190170Running
31652T Titans-1L190165Running
43686T Nadz-2L187*170Accident
52860I Colts-2L180155Running
63155L Tigers-3L170150Retired
72629G Packers-3L170146Running
82232K Chiefs-6L140142Accident
9288N Saints-7L130138Retired
103314U Hurricanes-8L120134Retired
113898T Egg-9L114135Accident
12675O Raiders-9L113132Accident
131438A Cardinals-10L100124Accident
141712N Patriots-10L100121Accident
15357D Broncos-11L90118Accident
163956M Max-12L80115Accident
17535U Bruins-12L83117Accident
184263T Bear-12L80109Accident
194023Z Webster-13L70106Accident
20137P Eagles-13L70103Accident
211513M Dolphins-13L70100Accident
22890S Gamecocks-14L6097Accident
231919A Tigers-14L6094Retired
244347G Slab-14L6091Accident
25922C Bengals-15L5088Retired
26499D Cowboys-15L5085Accident
272510B Bills-15L5082Accident
282328S Rams-15L5079Accident
291239G Bulldogs-16L4076Accident
301083C Bears-16L4073Retired
311824L Cardinals-16L4070Accident
323262J Jaguars-17L3067Accident
332126I Hawkeyes-17L3064Retired
342020B Ravens-17L3061Accident
35733S Seahawks-17L3058Accident
362780D Lions-17L3055Retired
373434N Giants-17L3052Accident
382915U Knights-17L3049Accident
392421S Chargers-18L2046Accident
40395A Falcons-18L2043Accident
414145D Hamilton-19L1145Accident
421316S 49ers-19L1037Accident
431158P Steelers-19L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (6 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 64 °F, North 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


742Smoking EnginePit for repairs
447Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

114U Hurricanes--
262J Jaguars--
380D Lions--
490S Gamecocks--
588N Saints--
620B Ravens--
775O Raiders--
838A Cardinals--
924L Cardinals--
1016S 49ers--
1135U Bruins--
1252T Titans--
1334N Giants--
1429G Packers--
1519A Tigers--
1622C Bengals--
1726I Hawkeyes--
1821S Chargers--
1983C Bears--
2032K Chiefs--
2128S Rams--
2237P Eagles--
2333S Seahawks--
247D Broncos--
2599D Cowboys--
2615U Knights--
2755L Tigers--
2810B Bills--
2939G Bulldogs--
3073T Buccaneers--
3160I Colts--
3212N Patriots--
3358P Steelers--
3413M Dolphins--
3595A Falcons--
3656M Max--
3763T Bear--
3886T Nadz--
3942J Zolecki--
4045D Hamilton--
4147G Slab--
4298T Egg--
4323Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13886T Nadz91.2171410*185Running
22032K Chiefs-25.19140170Running
34045D Hamilton-35.70140165Running
4490S Gamecocks-1L130160Running
53763T Bear-2L120155Running
64298T Egg-3L110150Running
71252T Titans-6L82151Retired
83073T Buccaneers-8L60142Accident
93413M Dolphins-8L60138Accident
102128S Rams-8L60134Accident
111726I Hawkeyes-9L50130Retired
121334N Giants-9L50127Accident
13262J Jaguars-9L50124Retired
14924L Cardinals-9L50121Accident
151429G Packers-10L42123Retired
16247D Broncos-10L40115Accident
172599D Cowboys-10L40112Accident
18114U Hurricanes-10L40109Retired
19380D Lions-10L40106Accident
201622C Bengals-11L30103Retired
213160I Colts-11L30100Accident
221821S Chargers-11L3097Accident
232810B Bills-11L3094Accident
241519A Tigers-11L3091Accident
25838A Cardinals-11L3088Accident
261016S 49ers-11L3085Accident
273595A Falcons-12L2082Retired
282939G Bulldogs-12L2079Accident
291135U Bruins-12L2076Accident
302615U Knights-12L2073Accident
312237P Eagles-12L2070Accident
322333S Seahawks-12L2067Accident
33620B Ravens-12L2064Accident
341983C Bears-12L2061Accident
35588N Saints-12L2058Accident
363358P Steelers-13L1055Accident
373212N Patriots-13L1052Accident
383942J Zolecki-13L1049Accident
392755L Tigers-13L1046Accident
40775O Raiders-13L1043Accident
413656M Max-14L0040Accident
424147G Slab-14L0037Accident
434323Z Webster-14L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 78 °F, West 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



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