Thursday, October 4, 2018

Twisted Metal 2018: 7-9 Mr Norms Mayhem

Mr Norms brings the first Wild Card of the series and it would be a faceoff between Gut Slab's NCAA 2 and Zack Webster's NFC South.  The criteria would be for Most Awards.

Race 1:
With no damage on to hold them back, the entire field turned the aggression to 11 it kicked off immediately and indefinitely until the checkered flag flew.  The humans were placed all but last with several turtling and spending tons of time in the pits.  But different strategies emerged and many points were claimed.  Between the two competing Wild Card teams, each one managed an award, keeping everything at a dead split.

Race 2: 
Tnadz and Egg's teams managed to bank a decent number of points with Buster's group taking on a few as well.  Despite Race 1 transgressions, there was no contact made during this run...between these two anyway.

Hamilton had a haul of points after taking the win and finishing with teammates up the charts, despite the moderate damage levels.  Less than half the field made the end.

Race 3:
Hamilton, Egg and The Bear had early issues with the invisible protrusions on the bottom of the track.

Mad Max lost his motor like most of the field early on but a glitch in the system allowed him to leave his pits and pick up some speed where he almost could affect the race, postmortem.

Tnadz struggled with a damaged car and even though he was in points, he would rather sacrifice himself and ruin one of Hamilton's drivers than let them run off with a barrel of points.

Despite the attempt, Hamilton still came out of the round with a big points win when his Jaguars topped out the 48 laps of Race 3.  Despite a good showing, neither of the Wild Card teams managed another award, leaving a tie and a 0 points adjustment in the standings.

The next race covers another figure 8 very quickly.  It's Mad Max's iconic dirt track: Bone Crusher.

Race 1

Track: MNorms Mayhem Night

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 44 °F, East 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

138A Cardinals--
210B Bills--
335U Bruins--
456M Vikings--
523C Panthers--
626I Hawkeyes--
714U Hurricanes--
895A Falcons--
975O Raiders--
1080D Lions--
1173T Buccaneers--
1234N Giants--
1337P Eagles--
1462J Jaguars--
1524L Cardinals--
1613M Dolphins--
1755L Tigers--
1858P Steelers--
197D Broncos--
2052T Titans--
2199D Cowboys--
2222C Bengals--
2383C Bears--
2433S Seahawks--
2512N Patriots--
2615U Knights--
2719A Tigers--
2820B Ravens--
2928S Rams--
3016S 49ers--
3139G Bulldogs--
3260I Colts--
3390S Gamecocks--
3488N Saints--
3521S Chargers--
3632K Chiefs--
3729G Packers--
3845D Hamilton--
3947G Slab--
4098T Egg--
4186T Nadz--
4242J Zolecki--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12615U Knights152.516485180Running
22820B Ravens-1.10480170Running
31524L Cardinals-11.32480165Running
43139G Bulldogs-12.58480160Running
52383C Bears-16.98480155Running
6626I Hawkeyes-1L470150Running
7456M Vikings-1L470146Running
8895A Falcons-1L470142Running
91234N Giants-2L460138Running
10138A Cardinals-2L4615*144Running
111755L Tigers-2L460130Running
12197D Broncos-3L450127Running
133488N Saints-3L450124Running
143260I Colts-3L450121Running
15714U Hurricanes-4L440118Running
162222C Bengals-4L440115Running
172512N Patriots-4L440112Running
182052T Titans-4L440109Running
193521S Chargers-4L440106Running
202433S Seahawks-4L440103Running
21210B Bills-4L443105Running
22335U Bruins-5L434102Running
231080D Lions-5L43094Running
24975O Raiders-5L43091Running
252199D Cowboys-5L43088Running
261462J Jaguars-5L43085Running
271858P Steelers-6L42082Running
281613M Dolphins-6L42079Running
292928S Rams-6L42076Running
302719A Tigers-6L42073Running
31523C Panthers-6L42070Running
321337P Eagles-7L41672Running
333016S 49ers-7L41064Running
343845D Hamilton-7L41061Running
351173T Buccaneers-9L39263Running
363390S Gamecocks-9L391260Running
373632K Chiefs-11L37052Running
384363T Bear-14L34049Running
393729G Packers-14L34046Running
403947G Slab-14L34043Running
414186T Nadz-18L30145Running
424242J Zolecki-26L22037Running
434098T Egg-28L20034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 13 (8 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 43 °F, Southwest 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


2042Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
2042Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 44 °F, East 3 mph

Session: Qualifying

17D Broncos--
232K Chiefs--
329G Packers--
475O Raiders--
556M Vikings--
610B Bills--
713M Dolphins--
814U Hurricanes--
955L Tigers--
1028S Rams--
1162J Jaguars--
1221S Chargers--
1380D Lions--
1438A Cardinals--
1533S Seahawks--
1660I Colts--
1734N Giants--
1835U Bruins--
1916S 49ers--
2095A Falcons--
2120B Ravens--
2273T Buccaneers--
2352T Titans--
2439G Bulldogs--
2522C Bengals--
2615U Knights--
2719A Tigers--
2824L Cardinals--
2990S Gamecocks--
3026I Hawkeyes--
3183C Bears--
3212N Patriots--
3388N Saints--
3458P Steelers--
3537P Eagles--
3623C Panthers--
3799D Cowboys--
3886T Nadz--
3947G Slab--
4098T Egg--
4163T Bear--
4245D Hamilton--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14245D Hamilton165.6394824*185Running
2475O Raiders-11.38489175Running
31734N Giants-1L470165Running
4610B Bills-1L470160Running
53212N Patriots-1L470155Running
61162J Jaguars-1L470150Running
73799D Cowboys-1L470146Running
8232K Chiefs-2L460142Running
94098T Egg-2L460138Running
10814U Hurricanes-3L450134Running
111835U Bruins-6L420130Accident
122615U Knights-7L410127Running
133537P Eagles-13L350124Accident
14329G Packers-17L3113126Running
153886T Nadz-19L290118Running
162824L Cardinals-24L240115Running
172719A Tigers-25L230112Accident
182352T Titans-30L180109Running
192095A Falcons-30L180106Retired
20713M Dolphins-31L170103Tire
211533S Seahawks-37L110100Accident
222273T Buccaneers-37L11097Accident
233947G Slab-39L9094Accident
244163T Bear-39L9091Clutch
253388N Saints-40L8088Accident
2617D Broncos-41L7290Accident
272120B Ravens-41L7082Retired
284342J Zolecki-43L5079Accident
291438A Cardinals-43L5076Running
30955L Tigers-43L5073Running
311028S Rams-43L5070Running
321221S Chargers-43L5067Retired
33556M Vikings-43L5064Accident
343623C Panthers-43L5061Accident
353458P Steelers-44L4058Running
361916S 49ers-44L4055Accident
372522C Bengals-44L4052Accident
382439G Bulldogs-44L4049Accident
391660I Colts-44L4046Retired
403026I Hawkeyes-46L2043Accident
413183C Bears-46L2040Running
421380D Lions-46L2037Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 45 °F, West 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


1063Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice

186T Nadz15.110
245D Hamilton15.294
363T Bear15.499
498T Egg15.887
542J Zolecki16.075
699D Cowboys16.128
719A Tigers16.141
873T Buccaneers16.142
990S Gamecocks16.155
1060I Colts16.170
1188N Saints16.171
1223C Panthers16.184
1337P Eagles16.184
1434N Giants16.186
1521S Chargers16.189
1633S Seahawks16.202
1795A Falcons16.219
1835U Bruins16.221
1975O Raiders16.222
2058P Steelers16.224
2110B Bills16.227
2215U Knights16.228
2332K Chiefs16.236
2439G Bulldogs16.237
2524L Cardinals16.257
2680D Lions16.270
2714U Hurricanes16.281
2812N Patriots16.284
2928S Rams16.284
3013M Dolphins16.285
3162J Jaguars16.292
327D Broncos16.316
3316S 49ers16.316
3438A Cardinals16.325
3526I Hawkeyes16.334
3622C Bengals16.339
3752T Titans16.348
3820B Ravens16.348
3929G Packers16.378
4083C Bears16.403
4156M Max16.421
4255L Tigers16.436
4347G Slab20.190

Weather: Cloudy, 43 °F, South 10 mph

Session: Qualifying

110B Bills--
212N Patriots--
329G Packers--
438A Cardinals--
521S Chargers--
652T Titans--
735U Bruins--
820B Ravens--
975O Raiders--
1028S Rams--
1124L Cardinals--
1219A Tigers--
1373T Buccaneers--
1422C Bengals--
1539G Bulldogs--
1623C Panthers--
1799D Cowboys--
1858P Steelers--
1995A Falcons--
2037P Eagles--
2132K Chiefs--
227D Broncos--
2333S Seahawks--
2488N Saints--
2515U Knights--
2655L Tigers--
2714U Hurricanes--
2862J Jaguars--
2913M Dolphins--
3083C Bears--
3116S 49ers--
3280D Lions--
3334N Giants--
3490S Gamecocks--
3560I Colts--
3626I Hawkeyes--
3742J Zolecki--
3886T Nadz--
3945D Hamilton--
4047G Slab--
4163T Bear--
4298T Egg--
4356M Max--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12862J Jaguars164.1484817*185Running
21028S Rams-1.89480170Running
3438A Cardinals-3.56480165Running
4975O Raiders-4.27480160Running
53280D Lions-5.69480155Running
63560I Colts-6.09480150Running
73490S Gamecocks-6.91480146Running
8735U Bruins-8.41480142Running
91858P Steelers-8.60480138Running
102655L Tigers-9.85480134Running
11521S Chargers-11.17480130Running
123334N Giants-4L440127Running
13652T Titans-16L3216129Accident
144356M Max-25L230121Running
151373T Buccaneers-28L204123Retired
163626I Hawkeyes-28L200115Accident
174047G Slab-30L180112Accident
182132K Chiefs-31L170109Accident
191219A Tigers-31L170106Accident
203886T Nadz-32L160103Accident
212714U Hurricanes-34L140100Running
221995A Falcons-35L133102Retired
232515U Knights-39L9094Running
24329G Packers-39L9896Accident
252913M Dolphins-42L6088Accident
263742J Zolecki-43L5085Accident
272037P Eagles-43L5082Accident
28227D Broncos-43L5079Accident
291623C Panthers-44L4076Accident
303083C Bears-45L3073Accident
312333S Seahawks-45L3070Accident
321422C Bengals-45L3067Retired
333116S 49ers-46L2064Retired
341539G Bulldogs-46L2061Running
352488N Saints-46L2058Accident
363945D Hamilton-46L2055Accident
37110B Bills-46L2052Accident
38212N Patriots-46L2049Accident
394163T Bear-47L1046Accident
401799D Cowboys-47L1043Accident
411124L Cardinals-47L1040Accident
42820B Ravens-47L1037Accident
434298T Egg-48L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 45 °F, Northwest 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


2356Unsafe pit exitStop and go
2456Unsafe pit exitStop and go
2556Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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