Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Shorties RC 2019: 11-12 Symmons Plains

The iconic Australian short track certainly offered up some intense racing and even more astounding wrecks.  Winners and losers alike down the order.  Race 1 saw Zolecki take a dominating win, nearly lapping the whole field while he DNFed in Race 2 at no fault of his own.  Hamilton seemed to have a mix of pit road woes and potential technical issues in that race.  And from the start, The Egg was challenged first by Smith until he spun and then Webster until he was taken out very close to the end.  But he held off all advances and pulled a win, closing the gap in the top 3 points.

We now move on to Baskerville, another great Aussie touring track before jumping to Quebec to finish out the first half of the season.

Live Stream:

Race 1

Track: Symmons Plains Raceway

Session: Practice

1008J Zolecki48.960
299S Myhr49.217
3034T Egg49.312
4013T Nadz49.315
5023Z Webster49.852
630N Mansell50.344
72Y Muller50.364
83M Neal50.372
929K Burt50.431
1031A Menu50.431
111J Thompson50.477
1246J Newbile50.484
1347D Warwick50.536
1410R Collard50.541
1512R Huff50.578
166A Reid50.584
1727R Rydell50.598
1823C Breeze50.606
1998J Cleland50.628
208C Turkington50.663
2145F Biela50.666
2211J Plato50.704
2332P Radisch50.721
2436L Aiello50.761
2535D Leslie50.778
269T Chilton50.781
27061D Hamilton50.839
2877J Hughes52.381
2933J Cecotto52.497
3070J Wheals52.556
3126S Hodgetts52.840
3217J George52.984
3337J Boullion53.019
3440R Marsh53.025
3538W Hoy53.107
3657L Hines53.294
3720S Watson-smith53.301
38021T Bear53.488
3915F Hairuman53.547
4055S Soper53.628
4128V R Macker53.739
4216J Kaye53.915

Weather: Cloudy, 72 °F, Southeast 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

1008J Zolecki49.718
2023Z Webster50.080
347D Warwick50.549
446J Newbile50.834
529K Burt50.843
69T Chilton50.852
745F Biela50.893
832P Radisch50.912
923C Breeze50.914
102Y Muller50.919
1130N Mansell50.929
128C Turkington50.939
1310R Collard50.948
146A Reid50.962
1511J Plato51.022
1612R Huff51.059
1736L Aiello51.061
183M Neal51.114
191J Thompson51.134
2027R Rydell51.135
2198J Cleland51.190
2231A Menu51.192
23061D Hamilton51.210
2435D Leslie51.446
25021T Bear52.988
2655S Soper53.730
2740R Marsh53.775
2820S Watson-smith53.812
2970J Wheals54.006
3016J Kaye54.064
3157L Hines54.086
3237J Boullion54.114
3315F Hairuman54.160
3428V R Macker54.170
3533J Cecotto54.208
3677J Hughes54.241
3726S Hodgetts54.400
3838W Hoy54.407
3917J George54.855
40034T Egg1:00.431
41098G Slab--
42013T Nadz--

Weather: Cloudy, 72 °F, South 9 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1008J Zolecki49.350
2061D Hamilton50.418
3013T Nadz50.723
46A Reid50.782
53M Neal50.907
646J Newbile50.956
731A Menu50.977
81J Thompson50.982
927R Rydell51.010
1098J Cleland51.121
11034T Egg51.127
1230N Mansell51.183
1335D Leslie51.191
1445F Biela51.209
158C Turkington51.352
1629K Burt51.419
1736L Aiello51.436
182Y Muller51.458
1910R Collard51.507
2047D Warwick51.854
21023Z Webster51.856
2211J Plato51.990
239T Chilton51.996
2428V R Macker53.314
2577J Hughes53.474
2623C Breeze53.494
2716J Kaye53.756
2840R Marsh53.762
2926S Hodgetts54.230
3038W Hoy54.255
3120S Watson-smith54.263
32021T Bear54.615
3315F Hairuman54.747
3455S Soper54.911
3557L Hines55.666
3612R Huff56.727
3717J George1:00.042

Weather: Clear, 58 °F, Northeast 14 mph

Session: Race


11008J Zolecki107.9982626*185Running
2529K Burt-46.86260170Running
3832P Radisch-49.37260165Running
4347D Warwick-51.31260160Running
5183M Neal-1L250155Running
640034T Egg-1L250150Running
7146A Reid-1L250146Running
8102Y Muller-1L250142Running
9191J Thompson-1L250138Running
10923C Breeze-1L250134Running
112231A Menu-1L250130Running
121736L Aiello-1L250127Running
131310R Collard-1L250124Running
1442013T Nadz-1L250121Running
15128C Turkington-1L250118Running
16446J Newbile-1L250115Running
17745F Biela-1L250112Running
181130N Mansell-1L250109Running
193533J Cecotto-2L240106Running
203237J Boullion-2L240103Running
213157L Hines-2L240100Running
222027R Rydell-2L24097Running
233016J Kaye-2L24094Running
243917J George-2L24091Running
252740R Marsh-2L24088Running
263838W Hoy-2L24085Running
273315F Hairuman-2L24082Running
282820S Watson-smith-2L24079Running
292970J Wheals-2L24076Running
303677J Hughes-3L23073Running
312198J Cleland-3L23070Running
322435D Leslie-3L23067Running
332023Z Webster-4L22064DQ
341511J Plato-4L22061Accident
353428V R Macker-4L22058Running
361612R Huff-4L22055Running
3725021T Bear-4L22052Running
382655S Soper-10L16049Ignition
3969T Chilton-11L15046Header
4041098G Slab-12L14043Running
4123061D Hamilton-13L13040Accident
423726S Hodgetts-23L3037Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Cloudy, 58 °F, East 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 90%


23023Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

1034T Egg48.874
2013T Nadz49.019
3023Z Webster49.844
447D Warwick50.319
58C Turkington50.529
636L Aiello50.585
731A Menu50.602
898J Cleland50.636
912R Huff50.665
109T Chilton50.686
1145F Biela50.700
1235D Leslie50.725
1310R Collard50.730
146A Reid50.753
1532P Radisch50.763
1629K Burt50.781
1730N Mansell50.782
181J Thompson50.788
192Y Muller50.794
2027R Rydell50.803
213M Neal50.846
2211J Plato50.864
2323C Breeze50.924
2446J Newbile50.963
2520S Watson-smith53.271
2644A Slight53.375
2755S Soper53.827
2826S Hodgetts53.892
2957L Hines53.940
3034J Winkelhock54.024
3114M Bentwood54.071
3237J Boullion54.090
3316J Kaye54.115
3417J George54.231
3599T Harvey54.283
3677J Hughes54.362
3770J Wheals54.482
3840R Marsh54.525
39061D Hamilton1:00.178
40098G Slab--
41008J Zolecki--
42021T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, 67 °F, South 12 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1034T Egg49.332
2023Z Webster50.361
323C Breeze50.652
430N Mansell50.728
52Y Muller50.788
645F Biela50.804
7013T Nadz50.916
8061D Hamilton50.920
96A Reid50.951
1011J Plato50.985
119T Chilton51.040
123M Neal51.114
1327R Rydell51.195
1436L Aiello51.276
158C Turkington51.276
161J Thompson51.281
1731A Menu51.291
1835D Leslie51.381
1929K Burt51.417
2046J Newbile51.430
2147D Warwick51.926
2212R Huff52.077
2399T Harvey53.131
2437J Boullion53.461
2516J Kaye53.551
2620S Watson-smith53.666
2734J Winkelhock53.767
2840R Marsh53.881
2917J George53.927
3055S Soper53.995
3114M Bentwood54.179
3270J Wheals54.390
3357L Hines54.553
3426S Hodgetts54.616
3510R Collard56.602
36021T Bear57.752
3798J Cleland1:14.213

Weather: Cloudy, 75 °F, Northwest 8 mph

Session: Race


11034T Egg103.1972624*185Running
23023Z Webster-9.50262175Running
32013T Nadz-15.63260165Running
458C Turkington-25.38260160Running
5109T Chilton-28.11260155Running
6898J Cleland-35.09260150Running
71235D Leslie-36.97260146Running
81629K Burt-41.24260142Running
92323C Breeze-46.58260138Running
10731A Menu-47.77260134Running
111532P Radisch-52.50260130Running
12912R Huff-53.85260127Running
13146A Reid-1L250124Running
141310R Collard-1L250121Running
152211J Plato-1L250118Running
162027R Rydell-1L250115Running
17213M Neal-1L250112Running
181145F Biela-1L250109Running
19181J Thompson-1L250106Running
20192Y Muller-1L250103Running
212644A Slight-1L250100Running
22636L Aiello-1L25097Running
232446J Newbile-2L24094Accident
243770J Wheals-2L24091Running
253316J Kaye-3L23088Running
262826S Hodgetts-3L23085Running
273599T Harvey-3L23082Running
283840R Marsh-3L23079Running
293114M Bentwood-4L22076Running
3042021T Bear-4L22073Running
311730N Mansell-5L21070Running
323034J Winkelhock-5L21067Running
333417J George-7L19064Accident
3440098G Slab-8L18061Running
35447D Warwick-10L16058DQ
362520S Watson-smith-11L15055Accident
3741008J Zolecki-12L14052Accident
382755S Soper-12L14049Accident
3939061D Hamilton-13L13046Accident
403677J Hughes-20L6043Accident
413237J Boullion-21L5040Piston
422957L Hines-22L4037DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 74 °F, Northeast 10 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 91%



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