Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Shorties RC 2019: 9-10 Suzuka East

Some very intense racing and lots of carnage broke out at the famous Suzuka East course.  The classic layout that NASCAR ran back in the day saw Zolecki and Smith take wins.  Race 2 really turned up the heat and led to not one but two incidents between human teammates that took the potential leading cars out of the running.

Live Stream:

Race 1

Track: Suzuka East

Session: Practice

1034T Egg49.643
2008J Zolecki49.865
3013T Nadz50.532
4023Z Webster50.957
511J Plato51.297
62Y Muller51.358
745F Biela51.373
846J Newbile51.399
923C Breeze51.433
1035D Leslie51.444
1132P Radisch51.480
1247D Warwick51.517
131J Thompson51.530
149T Chilton51.549
1527R Rydell51.566
168C Turkington51.575
1729K Burt51.593
1898J Cleland51.602
1931A Menu51.611
206A Reid51.664
2110R Collard51.745
2230N Mansell51.825
2336L Aiello51.868
243M Neal51.894
2512R Huff52.293
2634J Winkelhock53.074
2733J Cecotto53.716
2815F Hairuman53.776
2920S Watson-smith53.821
3016J Kaye53.879
3114M Bentwood54.038
3244A Slight54.075
3357L Hines54.100
3422C B. Henderson54.131
3540R Marsh54.212
364D Eaves54.234
3737J Boullion54.238
3838W Hoy54.314
3970J Wheals54.399
40021T Bear54.547
41343M Max57.438

Weather: Clear, 55 °F, Southwest 11 mph

Session: Qualifying

1029C Bidet49.421
2008J Zolecki49.693
3023Z Webster50.161
49T Chilton51.430
51J Thompson51.616
635D Leslie51.620
747D Warwick51.622
812R Huff51.646
96A Reid51.704
1010R Collard51.706
1198J Cleland51.739
1246J Newbile51.758
1336L Aiello51.789
1431A Menu51.803
1530N Mansell51.804
163M Neal51.828
1727R Rydell51.839
182Y Muller51.910
1932P Radisch51.920
2029K Burt51.944
2123C Breeze52.010
228C Turkington52.014
2311J Plato52.016
2445F Biela52.483
2537J Boullion54.329
2644A Slight54.420
2733J Cecotto54.525
2816J Kaye54.638
2957L Hines54.674
3040R Marsh54.682
3115F Hairuman54.720
324D Eaves54.755
3334J Winkelhock54.897
3470J Wheals54.904
3520S Watson-smith54.997
3622C B. Henderson55.047
3714M Bentwood55.192
3838W Hoy55.388
39034T Egg--
40021T Bear--
41013T Nadz--
42343M Max--
43098G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 55 °F, Northwest 11 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1343M Max50.696
2013T Nadz50.822
3034T Egg50.942
423C Breeze51.451
5023Z Webster51.540
68C Turkington51.722
712R Huff51.748
846J Newbile51.825
936L Aiello52.215
1098J Cleland52.248
1135D Leslie52.338
129T Chilton52.409
1310R Collard52.414
142Y Muller52.456
1527R Rydell52.535
1632P Radisch52.580
171J Thompson52.638
1811J Plato52.765
1931A Menu52.821
206A Reid53.052
2147D Warwick53.268
2244A Slight53.825
2370J Wheals54.072
2437J Boullion54.079
2516J Kaye54.288
2634J Winkelhock54.381
2714M Bentwood54.552
2833J Cecotto54.671
2915F Hairuman54.847
3022C B. Henderson54.859
3138W Hoy55.033
3257L Hines55.349
3320S Watson-smith55.445
34008J Zolecki55.573
354D Eaves55.782
36021T Bear56.238
3745F Biela57.217
3829K Burt57.515
3930N Mansell57.801
4040R Marsh1:04.247

Weather: Clear, 66 °F, Northwest 6 mph

Session: Race


12008J Zolecki98.3772525*185Running
239034T Egg-40.74250170Running
31431A Menu-41.21250165Running
41010R Collard-46.42250160Running
5182Y Muller-47.95250155Running
61246J Newbile-49.48250150Running
741013T Nadz-51.14250146Running
82445F Biela-1L240142Running
949T Chilton-1L240138Running
10228C Turkington-1L240134Running
11163M Neal-1L240130Running
1251J Thompson-1L240127Running
131727R Rydell-1L240124Running
141932P Radisch-1L240121Running
15635D Leslie-1L240118Running
162957L Hines-2L230115Running
171530N Mansell-2L230112Running
183520S Watson-smith-2L230109Running
193023Z Webster-2L230106Running
203040R Marsh-2L230103Running
21747D Warwick-2L230100Running
223470J Wheals-2L23097Running
233838W Hoy-3L22094Running
243622C B. Henderson-3L22091Running
252537J Boullion-3L22088Running
262029K Burt-3L22085Running
2740021T Bear-3L22082Running
282123C Breeze-4L21079Accident
292311J Plato-5L20076Accident
303334J Winkelhock-5L20073Running
313714M Bentwood-5L20070Running
322644A Slight-5L20067Running
332816J Kaye-7L18064Accident
34324D Eaves-10L15061Retired
352733J Cecotto-13L12058Accident
36812R Huff-13L12055Retired
371198J Cleland-14L11052Accident
3896A Reid-16L9049Accident
3943098G Slab-18L7046Accident
403115F Hairuman-19L6043Accident
411336L Aiello-21L4040Accident
4242343M Max-21L4037Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, 65 °F, North 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 85%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 60 °F, South 10 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz49.591
2023Z Webster50.762
311J Plato51.579
41J Thompson51.610
546J Newbile51.620
66A Reid51.718
710R Collard51.733
812R Huff51.754
930N Mansell51.782
1045F Biela51.782
1132P Radisch51.799
1298J Cleland51.829
1329K Burt51.847
148C Turkington51.851
152Y Muller51.853
1631A Menu51.872
173M Neal51.885
1827R Rydell51.961
1936L Aiello51.989
209T Chilton52.092
2135D Leslie52.094
2247D Warwick52.105
2323C Breeze52.150
24029M Max53.453
2540R Marsh54.602
2617J George54.642
2799T Harvey54.667
2877J Hughes54.674
2916J Kaye54.710
3022C B. Henderson54.711
3128V R Macker54.745
3234J Winkelhock55.065
3337J Boullion55.097
3415F Hairuman55.110
3514M Bentwood55.134
3620S Watson-smith55.360
3738W Hoy55.401
3844A Slight55.442
3970J Wheals56.055
40034T Egg--
41098G Slab--
42008J Zolecki--
43021T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 60 °F, West 11 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1013T Nadz50.058
223C Breeze50.756
347D Warwick50.822
4023Z Webster50.857
531A Menu50.869
635D Leslie50.874
73M Neal50.876
832P Radisch51.073
911J Plato51.075
1045F Biela51.098
119T Chilton51.125
1230N Mansell51.160
131J Thompson51.161
146A Reid51.163
15029M Max51.210
162Y Muller51.236
1729K Burt51.239
1810R Collard51.378
1936L Aiello51.417
2098J Cleland51.418
2140R Marsh53.639
22021T Bear53.705
2344A Slight53.915
2427R Rydell56.882
258C Turkington57.913

Weather: Cloudy, 54 °F, Northwest 15 mph

Session: Race


11013T Nadz97.1882521*185Running
241J Thompson-3.84250170Running
3812R Huff-4.77250165Running
41631A Menu-7.84250160Running
5546J Newbile-11.04250155Running
61132P Radisch-11.79250150Running
7930N Mansell-12.18250146Running
8209T Chilton-18.98250142Running
92247D Warwick-25.67250138Running
10152Y Muller-31.77250134Running
112135D Leslie-33.85250130Running
121329K Burt-34.55250127Running
132023Z Webster-1L240124Running
143844A Slight-1L240121Running
1566A Reid-2L234123Accident
161298J Cleland-2L230115Running
172540R Marsh-2L230112Running
1840034T Egg-3L220109Accident
192877J Hughes-3L220106Accident
203337J Boullion-3L220103Running
213620S Watson-smith-4L210100Running
223022C B. Henderson-5L20097Accident
23311J Plato-5L20094Retired
24173M Neal-5L20091Running
253234J Winkelhock-5L20088Running
261936L Aiello-6L19085Retired
2743021T Bear-6L19082Running
282323C Breeze-7L18079Retired
29710R Collard-7L18076Retired
302916J Kaye-7L18073Camshaft
311827R Rydell-8L17070Retired
323514M Bentwood-8L17067Retired
33148C Turkington-9L16064Accident
343970J Wheals-9L16061Camshaft
352799T Harvey-10L15058Accident
363738W Hoy-10L15055Accident
372617J George-11L14052Retired
3841098G Slab-13L12049Running
3942008J Zolecki-14L11046Accident
403128V R Macker-15L10043Retired
411045F Biela-16L9040Retired
4224029M Max-18L7037Running
433415F Hairuman-19L6034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 54 °F, Northwest 19 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 85%



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