Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 25-27 Bowl Two

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The 3rd Wild Card of the series between Know U and Dick Trickle's Strip Club kicked off tonight at the fast and frantic Bowl 2.  The Most Awards came up for the second time in the championship and it would ultimately be Know U who would eek out the win by just a couple awards.  This puts them solidly in 2nd ahead of the Club and Egg Sandywiches.

Many accusations of attacks were thrown around tonight as Darrel felt targeted by various racers.  Slab had some issues and had to miss Race 3 while The Egg ended up dropping out of Race 1 and finding sporadic participation through the finale.  His teammate, Bear, fared a little better in the final run, scoring 4th and being one of only 3 humans left thanks to Tnadz killing off a swatch of drivers.  That helped his teammate, Mad Max, score his second win of the night, just slightly ahead of Zolecki.  Know U managed to bag a lot of points outside of the earnings from the Wild Card.  With a little luck and some steely nerve (see highlight from Webster above), they are on the path to track down Man Chest Hair United in first.

Next week will be Marty Mo' Ville.  Before that, however, there's been a change to the layout.  Instead of a simple random draw for Wild Card at the final race, the team in first place at the start of the round will face off against all other human teams individually.  This means if 1st place loses to each team, they lose 36 points.  But, they could also GAIN 36 points by beating all 3 teams and scoring 12 from each (and subsequently causing them to LOSE 12 each).  And the X Factor is always in play...

Race 1

Session: Qualifying

115U Knights--
29C Tigers--
370P Nittany Lions--
488N Saints--
526I Hawkeyes--
66V Wildcats--
781F Seminoles--
813M Dolphins--
947F Gators--
1052T Titans--
111T Aggies--
1234N Giants--
1386W Red Skins--
1498N Jets--
1517S Cardinal--
1645H Texans--
1780D Lions--
1814U Hurricanes--
1935U Bruins--
2018O Rebels--
2190S Gamecocks--
2210B Bills--
238O Sooners--
2461A Crimson Tide--
2555L Tigers--
2650B Bears--
2711T Longhorns--
2873T Buccaneers--
2958P Steelers--
3099D Cowboys--
3130P Boilermakers--
3225I Hoosiers--
3327O Ducks--
3444N Fighting Irish--
3523C Panthers--
3639D Hamilton--
3742J Zolecki--
3856M Max--
3919Z Webster--
4022T Egg--
4163T Bear--
4231T Nadz--
4395G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11234N Giants206.286458180Retired
23919Z Webster-16.92450170Running
33523C Panthers-19.16450165Running
43742J Zolecki-1L4413*170Running
51052T Titans-1L449160Running
62461A Crimson Tide-1L440150Running
73856M Max-1L440146Running
8947F Gators-1L440142Running
93099D Cowboys-1L440138Running
103327O Ducks-1L440134Running
112873T Buccaneers-1L440130Running
122210B Bills-1L440127Running
131386W Red Skins-2L430124Running
143225I Hoosiers-2L430121Retired
151517S Cardinal-2L430118Running
16781F Seminoles-2L430115Running
172711T Longhorns-2L430112Running
183444N Fighting Irish-2L430109Running
19813M Dolphins-2L430106Running
202650B Bears-3L420103Running
211498N Jets-3L422105Running
222555L Tigers-3L42097Running
23370P Nittany Lions-3L42094Running
242018O Rebels-3L42091Running
251935U Bruins-4L41088Running
26115U Knights-4L41390Running
2766V Wildcats-5L40082Running
282958P Steelers-5L40079Retired
292190S Gamecocks-5L40076Running
30488N Saints-6L39073Running
31111T Aggies-6L39070Running
321814U Hurricanes-7L38067Running
334163T Bear-7L38064Running
34238O Sooners-7L38061Running
351645H Texans-8L37058Running
361780D Lions-8L37055Running
37526I Hawkeyes-8L371057Running
3829C Tigers-9L36049Running
393130P Boilermakers-12L33046Running
404231T Nadz-14L31043Running
414395G Slab-20L25040Running
423639D Hamilton-21L24037Running
434022T Egg-38L7034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 61 °F, Northwest 37 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

11T Aggies--
273T Buccaneers--
344N Fighting Irish--
415U Knights--
550B Bears--
690S Gamecocks--
714U Hurricanes--
880D Lions--
96V Wildcats--
1058P Steelers--
1130P Boilermakers--
1270P Nittany Lions--
1325I Hoosiers--
1452T Titans--
1511T Longhorns--
169C Tigers--
1755L Tigers--
1818O Rebels--
1961A Crimson Tide--
2027O Ducks--
2117S Cardinal--
2234N Giants--
2335U Bruins--
2423C Panthers--
2547F Gators--
2681F Seminoles--
2713M Dolphins--
2826I Hawkeyes--
2910B Bills--
3098N Jets--
318O Sooners--
3245H Texans--
3386W Red Skins--
3488N Saints--
3599D Cowboys--
3656M Max--
3795G Slab--
3831T Nadz--
3939D Hamilton--
4063T Bear--
4119Z Webster--
4222T Egg--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13656M Max220.7052315*185Running
2273T Buccaneers-0.60231175Running
34342J Zolecki-0.70230165Running
4714U Hurricanes-0.88232165Running
52910B Bills-4.14230155Running
63386W Red Skins-13.21230150Running
7690S Gamecocks-17.67233151Running
82826I Hawkeyes-1L220142Running
9344N Fighting Irish-1L220138Running
104222T Egg-1L220134Running
112713M Dolphins-1L220130Running
121755L Tigers-2L210127Running
134119Z Webster-2L210124Running
141452T Titans-2L210121Running
15550B Bears-2L210118Running
163795G Slab-3L200115Running
171058P Steelers-4L190112Running
18318O Sooners-6L170109Accident
191818O Rebels-7L160106Running
202423C Panthers-10L130103Accident
213831T Nadz-10L130100Accident
223488N Saints-11L12097Retired
233098N Jets-13L10094Accident
241325I Hoosiers-13L10091Accident
252547F Gators-14L9088Accident
26169C Tigers-14L9085Accident
27415U Knights-14L9082Accident
282234N Giants-14L9079Accident
294063T Bear-14L9076Accident
303599D Cowboys-14L9073Accident
3196V Wildcats-14L9070Accident
321130P Boilermakers-15L8067Accident
333245H Texans-16L7064Accident
3411T Aggies-16L7266Accident
353939D Hamilton-16L7058Running
362335U Bruins-20L3055Accident
37880D Lions-21L2052Accident
382681F Seminoles-21L2049Accident
391270P Nittany Lions-21L2046Accident
402027O Ducks-22L1043Accident
411511T Longhorns-22L1040Accident
421961A Crimson Tide-22L1037Retired
432117S Cardinal-22L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 55 °F, Northeast 63 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



Race 3

Session: Qualifying

117S Cardinal--
280D Lions--
361A Crimson Tide--
48O Sooners--
56V Wildcats--
627O Ducks--
750B Bears--
826I Hawkeyes--
945H Texans--
1011T Longhorns--
1130P Boilermakers--
1258P Steelers--
1314U Hurricanes--
1498N Jets--
151T Aggies--
1686W Red Skins--
1715U Knights--
1818O Rebels--
1990S Gamecocks--
2081F Seminoles--
2113M Dolphins--
2244N Fighting Irish--
2347F Gators--
249C Tigers--
2535U Bruins--
2688N Saints--
2773T Buccaneers--
2825I Hoosiers--
2999D Cowboys--
3055L Tigers--
3123C Panthers--
3295A Falcons--
3352T Titans--
3410B Bills--
3534N Giants--
3670P Nittany Lions--
3722T Egg--
3842J Zolecki--
3939D Hamilton--
4063T Bear--
4156M Max--
4219Z Webster--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14156M Max221.516237180Running
23842J Zolecki-9.25230170Running
33534N Giants-4L190165Running
44063T Bear-4L190160Running
53123C Panthers-5L180155Running
61258P Steelers-6L170150Running
7945H Texans-6L170146Running
8249C Tigers-6L170142Accident
9280D Lions-7L164143Accident
104219Z Webster-7L160134Accident
113410B Bills-7L160130Retired
124331T Nadz-8L150127Accident
131818O Rebels-8L150124Accident
14627O Ducks-9L141126Accident
1548O Sooners-9L148*128Accident
162999D Cowboys-9L140115Accident
17361A Crimson Tide-10L130112Accident
183722T Egg-10L130109Accident
193295A Falcons-10L130106Accident
203939D Hamilton-17L60103Accident
213352T Titans-18L50100Accident
221130P Boilermakers-18L5097Accident
2356V Wildcats-19L4094Accident
24826I Hawkeyes-19L4091Accident
251498N Jets-19L4088Accident
261011T Longhorns-19L4085Accident
271686W Red Skins-19L4082Accident
28117S Cardinal-19L4384Accident
293055L Tigers-19L4076Accident
301990S Gamecocks-20L3073Accident
312113M Dolphins-20L3070Accident
322347F Gators-21L2067Retired
33151T Aggies-21L2064Accident
342688N Saints-21L2061Accident
352773T Buccaneers-21L2058Accident
363670P Nittany Lions-21L2055Accident
372081F Seminoles-21L2052Accident
382825I Hoosiers-21L2049Accident
392535U Bruins-21L2046Accident
401314U Hurricanes-21L2043Accident
411715U Knights-22L1040Accident
422244N Fighting Irish-22L1037Accident
43750B Bears-22L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 56 °F, Northeast 16 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



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