Sunday, January 12, 2020

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 22-24 Raleigh

The shortest Figure 8 marked the turning point in the season as the second half comes into play.  Man Chest Hair United extended an already extended lead.  Egg Sandywiches tried to put a stop to the madness by taking out Tnadz and his team but came up short in their endeavors and points.  Dick Trickle's Strip Club and Know U were mostly in it for themselves and simply tried to survive, allowing ManCHU to get the massive advantage they are now enjoying.

Live Stream:

The starts were crazy with only the first one avoiding chaos before the green flag dropped.  The last two races saw plenty of wrecking as the field bunched up for to take the green.  All of the races saw fewer than 10 cars finish, most humans.  Although the last two were won by AI.  Not many black flags needed cleared but the uncertainty of some of the track's quirks made for some contentious decisions:  Mad Max had his Race 2 points revoked after cutting the track post intersection impact.  Slab was DQed after backing up a mere 3 car lengths to avoid a track cutting penalty after Tnadz bumped him wide out of turn one.

One thing was certain, it was chaotic.  Next week will be Wildcard #3 at Bowl 2 and a chance for one team to take a bite out of ManCHU's lead.  And never forget the X-Factor who was in the top ten for two races.

Race 1

Track: Raleigh Raceway Park

Date: 01/08/20

Session: Practice

131T Nadz21.461
242J Zolecki22.206
347F Gators22.765
419Z Webster22.792
522T Egg22.827
690S Gamecocks22.985
714U Hurricanes23.097
86V Wildcats23.118
950B Bears23.122
1088N Saints23.175
1170P Nittany Lions23.189
1280D Lions23.192
138O Sooners23.202
1452T Titans23.204
1545H Texans23.340
1681F Seminoles23.379
1727O Ducks23.432
1844N Fighting Irish23.530
1961A Crimson Tide23.531
2015U Knights23.623
2139D Hamilton23.645
2273T Buccaneers23.656
2326I Hawkeyes23.767
2499D Cowboys23.891
2534N Giants23.927
2698N Jets23.956
2756M Max25.112
281T Aggies25.373
2958P Steelers26.124
3013M Dolphins26.164
3111T Longhorns26.243
3223C Panthers26.260
3325I Hoosiers26.569
3463T Bear31.821
3518O Rebels33.334

Weather: Clear, 60 °F, Southwest 16 mph

Session: Qualifying

127O Ducks--
226I Hawkeyes--
398N Jets--
499D Cowboys--
59C Tigers--
688N Saints--
781F Seminoles--
811T Longhorns--
970P Nittany Lions--
1080D Lions--
1145H Texans--
1286W Red Skins--
1347F Gators--
1423C Panthers--
1518O Rebels--
1690S Gamecocks--
1744N Fighting Irish--
1834N Giants--
1952T Titans--
2061A Crimson Tide--
2155L Tigers--
228O Sooners--
2315U Knights--
2473T Buccaneers--
2550B Bears--
266V Wildcats--
2714U Hurricanes--
2817S Cardinal--
2925I Hoosiers--
3013M Dolphins--
3110B Bills--
3258P Steelers--
331T Aggies--
3435U Bruins--
3530P Boilermakers--
3639D Hamilton--
3719Z Webster--
3842J Zolecki--
3931T Nadz--
4022T Egg--
4156M Max--
4295G Slab--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13931T Nadz67.9532016*185Running
23719Z Webster-18.11200170Running
34156M Max-1L190165Running
43639D Hamilton-2L180160Running
51690S Gamecocks-2L180155Running
6266V Wildcats-3L170150Running
74295G Slab-4L160146Running
8688N Saints-11L91147Accident
9499D Cowboys-15L52143Accident
103258P Steelers-16L40134Accident
112061A Crimson Tide-17L30130Retired
12228O Sooners-17L30127Accident
131423C Panthers-17L30124Accident
143435U Bruins-17L30121Accident
15226I Hawkeyes-17L30118Accident
162714U Hurricanes-17L30115Retired
17331T Aggies-18L20112Accident
181952T Titans-18L20109Accident
191286W Red Skins-18L20106Retired
202155L Tigers-18L20103Retired
211347F Gators-18L20100Retired
2259C Tigers-18L2097Retired
231834N Giants-18L2094Retired
243530P Boilermakers-18L2091Accident
252315U Knights-18L2088Retired
262817S Cardinal-18L2085Accident
27127O Ducks-18L2187Accident
28398N Jets-18L2079Accident
29970P Nittany Lions-18L2076Accident
304363T Bear-18L2073Accident
311744N Fighting Irish-18L2070Accident
321080D Lions-19L1067Accident
33811T Longhorns-19L1064Accident
34781F Seminoles-19L1061Accident
353013M Dolphins-19L1058Accident
361518O Rebels-19L1055Accident
373110B Bills-19L1052Accident
382925I Hoosiers-19L1049Accident
391145H Texans-19L1046Retired
402473T Buccaneers-19L1043Accident
412550B Bears-20L0040Accident
423842J Zolecki-20L0037Accident
434022T Egg-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, East 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

11T Aggies--
218O Rebels--
335U Bruins--
423C Panthers--
555L Tigers--
626I Hawkeyes--
750B Bears--
886W Red Skins--
947F Gators--
1073T Buccaneers--
119C Tigers--
128O Sooners--
1388N Saints--
1444N Fighting Irish--
1545H Texans--
1680D Lions--
1730P Boilermakers--
1834N Giants--
1910B Bills--
2017S Cardinal--
2127O Ducks--
2299D Cowboys--
2390S Gamecocks--
2414U Hurricanes--
2598N Jets--
2613M Dolphins--
2725I Hoosiers--
2852T Titans--
2958P Steelers--
3015U Knights--
3161A Crimson Tide--
3281F Seminoles--
336V Wildcats--
3411T Longhorns--
3570P Nittany Lions--
3695G Slab--
3722T Egg--
3831T Nadz--
3963T Bear--
4042J Zolecki--
4139D Hamilton--
4256M Max--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


111T Aggies66.4562015*185Running
24042J Zolecki-12.76200170Running
33695G Slab-3L170165Running
43963T Bear-4L160160Running
54256M Max-4L160155Running
62414U Hurricanes-7L130150Retired
71444N Fighting Irish-11L90146Accident
83831T Nadz-11L90142Running
9218O Rebels-12L83143Retired
101910B Bills-15L50134Retired
111545H Texans-16L40130Retired
123281F Seminoles-16L40127Retired
132299D Cowboys-17L30124Accident
141730P Boilermakers-17L30121Accident
151388N Saints-17L30118Accident
16750B Bears-18L21120Accident
17626I Hawkeyes-18L20112Accident
18119C Tigers-18L20109Accident
19886W Red Skins-18L20106Accident
202127O Ducks-18L20103Accident
212958P Steelers-18L20100Accident
22947F Gators-18L2097Accident
23128O Sooners-18L2094Accident
243570P Nittany Lions-18L2091Accident
252390S Gamecocks-18L2088Accident
264319Z Webster-18L2085Accident
27335U Bruins-18L2187Accident
283722T Egg-18L2079Accident
291834N Giants-18L2076Retired
303411T Longhorns-18L2073Accident
31555L Tigers-19L1070Accident
32423C Panthers-19L1067Accident
331073T Buccaneers-19L1064Accident
341680D Lions-19L1061Accident
352017S Cardinal-19L1058Accident
362598N Jets-19L1055Accident
372725I Hoosiers-19L1052Accident
38336V Wildcats-19L1049Accident
393161A Crimson Tide-19L1046Accident
402613M Dolphins-20L0043Retired
412852T Titans-20L0040Retired
423015U Knights-20L0037Retired
434139D Hamilton-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 54 °F, East 14 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


019Passing on the insideStop and go
139Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
256Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
356Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
456Cutting the courseHeld for 25 seconds
1031Dropping FluidPit for repairs
1031Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

11T Aggies--
210B Bills--
38O Sooners--
473T Buccaneers--
517S Cardinal--
647F Gators--
798N Jets--
89C Tigers--
981F Seminoles--
1023C Panthers--
1188N Saints--
1230P Boilermakers--
1313M Dolphins--
1427O Ducks--
1544N Fighting Irish--
1650B Bears--
1786W Red Skins--
1845H Texans--
1926I Hawkeyes--
2018O Rebels--
2134N Giants--
2235U Bruins--
236V Wildcats--
2499D Cowboys--
2590S Gamecocks--
2655L Tigers--
2714U Hurricanes--
2880D Lions--
2911T Longhorns--
3025I Hoosiers--
3152T Titans--
3270P Nittany Lions--
3358P Steelers--
3415U Knights--
3561A Crimson Tide--
3695G Slab--
3763T Bear--
3856M Max--
3922T Egg--
4031T Nadz--
4142J Zolecki--
4239D Hamilton--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1647F Gators65.4162014*185Running
24031T Nadz-15.22200170Running
34239D Hamilton-1L190165Running
43415U Knights-2L180160Running
53922T Egg-6L140155Accident
63763T Bear-11L90150Accident
7798N Jets-14L62151Accident
81544N Fighting Irish-14L60142Retired
938O Sooners-15L54143Accident
104319Z Webster-15L50134Running
114142J Zolecki-16L40130Accident
123270P Nittany Lions-16L40127Accident
131188N Saints-16L40124Accident
143856M Max-17L30121Accident
1589C Tigers-18L20118Retired
16473T Buccaneers-18L20115Retired
1711T Aggies-18L20112Accident
182499D Cowboys-18L20109Accident
191926I Hawkeyes-18L20106Accident
201313M Dolphins-18L20103Accident
21210B Bills-19L10100Accident
221230P Boilermakers-19L1097Accident
231845H Texans-19L1094Accident
24981F Seminoles-19L1091Accident
251786W Red Skins-19L1088Accident
263358P Steelers-19L1085Accident
272018O Rebels-19L1082Retired
282911T Longhorns-19L1079Retired
293025I Hoosiers-19L1076Accident
303561A Crimson Tide-19L1073Accident
313695G Slab-19L1070Retired
322134N Giants-19L1067Accident
332655L Tigers-19L1064Retired
34517S Cardinal-20L0061Accident
351023C Panthers-20L0058Accident
361427O Ducks-20L0055Accident
371650B Bears-20L0052Accident
38236V Wildcats-20L0049Retired
392235U Bruins-20L0046Accident
402880D Lions-20L0043Retired
412714U Hurricanes-20L0040Accident
422590S Gamecocks-20L0037Accident
433152T Titans-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 60 °F, North 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


295Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
363Cutting the courseHeld for 5 seconds
519Dropping FluidPit for repairs
519Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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