Wednesday, October 14, 2020

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 4: 6 Feet Under

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It was bound to happen.  An X Factor has been activated.  Let's see how things went through the night at the hottest little track under the Earth's crust.

Race 1:

After a few restarts, one of which saw Gut Slab drop out after suffering unacceptable frame drops, the 20 lapper with no damage was finally completed.  And while some did well and others didn't, the Seminoles took the top of the chart, going unmolested through the final laps.  The now the points leader at the end of the night would take a hit.

Race 2:
Know U 2, realizing their points lead was in jeopardy, decided to play for as many points as they could gobble up to try and reduce the pain.  Zolecki made a strong run to the front and stayed pretty clean to the end of this 20 lapper (reduced because of a server crash).  Laughing again, the Seminoles were 2nd, less than a second behind.  Webster placed in the top 10 as well, pulling in as many points as they could muster.

Race 3:
40 laps at full damage was a tall order and less than a dozen cars finished in the end.  The Nittany Lions took first.

And it was a big gaggle behind as Webster barely hung in for second place, smoking like a chimney ahead of OSU, The Egg, The Ducks and The Bear.  Tnadz and The Egg took out a few right towards the end to push teammates up the order and deny points to others.

So how did things shake out for Know U 2?  With their commanding 30+ point lead, their score was reduced by 36 and that brought last place up into 2nd with them, only 9 points out of first.  This moves Mad Hatters into the top position as Black Smiths fall further afield into 4th.

But the point separation at the front is very small now as we look to round the wheel winding Bowl 2.  Will the X Factor strike again?

Race 1

Track: 6 Feet Under Speed Dome

Date: 10/14/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 51 °F, South 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

185U Trojans--
211T Longhorns--
358P Steelers--
452T Titans--
525I Hoosiers--
637P Eagles--
731O Buckeyes--
89C Tigers--
926I Hawkeyes--
108O Sooners--
1195A Falcons--
1273T Buccaneers--
1361A Crimson Tide--
146V Wildcats--
1545H Texans--
1680D Lions--
1727O Ducks--
1870P Nittany Lions--
1939G Bulldogs--
2018O Rebels--
211T Aggies--
2298N Jets--
232N Cornhuskers--
2455L Tigers--
2515U Knights--
2699D Cowboys--
2714U Hurricanes--
2888N Saints--
2935U Bruins--
3020B Ravens--
3130P Boilermakers--
3247F Gators--
3381F Seminoles--
3444N Fighting Irish--
3534N Giants--
3650B Bears--
3713M Dolphins--
3842J Zolecki--
3919Z Webster--
4063T Bear--
4186T Nadz--
4222T Egg--
4356M Max--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13381F Seminoles126.4652012*185Running
21727O Ducks-2.42200170Running
33650B Bears-2.88200165Running
41195A Falcons-1L190160Running
5637P Eagles-1L190155Running
6926I Hawkeyes-1L190150Running
72935U Bruins-1L190146Running
8452T Titans-1L190142Running
92888N Saints-1L190138Running
104222T Egg-1L192139Running
113247F Gators-1L190130Running
123020B Ravens-1L190127Running
13525I Hoosiers-1L191129Running
1489C Tigers-2L180121Running
153919Z Webster-2L180118Running
16358P Steelers-2L180115Running
172018O Rebels-2L180112Running
181939G Bulldogs-2L180109Running
192455L Tigers-2L180106Running
203713M Dolphins-2L180103Running
212714U Hurricanes-2L180100Running
22146V Wildcats-2L18097Running
231680D Lions-3L17094Running
24232N Cornhuskers-3L17091Running
25211T Aggies-3L17088Running
26108O Sooners-3L17085Running
273130P Boilermakers-3L17082Running
281545H Texans-3L17079Running
291273T Buccaneers-3L17076Running
303534N Giants-4L16073Running
312699D Cowboys-4L16070Running
32185U Trojans-4L16572Running
333444N Fighting Irish-4L16064Running
344063T Bear-5L15061Running
352515U Knights-5L15058Running
361361A Crimson Tide-5L15055Running
371870P Nittany Lions-5L15052Running
38731O Buckeyes-5L15049Running
392298N Jets-9L11046Running
404186T Nadz-9L11043Running
414356M Max-9L11040Running
42211T Longhorns-10L10037Running
433842J Zolecki-11L9034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 43 °F, West 0 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 38 °F, South 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

181F Seminoles--
252T Titans--
335U Bruins--
413M Dolphins--
588N Saints--
61T Aggies--
72N Cornhuskers--
870P Nittany Lions--
937P Eagles--
1055L Tigers--
1185U Trojans--
1245H Texans--
138O Sooners--
1427O Ducks--
1599D Cowboys--
1658P Steelers--
1726I Hawkeyes--
1850B Bears--
1918O Rebels--
2030P Boilermakers--
2120B Ravens--
2215U Knights--
2395A Falcons--
2414U Hurricanes--
2534N Giants--
2680D Lions--
2761A Crimson Tide--
2898N Jets--
2911T Longhorns--
3073T Buccaneers--
3125I Hoosiers--
329C Tigers--
3344N Fighting Irish--
3447F Gators--
3531O Buckeyes--
3639G Bulldogs--
376V Wildcats--
3822T Egg--
3986T Nadz--
4063T Bear--
4156M Max--
4219Z Webster--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14342J Zolecki138.5242013*185Running
2181F Seminoles-0.97206175Running
31918O Rebels-1L190165Running
4252T Titans-1L191165Running
52414U Hurricanes-1L190155Running
61185U Trojans-1L190150Running
74219Z Webster-1L190146Running
83639G Bulldogs-1L190142Running
9937P Eagles-2L180138Running
101427O Ducks-2L180134Running
11138O Sooners-2L180130Running
122911T Longhorns-2L180127Retired
13376V Wildcats-2L180124Retired
142120B Ravens-2L180121Running
152761A Crimson Tide-3L170118Running
162395A Falcons-3L170115Running
173447F Gators-3L170112Running
182534N Giants-3L170109Running
191850B Bears-3L170106Running
204156M Max-3L170103Running
21335U Bruins-3L170100Running
223125I Hoosiers-4L16097Running
232030P Boilermakers-4L16094Running
242215U Knights-4L16091Running
253344N Fighting Irish-4L16088Running
2672N Cornhuskers-4L16085Running
274063T Bear-5L15082Running
283986T Nadz-5L15079Running
2961T Aggies-5L15076Running
30870P Nittany Lions-6L14073Accident
311726I Hawkeyes-6L14070Running
323073T Buccaneers-6L14067Running
33413M Dolphins-7L13064Retired
342898N Jets-7L13061Running
351245H Texans-7L13058Running
361599D Cowboys-8L12055Retired
373531O Buckeyes-9L11052Accident
381658P Steelers-9L11049Running
392680D Lions-10L10046Running
40588N Saints-15L5043Retired
413822T Egg-16L4040Running
42329C Tigers-18L2037Accident
431055L Tigers-18L2034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 44 °F, West 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 53 °F, Northwest 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

11T Aggies--
261A Crimson Tide--
352T Titans--
430P Boilermakers--
511T Longhorns--
625I Hoosiers--
739G Bulldogs--
837P Eagles--
96V Wildcats--
1058P Steelers--
1150B Bears--
1235U Bruins--
139C Tigers--
1485U Trojans--
1531O Buckeyes--
1626I Hawkeyes--
1798N Jets--
1895A Falcons--
1980D Lions--
2047F Gators--
2145H Texans--
2273T Buccaneers--
2388N Saints--
2414U Hurricanes--
2581F Seminoles--
2699D Cowboys--
2718O Rebels--
2870P Nittany Lions--
2915U Knights--
3020B Ravens--
3127O Ducks--
3213M Dolphins--
332N Cornhuskers--
348O Sooners--
3544N Fighting Irish--
3634N Giants--
3755L Tigers--
3863T Bear--
3922T Egg--
4019Z Webster--
4186T Nadz--
4256M Max--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


12870P Nittany Lions138.674403180Retired
24019Z Webster-1L390170Running
31531O Buckeyes-1L390165Running
43127O Ducks-1L390160Running
52273T Buccaneers-1L390155Running
61798N Jets-2L380150Running
73922T Egg-2L380146Running
82047F Gators-2L380142Running
9352T Titans-3L3719*148Accident
101626I Hawkeyes-3L370134Running
112145H Texans-9L310130Accident
121150B Bears-9L311132Accident
134186T Nadz-10L300124Running
143863T Bear-11L290121Running
152718O Rebels-15L250118Retired
162581F Seminoles-16L240115Accident
17837P Eagles-16L240112Running
18511T Longhorns-17L2315114Accident
1911T Aggies-20L201111Accident
202699D Cowboys-22L180103Retired
212915U Knights-22L180100Retired
223020B Ravens-22L18097Accident
234256M Max-23L17094Accident
243544N Fighting Irish-24L16091Retired
25139C Tigers-28L12088Accident
26348O Sooners-28L12085Accident
27430P Boilermakers-28L12082Accident
28739G Bulldogs-30L10079Accident
291980D Lions-31L9076Retired
303213M Dolphins-31L9073Accident
311485U Trojans-32L8070Accident
324342J Zolecki-32L8067Accident
333634N Giants-33L7064Accident
341235U Bruins-34L6166Retired
353755L Tigers-36L4058Retired
362388N Saints-36L4055Accident
37332N Cornhuskers-37L3052Accident
38625I Hoosiers-39L1049Accident
392414U Hurricanes-39L1046Retired
401058P Steelers-39L1043Retired
41261A Crimson Tide-39L1040Accident
421895A Falcons-39L1037Accident
4396V Wildcats-40L0034Tire

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (6 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 46 °F, South 0 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



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