Wednesday, October 28, 2020

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 6: North Carolina Jump

 Live Stream:

The races were some of the fastest and most aggressive.  Wildcard #2 brought I'll Kill You and Know U 2.  On the docket tonight was Most Awards.

Race 1:

Jamie avoided disaster for the entire race and came off with two awards along with his teammate Zack who fought hard for the Diehard.

Race 2:

Jamie couldn't quite chase down Tnadz for the top honors but tried doggedly.  Almost as hard as Mad Max did to take out the Buckeyes with a few laps left.  And with one of the I'll Kill You ai leading a lap, the spread was down to 2 heading into the final race.

Race 3:
A dicey 20 laps was to be had as Jamie went from having an injured car and fending off an attack by Tnadz to running 3rd watching the two leaders nearly killing themselves as the laps dwindled.  Then with the white flag flying, he was passed over the jump just to be taken out by then-leader, Penn State who then lost to the Titans.  The Nittany Lions and Titans would end up being the only two survivors despite a strong attempt by Zack and Mad Max to coax their broken cars to the finish.

At the end of the night, Know U scored a few more accolades in the final race, cementing their win in the wildcard and their lead in the championship.  On to GNC Carnival.

Race 1


Date: 10/28/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Southeast 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

198N Jets--
220B Ravens--
325I Hoosiers--
481F Seminoles--
547F Gators--
61T Aggies--
735U Bruins--
888N Saints--
99C Tigers--
1027O Ducks--
1173T Buccaneers--
1245H Texans--
1330P Boilermakers--
1411T Longhorns--
158O Sooners--
1650B Bears--
1795A Falcons--
1844N Fighting Irish--
1934N Giants--
2061A Crimson Tide--
2185U Trojans--
2214U Hurricanes--
2380D Lions--
2439G Bulldogs--
252N Cornhuskers--
2658P Steelers--
2770P Nittany Lions--
2837P Eagles--
2926I Hawkeyes--
3086W Red Skins--
3113M Dolphins--
326V Wildcats--
3352T Titans--
3418O Rebels--
3555L Tigers--
3615U Knights--
3799D Cowboys--
3856M Max--
3942J Zolecki--
4022T Egg--
4131T Nadz--
4219Z Webster--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13942J Zolecki168.611206180Running
2888N Saints-17.66208*180Running
33555L Tigers-1L190165Running
4220B Ravens-1L190160Running
51934N Giants-1L190155Running
61245H Texans-1L194155Running
7547F Gators-1L190146Running
82926I Hawkeyes-1L190142Running
9158O Sooners-1L190138Running
101330P Boilermakers-1L190134Running
1199C Tigers-1L190130Running
123352T Titans-2L180127Running
13198N Jets-2L181129Running
143086W Red Skins-2L180121Running
152837P Eagles-2L180118Running
161844N Fighting Irish-2L180115Running
172061A Crimson Tide-2L180112Running
18252N Cornhuskers-3L170109Running
19481F Seminoles-3L170106Running
203113M Dolphins-3L170103Running
211650B Bears-3L170100Running
222380D Lions-3L17097Running
2361T Aggies-3L17094Running
243799D Cowboys-3L17091Running
252770P Nittany Lions-3L17088Running
262214U Hurricanes-4L16085Running
273418O Rebels-4L16082Running
284363T Bear-4L16079Running
291027O Ducks-4L16076Running
30326V Wildcats-4L16073Running
313615U Knights-4L16070Running
322658P Steelers-5L15067Running
333856M Max-7L13064Running
342185U Trojans-7L13061Running
351795A Falcons-7L13058Running
361411T Longhorns-7L13055Running
37325I Hoosiers-7L13157Running
382439G Bulldogs-13L7049Valve
394131T Nadz-13L7046Running
404219Z Webster-13L7043Running
414022T Egg-16L4040Retired
42735U Bruins-18L2037DQ
431173T Buccaneers-18L2034DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, East 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


131Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
131Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
519Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
519Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Southwest 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

161A Crimson Tide--
273T Buccaneers--
334N Giants--
480D Lions--
555L Tigers--
652T Titans--
798N Jets--
845H Texans--
926I Hawkeyes--
1088N Saints--
1130P Boilermakers--
1218O Rebels--
1347F Gators--
1437P Eagles--
1544N Fighting Irish--
1670P Nittany Lions--
1781F Seminoles--
186V Wildcats--
1950B Bears--
2020B Ravens--
2127O Ducks--
222N Cornhuskers--
2325I Hoosiers--
249C Tigers--
2514U Hurricanes--
2613M Dolphins--
2758P Steelers--
2835U Bruins--
2999D Cowboys--
3015U Knights--
3186W Red Skins--
328O Sooners--
331T Aggies--
3485U Trojans--
3539G Bulldogs--
3611T Longhorns--
3795A Falcons--
3863T Bear--
3942J Zolecki--
4056M Max--
4131T Nadz--
4219Z Webster--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14131T Nadz181.8912010*185Running
23942J Zolecki-6.64200170Running
3161A Crimson Tide-1L1910*175Running
42514U Hurricanes-1L190160Running
53015U Knights-2L180155Running
6222N Cornhuskers-2L180150Running
73186W Red Skins-2L180146Running
84056M Max-7L130142Running
91544N Fighting Irish-8L120138Running
102325I Hoosiers-8L120134Accident
112999D Cowboys-9L110130Accident
121670P Nittany Lions-9L110127Running
13334N Giants-9L110124Accident
142020B Ravens-9L110121Running
151088N Saints-10L100118Running
161781F Seminoles-10L100115DQ
173863T Bear-11L90112Accident
18652T Titans-11L90109Accident
194219Z Webster-12L80106Accident
20249C Tigers-12L80103DQ
21273T Buccaneers-12L80100Accident
22328O Sooners-13L7097Running
23555L Tigers-13L7094Accident
241950B Bears-13L7091Accident
25798N Jets-13L7088Accident
262835U Bruins-14L6085Retired
27186V Wildcats-14L6082Accident
28480D Lions-14L6079Accident
291437P Eagles-15L5076Accident
302127O Ducks-15L5073Accident
31926I Hawkeyes-15L5070Accident
323485U Trojans-16L4067Retired
33331T Aggies-16L4064Retired
342613M Dolphins-16L4061Accident
351347F Gators-18L2058Accident
361130P Boilermakers-18L2055Accident
372758P Steelers-18L2052Accident
38845H Texans-18L2049Accident
391218O Rebels-18L2046Accident
404322T Egg-19L1043Disco
413539G Bulldogs-20L0040Accident
423611T Longhorns-20L0037Accident
433795A Falcons-20L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, West 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


1256Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Southeast 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

118O Rebels--
244N Fighting Irish--
326I Hawkeyes--
425I Hoosiers--
573T Buccaneers--
634N Giants--
781F Seminoles--
886W Red Skins--
927O Ducks--
1098N Jets--
1195A Falcons--
1258P Steelers--
1380D Lions--
149C Tigers--
1530P Boilermakers--
1647F Gators--
1750B Bears--
181T Aggies--
1945H Texans--
2070P Nittany Lions--
2139G Bulldogs--
2237P Eagles--
2361A Crimson Tide--
248O Sooners--
2511T Longhorns--
2699D Cowboys--
2788N Saints--
2814U Hurricanes--
2985U Trojans--
306V Wildcats--
3155L Tigers--
3235U Bruins--
3313M Dolphins--
3452T Titans--
3515U Knights--
3620B Ravens--
372N Cornhuskers--
3831T Nadz--
3942J Zolecki--
4019Z Webster--
4163T Bear--
4256M Max--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13452T Titans166.420201180Running
22070P Nittany Lions-10.832012*180Running
33942J Zolecki-4L164170Running
4244N Fighting Irish-6L140160Accident
51380D Lions-12L80155Accident
61647F Gators-13L70150Accident
72788N Saints-13L70146Accident
8886W Red Skins-13L70142Accident
94322T Egg-14L60138Disco
102139G Bulldogs-14L60134Retired
113831T Nadz-14L61135Accident
122511T Longhorns-15L50127DQ
13634N Giants-16L41129Accident
142699D Cowboys-16L40121Retired
15927O Ducks-16L40118Accident
164019Z Webster-16L40115Running
17425I Hoosiers-16L40112Accident
18326I Hawkeyes-17L30109Retired
19118O Rebels-17L31111Retired
202237P Eagles-17L30103Accident
211098N Jets-17L30100Accident
22181T Aggies-17L3097Accident
232814U Hurricanes-17L3094Accident
24248O Sooners-17L3091Accident
25149C Tigers-17L3088Accident
261258P Steelers-17L3085Accident
274256M Max-17L3082Running
283155L Tigers-18L2079Accident
293515U Knights-18L2076Accident
30372N Cornhuskers-18L2073Accident
31306V Wildcats-18L2070Accident
323313M Dolphins-18L2067Accident
331750B Bears-18L2064Accident
342361A Crimson Tide-18L2061Accident
354163T Bear-19L1058Accident
361530P Boilermakers-19L1055Accident
371945H Texans-19L1052Accident
381195A Falcons-19L1049Accident
39781F Seminoles-19L1046Accident
40573T Buccaneers-19L1043Accident
412985U Trojans-20L0040Accident
423235U Bruins-20L0037Retired
433620B Ravens-20L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (6 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, West 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


822Unsafe pit exitStop and go

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