Thursday, December 10, 2020

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 11: Michigan Volcano

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From little to large, the field hits the hotzone with Michigan Volcano.  The racing was frantic and very fast.  Drivers found themselves avoiding incidents with F1 reflexes.  A set of races where victory was never guaranteed even when it seemed absolutely assured.

Race 1:

After losing 1st to a vicious accident after the final turn jump, The Egg fell down the order, yielding position to Tnadz who was slowly caught by Webster.  Despite a disconnect, the #19 of Know U was closing and with 2 to go, he was within seconds when Tnadz took a hit and scrambled on the grassy hill in turn 3.  But Webster couldn't seal the deal and was also consumed by an incident in the same area, allowing Tnadz to barely escape with the win.

And let's appreciate Zack's experience watching Nebraska ride the tube over top of him without touching somehow.

Race 2:

Know U punched out some big points in the second go around, taking 2nd and 4th plus a teammate in the top 10.  Jamie couldn't quite chase down the Lions but it was still a strong race with most of their competition knocked out.  The Egg was running first when debris rained down on him ending his race.  Tnadz took the lead but his Steelers caused his demise by laying across the track and just staying there, collecting cars...none of them to the team's benefit.

Race 3:

The shortest and most stirring race came at the end.  Webster had dropped out even though he had the lead and came back only to get killed.  Tnadz was chasing Zolecki down at the front and cutting the margin significantly lap after lap.  But by the last few laps, his pace slowed up and he was just matching pace.  By the final loop, it looked like Jamie had it wrapped up when a small blip off the final jump, sent him wide and a little bit slowed.  Despite a last ditch attack, it was all Tnadz needed to get a run to only just take the win.

But despite two wins for the night, Know U stretched their points lead in the championship.  Unless they face serious set backs, they are going into the final quarter with the series well within their control.  However, with one more regular Wild Card and the finale races (and plenty of X Factors) it's never over until the very last lap.

Race 1


Date: 12/09/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

19C Tigers--
280D Lions--
395A Falcons--
46V Wildcats--
535U Bruins--
614U Hurricanes--
715U Knights--
870P Nittany Lions--
926I Hawkeyes--
1073T Buccaneers--
112N Cornhuskers--
1218O Rebels--
1327O Ducks--
1439G Bulldogs--
1530P Boilermakers--
1685U Trojans--
1744N Fighting Irish--
1888N Saints--
1961A Crimson Tide--
2058P Steelers--
2125I Hoosiers--
2213M Dolphins--
2352T Titans--
2450B Bears--
251T Aggies--
2634N Giants--
2755L Tigers--
2820B Ravens--
2999D Cowboys--
3037P Eagles--
318O Sooners--
3298N Jets--
3345H Texans--
3481F Seminoles--
3511T Longhorns--
3686W Red Skins--
3722T Egg--
3847G Slab--
3956M Max--
4063T Bear--
4119Z Webster--
4242J Zolecki--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1280D Lions204.2172521*185Running
24242J Zolecki-7.75250170Running
3535U Bruins-16.47254170Running
44119Z Webster-20.90250160Running
51744N Fighting Irish-5L200155Running
62125I Hoosiers-7L180150Running
7715U Knights-8L170146Running
81218O Rebels-9L160142Running
9112N Cornhuskers-10L150138Running
101530P Boilermakers-13L120134DQ
111961A Crimson Tide-13L120130Running
123956M Max-14L110127Accident
1319C Tigers-14L110124Accident
14395A Falcons-15L100121Accident
153722T Egg-16L90118Running
162820B Ravens-16L90115Accident
173298N Jets-16L90112DQ
183686W Red Skins-16L90109Accident
191888N Saints-19L60106Accident
203481F Seminoles-19L60103Retired
214331T Nadz-20L50100Accident
221685U Trojans-21L4097Accident
231073T Buccaneers-21L4094Accident
244063T Bear-22L3091Accident
251439G Bulldogs-22L3088Valve
26870P Nittany Lions-22L3085Header
2746V Wildcats-22L3082Accident
283847G Slab-22L3079Retired
293345H Texans-23L2076Retired
30614U Hurricanes-23L2073Accident
312634N Giants-23L2070Retired
322450B Bears-23L2067Accident
332999D Cowboys-23L2064Accident
342058P Steelers-23L2061Accident
352352T Titans-24L1058Accident
362213M Dolphins-24L1055Retired
373511T Longhorns-24L1052Accident
38318O Sooners-24L1049Accident
391327O Ducks-24L1046Accident
40926I Hawkeyes-24L1043Accident
413037P Eagles-24L1040Accident
42251T Aggies-25L0037Accident
432755L Tigers-25L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -171 °F, Northwest 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, -172 °F, Northwest 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

16V Wildcats--
218O Rebels--
345H Texans--
495A Falcons--
530P Boilermakers--
680D Lions--
711T Longhorns--
861A Crimson Tide--
92N Cornhuskers--
108O Sooners--
1150B Bears--
1273T Buccaneers--
1325I Hoosiers--
1439G Bulldogs--
1558P Steelers--
1613M Dolphins--
1737P Eagles--
1827O Ducks--
1999D Cowboys--
2026I Hawkeyes--
2170P Nittany Lions--
2235U Bruins--
2385U Trojans--
2481F Seminoles--
2588N Saints--
261T Aggies--
2715U Knights--
2820B Ravens--
2944N Fighting Irish--
3014U Hurricanes--
3155L Tigers--
329C Tigers--
3352T Titans--
3434N Giants--
3598N Jets--
3686W Red Skins--
3719Z Webster--
3847G Slab--
3963T Bear--
4031T Nadz--
4156M Max--
4222T Egg--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14031T Nadz196.5903017*185Running
23719Z Webster-30.77303175Running
3345H Texans-2L283170Running
4495A Falcons-2L280160Running
51827O Ducks-2L280155Running
63014U Hurricanes-2L280150Running
74222T Egg-3L275151Disco
8108O Sooners-3L270142Running
91613M Dolphins-3L270138Running
1016V Wildcats-3L270134Running
113434N Giants-3L270130Running
12530P Boilermakers-4L262132Running
131439G Bulldogs-4L260124Running
14218O Rebels-4L260121Running
152385U Trojans-5L250118Running
163598N Jets-5L250115Running
17711T Longhorns-5L250112Running
182026I Hawkeyes-5L250109Running
191273T Buccaneers-5L250106Running
203686W Red Skins-5L250103Running
211999D Cowboys-6L240100Running
222715U Knights-6L24097Running
231150B Bears-6L24094Running
241325I Hoosiers-6L24091Running
25329C Tigers-6L24088Running
26861A Crimson Tide-7L23085Running
2792N Cornhuskers-7L23082Running
283963T Bear-7L23079Running
293155L Tigers-7L23076Running
304342J Zolecki-8L22073Running
313847G Slab-8L22070Running
32680D Lions-8L22067Running
33261T Aggies-9L21064Running
341737P Eagles-9L21061Running
352170P Nittany Lions-10L20058Running
362481F Seminoles-10L20055Running
374156M Max-12L18052Running
382588N Saints-13L17049Running
392235U Bruins-15L15046Running
401558P Steelers-17L13043Clutch
412944N Fighting Irish-18L12040Running
423352T Titans-18L12037Running
432820B Ravens-19L11034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -176 °F, West 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


1956Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, -172 °F, Northeast 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

139G Bulldogs--
21T Aggies--
381F Seminoles--
434N Giants--
537P Eagles--
688N Saints--
730P Boilermakers--
858P Steelers--
920B Ravens--
1070P Nittany Lions--
1144N Fighting Irish--
1295A Falcons--
1399D Cowboys--
1498N Jets--
1525I Hoosiers--
1652T Titans--
1785U Trojans--
188O Sooners--
1918O Rebels--
2013M Dolphins--
2145H Texans--
2211T Longhorns--
236V Wildcats--
2480D Lions--
2586W Red Skins--
2661A Crimson Tide--
2727O Ducks--
2847F Gators--
2950B Bears--
3014U Hurricanes--
3155L Tigers--
3235U Bruins--
3326I Hawkeyes--
3415U Knights--
3573T Buccaneers--
362N Cornhuskers--
379C Tigers--
3819Z Webster--
3942J Zolecki--
4063T Bear--
4156M Max--
4222T Egg--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14331T Nadz202.176201180Running
23942J Zolecki-1.26209*180Running
31918O Rebels-8.23200165Running
421T Aggies-12.96203165Running
54222T Egg-30.49200155Running
6537P Eagles-4L160150Running
72950B Bears-10L100146DQ
8434N Giants-10L100142Running
9379C Tigers-13L73143Accident
10920B Ravens-13L70134Accident
113819Z Webster-14L60130Accident
121399D Cowboys-14L60127Accident
13139G Bulldogs-16L44129Accident
141785U Trojans-16L40121Accident
154063T Bear-17L30118Accident
16730P Boilermakers-17L30115Accident
171070P Nittany Lions-17L30112Accident
182013M Dolphins-17L30109Accident
193326I Hawkeyes-17L30106Accident
20236V Wildcats-18L20103Retired
212480D Lions-18L20100Retired
221652T Titans-18L2097Accident
231144N Fighting Irish-18L2094Accident
241525I Hoosiers-18L2091Accident
252586W Red Skins-18L2088Accident
26381F Seminoles-18L2085Accident
271295A Falcons-18L2082Accident
28188O Sooners-18L2079Accident
293573T Buccaneers-19L1076Retired
302145H Texans-19L1073Accident
311498N Jets-19L1070Accident
32688N Saints-19L1067Accident
332211T Longhorns-19L1064Retired
34858P Steelers-19L1061Accident
353014U Hurricanes-19L1058Accident
36362N Cornhuskers-19L1055Accident
373415U Knights-19L1052Accident
382661A Crimson Tide-20L0049Accident
392847F Gators-20L0046Accident
402727O Ducks-20L0043Accident
413235U Bruins-20L0040Retired
423155L Tigers-20L0037Accident
434156M Max-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -175 °F, Northeast 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%



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