Wednesday, March 29, 2023

2023-1 Shorties: Bristol

Race 1:

The humans were in the back for the first 25 lapper.

It didn't take but a corner for things to go south.

Jamie and Zack were swapping positions like porn stars.

But things got harry and the hendersons and Jamie chopped the nose, getting Zack caught in a world of hurt.

Jamie wasn't out of the woods yet though as he was avoiding certain doom.

However, he held it together for a 1st place and closer up to top points position.

Race 2:
Tnadz and Zack lead it off at the start.

Both had reservations about being in first.

And neither wanted the win.

Zack even helped Tnadz cut up his tires so they could be turned into playground flooring.

Somehow, a late arriving Egg took the win.

Race 3:
The 75 lapper with 3x wear and fuel saw many humans at the front.

It was said this AI was diving to the inside from the top line but it's debatable.

Regardless, many humans were ended.

Egg was working his way up to first when he was involved in things.

He actually had several incidents.  This one he looked to maybe block Jamie who asked him to move aside.

The Bear ended up making it to the end but it wasn't without severe consequences.

Jamie eventually brought it home for the win and closed the gap in points significantly with Bear to cheer him on.

How close?  Well, separated by 1 point.  Feel bad for his guys.  Tnadz for the championship!

Race 1


Date: 03/29/23

Session: Practice

1008J Zolecki15.039
2013T Nadz15.072
3023Z Webster15.075
494K Miller15.564
516K Tomlinson15.612
615L Leeson15.616
79T Phil15.619
80P Butts15.633
92T Szegedy15.647
1018D Lia15.649
11021T Bear15.651
1224T Raines15.653
1388C Hines15.653
1431G Pack15.660
1507F Fleming15.668
1643S Huhn15.676
173E Beers15.679
1822B Angles15.682
1981B Pack15.682
2055B Vance15.689
2111H Wilkins15.693
2257B Burton Jr.15.695
2344R Ruggiero15.700
2414B Hutchens15.703
2583T Brown15.703
2610B Hogg15.707
2746J Rodrigez15.712
2826A Jones15.713
294J Myers15.714
3036L Miller15.716
3117B King15.725
3269J Miller15.741
3329K Harvick15.748
3421J Hill15.750
351Y Smith15.756
368T York15.757
3728J Civali15.759
3861A Baker15.762
395C Pasteryak15.769
4038J James15.770
4123C Arnold15.820

Weather: Clear, 60 °F, Northwest 8 mph

Session: Qualifying

123C Arnold--
22T Szegedy--
355B Vance--
446J Rodrigez--
581B Pack--
657B Burton Jr.--
79T Phil--
888C Hines--
924T Raines--
1061A Baker--
1128J Civali--
1236L Miller--
1331G Pack--
1494K Miller--
153E Beers--
160P Butts--
1743S Huhn--
1821J Hill--
194J Myers--
2017B King--
2122B Angles--
2210B Hogg--
2338J James--
2469J Miller--
2514B Hutchens--
2616K Tomlinson--
2718D Lia--
2844R Ruggiero--
298T York--
3029K Harvick--
3126A Jones--
3207F Fleming--
3311H Wilkins--
345C Pasteryak--
3515L Leeson--
361Y Smith--
3783T Brown--
38013T Nadz--
39023Z Webster--
40021T Bear--
41008J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 60 °F, Northwest 8 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1355B Vance114.579251180Running
241008J Zolecki-0.63250170Running
3581B Pack-3.99259*175Running
422T Szegedy-4.81256165Running
5657B Burton Jr.-5.95250155Running
61128J Civali-6.20250150Running
7153E Beers-6.34250146Running
8888C Hines-6.39250142Running
938013T Nadz-6.63250138Running
101494K Miller-7.11250134Running
11924T Raines-7.14250130Running
121236L Miller-7.59250127Running
1339023Z Webster-7.84250124Running
142017B King-9.50250121Running
152718D Lia-1L240118Running
16123C Arnold-1L248120Running
171821J Hill-1L240112Running
18194J Myers-1L240109Running
1979T Phil-1L241111Running
202844R Ruggiero-1L240103Running
212338J James-1L240100Running
222616K Tomlinson-1L24097Running
232469J Miller-1L24094Running
242210B Hogg-1L24091Running
253311H Wilkins-1L24088Running
262514B Hutchens-1L24085Running
27446J Rodrigez-1L24082Running
283126A Jones-1L24079Running
293783T Brown-1L24076Running
30160P Butts-1L24073Running
31361Y Smith-1L24070Running
323029K Harvick-1L24067Running
333515L Leeson-1L24064Running
343207F Fleming-1L24061Running
351743S Huhn-1L24058Running
36298T York-1L24055Running
372122B Angles-2L23052Running
381331G Pack-3L22049Running
391061A Baker-3L22046Running
40345C Pasteryak-5L20043Running
4140021T Bear-10L15040Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 65 °F, Southwest 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


5021Unsafe pit exitStop and go
19023Unsafe pit exitStop and go
19023Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
16021Unsafe pit exitStop and go

Race 2

Session: Practice

1008J Zolecki14.970
257B Burton Jr.15.864
343S Huhn15.935
431G Pack15.985
53E Beers16.011
629K Harvick16.059
738J James16.059
844R Ruggiero16.083
948T Hirschman16.100
1069J Miller16.116
114J Marquis16.165
1236T Christopher16.173
1381B Pack16.264
1417B King16.301
1555B Vance16.322
1615L Leeson16.498
1761A Baker22.657
1811H Wilkins22.976
191B Myers23.143
2094K Miller23.308

Weather: Clear, 59 °F, Northwest 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

1023Z Webster15.168
2013T Nadz15.273
383T Brown15.689
494K Miller15.720
557B Burton Jr.15.724
615L Leeson15.743
721J Hill15.755
893S Vivy15.829
928J Civali15.843
1061A Baker15.846
1138J James15.856
1236T Christopher15.857
1311H Wilkins15.862
1422B Angles15.866
1543S Huhn15.867
1669J Miller15.872
172T Szegedy15.876
184J Marquis15.878
1988C Hines15.884
2017B King15.889
2124J McFarland15.894
2210E Flemke, Jr.15.899
2346J Rodrigez15.899
249T Phil15.900
2581B Pack15.946
2644R Ruggiero15.947
2731G Pack15.997
2814B Hutchens15.999
2916M Stefanik16.003
303E Beers16.015
3148T Hirschman16.019
321B Myers16.027
3318D Lia16.039
3407F Fleming16.105
3555B Vance16.106
366J Leaty16.265
3729K Harvick16.421
385C Pasteryak16.588
390P Butts16.623
40034T Egg20.960
41021T Bear--
42008J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 59 °F, Northwest 5 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 66 °F, South 3 mph

Session: Race


140034T Egg116.9272512*185Running
21543S Huhn-1.39250170Running
33555B Vance-8.35250165Running
43407F Fleming-8.88250160Running
51311H Wilkins-9.12250155Running
62916M Stefanik-10.11250150Running
7721J Hill-10.36250146Running
8383T Brown-11.34252147Running
9184J Marquis-11.53250138Running
10928J Civali-11.96250134Running
1142008J Zolecki-11.98250130Running
12303E Beers-14.54250127Running
13321B Myers-1L240124Running
141061A Baker-1L240121Running
15893S Vivy-1L240118Running
162644R Ruggiero-1L240115Running
172210E Flemke, Jr.-1L240112Running
181138J James-1L240109Running
19390P Butts-1L240106Retired
201236T Christopher-1L240103Running
212017B King-1L240100Running
223318D Lia-1L24097Running
23249T Phil-1L24094Running
242581B Pack-1L24091Running
251669J Miller-1L24088Running
262814B Hutchens-1L24085Running
272346J Rodrigez-2L23082Running
28366J Leaty-2L23079Retired
29494K Miller-2L23281Running
30385C Pasteryak-3L22073Running
311988C Hines-3L22070Running
323148T Hirschman-3L22067Running
33172T Szegedy-4L21064Running
342124J McFarland-4L21061Running
351422B Angles-4L21058Running
362013T Nadz-4L21360Running
37557B Burton Jr.-4L21052Running
38615L Leeson-4L21049Running
393729K Harvick-4L21046Running
4041021T Bear-9L16043Running
411023Z Webster-15L10645Accident
422731G Pack-21L4037Engine

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 8 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 65 °F, South 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


12013Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 62 °F, Northwest 9 mph

Session: Qualifying

1008J Zolecki14.911
2023Z Webster15.079
3013T Nadz15.233
41Y Smith15.641
521J Hill15.672
643S Huhn15.697
783T Brown15.715
82T Szegedy15.725
994K Miller15.731
1029K Harvick15.744
1188C Hines15.796
1226A Jones15.817
1355B Vance15.818
1438J James15.821
154S Paulmer15.825
1618D Lia15.827
1761A Baker15.838
189T Phil15.838
1928J Civali15.843
2036T Christopher15.848
2117B King15.849
2210B Hogg15.849
2381B Pack15.859
2422B Angles15.864
2511H Wilkins15.866
2624T Raines15.879
276J Leaty15.880
2869J Miller15.885
2931G Pack15.890
3057B Burton Jr.15.901
3123M Geralds15.901
325C Pasteryak15.909
3307F Fleming15.916
3415Z Sylvester15.929
3544R Ruggiero15.933
3693S Vivy15.941
373E Beers15.950
3814R Bones15.955
3916K Tomlinson15.964
4048T Hirschman16.039
41021T Bear--
42034T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 62 °F, North 9 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 51 °F, North 15 mph

Session: Race


11008J Zolecki113.4867574*185Running
21438J James-7.88750170Running
31355B Vance-13.72750165Running
4783T Brown-1L740160Running
5643S Huhn-2L730155Running
6276J Leaty-2L730150Running
741Y Smith-2L730146Running
83307F Fleming-3L720142Running
93693S Vivy-3L720138Running
102931G Pack-3L720134Running
11325C Pasteryak-4L710130Running
12154S Paulmer-5L700127Running
131188C Hines-5L700124Running
143057B Burton Jr.-5L700121Running
15521J Hill-5L700118Running
163415Z Sylvester-6L690115Running
172381B Pack-7L680112Running
181618D Lia-8L670109Running
192511H Wilkins-8L670106Running
20189T Phil-10L650103Header
213544R Ruggiero-11L640100Running
2241021T Bear-23L52097Running
233814R Bones-51L24094Retired
242869J Miller-54L21091Retired
2542034T Egg-57L18088Accident
26994K Miller-59L16085Retired
271029K Harvick-65L10082Accident
282036T Christopher-66L9079Accident
292117B King-66L9076Accident
301928J Civali-66L9073Accident
311761A Baker-66L9070Retired
323916K Tomlinson-66L9067Accident
3382T Szegedy-66L9064Accident
34373E Beers-68L7061Accident
352023Z Webster-68L7163Accident
361226A Jones-68L7055Accident
373123M Geralds-69L6052Retired
382624T Raines-69L6049Retired
393013T Nadz-69L6046Accident
402422B Angles-69L6043Accident
412210B Hogg-70L5040Retired
424048T Hirschman-71L4037Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 51 °F, North 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 95%


7013Unsafe pit exitStop and go
8013Dropping DebrisPit for repairs
8013Smoking EnginePit for repairs