Wednesday, March 15, 2023

2023-1 Shorties: Taupo


Race 1

Jamie kicked things off by just driving away from the field.

Behind him, things were starting to go awry as The Egg had a contact.

Which cascaded into several contacts.

Tnadz and Zack were clambering through the field when Tnadz had a slide.  Zack was kind enough to help him point right and took the position as payment.

And while that was all happening, Jamie was enjoying champagne.

Race 2:
The second round saw The Bear (after many attempts) take the pole and try to drive away.

But because of a start exploit, he was swamped before he could cross the line and lead the first lap.

On the next few laps, the quad of humans fighting for the front saw The Egg give Jamie a tap and drive away without redress.  A dark day in sim racing.

While Tnadz and Webster were fighting each other and traffic, The Egg caught up and it was a furball.

Despite a close battle, Zack stayed ahead and pulled out victory.

Race 3:
The finale started much like Race 2 with the humans flying through the field.

Sadly, Zack had a slip off the curb and touched an invisible wall, killing the motor instantly.

Egg was the next one to slip down the order as he followed Tnadz too far off through the T1 exit.

Jamie had the win in hand when he decided to go to the beach in the final corner.

He tried to cut through the esses to catch up.

And he nearly almost had a pass around the outside.  But instead played at the beach again, giving Tnadz the win.

Race 1

Track: Cenntenial Park Raceway

Date: 03/15/23

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 72 °F, Northwest 20 mph

Session: Qualifying

161A Baker42.505
229K Harvick42.549
326A Jones42.586
40P Butts42.712
52S Huhn42.726
688C Hines42.759
714R Bones42.811
807F Fleming42.817
9021T Bear42.839
1011H Wilkins42.847
1131G Pack42.849
1293S Vivy42.872
136J Leaty42.922
1417B King42.964
1516M Stefanik42.979
1610E Flemke, Jr.42.997
1721J Schmitt43.015
1828J Civali43.024
1944R Ruggiero43.055
209T Phil43.108
213E Beers43.139
2222B Angles43.161
2336L Miller43.246
2443S Huhn43.287
2515L Leeson43.334
2681B Pack44.350
2724T Raines45.030
28008J Zolecki45.467
2938J James47.453
3094K Miller48.543
3155B Vance49.518
325C Pasteryak50.365
331Y Smith50.464
3448T Hirschman50.570
3583T Brown53.350
3623M Geralds54.391
3757B Burton Jr.54.504
3818D Lia54.631
394J Marquis54.738
40034T Egg--
41013T Nadz--
42023Z Webster--

Weather: Clear, 72 °F, South 7 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 88 °F, South 7 mph

Session: Race


128008J Zolecki80.345109*185Running
240034T Egg-7.13100170Running
342023Z Webster-23.16100165Running
441013T Nadz-23.70100160Running
5161A Baker-35.83101160Running
6326A Jones-36.30100150Running
7229K Harvick-37.68100146Running
852S Huhn-38.14100142Running
91011H Wilkins-38.52100138Running
10807F Fleming-38.99100134Running
111417B King-39.72100130Running
12136J Leaty-40.06100127Running
131516M Stefanik-40.79100124Running
141610E Flemke, Jr.-41.75100121Running
153094K Miller-1L90118Retired
163448T Hirschman-1L90115Retired
171828J Civali-1L90112Retired
18209T Phil-1L90109Running
1940P Butts-1L90106Retired
201293S Vivy-1L90103Retired
212336L Miller-1L90100Running
222724T Raines-1L9097Running
232681B Pack-1L9094Running
24714R Bones-1L9091Running
253623M Geralds-1L9088Running
261721J Schmitt-1L9085Running
271131G Pack-1L9082Running
282443S Huhn-1L9079Running
292515L Leeson-1L9076Running
30213E Beers-1L9073Running
311944R Ruggiero-1L9070Running
32688C Hines-1L9067Running
33394J Marquis-1L9064Running
343818D Lia-1L9061Running
35331Y Smith-1L9058Running
362938J James-1L9055Running
37325C Pasteryak-1L9052Running
383155B Vance-1L9049Running
399021T Bear-1L9046Running
403583T Brown-1L9043Running
413757B Burton Jr.-2L8040Running
422222B Angles-3L7037Fuel Pmp

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 87 °F, West 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


0008Passing on the insideStop and go

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 60 °F, Northwest 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

1021T Bear41.379
211H Wilkins42.436
324J McFarland42.452
49T Phil42.481
523C Arnold42.502
66J Leaty42.518
714R Bones42.546
857B Burton Jr.42.578
910B Hogg42.594
105C Pasteryak42.605
1143S Huhn42.666
124J Marquis42.724
1338J James42.732
140P Butts42.743
1515Z Sylvester42.753
1688C Hines42.764
1726A Jones42.802
1822B Angles42.814
1918D Lia42.838
2069J Miller42.890
2116M Stefanik42.894
223E Beers42.911
2348T Hirschman42.918
2421J Hill42.940
2593S Vivy42.947
2629K Harvick42.973
2744R Ruggiero42.981
282T Szegedy42.995
2981B Pack43.008
3007F Fleming43.014
3161A Baker43.044
328T York43.046
3383T Brown43.088
3455B Vance43.090
3594K Miller43.106
361Y Smith48.926
3736L Miller54.703
3846J Rodrigez55.705
39034T Egg--
40023Z Webster--
41008J Zolecki--
42013T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 60 °F, North 6 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 69 °F, North 16 mph

Session: Race

140023Z Webster79.3501010*185Running
242013T Nadz-0.29100170Running
339034T Egg-1.33100165Running
441008J Zolecki-7.51100160Running
549T Phil-27.30100155Running
6211H Wilkins-29.49100150Running
766J Leaty-32.01100146Running
8324J McFarland-33.89100142Running
9523C Arnold-36.53100138Running
10105C Pasteryak-37.00100134Running
111143S Huhn-37.41100130Running
12124J Marquis-38.55100127Running
13140P Butts-39.42100124Running
14910B Hogg-1L90121Retired
151688C Hines-1L90118Retired
161822B Angles-1L90115Retired
171338J James-1L90112Running
18857B Burton Jr.-1L90109Running
19223E Beers-1L90106Running
201515Z Sylvester-1L90103Running
212069J Miller-1L90100Running
222629K Harvick-1L9097Running
232421J Hill-1L9094Running
243455B Vance-1L9091Running
25282T Szegedy-1L9088Running
263161A Baker-1L9085Running
272348T Hirschman-1L9082Running
28714R Bones-1L9079Running
292116M Stefanik-1L9076Running
30361Y Smith-1L9073Running
31328T York-1L9070Running
322593S Vivy-1L9067Running
333846J Rodrigez-1L9064Running
343736L Miller-1L9061Running
351918D Lia-1L9058Running
363383T Brown-1L9055Running
372981B Pack-1L9052Running
382744R Ruggiero-1L9049Running
393594K Miller-1L9046Running
401726A Jones-1L9043Running
411021T Bear-2L8040Running
423007F Fleming-8L2037Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, 68 °F, Northeast 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%

Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 56 °F, Northwest 18 mph

Session: Qualifying

115Z Sylvester41.076
224J McFarland41.088
361A Baker41.091
422B Angles41.112
546J Rodrigez41.172
617B King41.176
710B Hogg41.188
857B Burton Jr.41.201
96J Leaty41.210
1083T Brown41.212
1188C Hines41.222
125C Pasteryak41.270
1393S Vivy41.276
1426A Jones41.293
1544R Ruggiero41.297
1629K Harvick41.302
1736T Christopher41.311
1838J James41.314
1914B Hutchens41.315
208T York41.333
2143S Huhn41.348
220P Butts41.358
2331G Pack41.373
242S Huhn41.426
2507F Fleming41.444
2623M Geralds41.471
2718D Lia41.507
2855B Vance41.516
294J Myers41.543
3048T Hirschman41.629
3121J Schmitt41.717
3294K Miller42.423
3369J Miller42.647
3411H Wilkins43.280
351Y Smith46.277
3628J Civali48.655
3716M Stefanik53.086
38021T Bear--
39034T Egg--
40008J Zolecki--
41023Z Webster--
42013T Nadz--

Weather: Cloudy, 56 °F, Northeast 17 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 63 °F, Northeast 17 mph

Session: Race


142013T Nadz81.010253180Running
239034T Egg-5.24250170Running
340008J Zolecki-7.932516*175Running
41393S Vivy-1L240160Running
5224J McFarland-1L240155Running
6422B Angles-1L240150Running
7115Z Sylvester-1L240146Running
8546J Rodrigez-1L240142Running
9617B King-1L240138Running
101083T Brown-1L240134Running
11857B Burton Jr.-1L240130Running
1296J Leaty-1L240127Running
131188C Hines-1L240124Running
141426A Jones-1L240121Running
151544R Ruggiero-1L240118Running
161736T Christopher-1L240115Running
17361A Baker-1L246117Running
18710B Hogg-1L240109Running
19208T York-1L240106Running
20220P Butts-1L240103Running
211838J James-1L240100Running
222331G Pack-1L24097Running
232143S Huhn-2L23094Running
24294J Myers-2L23091Running
25125C Pasteryak-2L23088Running
262718D Lia-2L23085Running
273121J Schmitt-2L23082Running
281629K Harvick-2L23079Running
292507F Fleming-2L23076Running
302855B Vance-2L23073Running
313369J Miller-2L23070Running
321914B Hutchens-2L23067Running
333294K Miller-2L23064Running
343411H Wilkins-2L23061Running
353048T Hirschman-2L23058Running
362623M Geralds-2L23055Running
37242S Huhn-2L23052Running
383716M Stefanik-2L23049Running
393628J Civali-2L23046Running
4038021T Bear-9L16043Running
41351Y Smith-13L12040Camshaft
4241023Z Webster-24L1037Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 63 °F, North 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



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