Wednesday, March 8, 2023

2023-1 Shorties: I-70


A grim race night for many.  The AI were clearly in need of a tune up.  Scared as hell and sliding out everywhere there were problems.  Ugh

Race 1:

The opening night and it was full of fun at the front.

While having a good fight, Egg was hit boxed into the wall.

He managed to find his way back to Zolecki just before the end and rest 1st away to take the win in a controversial move.

Race 2:
Fewer at the front as the Smith's lead the way.

Later they would get in each other's way.

Egg managed to find the way.

As Zack worked his way to a win.

Race 3:
Egg and Zolecki were at it again for the longer race 3

In the back, Zack was finding holes through the early carnage.

Meanwhile, Tnadz was getting turned at every caution.

Usually multiple times after the safety car came out.

Zolecki was on for a win but had a disco and boogied to 7th.

Yielding the win to Zack.

Race 1

Track: I-70 Speedway

Date: 03/08/23

Session: Practice

1008J Zolecki16.684
2013T Nadz16.801
3023Z Webster16.890
4034T Egg17.064
5021T Bear17.151
624T Raines17.568
7001G Slab17.625
883T Brown17.790
943S Huhn17.841
106J Leaty17.990
1121J Hill18.044
1248T Hirschman18.047
1307F Fleming18.196
1446J Rodrigez18.212
1517B King18.254
1610E Flemke, Jr.18.254
1723C Arnold18.274
1857B Burton Jr.18.278
1922B Angles18.304
201Y Smith18.317
2144R Ruggiero18.377
2281B Pack18.424
2314R Bones18.575
2416M Stefanik18.636
2569J Miller18.639
2618D Lia18.658
2711H Wilkins18.693
2838J James18.712
2994K Miller18.714
3028J Civali18.748
3115L Leeson18.779
322S Huhn18.794
3331G Pack18.796
344J Marquis18.802
358T York18.812
3636T Christopher18.861
3729K Harvick19.051
389T Phil19.165
3926A Jones19.184
4093S Vivy19.247
4161A Baker19.669
4288C Hines19.714

Weather: Clear, 60 °F, Northeast 3 mph

Session: Qualifying

1034T Egg16.667
2008J Zolecki16.678
3023Z Webster16.922
4021T Bear17.283
529K Harvick17.944
624T Raines18.041
794K Miller18.042
855B Vance18.070
957B Burton Jr.18.171
102S Huhn18.183
1126A Jones18.190
1288C Hines18.227
1317B King18.231
1438J James18.269
1561A Baker18.269
168T York18.276
1783T Brown18.293
1828J Civali18.296
194J Marquis18.300
2069J Miller18.301
2143S Huhn18.306
2218D Lia18.309
2307F Fleming18.314
246J Leaty18.323
2531G Pack18.335
269T Phil18.350
2715L Leeson18.379
2822B Angles18.410
2993S Vivy18.417
3044R Ruggiero18.417
3136T Christopher18.433
3216M Stefanik18.489
3323C Arnold18.511
3421J Hill18.514
3546J Rodrigez18.528
3681B Pack18.534
371Y Smith18.553
3810E Flemke, Jr.18.563
3911H Wilkins18.633
4048T Hirschman18.676
4114R Bones18.677
42001G Slab--
43013T Nadz--

Weather: Cloudy, 60 °F, Northeast 1 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 69 °F, Northeast 5 mph

Session: Race


11034T Egg96.5352513*185Running
23023Z Webster-3.55250170Running
3529K Harvick-1L240165Running
4794K Miller-1L240160Running
52008J Zolecki-1L2412160Running
61317B King-2L230150Running
72069J Miller-2L230146Running
81288C Hines-2L230142Running
9102S Huhn-2L230138Running
10194J Marquis-2L230134Running
113136T Christopher-2L230130Running
121783T Brown-2L230127Running
131561A Baker-2L230124Running
14168T York-2L230121Retired
15246J Leaty-2L230118Running
163911H Wilkins-2L230115Running
17855B Vance-2L230112Running
18624T Raines-3L220109Running
192143S Huhn-3L220106Running
20957B Burton Jr.-3L220103Running
213810E Flemke, Jr.-3L220100Running
221828J Civali-3L22097Running
231126A Jones-3L22094Running
242715L Leeson-3L22091Running
252307F Fleming-3L22088Running
262218D Lia-3L22085Running
272822B Angles-3L22082Running
282993S Vivy-3L22079Running
29269T Phil-3L22076Running
3043013T Nadz-3L22073Running
313044R Ruggiero-3L22070Running
322531G Pack-3L22067Running
331438J James-3L22064Running
34371Y Smith-3L22061Running
353323C Arnold-3L22058Running
363216M Stefanik-4L21055Running
373421J Hill-4L21052Running
383546J Rodrigez-5L20049Running
394021T Bear-5L20046Running
403681B Pack-7L18043Running
414114R Bones-7L18040Running
424048T Hirschman-8L17037Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 69 °F, North 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 90%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 81 °F, Northeast 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz16.618
2021T Bear17.476
369J Miller17.712
446J Rodrigez17.793
528J Civali17.806
631G Pack17.809
744R Ruggiero17.841
829K Harvick17.850
92T Szegedy17.853
1026A Jones17.874
1148T Hirschman17.878
1223M Geralds17.904
136J Leaty17.910
144J Myers17.924
1583T Brown17.930
1693S Vivy17.934
1716K Tomlinson17.938
185C Pasteryak17.942
198T York17.954
2081B Pack17.966
2138J James17.977
2243S Huhn17.990
239T Phil17.990
2411H Wilkins18.017
250P Butts18.019
2655B Vance18.020
2736L Miller18.027
281B Myers18.028
2914R Bones18.028
303E Beers18.040
3124J McFarland18.055
3222B Angles18.063
3315Z Sylvester18.115
3410E Flemke, Jr.18.139
3518D Lia18.149
3688C Hines18.184
3707F Fleming18.211
41008J Zolecki--
42023Z Webster--
43034T Egg--

Weather: Cloudy, 81 °F, West 13 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 72 °F, Southeast 10 mph

Session: Race


142023Z Webster95.618259180Running
21026A Jones-6.70256175Running
3185C Pasteryak-11.90250165Running
4144J Myers-14.03250160Running
51013T Nadz-1L2410*165Running
6369J Miller-1L240150Running
73124J McFarland-1L240146Running
841008J Zolecki-1L240142Running
92411H Wilkins-1L240138Running
102243S Huhn-1L240134Running
11198T York-1L240130Running
12303E Beers-1L240127Running
13136J Leaty-1L240124Running
142655B Vance-1L240121Running
151716K Tomlinson-1L240118Running
162736L Miller-1L240115Running
173410E Flemke, Jr.-1L240112Running
183222B Angles-1L240109Running
193688C Hines-1L240106Running
201148T Hirschman-1L240103Running
211223M Geralds-1L240100Running
22829K Harvick-2L23097Running
23446J Rodrigez-2L23094Running
2492T Szegedy-2L23091Running
251693S Vivy-2L23088Running
262914R Bones-2L23085Running
2743034T Egg-2L23082Running
283707F Fleming-2L23079Running
29281B Myers-2L23076Running
303518D Lia-2L23073Running
311583T Brown-3L22070Running
32528J Civali-3L22067Running
333315Z Sylvester-3L22064Running
34239T Phil-4L21061Running
352081B Pack-4L21058Running
36250P Butts-5L20055Running
372021T Bear-10L15052Running
38631G Pack-17L8049Accident
39744R Ruggiero-20L5046Retired
402138J James-22L3043Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 72 °F, Southeast 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 93%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 71 °F, Northeast 15 mph

Session: Qualifying

1008J Zolecki16.718
2034T Egg16.842
315L Leeson17.774
426A Jones17.778
588C Hines17.846
60P Butts17.854
73E Beers17.859
807F Fleming17.868
936T Christopher17.901
1048T Hirschman17.904
1194K Miller17.933
121B Myers17.933
1328J Civali17.944
1431G Pack17.946
156J Leaty17.948
1622B Angles17.955
1793S Vivy17.962
1818D Lia17.969
1911H Wilkins17.982
2083T Brown17.984
2161A Baker17.992
2216M Stefanik18.018
2323C Arnold18.040
242S Huhn18.055
2524J McFarland18.079
2621J Schmitt18.097
275C Pasteryak18.104
284S Paulmer18.118
2914B Hutchens18.143
3055B Vance18.148
3110B Hogg18.161
3243S Huhn18.177
3381B Pack18.180
3444R Ruggiero18.197
358T York18.210
3646J Rodrigez18.275
3769J Miller18.340
38013T Nadz--
39023Z Webster--
40021T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 71 °F, North 14 mph

Session: Happy Hour

1023Z Webster16.825
269J Miller17.610
322B Angles17.868
418D Lia17.920
5034T Egg17.978
693S Vivy18.104
7013T Nadz25.628
8008J Zolecki55.801

Weather: Clear, 78 °F, West 6 mph

Session: Race


139023Z Webster58.4425013180Running
22034T Egg-0.17500170Running
338013T Nadz-0.89500165Running
42161A Baker-1L490160Running
5156J Leaty-1L490155Running
61793S Vivy-1L490150Running
71008J Zolecki-1L4937*156Running
81328J Civali-1L490142Running
92524J McFarland-1L490138Running
103110B Hogg-1L490134Running
112083T Brown-2L480130Running
122621J Schmitt-2L480127Running
13275C Pasteryak-2L480124Running
141048T Hirschman-2L480121Running
151194K Miller-2L480118Running
161431G Pack-2L480115Running
17807F Fleming-2L480112Running
18242S Huhn-2L480109Running
192323C Arnold-2L480106Running
203381B Pack-2L480103Running
213243S Huhn-3L470100Running
223646J Rodrigez-3L47097Running
231911H Wilkins-4L46094Retired
2440021T Bear-4L46091Running
252914B Hutchens-5L45088Retired
26121B Myers-5L45085Accident
27284S Paulmer-5L45082Running
28426A Jones-5L45079Running
29315L Leeson-5L45076Running
30588C Hines-5L45073Running
313769J Miller-6L44070Accident
3260P Butts-8L42067Retired
331622B Angles-10L40064Running
343055B Vance-15L35061Retired
3573E Beers-17L33058Retired
363444R Ruggiero-31L19055Accident
37936T Christopher-34L16052Retired
381818D Lia-38L12049Retired
392216M Stefanik-39L11046Retired
40358T York-39L11043Retired

Caution Flags: 7 (28 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 78 °F, Northwest 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 4x

AI Strength: 93%


48008Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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