Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Twisted Metal Tour - Grid Iron Division 2015 - 10-12 6 Feet Under

Instead of being linear, I'll show a little perspective from each of us:

Race 1:
Nearly all the humans started in the front with me in the lead.

Which I lost a few laps in.

And continued to lose as I got caught in several wrecks, including getting stuck on someone's teammate.

At one point, Darrel and I got snagged on each other as I was coming out of the pit area.  This was pretty much my whole race, all the way back to the back.

Sandy's race went a little different.  He started off knocking heads and showing he was dominant even if he was in the back.

Human players weren't spared either.

But his reckless behavior landed him in some trouble.  He'd have to call a tow truck. 

Not once...

Not twice...


But man, once he was back in it, he was tearing people up.

Unfortunately, others didn't forget the wrongs against them.

On his top.

I forgot about this....

And the race kind of ended like this.

Scot was doing well until he got knocked wide early.

He managed to get back into the thick of it and do some good old beat and bangs.

Until the Fighting Irish...

...fought him.

Even while waiting for his tow, he couldn't be spared harassment.

Back on the track, it was more of this.

And this.

Which, of course, led to this.

And when he got tired of trying to keep it straight...

He just went with the flow and drove it in reverse.

At some point part way through, his tires were too tired to go on and he called a tow.

Fresh tires make the difference!  While it didn't help his position, he did win the Heartache.

Zack simply won and had no issues whatsoever.

Darrel spent a good portion minding his own business until he got wrecked.

He then spent time avoiding some wrecks...

And participating in others.

With sights set on returning to the top, he didn't let anyone get in his way.

Until his tires started going out.

Then he found some old friends.

And new ones.

And destructive ones.

Who he paid back.

Race 2:
So many humans

For me, things were starting out almost exactly like Race 1.

AI and humans alike were bouncing me aside.

Then I started my comeback.

I was helping my Seminoles up into 3rd when they got caught on this nasty.

Sandy very quickly knocked Scot out of the way.

But he too found himself backwards in the field.

And airborne

And sideways and upside down.

He was back going again not doing too bad and avoiding chaos.

Then he was caught in the chaos.

And became chaos to Zack.  Who would not fair well from this hit (see later)

Scot's race didn't make it much past the first 4 laps.

Rob was mostly enjoying being left alone on the bottom and turning laps.

Then Zack found Rob slowing down for a wreck.

Darrel thought hitting Rob looked fun.

So he did it a few times.

Pretty much taking Rob out.

But despite his racking up of rotations, he held in there.

And took even more abuse.

And joined a few piles.

Zack started well and was fighting for position with Darrel for a while when he went off track and rolled it.  But he survived and kept going.

Darrel didn't like that so he bounced him into trouble.

Zack then went on a rampage chasing him down.

And catching him.

But was also caught in the melee.

When things settled a bit he and Darrel were vying for first.

And continued to come to blows.

But after regaining first and coming to take the white flag, he got knocked by Sandy and then rolled by the Titans.

And I slipped by for the win.

Darrel spent most of the race avoiding issues.


But after running side by side with Zack for a while, he got Rick Rolled.

And just before the end, Zack shoved him away.  He would come back to finish well though.

Race 3 was pretty much more of the same as the first two with a little more chaos thrown in there.  Sandy got his best finish of the season in 4th and Zack took the win which now ties him for first in the series.

Next is the sticky track of Mr Norm's Mayhem

Race 1

Session: Practice

17D Hamilton12.347
286T Nadz12.431
363T Bear12.554
423Z Webster12.770
513S Hagerty13.677
656M Max13.719
729G Packers13.776
873T Buccaneers13.789
911T Longhorns13.833
1080D Lions13.844
1175O Raiders13.854
1237P Eagles13.869
1344N Fighting Irish13.899
1427O Ducks13.913
1599D Cowboys13.920
1655L Tigers13.923
1720B Ravens13.934
1888N Saints13.939
1921S Chargers13.943
2022C Ferguson13.946
2139G Bulldogs13.947
2281F Seminoles13.966
2385U Trojans13.972
2442M Wolverines13.981
2510B Bills13.982
2652T Titans14.017
2795B Man14.025
2860I Colts14.026
2945H Texans14.026
3034N Giants14.027
3158P Steelers14.032
3216S 49ers14.048
3331O Buckeyes14.050
3433S Seahawks14.099
3561A Crimson Tide14.145
3632K Chiefs14.169
3712N Patriots14.188
3862J Jaguars14.220
3983C Bears14.237
4098N Jets14.257
4128R Cook14.374
4247F Gators14.697
4338A Cardinals14.871

Weather: Cloudy, 66 °F, Southeast 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

186T Nadz11.843
27D Hamilton12.215
323Z Webster12.376
456M Max12.583
513S Hagerty12.686
658P Steelers12.718
716S 49ers12.726
860I Colts12.728
952T Titans12.728
1081F Seminoles12.735
1198N Jets12.740
1221S Chargers12.754
1327O Ducks12.780
1437P Eagles12.780
1538A Cardinals12.797
1631O Buckeyes12.804
1733S Seahawks12.816
1847F Gators12.817
1980D Lions12.821
2020B Ravens12.825
2161A Crimson Tide12.836
2232K Chiefs12.855
2388N Saints12.868
2429G Packers12.872
2583C Bears12.873
2634N Giants12.874
2775O Raiders12.882
2873T Buccaneers12.883
2911T Longhorns12.886
3039G Bulldogs12.888
3144N Fighting Irish12.896
3242M Wolverines12.899
3328R Cook12.905
3445H Texans12.919
3555L Tigers12.924
3685U Trojans12.974
3762J Jaguars13.047
3822C Ferguson13.049
3910B Bills13.054
4012N Patriots13.106
4195B Man13.183
4299D Cowboys13.620
4363T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, 66 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 73 °F, Southwest 0 mph

Session: Race


1323Z Webster119.5344029*185Running
21437P Eagles-3.48409175Running
33555L Tigers-10.03400165Running
4860I Colts-10.56400160Running
51081F Seminoles-1L390155Running
6952T Titans-1L390150Running
72583C Bears-1L390146Running
81631O Buckeyes-1L390142Running
93242M Wolverines-1L390138Running
102634N Giants-1L390134Running
114299D Cowboys-2L380130Running
1227D Hamilton-2L380127Running
13658P Steelers-2L380124Running
142232K Chiefs-2L380121Running
151980D Lions-2L380118Running
163039G Bulldogs-2L380115Running
172873T Buccaneers-2L380112Running
181198N Jets-2L380109Running
192161A Crimson Tide-2L380106Running
203144N Fighting Irish-2L380103Running
213822C Ferguson-2L380100Running
223762J Jaguars-2L38097Running
231538A Cardinals-2L38094Running
243685U Trojans-2L38091Running
253328R Cook-2L38088Running
261847F Gators-2L38085Running
271327O Ducks-2L38082Running
281733S Seahawks-3L37079Running
29716S 49ers-3L37076Running
302429G Packers-3L37073Running
312388N Saints-3L37070Running
322775O Raiders-4L36067Running
333910B Bills-4L36064Running
341221S Chargers-4L36061Running
353445H Texans-5L35058Running
362911T Longhorns-5L35055Running
372020B Ravens-5L35052Running
38186T Nadz-6L34254Running
394195B Man-6L34046Running
40513S Hagerty-7L33043Running
414012N Patriots-7L33040Running
42456M Max-13L27037Running
434363T Bear-19L21034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 67 °F, East 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

186T Nadz12.029
256M Max12.165
363T Bear12.191
423Z Webster12.421
57D Hamilton12.471
621S Chargers12.679
781F Seminoles12.735
842M Wolverines12.741
911T Longhorns12.770
1047F Gators12.794
1198N Jets12.810
1285U Trojans12.815
1332K Chiefs12.817
1458P Steelers12.819
1544N Fighting Irish12.868
1627O Ducks12.871
1788N Saints12.876
1839G Bulldogs12.880
1920B Ravens12.883
2034N Giants12.884
2199D Cowboys12.887
2212N Patriots12.889
2313S Hagerty12.892
2431O Buckeyes12.901
2573T Buccaneers12.904
2652T Titans12.909
2795B Man12.911
2810B Bills12.920
2937P Eagles12.921
3061A Crimson Tide12.922
3183C Bears12.924
3229G Packers12.925
3322C Ferguson12.928
3433S Seahawks12.939
3516S 49ers12.941
3662J Jaguars12.947
3755L Tigers12.954
3875O Raiders12.963
3980D Lions12.975
4045H Texans12.975
4138A Cardinals13.010
4260I Colts13.029
4328R Cook13.401

Weather: Cloudy, 74 °F, East 9 mph

Session: Race


1186T Nadz122.5184015180Running
2911T Longhorns-9.14400170Running
3781F Seminoles-10.57400165Running
41332K Chiefs-11.12400160Running
52313S Hagerty-1L390155Running
6423Z Webster-1L399155Running
74260I Colts-1L390146Running
81627O Ducks-1L390142Running
93433S Seahawks-1L390138Running
1057D Hamilton-1L3916*144Running
11621S Chargers-1L390130Running
121198N Jets-1L390127Running
134045H Texans-1L390124Running
141839G Bulldogs-2L380121Running
151788N Saints-2L380118Running
16842M Wolverines-2L380115Running
173755L Tigers-2L380112Running
181458P Steelers-2L380109Running
193322C Ferguson-2L380106Running
201047F Gators-2L380103Running
214138A Cardinals-2L380100Running
223061A Crimson Tide-2L38097Running
233980D Lions-2L38094Running
242652T Titans-2L38091Running
252573T Buccaneers-3L37088Retired
261285U Trojans-3L37085Running
272431O Buckeyes-4L36082Running
282795B Man-4L36079Running
293516S 49ers-5L35076Retired
302810B Bills-5L35073Running
312212N Patriots-5L35070Running
321920B Ravens-5L35067Running
333662J Jaguars-6L34064Running
342199D Cowboys-7L33061Running
35363T Bear-7L33058Running
363875O Raiders-8L32055Running
372937P Eagles-8L32052Running
384328R Cook-11L29049Running
392034N Giants-24L16046Retired
401544N Fighting Irish-30L10043Accident
413183C Bears-32L8040Accident
42256M Max-37L3037Accident
433229G Packers-38L2034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 73 °F, Southwest 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



Race 3

Session: Qualifying

17D Hamilton12.170
286T Nadz12.179
363T Bear12.267
423Z Webster12.320
556M Max12.668
621S Chargers12.742
758P Steelers12.769
842M Wolverines12.789
999D Cowboys12.801
1060I Colts12.809
1132K Chiefs12.811
1288N Saints12.828
1375O Raiders12.833
1433S Seahawks12.839
1583C Bears12.842
1628R Cook12.852
1795B Man12.867
1847F Gators12.872
1939G Bulldogs12.874
2020B Ravens12.874
2138A Cardinals12.876
2211T Longhorns12.877
2373T Buccaneers12.878
2485U Trojans12.880
2555L Tigers12.881
2610B Bills12.892
2745H Texans12.901
2837P Eagles12.909
2962J Jaguars12.915
3061A Crimson Tide12.915
3127O Ducks12.916
3231O Buckeyes12.926
3398N Jets12.927
3480D Lions12.929
3581F Seminoles12.938
3652T Titans12.944
3729G Packers12.948
3844N Fighting Irish13.012
3934N Giants13.023
4012N Patriots13.057
4113S Hagerty13.070
4216S 49ers13.141
4322C Ferguson15.232

Weather: Cloudy, 73 °F, North 3 mph

Session: Race


1423Z Webster130.6284023*185Running
217D Hamilton-2.784015175Running
3286T Nadz-1L392170Running
4363T Bear-1L390160Running
51132K Chiefs-2L380155Running
61795B Man-2L380150Running
71939G Bulldogs-2L380146Running
82837P Eagles-2L380142Running
92211T Longhorns-2L380138Running
101288N Saints-3L370134Running
11842M Wolverines-3L370130Running
122138A Cardinals-3L370127Running
132020B Ravens-3L370124Running
144322C Ferguson-3L370121Running
151433S Seahawks-3L370118Running
16621S Chargers-4L360115Running
171060I Colts-4L360112Running
183844N Fighting Irish-4L360109Running
193934N Giants-5L350106Running
202555L Tigers-5L350103Running
212485U Trojans-5L350100Running
222962J Jaguars-5L35097Running
232745H Texans-5L35094Running
243231O Buckeyes-9L31091Running
251628R Cook-9L31088Running
264012N Patriots-10L30085Accident
274113S Hagerty-10L30082Running
281583C Bears-13L27079Accident
292373T Buccaneers-13L27076Retired
303061A Crimson Tide-17L23073Accident
31999D Cowboys-20L20070Accident
32556M Max-24L16067Accident
333729G Packers-24L16064Retired
343398N Jets-25L15061Accident
352610B Bills-25L15058Accident
364216S 49ers-25L15055Accident
373581F Seminoles-25L15052Accident
383652T Titans-26L14049Accident
39758P Steelers-28L12046Accident
403480D Lions-30L10043Accident
411375O Raiders-32L8040Accident
423127O Ducks-36L4037Accident
431847F Gators-39L1034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 73 °F, South 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



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