Thursday, January 15, 2015

Twisted Metal Tour - Grid Iron Division 2015 - 7-9 North Carolina Jump

So after a little practice and some technical issues, we finally got things going at this intensely sticky track.

Darrel started us off on race 1 with most humans with him at the front.

Rob and Sandy got the human violence going in the back of the field.

While the rest of the AI took each other out at the jump.

And they found each other again.

Darrel wanted to be part of the fun but pulled out of the way at the last instance.

I got loose low on the track and fishtailed up into the wall while running at the front.

I recovered and ran through the pits but rolled again like an SUV when I hit the racing surface.  Rob got jealous of my inversion and tried his own.

Much of the race was just filled with chaos as no damage = more cars at all times.

Bored with simply racing the competition, Sandy and co. had a high jump competition.  Go Browns!

While Darrel and Zack enjoyed single digit positions, it wasn't without its ups, and downs.  Mostly ups apparently.

Shortly after one of Darrel's rough rides, Chad quickly found him and played leap frog.

Why if it isn't The Bear helping his competitors get a leg (and several feet) up on the competition.

And gently clearing the way for back markers like me.

Once again, I find out how to make my car twirl.  Chad didn't want me to feel left out here either.

By the end of the race, points were evenly split along the field.  Unfortunately not as many for the human players.  At least no one died...

Race 2:
The next round only had Darrel, Chad and Zack leading the pack on the start.  I was trying a sandbag technique.

Sandy may have sandbagged a bit more than me.  I was on him too quick and launched him into the inside wall.

But it was I who suffered.  I slammed the hell out of the LSU Tigers and was done after only a couple laps.

Chad and Darrel tangled coming down the backstretch.

Darrel cut it too much and immediately spiraled into the wall, track and everywhere.

He even took out the billboards.  Barf Burgers indeed.

Chad's laughing didn't get him too far though.  by the next turn, he got bumbled by the track and wound up on his top and in traffic.  Hi, Zack!

Speaking of Zack, he was holding in there and watched as his Wild Card rival took himself out.  This one pretty much sealed the deal for him.

Things got dicey for Sandy and Rob who were playing conservative and avoiding perils.

Zack took the win.

The Bear wormed his way into 6th while Rob kept a top 20.

Race 3:
Zack lead us to the line for the final round. 

Sandy quickly got himself out of the race to go get an ice cream.

But before he left he wanted to wave goodbye to his fellow racers.

The Saints helped him go crows surfing on Zack's hood.

From there he found Darrel who also thought ice cream sounded like a fantastic idea.

Rob kept with his conservative strategy and was fairing well until he was caught out in a tough spot.

He then found himself also looking for ice cream.

It was nearing the last lap and USC was fighting hard to make up points on Weber.  But he couldn't quite pull it off.

I celebrated my victory by giving my Florida teammate a high-tire!

So much destruction in this track.  It didn't take much more than a hot dog wrapper to set you flying.  The next track is 6 Feet Under which is also modified to be a high grip wrecker style track, just not quite as tacky.  I've also updated the standings and blog to reflect our teams and how they are doing.  The last two Wild Cards will involve an entire set of teams.  Oh fun!

Race 1

Session: Qualifying

17D Hamilton18.549
286T Nadz19.089
323Z Webster19.117
422C Ferguson20.002
562J Jaguars20.333
644N Fighting Irish20.380
745H Texans20.383
813S Hagerty20.384
975O Raiders20.387
1085U Trojans20.392
1199D Cowboys20.395
1298N Jets20.423
1320B Ravens20.430
1452T Titans20.444
1539G Bulldogs20.448
1629G Packers20.453
1780D Lions20.470
1810B Bills20.470
1960I Colts20.474
2088N Saints20.476
2156M Max20.480
2238A Cardinals20.487
2358P Steelers20.488
2495B Man20.488
2512N Patriots20.495
2611T Longhorns20.516
2783C Bears20.516
2833S Seahawks20.525
2921S Chargers20.525
3034N Giants20.554
3132K Chiefs20.573
3255L Tigers20.590
3361A Crimson Tide20.631
3442M Wolverines20.754
3528R Cook22.559
3616S 49ers--
3727O Ducks--
3831O Buckeyes--
3981F Seminoles--
4073T Buccaneers--
4147F Gators--
4237P Eagles--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, East 0 mph

Session: Race


1745H Texans156.731202180Running
21960I Colts-0.34200170Running
3644N Fighting Irish-8.25202170Running
43361A Crimson Tide-8.42200160Running
5813S Hagerty-8.60200155Running
6323Z Webster-11.54200150Running
71085U Trojans-11.96201151Running
81810B Bills-12.45201147Running
93255L Tigers-12.97200138Running
10562J Jaguars-13.02200134Running
112512N Patriots-13.31200130Running
12975O Raiders-15.23200127Running
131452T Titans-1L190124Running
143981F Seminoles-1L190121Running
151199D Cowboys-1L193123Running
164237P Eagles-1L190115Running
173132K Chiefs-1L190112Running
181780D Lions-1L190109Running
193442M Wolverines-1L190106Running
203831O Buckeyes-1L190103Running
211298N Jets-1L190100Running
2217D Hamilton-2L188*107Running
232495B Man-2L18094Running
243727O Ducks-2L18091Running
252783C Bears-2L18088Running
262088N Saints-2L18085Running
273034N Giants-3L17082Running
284073T Buccaneers-3L17079Running
29286T Nadz-3L17381Running
304363T Bear-4L16073Running
313616S 49ers-4L16070Running
324147F Gators-4L16067Running
33422C Ferguson-6L14064Running
342611T Longhorns-6L14061Running
352921S Chargers-6L14058Running
362238A Cardinals-6L14055Running
371320B Ravens-6L14052Running
382833S Seahawks-6L14049Running
391539G Bulldogs-7L13046Running
402156M Max-7L13043Running
411629G Packers-7L13040Running
422358P Steelers-7L13037Running
433528R Cook-13L7034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 8 (7 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, South 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

17D Hamilton18.740
223Z Webster19.110
322C Ferguson19.784
416S 49ers20.334
556M Max20.366
658P Steelers20.367
781F Seminoles20.370
812N Patriots20.380
983C Bears20.395
1045H Texans20.422
1132K Chiefs20.440
1237P Eagles20.446
1339G Bulldogs20.450
1427O Ducks20.458
1520B Ravens20.466
1629G Packers20.468
1798N Jets20.470
1833S Seahawks20.471
1931O Buckeyes20.483
2044N Fighting Irish20.491
2195B Man20.491
2262J Jaguars20.495
2399D Cowboys20.497
2410B Bills20.499
2575O Raiders20.506
2652T Titans20.510
2773T Buccaneers20.520
2880D Lions20.522
2934N Giants20.522
3060I Colts20.526
3138A Cardinals20.530
3242M Wolverines20.553
3313S Hagerty20.578
3461A Crimson Tide20.582
3521S Chargers20.595
3685U Trojans20.597
3711T Longhorns20.609
3855L Tigers20.660
3947F Gators20.673
4088N Saints20.718
4163T Bear37.363
4228R Cook--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, South 10 mph

Session: Race


1223Z Webster174.2972017*185Running
2556M Max-18.77200170Running
31629G Packers-19.59200165Running
43521S Chargers-20.97200160Running
51427O Ducks-1L190155Running
64163T Bear-1L190150Running
72044N Fighting Irish-1L190146Running
83060I Colts-1L190142Running
9658P Steelers-1L190138Running
101798N Jets-1L190134Running
111833S Seahawks-1L190130Running
122399D Cowboys-1L190127Running
132652T Titans-1L190124Running
143242M Wolverines-1L190121Running
152934N Giants-1L190118Running
162262J Jaguars-1L190115Running
173685U Trojans-1L190112Running
18781F Seminoles-1L190109Running
19983C Bears-2L180106Running
204228R Cook-7L130103Running
211339G Bulldogs-14L60100Accident
221045H Texans-14L6097Accident
233461A Crimson Tide-15L5094Retired
24812N Patriots-15L5091Accident
251237P Eagles-15L5088Accident
26322C Ferguson-16L4085Accident
2717D Hamilton-16L4387Accident
28416S 49ers-16L4079Accident
293947F Gators-17L3076Retired
302773T Buccaneers-17L3073Accident
312410B Bills-17L3070Accident
321520B Ravens-17L3067Accident
332880D Lions-17L3064Accident
341931O Buckeyes-17L3061Accident
353138A Cardinals-18L2058Running
364088N Saints-18L2055Retired
372195B Man-18L2052Accident
381132K Chiefs-18L2049Accident
392575O Raiders-18L2046Accident
403711T Longhorns-19L1043Retired
413855L Tigers-19L1040Accident
423313S Hagerty-19L1037Retired
434386T Nadz-19L1034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, East 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Race 3

Session: Qualifying

123Z Webster18.903
27D Hamilton18.956
386T Nadz19.005
438A Cardinals20.284
529G Packers20.293
622C Ferguson20.332
710B Bills20.339
895B Man20.364
981F Seminoles20.367
1042M Wolverines20.380
1158P Steelers20.401
1298N Jets20.403
1352T Titans20.406
1413S Hagerty20.422
1583C Bears20.425
1662J Jaguars20.429
1745H Texans20.430
1880D Lions20.431
1944N Fighting Irish20.432
2088N Saints20.433
2120B Ravens20.442
2233S Seahawks20.443
2360I Colts20.446
2461A Crimson Tide20.456
2547F Gators20.456
2616S 49ers20.464
2711T Longhorns20.467
2821S Chargers20.474
2912N Patriots20.480
3075O Raiders20.497
3173T Buccaneers20.514
3256M Max20.517
3334N Giants20.523
3431O Buckeyes20.526
3532K Chiefs20.531
3699D Cowboys20.533
3785U Trojans20.548
3855L Tigers20.553
3927O Ducks20.556
4037P Eagles20.567
4139G Bulldogs20.643
4228R Cook--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Northwest 3 mph

Session: Race


1386T Nadz184.2552020*185Running
2123Z Webster-14.41200170Running
31745H Texans-1L190165Running
41944N Fighting Irish-1L190160Running
51298N Jets-1L190155Running
63785U Trojans-1L190150Running
72360I Colts-1L190146Running
8981F Seminoles-1L190142Running
91352T Titans-2L180138Running
101880D Lions-2L180134Running
112547F Gators-2L180130Running
122711T Longhorns-2L180127Running
131583C Bears-2L180124Running
143431O Buckeyes-3L170121Running
153075O Raiders-5L150118Retired
162120B Ravens-6L140115Running
17529G Packers-6L140112Accident
18710B Bills-9L110109Accident
19438A Cardinals-10L100106Piston
204228R Cook-13L70103Accident
211042M Wolverines-17L30100Accident
222616S 49ers-17L3097Accident
232461A Crimson Tide-17L3094Accident
241413S Hagerty-17L3091Accident
253334N Giants-18L2088Running
263173T Buccaneers-18L2085Accident
274139G Bulldogs-18L2082Accident
283855L Tigers-18L2079Accident
293532K Chiefs-18L2076Accident
302088N Saints-18L2073Accident
311158P Steelers-18L2070Accident
322233S Seahawks-18L2067Accident
3327D Hamilton-19L1064Accident
342821S Chargers-19L1061Accident
35895B Man-19L1058Accident
361662J Jaguars-19L1055Accident
374363T Bear-19L1052Running
38622C Ferguson-20L0049Accident
392912N Patriots-20L0046Running
403256M Max-20L0043Retired
413699D Cowboys-20L0040Accident
423927O Ducks-20L0037Accident
434037P Eagles-20L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, North 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



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