Saturday, February 14, 2015

Twisted Metal Tour - Grid Iron Division 2015 - 19-21 Bonecrusher

Our favorite muddy figure-8.  To cut down on cheating by AI, we ran the first two races at moderate damage which seems to have worked out well.  At least for curbing cheaters.

Race 1:
The new improved .ini file got the AI pumped for qualy and that got Zack and me about mid pack for the start.

But as always, things change quickly.

I got smashed very quickly by my much hated nemesis USC.  I was still moving but not well.  Hagerty was also getting Rick Rolled through the background there.  I can't imagine Darrel had anything to do with it...

Sandy quaked into the Ducks and spent the rest of the time in the pits.

Darrel tried to climb the Cardinals.

And after several, "clean" laps Zack towered over the Titans and slammed my engine into the oblivion it was headed towards.

And is this our Mad Max who typically dominates on this course?  Rolling his car to certain doom?

Well, yes, but he managed to stay alive after some minor repairs and finish the race just outside of the top 5.  A little less than par for Scot, but still close to what's expected.

Race 2:

Things started out almost like Race 1.  Scot was poking his nose up a little more.

And a big ol' wreck at the start.  Hagerty was trying to blast his way through while the rest of us just tried to find a way around.  Scot's way involved several dimensions.

The other Scott found himself taking some big hits.

But not as big as the Steelers as Darrel speared them.  Darrel's night would end after some technical follies and a simple disconnect.  Also he was scored as being DQ'd for Reckless Driving!

Hagerty rode hard and died hard (but didn't win the diehard award).

Zack got caught in a massive wreck early on.

Scot suffered a similar fate as Darrel and experienced a disco.  He hung out in the pit as his crew decided it wasn't worth it.

Sandy took some heavy damage as he nicked the side of Scot's car (exit left)...

...and hit the pits for repairs to finish just out of the top 10.

I stayed in after getting worked on and celebrated my 5th with a wall grind.

Race 3:
Like Race 2, we halved the laps to 15 because longevity was just not there.  Zack started up in the field but a combination of connection issues and bad luck would soon strike.

I stayed back with Mad Max and Sandy on this one.

Zack got hit early on by the Chargers and others.

And rolled himself up into a ball of dead.

Scot stayed patient for the first half.

And it did him no good as LSU rammed him into a pile of cars.

Sandy got a handful of laps in before getting done in by Darrel's avatar.

And I experienced the best luck through the whole thing without anymore accident than spinning myself out.

And I took the win.

Next week is a new track:  Dover Jump!

Race 1

Session: Practice

152T Titans18.295
244N Fighting Irish22.305
360I Colts22.716
428R Cook22.726
555L Tigers23.258
638A Cardinals23.710
758P Steelers24.028
823Z Webster24.965
931O Buckeyes25.207
1086T Nadz25.825
1121S Chargers25.889
1283C Bears26.712
1363T Bear26.762
1413S Hagerty26.917
157D Hamilton26.973
1656M Max27.255
1716S 49ers29.642
1832K Chiefs30.404
1961A Crimson Tide30.679
2029G Packers30.710
2175O Raiders30.739
2211T Longhorns30.785
2399D Cowboys30.824
2488N Saints31.306
2585U Trojans31.365
2698N Jets31.430
2720B Ravens31.716
2810B Bills31.748
2945H Texans31.802
3095B Man32.329
3133S Seahawks32.604
3212N Patriots32.643
3362J Jaguars32.666
3427O Ducks33.151
3542M Wolverines33.837
3647F Gators34.471
3722C Ferguson37.116
3837P Eagles38.675
3973T Buccaneers39.409
4080D Lions47.127

Weather: Cloudy, 76 °F, East 16 mph

Session: Qualifying

181F Seminoles23.710
222C Ferguson23.860
373T Buccaneers23.876
427O Ducks23.883
552T Titans23.920
634N Giants23.942
760I Colts23.952
831O Buckeyes23.978
998N Jets24.005
1020B Ravens24.007
1145H Texans24.099
1216S 49ers24.187
1375O Raiders24.203
1428R Cook24.212
1539G Bulldogs24.218
1637P Eagles24.268
1747F Gators24.534
1888N Saints24.724
1923Z Webster25.011
2012N Patriots25.670
2186T Nadz26.007
2213S Hagerty27.705
237D Hamilton28.551
2480D Lions31.070
2585U Trojans31.980
2662J Jaguars32.096
2758P Steelers32.166
2861A Crimson Tide32.175
2921S Chargers32.291
3033S Seahawks32.324
3183C Bears32.368
3299D Cowboys32.616
3329G Packers32.660
3495B Man32.775
3532K Chiefs33.132
3638A Cardinals33.169
3755L Tigers33.437
3842M Wolverines33.506
3944N Fighting Irish33.587
4011T Longhorns33.655
4110B Bills33.738
4263T Bear--
4356M Max--

Weather: Cloudy, 76 °F, East 16 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13755L Tigers79.5453018*185Running
2552T Titans-2L280170Running
3760I Colts-5L250165Running
4373T Buccaneers-5L250160Running
51428R Cook-7L231160Running
64356M Max-7L230150Running
73299D Cowboys-10L200146Accident
82012N Patriots-10L200142Running
94110B Bills-14L160138Retired
102480D Lions-15L150134Running
11634N Giants-17L134135Accident
123532K Chiefs-18L120127Retired
132921S Chargers-18L120124Accident
141539G Bulldogs-18L120121Retired
15427O Ducks-19L110118Piston
161923Z Webster-21L95120Running
173033S Seahawks-21L90112Retired
18181F Seminoles-21L90109Accident
191375O Raiders-21L90106Accident
202861A Crimson Tide-23L70103No Fuel
213944N Fighting Irish-24L60100Accident
22237D Hamilton-25L5097Running
232758P Steelers-25L5094Accident
241020B Ravens-26L4091Retired
251145H Texans-26L4088Retired
26222C Ferguson-26L4085Accident
271637P Eagles-26L4187Accident
281216S 49ers-26L4184Accident
292186T Nadz-26L4076Running
303842M Wolverines-27L3073Accident
313329G Packers-27L3070Accident
32831O Buckeyes-27L3067Retired
333183C Bears-27L3064Accident
343495B Man-27L3061Accident
351888N Saints-27L3058Accident
363638A Cardinals-28L2055Retired
37998N Jets-28L2052Accident
382585U Trojans-28L2049Accident
392662J Jaguars-28L2046Accident
404263T Bear-29L1043Running
411747F Gators-29L1040Accident
422213S Hagerty-29L1037Accident
434011T Longhorns-30L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 83 °F, South 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


57Dropping FluidPit for repairs
57Smoking EnginePit for repairs
486Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

122C Ferguson23.822
252T Titans23.885
311T Longhorns23.907
445H Texans23.930
547F Gators23.970
621S Chargers23.976
788N Saints24.009
832K Chiefs24.012
975O Raiders24.013
1033S Seahawks24.064
1158P Steelers24.105
1242M Wolverines24.129
1331O Buckeyes24.135
1485U Trojans24.143
1583C Bears24.146
1698N Jets24.197
1728R Cook24.207
1816S 49ers24.236
1973T Buccaneers24.369
2039G Bulldogs24.476
2195B Man24.725
2210B Bills24.771
2323Z Webster25.250
2486T Nadz26.369
2513S Hagerty27.514
2656M Max27.715
2781F Seminoles31.098
2880D Lions31.634
2955L Tigers31.696
3037P Eagles31.813
3161A Crimson Tide31.923
3244N Fighting Irish32.007
3338A Cardinals32.114
3462J Jaguars32.309
3560I Colts32.723
3629G Packers32.847
3734N Giants33.004
3827O Ducks33.192
3999D Cowboys33.209
4020B Ravens33.677
4112N Patriots33.861
4263T Bear--
437D Hamilton--

Weather: Cloudy, 69 °F, Northwest 5 mph

Session: Race


11485U Trojans77.367145180Running
23338A Cardinals-14.07140170Running
33999D Cowboys-17.48140165Running
4547F Gators-19.12140160Running
52486T Nadz-1L130155Running
63037P Eagles-3L112155Accident
72039G Bulldogs-4L100146Running
84263T Bear-6L80142Running
93827O Ducks-7L76*148Accident
101583C Bears-7L70134Accident
112513S Hagerty-8L60130Accident
121698N Jets-9L50127Retired
131242M Wolverines-9L50124Retired
144112N Patriots-9L50121Accident
15311T Longhorns-9L50118Accident
163161A Crimson Tide-9L50115Accident
171816S 49ers-10L40112Retired
18832K Chiefs-10L40109Retired
192656M Max-10L40106Running
20445H Texans-11L30103Accident
21252T Titans-11L30100Retired
221033S Seahawks-11L31102Accident
233244N Fighting Irish-11L3094Accident
242955L Tigers-12L2091Retired
252323Z Webster-12L2088Running
262880D Lions-12L2085DQ
273734N Giants-12L2082Accident
282210B Bills-12L2079Retired
29122C Ferguson-12L2076Accident
302195B Man-12L2073Accident
311728R Cook-12L2070Accident
32437D Hamilton-12L2067Retired
33788N Saints-12L2064Accident
34621S Chargers-12L2061Accident
353560I Colts-13L1058Accident
363629G Packers-13L1055Accident
373462J Jaguars-13L1052Retired
381973T Buccaneers-13L1049Accident
391331O Buckeyes-13L1046Accident
40975O Raiders-13L1043Retired
412781F Seminoles-13L1040Accident
421158P Steelers-13L1037Accident
434020B Ravens-14L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 69 °F, Northwest 13 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


37Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
513Smoking EnginePit for repairs
37Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
37Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

147F Gators23.920
221S Chargers23.998
311T Longhorns24.040
483C Bears24.096
57D Hamilton24.105
662J Jaguars24.194
716S 49ers24.200
810B Bills24.210
939G Bulldogs24.227
1032K Chiefs24.243
1188N Saints24.271
1295B Man24.284
1322C Ferguson24.293
1452T Titans24.328
1528R Cook24.342
1627O Ducks24.394
1755L Tigers24.444
1885U Trojans24.514
1999D Cowboys24.533
2058P Steelers24.712
2181F Seminoles24.871
2275O Raiders25.069
2323Z Webster25.269
2437P Eagles31.382
2538A Cardinals31.606
2634N Giants31.663
2780D Lions31.740
2833S Seahawks31.858
2945H Texans31.882
3029G Packers31.935
3112N Patriots31.955
3231O Buckeyes32.100
3373T Buccaneers32.216
3413S Hagerty32.584
3560I Colts32.690
3620B Ravens33.152
3761A Crimson Tide33.423
3844N Fighting Irish33.562
3998N Jets33.598
4042M Wolverines33.669
4186T Nadz36.568
4263T Bear--
4356M Max--

Weather: Cloudy, 84 °F, East 29 mph

Session: Race


14186T Nadz88.116157*185Running
23231O Buckeyes-2L130170Running
32538A Cardinals-3L120165Running
4662J Jaguars-4L110160Running
54042M Wolverines-7L84160Accident
6311T Longhorns-10L53155Accident
71885U Trojans-11L40146Accident
82181F Seminoles-11L40142Retired
91528R Cook-11L40138Accident
101755L Tigers-12L30134Retired
112780D Lions-12L30130Retired
123413S Hagerty-12L30127Accident
13221S Chargers-12L30124Accident
142945H Texans-12L30121Accident
151627O Ducks-12L30118Accident
161295B Man-12L30115Accident
171999D Cowboys-12L30112Accident
182437P Eagles-12L30109Accident
192833S Seahawks-12L30106Accident
2057D Hamilton-12L30103Accident
21483C Bears-12L30100Accident
223844N Fighting Irish-13L2097Accident
231032K Chiefs-13L2094Accident
243998N Jets-13L2091Accident
25810B Bills-13L2193Accident
26939G Bulldogs-13L2085Accident
27147F Gators-13L2082Accident
28716S 49ers-13L2079Accident
292634N Giants-13L2076Accident
303112N Patriots-13L2073Accident
313373T Buccaneers-14L1070Accident
323560I Colts-14L1067Accident
333029G Packers-14L1064Accident
344263T Bear-14L1061Running
351452T Titans-14L1058Accident
362275O Raiders-14L1055Accident
371322C Ferguson-14L1052Accident
382058P Steelers-14L1049Accident
392323Z Webster-14L1046Running
401188N Saints-14L1043Accident
413620B Ravens-15L0040Retired
423761A Crimson Tide-15L0037Accident
434356M Max-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 84 °F, Southwest 25 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



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