Monday, February 23, 2015

Twisted Metal Tour - Grid Iron Division 2015 - 22-24 Dover Jump

Sorry for the delay on this one.  Other work and a throat sickness had me down and out.  And Daytona 500 happened.  I'll be quick on this one.

Race 1:

Right, the start was rather hairy for all with the AI practically on top of us.

I'd managed to pull off a bit while Zack had to get dodgey with the carnage around him.

Focusing on Zack, his race was a rollercoaster to be sure.  Humans and AI both were tossed aside in his pursuit for the lead.

But the carnage would soon find him and cause problems.

Now, while Zack was getting his first licking, I was pulling away.  But not for long.

And thanks to the Cardinals...

I turtled the car and had to get a tow.

While I was working to catch up, Zack was averaging a wreck a lap.

And they weren't always just minor scuffles.

He was really punishing the car.

Once I was back on the track, I was half the order down and not letting anyone stay in my way.

And even though Zack was carrying on with most of his car in the air... laps weren't always going stellar.  But I did manage to pull ahead, even though I wasn't pointed the right way.

While I pulled off an unlikely win over Zack, how did the rest of us fair?

Sandy and Darrel started off bouncing each other about.

Which immediate earned him a black flag for something.

And when he was back out there, he continued his lewd behavior.  Including slamming the leader (at the time).

He didn't stop there.  No one was spared.

Eventually he found his brawling buddy, Darrel, whose race we'll see in a minute.

It wasn't all fun and games, though mostly it was.

Eventually he found himself launched high into the air and caught in the fence like a shuttlecock.

Which, of course, was another tow.  Oh, there's Scot.  What's he doing there?

Sandy was back in the hunt and waving goodbye to the Webster as he charged back into the top twenty.

And, AGAIN he slammed Hamilton.  Things are getting fierce...

But the best part of The Bear's race was his circus style ending where he attempted, and succeeded in landing on Zack.

Which ended as you'd expect.

We saw Scot previously hanging out in the pits.  Here's what happened: after a handful of laps, he approached Zack and others tossing about when he pulled his gears far too short and...

Flat killed it.

Darrel stayed in it for longer but hardly had a better race.

He could have been testing accelerators instead of trying for positions.

He definitely encountered Sandy plenty.  Maybe that was his problem.

And he constantly found himself in peril.

He continued to struggle with keeping his car pointed right and getting it back straight was even more of a nightmare.

Eventually, he experienced what we all did and became stuck in need of a tow.

Once he was back on line, he started knocking Zack around.

And then was slammed by Sandy.

As well as others.  Hey, stay off my Seminoles.

He must have traded magnet bumpers with Hagerty because the 23 and 7 were nearly inseparable for a bunch of laps.

And this is about how it was expected to end: A big pile of cars and Scot killed himself with damage off.

Race 2:  We upped the damage and and cut the laps from 30 to 20.  To account for damage and DNFs

Things looked a little more orderly this time.

 For a time anyway.  Zack got wiley off the backstretch hump and went out of control.

Avoiding him, I bashed the shit out of The Bear at 153mph

I continued on somewhat but Sandy started getting bucked by the Buccaneers.

Several times, until his engine was plundered.

I didn't last much longer as I pounced onto the Bengals.

Which took me right out.  I managed to drive a few more laps before NASCAR told me to bugger off.  But why is Zack in the pits?  He was leading.

Once again, he caught uneven air off the back and got tossed.

Zack may have been OK to limp on, but the Chargers charged into his waiting hulk.

 Was the Outlaw's Race 2 better than R1?  Not really.

He managed to do what he does best and cause a bit of a stir.  Which cost his engine again.  He limped to the pits and parked.

But there was one human who wasn't flirtn' with disaster.

Ok, well, minor flirting.  Again!  So many humans seem to be having problems corkscrewing off of the jump.

But he kept things mostly in order and even got a few smashers in on his way to a stunning 4th place finish.

Race 3:  The final go at full damage.  Laps were cut to 15.  I don't know why because we finished rather quickly with the fewest DNFs in the season.  

Another tidy start with these two at the front.

 Things were still orderly as we were a few laps in.

For me, it stayed this way for the entire race.  Despite the scuffs on the side, I didn't hit anyone during the race.  Poor form I'll admit.  I'll hang my head in shame next to my 1st place trophy.

So you'd assume Zack was just out of frame, but no.

He tipped the giants and got wrecked up with the Bulldogs.

Sandy shared a similar race to his son but managed a tad more excitement.  While he struggled for a short while, he gathered it up and moved just outside of the top 20.

Scot had a sad performance for the 3rd time in a row in his typical, dramatic fashion.

And Darrel?  Did increased damage cause him grief?

There were some close calls.

And sphincter squeezing slip-bys

But Darrel kept it in form and shape to get a top 5 on this last race.

Again, sorry for the lateness on this post.  We're on to Indy Wave which you may or may not want to drop acid before driving, depending on your style of racing.  An additional ini may be on its way.  Results!

Race 1

Session: Qualifying

123Z Webster18.709
286T Nadz18.736
322C Ferguson18.974
485U Trojans18.991
545H Texans19.025
658P Steelers19.056
711T Longhorns19.060
844N Fighting Irish19.092
983C Bears19.103
1047F Gators19.107
1181F Seminoles19.112
1261A Crimson Tide19.136
1399D Cowboys19.137
1462J Jaguars19.148
1516S 49ers19.150
1688N Saints19.152
1720B Ravens19.165
1833S Seahawks19.198
1998N Jets19.204
2055L Tigers19.221
2121S Chargers19.227
2237P Eagles19.228
2375O Raiders19.233
2473T Buccaneers19.235
2512N Patriots19.240
267D Hamilton19.245
2734N Giants19.255
2813S Hagerty19.290
2980D Lions19.296
3095B Man19.308
3128R Cook19.312
3210B Bills19.320
3342M Wolverines19.346
3431O Buckeyes19.362
3552T Titans19.367
3632K Chiefs19.383
3739G Bulldogs19.413
3838A Cardinals19.419
3960I Colts19.520
4027O Ducks19.540
4129G Packers19.626
4263T Bear20.218
4356M Max39.942

Weather: Clear, -191 °F, North 14 mph

Session: Happy Hour

123Z Webster18.321
286T Nadz18.593
363T Bear19.233
47D Hamilton19.844
556M Max20.525
631O Buckeyes23.068
780D Lions23.088
821S Chargers23.110
934N Giants23.145
1013S Hagerty23.227
1181F Seminoles23.231
1298N Jets23.263
1337P Eagles23.300
1410B Bills23.331
1560I Colts23.332
1685U Trojans23.342
1747F Gators23.355
1828R Cook23.369
1999D Cowboys23.370
2022C Ferguson23.370
2152T Titans23.385
2273T Buccaneers23.391
2312N Patriots23.391
2462J Jaguars23.394
2532K Chiefs23.467
2655L Tigers23.469
2739G Bulldogs23.496
2833S Seahawks23.507
2920B Ravens23.512
3016S 49ers23.513
3188N Saints23.521
3244N Fighting Irish23.563
3342M Wolverines23.567
3495B Man23.568
3529G Packers23.577
3638A Cardinals23.579
3783C Bears23.587
3858P Steelers23.601
3945H Texans23.644
4011T Longhorns23.791
4161A Crimson Tide23.899
4227O Ducks24.008
4375O Raiders31.526

Weather: Clear, -190 °F, West 21 mph

Session: Race


1286T Nadz157.7553026*185Running
2123Z Webster-2L283175Running
31688N Saints-2L280165Running
41047F Gators-2L280160Running
5485U Trojans-2L280155Running
6983C Bears-2L280150Running
73552T Titans-2L280146Running
81720B Ravens-3L270142Running
91181F Seminoles-3L270138Running
102512N Patriots-3L270134Running
113210B Bills-3L270130Running
124129G Packers-3L270127Running
13658P Steelers-3L270124Running
141462J Jaguars-3L270121Running
151833S Seahawks-3L270118Running
163632K Chiefs-3L270115Running
17844N Fighting Irish-3L270112Running
183739G Bulldogs-3L270109Running
194027O Ducks-3L270106Running
202375O Raiders-3L270103Running
213431O Buckeyes-3L270100Running
222734N Giants-3L27097Running
232813S Hagerty-4L26094Running
243095B Man-4L26091Running
251399D Cowboys-4L26088Running
262121S Chargers-4L26085Running
271516S 49ers-4L26082Running
281998N Jets-4L26079Running
29711T Longhorns-4L26076Running
303128R Cook-4L26073Running
312237P Eagles-5L25175Running
322473T Buccaneers-5L25067Running
333838A Cardinals-6L24064Running
344263T Bear-7L23061Running
352055L Tigers-7L23058Running
363960I Colts-7L23055Running
371261A Crimson Tide-8L22052Running
383342M Wolverines-8L22049Running
39545H Texans-8L22046Running
40322C Ferguson-9L21043Running
412980D Lions-9L21040Running
42267D Hamilton-13L17037Running
434356M Max-27L3034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, -190 °F, West 21 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


063Passing on the insideStop and go

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

186T Nadz18.541
223Z Webster18.836
329G Packers19.032
445H Texans19.055
527O Ducks19.075
611T Longhorns19.079
738A Cardinals19.084
861A Crimson Tide19.088
975O Raiders19.097
1080D Lions19.113
1155L Tigers19.121
1237P Eagles19.134
1362J Jaguars19.161
1442M Wolverines19.213
1532K Chiefs19.228
1621S Chargers19.245
1785U Trojans19.253
1860I Colts19.263
1933S Seahawks19.270
2088N Saints19.272
2120B Ravens19.277
2231O Buckeyes19.279
2358P Steelers19.286
2412N Patriots19.292
2522C Ferguson19.326
2610B Bills19.337
2752T Titans19.364
2899D Cowboys19.366
2913S Hagerty19.368
3083C Bears19.373
3198N Jets19.479
3295B Man19.571
3334N Giants19.580
3416S 49ers19.630
3539G Bulldogs19.651
3628R Cook19.731
3781F Seminoles19.809
3844N Fighting Irish19.834
3956M Max39.380
4047F Gators--
4173T Buccaneers--
4263T Bear--
437D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, -193 °F, North 7 mph

Session: Race


11155L Tigers152.4662010*185Running
2611T Longhorns-2.13200170Running
31785U Trojans-2.52200165Running
4437D Hamilton-2.86200160Running
52120B Ravens-6.98200155Running
62088N Saints-7.91200150Running
72358P Steelers-8.40200146Running
81080D Lions-9.13200142Running
91362J Jaguars-9.32200138Running
102231O Buckeyes-10.24200134Running
113539G Bulldogs-20.06200130Running
121237P Eagles-20.78200127Running
133295B Man-21.24200124Running
141933S Seahawks-1L190121Running
15445H Texans-1L190118Running
161621S Chargers-1L190115Running
173083C Bears-1L190112Running
184173T Buccaneers-1L190109Running
19527O Ducks-1L190106Running
203628R Cook-1L190103Running
213198N Jets-2L180100Running
222913S Hagerty-2L18097Running
233781F Seminoles-3L17094Running
241860I Colts-4L16091Running
252899D Cowboys-5L15088Running
26329G Packers-6L14085Running
27186T Nadz-7L13687Running
28223Z Webster-8L12484Running
293334N Giants-8L12076Running
30861A Crimson Tide-8L12073Running
311442M Wolverines-9L11070Accident
32975O Raiders-11L9067Retired
332522C Ferguson-14L6064Retired
34738A Cardinals-14L6061Retired
353956M Max-15L5058Running
363416S 49ers-15L5055Running
372752T Titans-15L5052Retired
382610B Bills-16L4049Running
393844N Fighting Irish-17L3046Retired
404263T Bear-18L2043Running
411532K Chiefs-18L2040Retired
422412N Patriots-19L1037Retired
434047F Gators-19L1034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, -193 °F, East 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


1086Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1486Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

186T Nadz18.521
223Z Webster18.743
313S Hagerty18.991
412N Patriots19.011
511T Longhorns19.036
621S Chargers19.044
742M Wolverines19.057
885U Trojans19.060
981F Seminoles19.087
1073T Buccaneers19.120
1188N Saints19.124
1231O Buckeyes19.127
1320B Ravens19.142
1458P Steelers19.144
1528R Cook19.152
1632K Chiefs19.190
1733S Seahawks19.219
1834N Giants19.239
1952T Titans19.241
2045H Texans19.267
2161A Crimson Tide19.281
2295B Man19.282
2375O Raiders19.290
2480D Lions19.305
2529G Packers19.311
2610B Bills19.317
2755L Tigers19.326
2860I Colts19.341
2922C Ferguson19.352
3037P Eagles19.363
3199D Cowboys19.373
3262J Jaguars19.381
3347F Gators19.385
3498N Jets19.409
3527O Ducks19.424
3638A Cardinals19.591
3739G Bulldogs19.612
3883C Bears19.625
3944N Fighting Irish19.637
4016S 49ers19.673
4156M Max--
4263T Bear--
437D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, -195 °F, North 3 mph

Session: Race


1186T Nadz185.1771515*185Running
2437D Hamilton-2L130170Running
3412N Patriots-2L130165Running
4885U Trojans-2L130160Running
51231O Buckeyes-2L130155Running
6313S Hagerty-2L130150Running
7511T Longhorns-2L130146Running
81632K Chiefs-2L130142Running
91528R Cook-3L120138Running
103037P Eagles-3L120134Running
111952T Titans-3L120130Running
121073T Buccaneers-3L120127Running
131733S Seahawks-3L120124Running
142860I Colts-3L120121Running
152922C Ferguson-3L120118Running
163883C Bears-3L120115Running
173347F Gators-3L120112Running
181834N Giants-3L120109Running
192480D Lions-3L120106Running
202610B Bills-3L120103Running
214263T Bear-3L120100Running
221188N Saints-3L12097Retired
233498N Jets-3L12094Running
24621S Chargers-3L12091Running
254016S 49ers-3L12088Running
261458P Steelers-3L12085Running
273262J Jaguars-3L12082Running
282529G Packers-4L11079Running
293944N Fighting Irish-4L11076Running
30223Z Webster-5L10073Running
313527O Ducks-5L10070Running
323739G Bulldogs-5L10067Running
332755L Tigers-5L10064Running
343199D Cowboys-7L8061Running
352295B Man-9L6058Running
362045H Texans-10L5055Running
37742M Wolverines-12L3052Accident
384156M Max-13L2049Running
39981F Seminoles-13L2046Running
401320B Ravens-13L2043Header
412161A Crimson Tide-13L2040Accident
423638A Cardinals-14L1037Retired
432375O Raiders-15L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 0 (1 driver)

Weather: Clear, -195 °F, East 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



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