Friday, May 13, 2016

'87 Winston Cup 2016 Series - 11 Kansas

After a week off, we moved to the Kansas cookie-cutter.  I was hoping for a stronger finish to catch up to the escaping top 5 in points.  I know everyone was hoping for some points actually.

No Zack or Darrel but plenty of technical issues (which caused Darrel to take a DNS).

Nearly a dozen green flag laps before Scot rubbed the apron and got tossed into Mike Potter.  No damage but a semi-convenient pit opportunity.

And we did.

Except Sandy and Scot, at first anyway, who stayed out to get a few points.  Sandy did.  Just him.

The restart was quite chaotic and I was fending them off with a stick.

Mike Potter was struggling as the only car down a lap and broken.

And people like Terry Labonte didn't care about his feelings.

And this is what happens.

Darrel Waltrip thought he might be free and clear.


And the backstretch turned parking lot in seconds.

And Darrel Waltrip was still getting destroyed.


I was feeling good now that several of my biggest rivals were out and I was launching back into the lead.

Sandy and Scot and been working some traffic and keeping clean and started passing the field as we came to the first fuel window.

And with one lap of fuel left in the tanks, Sandy turned Buddy Arrington's sedan into a coupe.  And a bonus of NO DAMAGE.

Under the caution (or coming to it), Geoff Bodine pulls out into Rick Wilson.

That took out Sterling Marlin...

...which collected Lake Speed.

And all this domino-ing happened in front of Mad Max which he could not avoid.

He was collected and would have been OK if not for Bierschwale.  

And he was Rick Rolled.

So because Sandy had waited until after the AI pit, they were all ahead of the 6 cars still on the lead lap as they were stuck on the tail end of the lead lap (or a lap down) right behind the pace car and in front of us.

A long of stretch of green flag laps and I managed to catch a pack being held up by Mr. Richard Petty.

Seeing my rival and the burn of Talladega still in my mind, I played cat and mouse for a few laps until I spun him after the white flag.

Best of all, he got nailed by Ricky Rudd and spun down to get stuck on the apron.

Others were also wrapped up in the wrecking.

I was worried that Bear would get wrapped up in the debris but he was far enough back that he only had smoke to deal with and gained a spot for 5th.

And I took the win with a grin as all of my major rivals were in tatters.

Next week we're at Dover.


Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

1013T Nadz30.473
23D Earnhardt30.589
327R Wallace30.716
411T Labonte30.737
555P Parsons30.745
671D Marcis30.761
721K Petty30.771
815R Rudd30.781
95G Bodine30.794
1022B Allison30.805
1133H Gant30.807
129B Elliott30.810
1328D Allison30.813
1443R Petty30.828
1517D Waltrip30.842
161B Bodine30.843
1788B Baker30.845
1844S Marlin30.863
1926M Shepherd30.869
2090K Schrader30.873
216D Ulrich30.875
227A Kulwicki30.889
2330M Waltrip30.891
2475N Bonnett30.943
2550G Sacks30.943
2618D Jarrett30.965
2725T Richmond30.981
2835B Parsons30.982
2983L Speed30.986
3077E Bierschwale31.027
318B Hillin, Jr.31.031
3267B Arrington31.071
3364R Combs31.073
3452J Means31.080
3570J McDuffie31.096
3629C Yarborough31.101
374R Wilson31.134
3819D Cope31.142
3962S Christman31.181
4081M Potter31.235
4174B Wawak31.274
42029M Max43.281
43021T Bear45.274

Weather: Cloudy, 77 °F, East 12 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11013T Nadz140.3925447*185Running
2327R Wallace-2.63540170Running
3318B Hillin, Jr.-6.60540165Running
4216D Ulrich-14.81540160Running
543021T Bear-23.17542160Running
62835B Parsons-32.02540150Running
71133H Gant-32.18540146Running
8721K Petty-32.33540142Running
9555P Parsons-32.49545143Running
101022B Allison-1L530134Running
112330M Waltrip-1L530130Running
121328D Allison-1L530127Running
132090K Schrader-1L530124Running
14671D Marcis-1L530121Running
153629C Yarborough-1L530118Running
163819D Cope-1L530115Running
173570J McDuffie-1L530112Running
1895G Bodine-1L530109Running
1923D Earnhardt-2L520106Running
20815R Rudd-2L520103Running
213077E Bierschwale-2L520100Running
223452J Means-2L52097Running
232618D Jarrett-2L52094Running
241443R Petty-3L51091Running
253267B Arrington-3L51088Running
261844S Marlin-17L37085Accident
2742029M Max-18L36082Accident
28374R Wilson-18L36079Piston
292983L Speed-19L35076Accident
302550G Sacks-19L35073Accident
31161B Bodine-19L35070Accident
32129B Elliott-36L18067Retired
331788B Baker-36L18064Retired
342725T Richmond-37L17061Retired
353962S Christman-37L17058Retired
364174B Wawak-37L17055Retired
372475N Bonnett-37L17052Retired
381926M Shepherd-37L17049Accident
39227A Kulwicki-37L17046Accident
401517D Waltrip-37L17043Accident
41411T Labonte-37L17040Accident
423364R Combs-38L16037Accident
434081M Potter-38L16034Retired

Caution Flags: 4 (12 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 65 °F, West 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 3x

AI Strength: 97%



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