Sunday, December 9, 2018

Twisted Metal 2018: 28-30 6 Feet Under

From the big banks of Michigan Volcano to the tiny twister that is 6 Feet Under, the series gets condensed in both the points and on the track.

Race 1:
Zack Webster was the highest finishing human for the first race which was an absolute wrecking ball of action.  Myer was not far behind, just scoring inside the top 30.  The rest of the humans fell back to plan B after early issues.

Race 2:
Mad Max had some damage early on.  He went in to get it fixed.

He would have if Iowa didn't fly in to kill his car and crew.

Slab was having fun getting into the spirit of the event.

Until he got into the spirit of the wall.  RIP.

The Bear was having fun getting into accidents as well.

When his crew opted for ice cream instead of doing repairs, it was hunter-killer mode.  To be fair, he was actually DQed (for a Blizzard) and never truly died.

Webster was a few places ahead of Tnadz by the end.  Both of them finishing just out of the top twenty, their races filled with lots of hits.  All teams to this point were relying on teammates to carry the banner.

Race 3: 
A strong start.

Tnadz got some hard damage late into the race as most humans were looking to survive more than destroy (not that there weren't any takers).  He would have been DQed but he decided to just sit and wait for the race to end.

Late in the race, The Bear was on the attack and going after the Texans.

Mad Max, who was up to 2nd and hunting down the leader, came up on the aftermath and thought he was clear...

But he was not.  The roll knocked him back in the top ten group but he managed to get out of his turtling and finish the race.

Some laps earlier, Webster was in the top 5 when he got next to Mad Max.  He shouldn't have said anything to him as it was an open invitation for a hit.  While he didn't suffer bad damage, he did fall back some spots, which he mostly regained.

Gut Slab had a stellar race with a shot at the win but, being a lap down, he settled for wrecking and 2nd.

Up next is the famous one-turn track of Bowl 2.

Race 1

Track: 6 Feet Under Speed Dome

Session: Qualifying

137P Eagles--
216S 49ers--
395A Falcons--
420B Ravens--
534N Giants--
652T Titans--
788N Saints--
845H Texans--
910B Bills--
1026I Hawkeyes--
1199D Cowboys--
1214U Hurricanes--
1373T Buccaneers--
1483C Bears--
1560I Colts--
1621S Chargers--
1747F Gators--
1824L Cardinals--
1975O Raiders--
2080D Lions--
2190S Gamecocks--
2212N Patriots--
2315U Knights--
2435U Bruins--
2563C Browns--
2662J Jaguars--
2728S Rams--
2842M Wolverines--
2913M Dolphins--
3029G Packers--
3138A Cardinals--
3298N Jets--
3339G Bulldogs--
3433S Seahawks--
3519A Tigers--
367D Broncos--
3758P Steelers--
3832K Chiefs--
3956M Max--
4055G Slab--
4123Z Webster--
4286T Nadz--
4322T Bear--

Weather: Cloudy, 50 °F, West 6 mph

Session: Race


1652T Titans124.747201180Running
2534N Giants-0.572016*180Running
33029G Packers-0.95200165Running
41747F Gators-2.98201165Running
5395A Falcons-3.75201160Running
63433S Seahawks-4.35200150Running
7910B Bills-7.74200146Running
82190S Gamecocks-9.16200142Running
92080D Lions-1L190138Running
102842M Wolverines-1L190134Running
112662J Jaguars-1L190130Running
121560I Colts-1L190127Running
131975O Raiders-1L190124Running
142315U Knights-1L190121Running
152435U Bruins-1L190118Running
161483C Bears-1L190115Running
174123Z Webster-1L190112Running
181199D Cowboys-1L190109Running
192212N Patriots-1L190106Running
20788N Saints-1L190103Running
211214U Hurricanes-1L190100Running
223758P Steelers-1L19097Running
231026I Hawkeyes-1L19094Running
242563C Browns-2L18091Running
25137P Eagles-2L18193Running
261373T Buccaneers-2L18085Running
273138A Cardinals-2L18082Running
283339G Bulldogs-2L18079Running
293956M Max-2L18076Running
30420B Ravens-2L18073Running
31367D Broncos-2L18070Running
321824L Cardinals-2L18067Running
331621S Chargers-3L17064Running
343832K Chiefs-3L17061Retired
352913M Dolphins-3L17058Running
362728S Rams-3L17055Running
373298N Jets-3L17052Running
38216S 49ers-4L16049Running
393519A Tigers-6L14046Running
404055G Slab-7L13043Running
414286T Nadz-8L12040Running
424322T Bear-12L8037Running
43845H Texans-18L2034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 50 °F, West 6 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

162J Jaguars--
219A Tigers--
358P Steelers--
416S 49ers--
529G Packers--
680D Lions--
752T Titans--
845H Texans--
960I Colts--
1063C Browns--
1133S Seahawks--
1220B Ravens--
1321S Chargers--
1439G Bulldogs--
1537P Eagles--
1624L Cardinals--
1726I Hawkeyes--
1828S Rams--
1938A Cardinals--
2099D Cowboys--
2114U Hurricanes--
2247F Gators--
2332K Chiefs--
2410B Bills--
2535U Bruins--
2675O Raiders--
2713M Dolphins--
2888N Saints--
2990S Gamecocks--
3042M Wolverines--
3173T Buccaneers--
3295A Falcons--
3398N Jets--
3434N Giants--
3515U Knights--
367D Broncos--
3783C Bears--
3812N Patriots--
3923Z Webster--
4022T Bear--
4186T Nadz--
4256M Max--
4355G Slab--

Weather: Cloudy, 51 °F, West 0 mph

Session: Race


1162J Jaguars128.2474011*185Running
23295A Falcons-4.01400170Running
33515U Knights-4.52400165Running
43434N Giants-1L390160Running
51063C Browns-1L390155Running
61726I Hawkeyes-1L390150Running
7680D Lions-2L380146Running
82713M Dolphins-3L370142Running
9529G Packers-3L376143Running
102535U Bruins-3L370134Running
112990S Gamecocks-3L370130Running
12358P Steelers-4L366132Running
133042M Wolverines-4L360124Running
141537P Eagles-5L350121Running
152332K Chiefs-6L3411*128Retired
161439G Bulldogs-6L340115Running
17845H Texans-7L330112Running
181321S Chargers-7L330109Running
193173T Buccaneers-8L320106Accident
201220B Ravens-9L310103Running
21752T Titans-9L310100Running
223923Z Webster-9L31097Running
231133S Seahawks-9L31699Running
24416S 49ers-11L29091Accident
254186T Nadz-11L29088Running
262888N Saints-14L26085Running
273812N Patriots-17L23082Retired
282114U Hurricanes-18L22079Retired
291828S Rams-20L20076Retired
304022T Bear-22L18073DQ
312247F Gators-24L16070Retired
323398N Jets-24L16067Retired
333783C Bears-27L13064Accident
344355G Slab-28L12061Accident
352675O Raiders-32L8058Retired
361938A Cardinals-32L8055Retired
374256M Max-33L7052Accident
38367D Broncos-34L6049Retired
392099D Cowboys-35L5046Retired
402410B Bills-38L2043Accident
411624L Cardinals-38L2040Retired
42960I Colts-39L1037Retired
43219A Tigers-40L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 12 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 51 °F, West 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%


556Smoking EnginePit for repairs
756Dropping FluidPit for repairs
1522Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1922Not honoring the black fDQ'd: Scoring is ended
3023Dropping FluidPit for repairs
3023Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

199D Cowboys--
219A Tigers--
363C Browns--
421S Chargers--
529G Packers--
633S Seahawks--
780D Lions--
895A Falcons--
938A Cardinals--
1042M Wolverines--
1183C Bears--
1288N Saints--
1324L Cardinals--
1428S Rams--
1512N Patriots--
1662J Jaguars--
1732K Chiefs--
1847F Gators--
1958P Steelers--
2037P Eagles--
2114U Hurricanes--
2210B Bills--
2335U Bruins--
2416S 49ers--
2560I Colts--
2673T Buccaneers--
2726I Hawkeyes--
287D Broncos--
2939G Bulldogs--
3045H Texans--
3120B Ravens--
3255L Tigers--
3315U Knights--
3498N Jets--
3575O Raiders--
3613M Dolphins--
3752T Titans--
3834N Giants--
3922T Bear--
4023Z Webster--
4190G Slab--
4256M Max--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Cloudy, 51 °F, Northeast 0 mph

Session: Race


11847F Gators128.3184012180Running
24190G Slab-1L390170Running
31324L Cardinals-2L383170Running
42726I Hawkeyes-2L3814*170Running
53575O Raiders-2L380155Running
63045H Texans-3L371155Running
74023Z Webster-4L360146Running
83922T Bear-5L350142Running
94256M Max-6L340138Running
103613M Dolphins-9L310134Running
112560I Colts-14L263135Accident
121662J Jaguars-18L220127Retired
13529G Packers-21L190124Accident
142114U Hurricanes-23L170121Accident
153752T Titans-27L130118Accident
164386T Nadz-27L130115Running
173120B Ravens-28L120112Accident
181512N Patriots-29L110109Accident
19199D Cowboys-30L106111Accident
202335U Bruins-30L100103Accident
21780D Lions-33L70100Retired
221183C Bears-33L7097Accident
232939G Bulldogs-34L6094Retired
243315U Knights-36L4091Accident
25938A Cardinals-36L4088Accident
26363C Browns-36L4190Accident
271732K Chiefs-38L2082Retired
283498N Jets-38L2079Accident
29895A Falcons-38L2076Accident
303834N Giants-38L2073No Fuel
311958P Steelers-39L1070Retired
32633S Seahawks-39L1067Accident
33219A Tigers-39L1064Retired
342416S 49ers-39L1061Retired
353255L Tigers-39L1058Accident
362673T Buccaneers-39L1055Retired
372037P Eagles-39L1052Accident
381042M Wolverines-39L1049Accident
39421S Chargers-40L0046Accident
401288N Saints-40L0043Accident
411428S Rams-40L0040Accident
422210B Bills-40L0037Accident
43287D Broncos-40L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 9 (7 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 51 °F, North 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 97%


1186Smoking EnginePit for repairs
2323Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

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