Thursday, December 20, 2018

Twisted Metal 2018: 34-36 Monsturd

The final regular season Wild Card has been activated and it's Tnadz vs The Bear in a father-son showdown to see who could have the most...survivors.  Yikes.

Race 1:
The first race of 20 laps was brutal.  The start was fraught with danger and major setbacks for Gut Slab and Tnadz as they turtled.  Hamilton managed to get well up the order when a late race crash sent him tumbling down the field.  The Bear and Webster had a great battle for second with Zack just winning out by less than a second.  None of them could match The Egg for pace as he dominated the field by an entire lap.  While there was no damage, Tnadz lost two drivers to a Disqualification, setting him back in the Wildcard.

Race 2:
Race 2 was sadly cut short as the server crashed about 10 laps in.  The drivers ultimately decided to call the race official, giving Tnadz the win.  Slab had another set back and DNFed early.  Webster just barely hung on to the last points position after many hardware setbacks.  Hamilton was sniffing at the podium when he rolled his car and died, exiting for the night to avoid a 3rd major loss.  The Bear struggled more than in Race 1 and held in for a 20th.  The Egg was in 2nd striving to close the gap with Tnadz and may have had a chance at the win.  The world may never know.

Race 3:
Tnadz was killed after lap one when Zack's Buccaneers ran him into a wall and rolled him.  He was quickly joined by Webster who later died of a bad clutch when he tried to repair some damage.  Gut Slab worked up to the mid twenties after laying some hurt on the competition.  But it was The Egg who would dominate the field once again, even lapping the 2nd place Sandy before the end of the 10 laps.

In the end, Tnadz lost the Wildcard thanks to the two DQs in Race 1 and the lead.  But not all is lost.  While Webster leads the points, it's only by a point ahead of Tnadz.  And The Egg is only 2 points away from the lead.  Behind them, even The Bear who is over 30 points behind still has a strong shot at the championship.  And there's still one more Wild Card that's open to all participants.  

Monsturd is the last race of the year as the league takes a break for Christmas, returning after New Years for Humpty Dumpty and the stupid horse!  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and shift here to pay respects.

Race 1

Track: Monsturd_Truck_Rally

Session: Qualifying

155L Tigers--
226I Hawkeyes--
316S 49ers--
458P Steelers--
580D Lions--
67D Broncos--
795A Falcons--
852T Titans--
932K Chiefs--
1083C Bears--
1112N Patriots--
1273T Buccaneers--
1347F Gators--
1421S Chargers--
1510B Bills--
1613M Dolphins--
1775O Raiders--
1860I Colts--
1939G Bulldogs--
2020B Ravens--
2115U Knights--
2263C Browns--
2362J Jaguars--
2434N Giants--
2542M Wolverines--
2638A Cardinals--
2729G Packers--
2828S Rams--
2935U Bruins--
3024L Cardinals--
3133S Seahawks--
3288N Saints--
3337P Eagles--
3456M Vikings--
3599D Cowboys--
3614U Hurricanes--
3719A Tigers--
3822T Bear--
3986T Nadz--
4090G Slab--
4198T Egg--
4223Z Webster--
4345D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race

14198T Egg103.2982013*185Running
24223Z Webster-1L190170Running
33822T Bear-1L190165Running
4932K Chiefs-1L190160Running
51083C Bears-1L190155Running
6316S 49ers-1L190150Running
72434N Giants-1L190146Running
82542M Wolverines-1L190142Running
9155L Tigers-1L190138Running
10458P Steelers-1L190134Running
113456M Vikings-1L190130Running
122362J Jaguars-1L190127Running
132020B Ravens-1L190124Running
143719A Tigers-2L180121Running
15226I Hawkeyes-2L180118Running
163288N Saints-2L180115Running
172115U Knights-2L180112Running
1867D Broncos-2L180109Running
19852T Titans-2L180106Running
201347F Gators-2L180103Running
212828S Rams-2L180100Running
221775O Raiders-2L18097Running
232263C Browns-2L18094Running
241421S Chargers-2L18091Running
253133S Seahawks-2L18088Running
261112N Patriots-2L18085Running
271273T Buccaneers-2L18082Running
283024L Cardinals-2L18079Running
291860I Colts-3L17076Running
30580D Lions-3L17778Running
314345D Hamilton-3L17070Running
321939G Bulldogs-3L17067Running
332729G Packers-3L17064DQ
34795A Falcons-3L17061Running
352935U Bruins-4L16058DQ
363599D Cowboys-4L16055DQ
371510B Bills-5L15052Running
383614U Hurricanes-5L15049DQ
391613M Dolphins-6L14046Running
403337P Eagles-6L14043DQ
413986T Nadz-7L13040Running
422638A Cardinals-11L9037DQ
434090G Slab-12L8034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 96 °F, West 20 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%

Race 2

Session: Qualifying

147F Gators--
235U Bruins--
363C Browns--
410B Bills--
558P Steelers--
638A Cardinals--
760I Colts--
862J Jaguars--
975O Raiders--
1052T Titans--
1112N Patriots--
1220B Ravens--
1395A Falcons--
1480D Lions--
1556M Vikings--
1634N Giants--
1773T Buccaneers--
1899D Cowboys--
1932K Chiefs--
2088N Saints--
2116S 49ers--
2215U Knights--
2329G Packers--
2483C Bears--
2513M Dolphins--
2690S Gamecocks--
2726I Hawkeyes--
287D Broncos--
2919A Tigers--
3086W Red Skins--
3124L Cardinals--
3228S Rams--
3314U Hurricanes--
3439G Bulldogs--
3542M Wolverines--
3633S Seahawks--
3721S Chargers--
3898T Egg--
3955G Slab--
4045D Hamilton--
4137T Nadz--
4223Z Webster--
4322T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 92 °F, Southeast 10 mph

Session: Race

14137T Nadz104.83893180Running
23898T Egg-15.6792175Retired
3363C Browns-44.1790165Running
4147F Gators-51.1094*170Running
5287D Broncos-1L80155Running
61773T Buccaneers-1L80150Running
71899D Cowboys-1L80146Running
81556M Vikings-1L80142Running
91480D Lions-1L80138Running
103633S Seahawks-1L80134Running
11558P Steelers-1L80130Running
12638A Cardinals-1L80127Running
13235U Bruins-1L80124Running
141112N Patriots-1L80121Running
151634N Giants-1L80118Running
162483C Bears-1L80115Running
171220B Ravens-2L70112Running
182329G Packers-2L70109Running
193721S Chargers-2L70106Running
204322T Bear-2L70103Running
212919A Tigers-2L70100Running
22975O Raiders-2L7097Running
231395A Falcons-2L7094Running
242116S 49ers-2L7091Running
252088N Saints-2L7088Running
264045D Hamilton-3L6085Accident
272726I Hawkeyes-3L6082Accident
282513M Dolphins-3L6079DQ
29862J Jaguars-3L6076Running
304223Z Webster-3L6073Running
313314U Hurricanes-3L6070Running
323086W Red Skins-4L5067Running
331052T Titans-4L5064Running
343955G Slab-5L4061Accident
35760I Colts-7L2058Accident
36410B Bills-7L2055Accident
371932K Chiefs-8L1052Accident
382215U Knights-8L1049Accident
392690S Gamecocks-8L1046Accident
403228S Rams-8L1043Accident
413439G Bulldogs-8L1040Accident
423542M Wolverines-8L1037Accident
433124L Cardinals-8L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 92 °F, South 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

173T Buccaneers--
216S 49ers--
380D Lions--
413M Dolphins--
588N Saints--
624L Cardinals--
714U Hurricanes--
862J Jaguars--
975O Raiders--
1063C Browns--
1142M Wolverines--
1256M Vikings--
137D Broncos--
1420B Ravens--
1519A Tigers--
1655L Tigers--
1799D Cowboys--
1839G Bulldogs--
1910B Bills--
2032K Chiefs--
2145H Texans--
2228S Rams--
2395A Falcons--
2415U Knights--
2529G Packers--
2633S Seahawks--
2734N Giants--
2860I Colts--
2921S Chargers--
3035U Bruins--
3112N Patriots--
3252T Titans--
3338A Cardinals--
3458P Steelers--
3526I Hawkeyes--
3683C Bears--
3786W Red Skins--
3890S Gamecocks--
3937T Nadz--
4022T Bear--
4198T Egg--
4247G Slab--
4323Z Webster--

Weather: Cloudy, 94 °F, Southeast 9 mph

Session: Race


14198T Egg106.287108*185Running
24022T Bear-1L90170Running
3862J Jaguars-1L90165Running
41799D Cowboys-2L80160Running
5413M Dolphins-2L80155Running
6173T Buccaneers-2L80150Running
73338A Cardinals-2L80146Running
82734N Giants-2L80142Running
93112N Patriots-2L80138Running
103786W Red Skins-2L80134Running
112921S Chargers-2L80130Running
121063C Browns-2L80127Running
13624L Cardinals-2L80124Running
141256M Vikings-2L80121Running
153252T Titans-2L80118Running
163890S Gamecocks-2L80115Running
172032K Chiefs-3L70112Running
182529G Packers-3L70109Running
193035U Bruins-3L70106Running
20137D Broncos-3L71108Accident
213683C Bears-3L70100Running
221519A Tigers-4L6097Accident
23588N Saints-4L6094Accident
242228S Rams-4L6091DQ
254247G Slab-4L6088Running
262395A Falcons-4L6085Running
273458P Steelers-4L6082Running
283526I Hawkeyes-4L6079Running
29714U Hurricanes-5L5076Accident
304323Z Webster-6L4073Clutch
311839G Bulldogs-8L2070Accident
32975O Raiders-8L2067Accident
332633S Seahawks-8L2064Accident
342145H Texans-8L2061Accident
35216S 49ers-9L1163Accident
363937T Nadz-9L1055Accident
371420B Ravens-9L1052Accident
38380D Lions-9L1049Accident
391142M Wolverines-9L1046Accident
401655L Tigers-9L1043Accident
411910B Bills-10L0040Accident
422415U Knights-10L0037Accident
432860I Colts-10L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 94 °F, Southwest 8 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



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