Thursday, December 13, 2018

Twisted Metal 2018: 31-33 Bowl 2

This is the turn that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends.  At least it went on for 3 races anyway.  Bowl 2 saw a change in strategy for some and heartache for others.

Race 1:
For 45 heartbpounding laps, there was non-stop, no-damage racing for one of the only races in the series without a DNF.  Hamilton and Slab had troubles early and fell down the order but made up for it by destroying the dreams of others.

The Bear bulldozed his way to a 7th.

Tnadz held an early lead for most of the race but lost it when he slammed his Peagles and only barely staying ahead of The Egg and Webster.

Neatly gifting the race to Buster who stayed steady the whole way through.

Race 2:
The Bear had a terrible race with damage.  Even with only 30 laps, he finished just shy of last with a dead car that he kept on the track in hopes of snaring an unsuspecting passerby like a Venus Flytrap.  It was a strong effort.  Hamilton went on to finish just inside of points despite Sandy's efforts.

Gut Slab fell victim to the curs-ed yellow line and tried throwing himself into the field when he was thrown into the catchfence.

And properly killed.

During a massive, early wreck, The Egg tagged Tnadz, causing him to make moderate fence contact.  Damage which would end his race some laps later.  Egg went on to finish 10th.

Despite some early missteps and what was nearly a career ending collision, GB rallied to 13th, surviving the carnage.

The real winner out of all the carnage was the race winner, Zack Webster.  A cool and steady hand kept him on pace to just eek out a victory.

Race 3:
Webster was to be the first victim of the shorter, full damage race.  As he closed on Gurton Buster who was taking out LSU.

The 55 was shot straight in front of Webster and into the unforgiving fence he went.

Moments later, Slab was maneuvering through the remnants of the crash when he barely swept into his own teammate...

...And into the fence.

Buster was doing well when he was simply spun by Hamilton who had finally gotten a handle on his car and the track.  Despite the setback, the 42 went on to finish 11th.

The Bear had a mostly immaculate race and came out with a 7th.

But the real story was between the front runners, Hamilton and The Egg.  After putting some space between themselves and Tnadz in 3rd, Hamilton closed the gap until the very end.  But he'd need another lap more to lay a bumper on Egg or try for the lead and Darrel would have to settle for second as The Egg locks out humans for wins in all three races and the human podium in Race 3.

Next week it's the hybrid dirt and tarmac rally course of Monsturd and the final regular season Wildcard between father and son, both of who desperately need points to stay in the championship.

Race 1

Track: Bowl_Two_HGW

Session: Qualifying

195A Falcons--
283C Bears--
332K Chiefs--
420B Ravens--
538A Cardinals--
610B Bills--
716S 49ers--
873T Buccaneers--
980D Lions--
1012N Patriots--
1128S Rams--
1260I Colts--
1337P Eagles--
1499D Cowboys--
1521S Chargers--
1647F Gators--
1735U Bruins--
1826I Hawkeyes--
1913M Dolphins--
207D Broncos--
2156M Vikings--
2214U Hurricanes--
2375O Raiders--
2429G Packers--
2552T Titans--
2615U Knights--
2733S Seahawks--
2839G Bulldogs--
2919A Tigers--
3024L Cardinals--
3163C Browns--
3262J Jaguars--
3334N Giants--
3455L Tigers--
3558P Steelers--
3688N Saints--
3786T Nadz--
3845D Hamilton--
3923Z Webster--
4022T Bear--
4142J Zolecki--
4298T Egg--
4390G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14142J Zolecki214.3514510180Running
23786T Nadz-2.384526*180Running
34298T Egg-3.54450165Running
43923Z Webster-5.86450160Running
52919A Tigers-7.86450155Running
6207D Broncos-15.78450150Running
74022T Bear-17.61450146Running
8538A Cardinals-1L440142Running
93455L Tigers-1L440138Running
101913M Dolphins-1L440134Running
111647F Gators-1L440130Running
123262J Jaguars-2L433132Running
132156M Vikings-2L430124Running
141128S Rams-2L431126Running
151521S Chargers-2L430118Running
161735U Bruins-2L430115Running
17420B Ravens-2L432117Running
181012N Patriots-2L430109Running
19873T Buccaneers-2L430106Running
202615U Knights-2L430103Running
211826I Hawkeyes-2L430100Running
22283C Bears-2L43097Running
231260I Colts-2L43094Running
244390G Slab-2L43091Running
252552T Titans-3L42088Running
263845D Hamilton-3L42085Running
272733S Seahawks-3L42082Running
281499D Cowboys-3L42079Running
291337P Eagles-4L41076Running
303558P Steelers-4L41073Running
31332K Chiefs-4L41070Running
322839G Bulldogs-5L40067Retired
33716S 49ers-5L40064Running
34980D Lions-5L40061Running
352214U Hurricanes-5L40058Running
363163C Browns-5L40055Running
37195A Falcons-5L40357Running
383334N Giants-6L39049Running
393024L Cardinals-6L39046Running
402375O Raiders-6L39043Running
413688N Saints-6L39040Running
422429G Packers-11L34037Running
43610B Bills-13L32034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 64 °F, West 58 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



Race 2

Session: Qualifying

133S Seahawks--
280D Lions--
310B Bills--
495A Falcons--
534N Giants--
619A Tigers--
716S 49ers--
863C Browns--
958P Steelers--
1020B Ravens--
1112N Patriots--
1238A Cardinals--
1347F Gators--
1460I Colts--
1515U Knights--
1662J Jaguars--
1721S Chargers--
1828S Rams--
1926I Hawkeyes--
2083C Bears--
2113M Dolphins--
2214U Hurricanes--
237D Broncos--
2499D Cowboys--
2532K Chiefs--
2624L Cardinals--
2729G Packers--
2855L Tigers--
2988N Saints--
3073T Buccaneers--
3175O Raiders--
3235U Bruins--
3352T Titans--
3437P Eagles--
3556M Vikings--
3639G Bulldogs--
3786T Nadz--
3890G Slab--
3922T Bear--
4023Z Webster--
4145D Hamilton--
4242J Zolecki--
4398T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14023Z Webster216.605303180Running
21926I Hawkeyes-1.07304175Running
33352T Titans-1.35300165Running
42729G Packers-1.64300160Running
51460I Colts-2.74300155Accident
62083C Bears-4.26300150Running
73639G Bulldogs-6.37300146Running
8863C Browns-6.46300142Running
91238A Cardinals-6.67300138Running
104398T Egg-17.24300134Running
111515U Knights-1L290130Running
122214U Hurricanes-1L290127Running
134242J Zolecki-1L290124Running
141347F Gators-1L290121Running
152499D Cowboys-1L290118Running
16133S Seahawks-1L292120Running
172532K Chiefs-2L280112Running
181662J Jaguars-5L250109Running
19619A Tigers-5L250106Running
203235U Bruins-5L250103Running
21280D Lions-6L2421*110Accident
223175O Raiders-6L24097Running
233556M Vikings-7L23094Accident
242624L Cardinals-9L21091Accident
25716S 49ers-10L20088Accident
26958P Steelers-10L20085Running
27237D Broncos-13L17082Accident
284145D Hamilton-14L16079Running
292855L Tigers-14L16076Accident
301721S Chargers-14L16073Accident
313437P Eagles-17L13070Retired
323786T Nadz-19L11067Accident
333073T Buccaneers-19L11064Accident
343890G Slab-21L9061Accident
352113M Dolphins-28L2058Accident
361828S Rams-28L2055Accident
371020B Ravens-28L2052Retired
38310B Bills-29L1049Accident
392988N Saints-29L1046Accident
403922T Bear-29L1043Running
41495A Falcons-29L1040Accident
42534N Giants-29L1037Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 56 °F, South 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 57 °F, Southeast 11 mph

Session: Qualifying

180D Lions--
263C Browns--
316S 49ers--
473T Buccaneers--
555L Tigers--
624L Cardinals--
795A Falcons--
852T Titans--
975O Raiders--
1015U Knights--
1147F Gators--
1233S Seahawks--
1326I Hawkeyes--
1419A Tigers--
1514U Hurricanes--
1613M Dolphins--
1732K Chiefs--
1888N Saints--
1910B Bills--
2099D Cowboys--
2112N Patriots--
2237P Eagles--
2339G Bulldogs--
247D Broncos--
2529G Packers--
2656M Vikings--
2721S Chargers--
2834N Giants--
2983C Bears--
3062J Jaguars--
3138A Cardinals--
3228S Rams--
3360I Colts--
3458P Steelers--
3520B Ravens--
3635U Bruins--
3745D Hamilton--
3890G Slab--
3922T Bear--
4098T Egg--
4123Z Webster--
4242J Zolecki--
4386T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14098T Egg221.5262311*185Running
23745D Hamilton-0.18230170Running
34386T Nadz-8.17230165Running
41233S Seahawks-1L223165Running
52237P Eagles-1L223160Running
63635U Bruins-2L210150Retired
73922T Bear-3L200146Running
83138A Cardinals-6L170142Accident
91910B Bills-7L160138Accident
101888N Saints-7L163139Accident
114242J Zolecki-7L160130Running
12180D Lions-9L140127Accident
133890G Slab-12L110124Accident
14555L Tigers-13L100121Accident
154123Z Webster-14L90118Accident
163458P Steelers-15L80115Accident
17316S 49ers-19L41117Accident
182983C Bears-19L40109Accident
19263C Browns-20L32111Accident
20624L Cardinals-20L30103Accident
212834N Giants-20L30100Accident
221326I Hawkeyes-20L3097Accident
231613M Dolphins-21L2094Accident
24473T Buccaneers-21L2091Accident
252721S Chargers-21L2088Accident
26247D Broncos-21L2085Accident
272112N Patriots-21L2082Accident
282099D Cowboys-21L2079Accident
291419A Tigers-21L2076Accident
301147F Gators-22L1073Accident
31795A Falcons-22L1070Accident
32852T Titans-22L1067Accident
33975O Raiders-22L1064Accident
343520B Ravens-22L1061Accident
351732K Chiefs-22L1058Accident
362339G Bulldogs-22L1055Accident
371514U Hurricanes-22L1052Accident
381015U Knights-22L1049Accident
393062J Jaguars-22L1046Accident
402656M Vikings-22L1043Accident
413360I Colts-23L0040Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 5 (6 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 54 °F, Southeast 46 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



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