Thursday, December 5, 2019

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 13-15 Michigan Volcano

Live Stream:

What a round!  Massive wrecks.  High speed pursuits.  Close calls.  This one had everything.

Race 1:  A big set of wrecks early on made for a slow start by many.  Between then and about halfway, the humans fell to the secondary role of taking out each other's teammates...when they weren't waiting for a tow.  By the end of the race, Cardinal took the win, dropping some big points on ManChestHairUnited.  But several other teams picked up some points as well.

Race 2: The big one took place from the start finish all the way down through turn 2 and engulfed all drivers.  Jamie (who lost comms) was rolled by his teammate but still in the fight.  Tnadz managed to squirm past the opening crash and was hunting down leaders when he was spun on the front straight and killed badly.  As the rest of the field dropped like flies, Zolecki and Webster emerged as the top leaders and even kept their Saints in 5th.  Between all the bonus points from the team, they came out with an unprecedented 21 points from a single race.  This was enough to launch them up the order, even though humans were all over the top 5+.

Race 3: The nasty at the start didn't actually happen until well into turn 1 where cars exploded into the sky.  The fallout was a quagmire for all the human drivers to get through and they were already getting lapped by the time they got out.  Before the end of the race, there wasn't a single car without damage.  The Nittany Lions beat out Tnadz who managed to only barely stay away from Zack before he was destroyed.  The Bear was doing everything he could to make that happen and showed an increase level of aggression throughout the night.  This was matched somewhat by The Egg who was keeping things slightly more conservative, yet, still unpredictable.  Even Darrel was getting into the wrecking-spirit when he very nearly killed Tnadz as he tried to push Scot's dead car across the line.  Slab was also back from Slabtime and proved to be a trident for his team.  When The Egg suffered a self-inflicted flip near the end of the race, Slab got him caught on the apron so he couldn't nurse the car home.  The Bear was too busy celebrating his podium to hear the calls for aid and left his teammate cold and alone on the volcano.
Never forget.

Next week is the 2nd Wildcard at Quarterslammer: Know U vs. ManChestHairUnited

Race 1


Session: Practice

131T Nadz32.822
299D Cowboys34.498
310B Bills34.656
48O Sooners34.801
545H Texans34.827
686W Red Skins34.949
798N Jets34.951
852T Titans34.953
934N Giants34.983
1014U Hurricanes35.003
1195A Falcons35.007
1217S Cardinal35.048
1323C Panthers35.062
141T Aggies35.097
1518O Rebels35.114
169C Tigers35.124
1773T Buccaneers35.130
1855L Tigers35.132
1935U Bruins35.206
2090S Gamecocks35.210
216V Wildcats35.216
2250B Bears35.227
2339D Hamilton35.259
2415U Knights35.265
2525I Hoosiers35.279
2644N Fighting Irish35.285
2758P Steelers35.299
2830P Boilermakers35.310
2980D Lions35.322
3047F Gators35.530
3161A Crimson Tide35.812
3270P Nittany Lions35.831
3326I Hawkeyes35.856
3411T Longhorns35.936
3527O Ducks36.067
3663T Bear36.253
3713M Dolphins36.311
3822T Egg36.623
3988N Saints36.747
4081F Seminoles37.524
4156M Max37.807
4242J Zolecki56.047

Weather: Cloudy, -173 °F, South 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

126I Hawkeyes--
245H Texans--
317S Cardinal--
410B Bills--
547F Gators--
688N Saints--
758P Steelers--
861A Crimson Tide--
950B Bears--
1034N Giants--
1155L Tigers--
1235U Bruins--
1314U Hurricanes--
1413M Dolphins--
1530P Boilermakers--
169C Tigers--
1727O Ducks--
181T Aggies--
1925I Hoosiers--
2095A Falcons--
2115U Knights--
2223C Panthers--
2399D Cowboys--
2444N Fighting Irish--
2573T Buccaneers--
2698N Jets--
276V Wildcats--
2811T Longhorns--
2952T Titans--
3018O Rebels--
3180D Lions--
328O Sooners--
3370P Nittany Lions--
3481F Seminoles--
3586W Red Skins--
3690S Gamecocks--
3719Z Webster--
3842J Zolecki--
3922T Egg--
4063T Bear--
4131T Nadz--
4256M Max--
4339D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1317S Cardinal194.2763013*185Running
2181T Aggies-25.20300170Running
33370P Nittany Lions-1L298170Running
43690S Gamecocks-1L290160Running
52223C Panthers-2L280155Running
63586W Red Skins-2L280150Running
71314U Hurricanes-2L280146Running
82698N Jets-2L280142Running
92444N Fighting Irish-2L280138Running
10547F Gators-2L285139Running
112115U Knights-2L280130Running
12126I Hawkeyes-2L284132Running
132573T Buccaneers-2L280124Running
14276V Wildcats-2L280121Running
15950B Bears-2L280118Running
16169C Tigers-2L280115Running
171034N Giants-3L270112Running
181530P Boilermakers-3L270109Running
193180D Lions-3L270106Running
20861A Crimson Tide-4L260103Running
211235U Bruins-4L260100Running
221727O Ducks-4L26097Running
232952T Titans-4L26094Running
241155L Tigers-5L25091Running
252095A Falcons-5L25088Running
261925I Hoosiers-5L25085Running
27758P Steelers-5L25082Running
281413M Dolphins-6L24079Running
29688N Saints-7L23076Running
30410B Bills-7L23073Running
314063T Bear-7L23070Running
323018O Rebels-7L23067Running
332399D Cowboys-7L23064Running
34245H Texans-7L23061Running
354256M Max-8L22058Running
364339D Hamilton-9L21055Running
372811T Longhorns-9L21052Running
383719Z Webster-9L21049Running
393842J Zolecki-12L18046Running
404131T Nadz-12L18043Running
41328O Sooners-15L15040Running
423922T Egg-18L12037Retired
433481F Seminoles-28L2034DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -174 °F, Northwest 1 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%



Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, -171 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

115U Knights--
245H Texans--
36V Wildcats--
414U Hurricanes--
513M Dolphins--
630P Boilermakers--
725I Hoosiers--
861A Crimson Tide--
990S Gamecocks--
1086W Red Skins--
1195A Falcons--
1226I Hawkeyes--
1399D Cowboys--
1410B Bills--
1573T Buccaneers--
1670P Nittany Lions--
171T Aggies--
1811T Longhorns--
1934N Giants--
208O Sooners--
2135U Bruins--
2218O Rebels--
2317S Cardinal--
2427O Ducks--
2588N Saints--
2644N Fighting Irish--
279C Tigers--
2850B Bears--
2980D Lions--
3052T Titans--
3198N Jets--
3223C Panthers--
3381F Seminoles--
3458P Steelers--
3555L Tigers--
3647F Gators--
3731T Nadz--
3819Z Webster--
3942J Zolecki--
4039D Hamilton--
4163T Bear--
4256M Max--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13942J Zolecki195.952256180Running
23819Z Webster-1.762515*180Running
34322T Egg-16.21250165Running
44256M Max-1L240160Running
52588N Saints-3L220155Running
64163T Bear-6L190150Running
71399D Cowboys-10L150146Running
83052T Titans-12L130142Retired
9115U Knights-12L132143Accident
103647F Gators-14L110134Running
111811T Longhorns-15L100130Running
12990S Gamecocks-16L90127Accident
1336V Wildcats-16L90124Accident
14171T Aggies-18L70121Retired
151086W Red Skins-18L70118Accident
163381F Seminoles-19L60115Accident
17725I Hoosiers-19L60112Accident
18630P Boilermakers-19L61114Accident
193458P Steelers-20L50106Camshaft
20414U Hurricanes-20L50103Accident
211573T Buccaneers-20L51105Accident
221670P Nittany Lions-20L5097Accident
232218O Rebels-20L5094Retired
241934N Giants-21L4091Accident
252644N Fighting Irish-21L4088Retired
264039D Hamilton-21L4085Camshaft
271226I Hawkeyes-21L4082Accident
28513M Dolphins-22L3079Accident
29245H Texans-22L3076Accident
302980D Lions-22L3073Retired
312850B Bears-22L3070Retired
322135U Bruins-23L2067Retired
333555L Tigers-23L2064Accident
343731T Nadz-23L2061Accident
352317S Cardinal-23L2058Accident
36861A Crimson Tide-23L2055Accident
372427O Ducks-23L2052Accident
38279C Tigers-24L1049Accident
391410B Bills-24L1046Accident
401195A Falcons-24L1043Accident
41208O Sooners-24L1040Retired
423223C Panthers-25L0037Accident
433198N Jets-25L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -170 °F, Northwest 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


1963Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice

156M Max37.333
29C Tigers44.805
361A Crimson Tide45.943
434N Giants51.817
515U Knights57.887
642J Zolecki1:00.080
758P Steelers1:01.207
86V Wildcats1:04.315

Weather: Cloudy, -171 °F, Northwest 4 mph

Session: Qualifying

127O Ducks--
299D Cowboys--
386W Red Skins--
49C Tigers--
561A Crimson Tide--
681F Seminoles--
750B Bears--
830P Boilermakers--
952T Titans--
1088N Saints--
1180D Lions--
1247F Gators--
1313M Dolphins--
1445H Texans--
158O Sooners--
1635U Bruins--
176V Wildcats--
1844N Fighting Irish--
1998N Jets--
2090S Gamecocks--
2117S Cardinal--
2214U Hurricanes--
2395A Falcons--
2425I Hoosiers--
2523C Panthers--
2610B Bills--
2718O Rebels--
281T Aggies--
2958P Steelers--
3070P Nittany Lions--
3173T Buccaneers--
3226I Hawkeyes--
3334N Giants--
3415U Knights--
3511T Longhorns--
3642J Zolecki--
3731T Nadz--
3839D Hamilton--
3956M Max--
4055G Slab--
4163T Bear--
4219Z Webster--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13070P Nittany Lions200.865205180Running
23731T Nadz-1L190170Running
34163T Bear-1L190165Running
43839D Hamilton-2L180160Running
52523C Panthers-3L171160Running
6299D Cowboys-4L1612*160Accident
74322T Egg-6L140146Running
84055G Slab-7L130142Running
93956M Max-9L110138Running
104219Z Webster-10L100134Accident
113642J Zolecki-12L80130Accident
122958P Steelers-15L50127Accident
131998N Jets-15L50124Accident
142214U Hurricanes-16L40121Accident
152090S Gamecocks-16L40118Accident
16386W Red Skins-16L40115Accident
17127O Ducks-17L31117Accident
18952T Titans-17L31114Accident
19750B Bears-17L30106Accident
202395A Falcons-18L20103Accident
213334N Giants-18L20100Accident
223173T Buccaneers-18L2097Accident
232718O Rebels-18L2094Accident
242610B Bills-18L2091Accident
25281T Aggies-18L2088Accident
263511T Longhorns-18L2085Accident
27158O Sooners-18L2082Accident
282425I Hoosiers-19L1079Accident
292117S Cardinal-19L1076Accident
301635U Bruins-19L1073Accident
31176V Wildcats-19L1070Accident
321844N Fighting Irish-19L1067Accident
331247F Gators-19L1064Accident
341313M Dolphins-19L1061Accident
351445H Texans-19L1058Accident
361088N Saints-19L1055Accident
37830P Boilermakers-19L1052Accident
381180D Lions-19L1049Accident
39681F Seminoles-19L1046Accident
4049C Tigers-19L1043Accident
41561A Crimson Tide-19L1040Accident
423226I Hawkeyes-20L0037Accident
433415U Knights-20L0034Valve

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -174 °F, North 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 105%


1355Dropping FluidPit for repairs
1355Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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