Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 16-18 Quarter Slammer

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The second Wild Card event of the season kicked off at the most normal track on the roster.  Quarter Slammer embodied its name in all three races and pitted Know U. against Man Chest Hair United for Most Awards.

Race 1:  A slightly clumsy start by the humans (and also non humans) saw many get sorted about the field.  Mad Max lost his motor (no damage race, by the way) and plunged to last, leaving his teammates to fight for the awards.  GB and Webster ended up in dismal positions, well down the order though they laid a fair amount of waste to competitors to get their teammates up in position.  But without damage and very short lap times, their highest finisher was only 15th.  Meanwhile, despite losing two of their six drivers, ManCHU racked up the awards with Tnadz taking two himself along with the win after a nail biting run.  4-0 for awards and things were looking dire out of the gate for Know U.

Race 2: Second go around was a little more reserved as damage moved to moderate and laps dropped in half to 25.  But without much time to make up positions, drivers had to be quick in either speed or strategy decision.  Know U fared a bit better with some coordination, tying Dick Trickle's Strip Club for 8 points earned.  They also picked up an award but so did Mad Max, keeping ManCHU up by 4.  Not only did ManCHU finish 1-2 for their team, but they forced the extremely unlikely scenario of Know U taking all 4 awards (boat anchor would be out of reach) in the final race, just to tie and neutralize the loss.

Race 3: Another comedic cascade of a start with nearly all the humans jumbled up together.  Mad Max would go on to take 5th, scoring another great finish with some useful points while teammate, Tnadz, bounced to desktop and got heavy damage by the time he was back.  A quick trip to pit lane and the car was barely fast enough for minimum speed.  He then switched gears to go for the Die Hard but found competition with Gut Slab who was sitting in the pits.  Tnadz proceeded to do as much damage to the idling 55 to force a DNF.  Suddenly, while getting a tow, Slab was DQed.  This would have yielded the Die Hard to Tnadz but Race Control dismissed the DQ based on circumstances, giving Slab the award.  Of course, that means Know U did not get them all.  They only scored one (Hard Charger by Jamie).

The strong 1-3 finish in Race 3 stashed some decent points for Know U which balanced the -12, keeping them neck and neck with the other teams.  But the large points haul from finishes, awards and the wild card has launched ManCHU well into first.  The breakaway team now has a giant target painted on them.  And we're not even halfway.

Race 1

Track: quarterslammer

Date: 12/11/19

Session: Practice

156M Max17.272
210B Bills17.374
358P Steelers25.010
463T Bear25.807

Weather: Cloudy, 69 °F, Northeast 10 mph

Session: Qualifying

11T Aggies--
261A Crimson Tide--
330P Boilermakers--
445H Texans--
518O Rebels--
650B Bears--
780D Lions--
88O Sooners--
915U Knights--
1013M Dolphins--
1188N Saints--
1244N Fighting Irish--
1317S Cardinal--
1470P Nittany Lions--
1547F Gators--
166V Wildcats--
1752T Titans--
1886W Red Skins--
1998N Jets--
2014U Hurricanes--
2199D Cowboys--
2290S Gamecocks--
239C Tigers--
2425I Hoosiers--
2534N Giants--
2673T Buccaneers--
2726I Hawkeyes--
2858P Steelers--
2981F Seminoles--
3023C Panthers--
3127O Ducks--
3235U Bruins--
3310B Bills--
3439G Bulldogs--
3595A Falcons--
3611T Longhorns--
3731T Nadz--
3819Z Webster--
3922T Egg--
4042J Zolecki--
4155G Slab--
4263T Bear--
4356M Max--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


13731T Nadz138.9075021*185Running
21752T Titans-14.435019175Running
311T Aggies-1L492170Running
42425I Hoosiers-1L491165Running
51886W Red Skins-2L480155Running
63439G Bulldogs-3L470150Running
73922T Egg-3L470146Running
82858P Steelers-3L470142Running
92290S Gamecocks-4L460138Running
102673T Buccaneers-4L460134Running
114155G Slab-5L450130Running
12780D Lions-5L450127Running
131013M Dolphins-5L450124Running
14445H Texans-6L440121Running
15915U Knights-6L440118Running
161244N Fighting Irish-7L430115Running
171547F Gators-7L432117Running
18166V Wildcats-7L430109Running
191998N Jets-7L430106Running
202534N Giants-7L430103Running
213235U Bruins-7L430100Running
22261A Crimson Tide-8L42097Running
233595A Falcons-8L42094Running
24239C Tigers-8L42091Running
25650B Bears-9L41088Running
26330P Boilermakers-9L41290Running
271470P Nittany Lions-9L41082Running
282981F Seminoles-9L41079Running
294263T Bear-9L41076Running
303023C Panthers-10L40073Running
312014U Hurricanes-10L40070Running
323127O Ducks-10L40067Running
331188N Saints-11L39064Running
344042J Zolecki-11L39061Running
353310B Bills-13L37058Running
362199D Cowboys-16L34055Running
372726I Hawkeyes-17L33052Running
383611T Longhorns-17L33049Running
391317S Cardinal-18L32046Running
403819Z Webster-36L14043DQ
41518O Rebels-41L9345DQ
4288O Sooners-42L8037DQ
434356M Max-45L5034Piston

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (7 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 68 °F, West 10 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


022Passing on the insideStop and go
263Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
263Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
263Unsafe pit exitStop and go
619Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
619Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
619Unsafe pit exitStop and go
1519Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

Race 2

Session: Practice

142J Zolecki16.631
256M Max17.089
325I Hoosiers17.448
49C Tigers17.454
547F Gators17.455
661A Crimson Tide17.525
758P Steelers17.619
844N Fighting Irish17.798
939G Bulldogs17.866
1098N Jets21.315
1126I Hawkeyes21.339
1270P Nittany Lions21.584
1331T Nadz23.795
1450B Bears34.737

Weather: Cloudy, 72 °F, North 19 mph

Session: Qualifying

186W Red Skins--
210B Bills--
335U Bruins--
414U Hurricanes--
51T Aggies--
627O Ducks--
780D Lions--
852T Titans--
970P Nittany Lions--
1098N Jets--
1190S Gamecocks--
1288N Saints--
1326I Hawkeyes--
1481F Seminoles--
1518O Rebels--
169C Tigers--
176V Wildcats--
1844N Fighting Irish--
1973T Buccaneers--
2061A Crimson Tide--
2130P Boilermakers--
2247F Gators--
2339G Bulldogs--
248O Sooners--
2517S Cardinal--
2650B Bears--
2723C Panthers--
2899D Cowboys--
2934N Giants--
3058P Steelers--
3113M Dolphins--
3225I Hoosiers--
3315U Knights--
3445H Texans--
3595A Falcons--
3611T Longhorns--
3755G Slab--
3863T Bear--
3942J Zolecki--
4019Z Webster--
4131T Nadz--
4256M Max--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14131T Nadz145.3932511180Running
24256M Max-9.62250170Running
33755G Slab-12.07250165Running
43113M Dolphins-14.01250160Running
54019Z Webster-15.42250155Running
63595A Falcons-16.06250150Running
73315U Knights-1L240146Running
83863T Bear-2L230142Running
9335U Bruins-2L2314*148Running
103611T Longhorns-2L230134Running
112247F Gators-3L220130Running
122339G Bulldogs-3L220127Running
131288N Saints-3L220124Running
141844N Fighting Irish-3L220121Running
151190S Gamecocks-3L220118Running
16210B Bills-3L220115Running
171973T Buccaneers-4L210112Running
18248O Sooners-4L210109Running
192130P Boilermakers-4L210106Running
202723C Panthers-5L200103Running
21852T Titans-5L200100Retired
222934N Giants-5L20097Running
233445H Texans-6L19094Accident
24186W Red Skins-6L19091Accident
25176V Wildcats-6L19088Running
26780D Lions-7L18085Running
271518O Rebels-8L17082Running
281326I Hawkeyes-8L17079Running
291098N Jets-9L16076Running
30414U Hurricanes-9L16073Running
314322T Egg-11L14070Accident
32627O Ducks-12L13067Retired
332061A Crimson Tide-14L11064Accident
3451T Aggies-15L10061Accident
353942J Zolecki-15L10058Running
363225I Hoosiers-16L9055Accident
371481F Seminoles-17L8052Retired
38970P Nittany Lions-18L7049Accident
392899D Cowboys-18L7046Retired
402650B Bears-23L2043Retired
413058P Steelers-23L2040Accident
42169C Tigers-24L1037Retired
432517S Cardinal-24L1034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 83 °F, South 29 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 86 °F, Northeast 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

111T Longhorns--
214U Hurricanes--
310B Bills--
486W Red Skins--
535U Bruins--
61T Aggies--
727O Ducks--
880D Lions--
952T Titans--
1070P Nittany Lions--
1198N Jets--
1290S Gamecocks--
1388N Saints--
1426I Hawkeyes--
1581F Seminoles--
1618O Rebels--
179C Tigers--
186V Wildcats--
1944N Fighting Irish--
2073T Buccaneers--
2161A Crimson Tide--
2230P Boilermakers--
2395A Falcons--
2447F Gators--
2539G Bulldogs--
268O Sooners--
2717S Cardinal--
2850B Bears--
2923C Panthers--
3099D Cowboys--
3134N Giants--
3258P Steelers--
3313M Dolphins--
3425I Hoosiers--
3515U Knights--
3645H Texans--
3731T Nadz--
3863T Bear--
3956M Max--
4019Z Webster--
4122T Egg--
4255G Slab--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14342J Zolecki155.484257180Running
2727O Ducks-3.35258175Running
34019Z Webster-9.03250165Running
461T Aggies-10.89250160Running
53956M Max-13.24250155Running
63258P Steelers-1L240150Running
73863T Bear-1L240146Running
84122T Egg-1L240142Running
9179C Tigers-3L220138Running
10111T Longhorns-4L2110*144Accident
11186V Wildcats-5L200130Running
122447F Gators-6L190127Accident
13952T Titans-6L190124Accident
142161A Crimson Tide-6L190121Running
152717S Cardinal-6L190118Running
161618O Rebels-8L170115Accident
173425I Hoosiers-8L170112Accident
182539G Bulldogs-11L140109Accident
193515U Knights-13L120106Accident
203731T Nadz-15L100103Running
21486W Red Skins-16L90100Retired
224255G Slab-17L8097DQ
23214U Hurricanes-23L2094Accident
243313M Dolphins-23L2091Retired
253099D Cowboys-23L2088Accident
263134N Giants-23L2085Accident
271198N Jets-24L1082Accident
281388N Saints-24L1079Accident
291070P Nittany Lions-24L1076Accident
301290S Gamecocks-24L1073Accident
312395A Falcons-24L1070Accident
32268O Sooners-24L1067Accident
332230P Boilermakers-24L1064Retired
343645H Texans-24L1061Retired
35880D Lions-24L1058Retired
36535U Bruins-24L1055Accident
372850B Bears-24L1052Accident
382923C Panthers-24L1049Accident
39310B Bills-24L1046Accident
401426I Hawkeyes-25L0043Retired
411581F Seminoles-25L0040Accident
421944N Fighting Irish-25L0037Accident
432073T Buccaneers-25L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 71 °F, North 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


022Passing under yellowHeld for 1 seconds
955Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

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