Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Twisted Metal Tour 2019: 19-21 North Carolina Jump

Live Feed:

Not much to be said about the rounds this evening.  North Carolina Jump was as violent as ever.  A few missing from the field but didn't seem to keep the smoke down.  It looked like China before their New Year (when production is up).

Race 1: 20 Laps and no damage meant it was non-stop crashing all 20 laps (although some didn't make it that long!).  Most of the humans pulled in some decent points but ManCHU bagged a 1st and 3rd with a few bonuses to stretch the already large lead in points.

Race 2: 20 more laps on moderate.  Tnadz again scored a win with teammates in the top ten.  It wasn't without complication as The Egg took many swipes to end the lead but just couldn't land them.  Hamilton made a valiant effort on the racing front scoring 2nd, only seconds behind.  Slab then rubbed salt in the wound as he hovered around the apron, ramming The Egg repeatedly.  Well played Slab.  Bear also managed to hang in and tried to do some damage.  A difficult feat after the immense crashes he was involved with.

Race 3: The last 20 laps with full damage.  Against all odds, Tnadz took yet another victory with Cardinal finishing 3rd, bagging another healthy haul of points.  Scot even hung around despite early damage.  Webster was afflicted early with damage, caught in the sheet metal masses and missing his teammate.  The Egg made a strong pass at Tnadz early on but somehow wiped out in dramatic fashion, taking several competitors with him.  Later in the race, Bear tried to avenge his teammate with little left to lose but only killed himself and inflicting modest damage to Tnadz's OSU car.  As the 13 approached the the last lap, Gut Slab was in his sights.  Despite a healthy charge, he wasn't able to make contact and Slab snuck away with a 17th after playing hide-and-seek in the pits.

With 47 points in tow, ManCHU pulls well and truly out in front of the pack.  But it's not quite half way just yet with 8 more rounds to go, 3 more wild cards (one of them a random draw at the end) and the X Factor always in play.

Race 1


Session: Qualifying

142M Wolverines--
214U Hurricanes--
398N Jets--
461A Crimson Tide--
523C Panthers--
635U Bruins--
730P Boilermakers--
827O Ducks--
999D Cowboys--
1015U Knights--
1181F Seminoles--
1211T Longhorns--
1390S Gamecocks--
148O Sooners--
1586W Red Skins--
1658P Steelers--
1773T Buccaneers--
189C Tigers--
1934N Giants--
2056M Vikings--
2113M Dolphins--
2255L Tigers--
2352T Titans--
2488N Saints--
251T Aggies--
2670P Nittany Lions--
2710B Bills--
286V Wildcats--
2980D Lions--
3050B Bears--
3117S Cardinal--
3218O Rebels--
3345H Texans--
3426I Hawkeyes--
3544N Fighting Irish--
3647F Gators--
3725I Hoosiers--
3895G Slab--
3939D Hamilton--
4022T Egg--
4163T Bear--
4231T Nadz--
4319Z Webster--

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Northeast 3 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Race


14231T Nadz161.066207180Running
2730P Boilermakers-13.49200170Running
3827O Ducks-16.262010*175Running
42980D Lions-1L190160Running
53725I Hoosiers-1L190155Running
62488N Saints-1L190150Running
71658P Steelers-1L190146Running
81015U Knights-1L190142Running
91390S Gamecocks-1L190138Running
10999D Cowboys-1L190134Running
111211T Longhorns-1L190130Running
123050B Bears-1L190127Running
13142M Wolverines-2L181129Running
143117S Cardinal-2L180121Running
154163T Bear-2L180118Running
16251T Aggies-2L180115Running
173647F Gators-2L180112Running
18461A Crimson Tide-2L180109Running
191934N Giants-2L180106Running
20286V Wildcats-2L180103Running
212710B Bills-2L180100Running
222113M Dolphins-2L18097Running
233895G Slab-3L17299Running
243218O Rebels-3L17091Running
25398N Jets-3L17088Running
261586W Red Skins-3L17085Running
273426I Hawkeyes-3L17082Running
282352T Titans-3L17079Running
293544N Fighting Irish-4L16076Running
30523C Panthers-4L16073Running
31189C Tigers-4L16070Running
321181F Seminoles-4L16067Running
333939D Hamilton-4L16064Running
34635U Bruins-5L15061Running
35214U Hurricanes-5L15058Running
361773T Buccaneers-6L14055Running
372056M Vikings-6L14052Running
38148O Sooners-6L14049Running
393345H Texans-6L14046Running
402255L Tigers-7L13043Tire
412670P Nittany Lions-8L12040Running
424319Z Webster-8L12037Running
434022T Egg-10L10034Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, West 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


1419Unsafe pit exitStop and go

Race 2

Session: Practice

163T Bear18.546
219Z Webster18.558
331T Nadz18.723
439D Hamilton18.987
556M Max19.537
622T Egg19.950
758P Steelers20.033
88O Sooners20.043
913M Dolphins20.125
1011T Longhorns20.165
116V Wildcats20.287
1214U Hurricanes20.294
1390S Gamecocks20.308
1481F Seminoles20.319
1527O Ducks20.329
1634N Giants20.335
1723C Panthers20.397
1817S Cardinal20.399
1945H Texans20.412
209C Tigers20.459
2198N Jets20.628
2288N Saints20.634
2352T Titans20.635
2461A Crimson Tide20.645
2544N Fighting Irish20.671
2647F Gators20.726
2750B Bears20.727
2835U Bruins20.870
2970P Nittany Lions20.883
3010B Bills20.883
3186W Red Skins21.243
321T Aggies21.248
3326I Hawkeyes21.515
3425I Hoosiers21.875
3599D Cowboys22.283
3673T Buccaneers22.549
3795G Slab22.755
3880D Lions23.819
3915U Knights24.662
4042M Wolverines25.239
4155L Tigers25.905
4218O Rebels43.777

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Southwest 1 mph

Session: Qualifying

126I Hawkeyes--
244N Fighting Irish--
31T Aggies--
418O Rebels--
555L Tigers--
66V Wildcats--
770P Nittany Lions--
813M Dolphins--
935U Bruins--
1034N Giants--
1147F Gators--
1245H Texans--
1373T Buccaneers--
1488N Saints--
1530P Boilermakers--
1617S Cardinal--
1714U Hurricanes--
1827O Ducks--
1958P Steelers--
2015U Knights--
2186W Red Skins--
228O Sooners--
2399D Cowboys--
2490S Gamecocks--
2550B Bears--
2610B Bills--
2742M Wolverines--
2811T Longhorns--
2998N Jets--
3025I Hoosiers--
3152T Titans--
3261A Crimson Tide--
3381F Seminoles--
3423C Panthers--
359C Tigers--
3680D Lions--
3795G Slab--
3856M Max--
3931T Nadz--
4019Z Webster--
4139D Hamilton--
4263T Bear--
4322T Egg--

Session: Race


13931T Nadz176.6502012*185Running
24139D Hamilton-3.51200170Running
33381F Seminoles-9.76200165Running
41245H Texans-13.88200160Running
53152T Titans-16.97201160Running
6244N Fighting Irish-1L193155Running
72186W Red Skins-1L190146Running
8555L Tigers-1L190142Running
9418O Rebels-1L190138Running
101488N Saints-2L180134Running
111530P Boilermakers-2L180130Running
1266V Wildcats-2L180127Running
1331T Aggies-3L170124Retired
143423C Panthers-3L170121Running
153025I Hoosiers-3L170118Running
16813M Dolphins-3L170115Running
171147F Gators-4L160112Running
183856M Max-4L160109Running
19228O Sooners-6L140106Running
201827O Ducks-6L140103Running
212550B Bears-8L120100Running
224019Z Webster-9L11097Running
233261A Crimson Tide-11L9094Valve
24935U Bruins-11L9091Accident
25126I Hawkeyes-13L7493Running
263680D Lions-13L7085Running
274263T Bear-13L7082Running
281373T Buccaneers-13L7079Accident
291034N Giants-13L7076Accident
301714U Hurricanes-14L6073Accident
312015U Knights-14L6070Accident
321958P Steelers-14L6067DQ
332610B Bills-14L6064Accident
342399D Cowboys-15L5061DQ
35359C Tigers-16L4058Piston
361617S Cardinal-16L4055Accident
374322T Egg-16L4052Accident
383795G Slab-16L4049Running
392742M Wolverines-17L3046Running
402998N Jets-18L2043Retired
412811T Longhorns-18L2040Retired
422490S Gamecocks-18L2037Accident
43770P Nittany Lions-18L2034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, South 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


222Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
222Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

Race 3

Session: Qualifying

170P Nittany Lions--
225I Hoosiers--
355L Tigers--
461A Crimson Tide--
534N Giants--
68O Sooners--
711T Longhorns--
823C Panthers--
958P Steelers--
1086W Red Skins--
1188N Saints--
1299D Cowboys--
1398N Jets--
1418O Rebels--
1530P Boilermakers--
1642M Wolverines--
1714U Hurricanes--
1873T Buccaneers--
1947F Gators--
2013M Dolphins--
2115U Knights--
2244N Fighting Irish--
231T Aggies--
2427O Ducks--
2535U Bruins--
2680D Lions--
2726I Hawkeyes--
2845H Texans--
296V Wildcats--
3010B Bills--
3181F Seminoles--
3250B Bears--
339C Tigers--
3452T Titans--
3590S Gamecocks--
3617S Cardinal--
3731T Nadz--
3819Z Webster--
3995G Slab--
4056M Max--
4139D Hamilton--
4263T Bear--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Northeast 3 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Race


13731T Nadz176.8922014*185Running
21714U Hurricanes-16.73200170Running
33617S Cardinal-1L190165Running
43010B Bills-4L160160Piston
52013M Dolphins-4L160155Accident
62115U Knights-6L140150Running
72427O Ducks-6L140146Running
8534N Giants-8L124147Accident
93181F Seminoles-10L100138Retired
10231T Aggies-10L100134DQ
113452T Titans-11L90130Retired
124056M Max-11L90127Running
131398N Jets-11L90124Accident
14823C Panthers-11L90121Accident
154263T Bear-12L80118Running
162244N Fighting Irish-12L80115DQ
173995G Slab-12L80112Running
183250B Bears-13L70109Running
191188N Saints-13L70106DQ
20958P Steelers-13L70103Accident
21355L Tigers-14L60100Accident
221947F Gators-14L6097DQ
231086W Red Skins-15L5094DQ
24225I Hoosiers-17L3196Accident
251642M Wolverines-17L3088Accident
26711T Longhorns-17L3085Accident
271873T Buccaneers-17L3082Accident
282535U Bruins-17L3079Accident
29170P Nittany Lions-18L2181Accident
30461A Crimson Tide-18L2073Accident
3168O Sooners-18L2070Accident
321299D Cowboys-18L2067Accident
331530P Boilermakers-18L2064Accident
342845H Texans-18L2061Accident
352680D Lions-18L2058Accident
361418O Rebels-18L2055Accident
374322T Egg-19L1052Accident
384139D Hamilton-19L1049Running
392726I Hawkeyes-19L1046Accident
40296V Wildcats-20L0043Accident
41339C Tigers-20L0040Retired
423590S Gamecocks-20L0037Accident
433819Z Webster-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, -11 °F, North 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


663Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
663Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds


  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information. I hope you had a wonderful time with the races. It looks like such a great time. Have a great rest of your weekend and keep up the great posts.
    Greg Prosmushkin
