Wednesday, November 4, 2020

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 7: GNC Carnival

 Live Stream:

The night was rough for many with a couple rage quits early on and Mad Max having a hard time connecting.

Race 1:

Race 1 was not outstanding for the humans with the highest placement in the middling 20's.  Wildcats won and teammates were the only ones to earn points.  But many points were earned.

Race 2:
The second go round was cut from 13 to 7 laps due to a server crash.  The finish was exciting though with Tnadz making a last lap smash and grab for the win and Egg was not far behind.

Race 3:
Sadly, no replay as it was corrupted.  But much excitement.  It ended up with Seminoles leading all the way to the last lap where they had an incident and it appeared they were going to lose the race to Alabama.  Tnadz made a last ditch effort to stop them and was rolled over, calling out to his teammate, Bear, to stop them at all costs.  Instead the Bear drove on and finished 5th and left the race, leaving Tnadz upside down and costing the team 2 points.  Egg meanwhile earned the Diehard by living on pit road and not allowed to leave his pits.  Unfortunately for Know U 2, The Seminoles still scored at the top and have knocked the order around.  Still very close in the points all through the field.  Next to Humpty Dumpty.

Race 1

Track: GNC Carnival Stuntroad

Date: 11/04/20

Session: Practice


Weather: Clear, 80 °F, Southeast 16 mph

Session: Qualifying

137P Eagles--
26V Wildcats--
395A Falcons--
41T Aggies--
573T Buccaneers--
698N Jets--
758P Steelers--
885U Trojans--
952T Titans--
1081F Seminoles--
1115U Knights--
128O Sooners--
132N Cornhuskers--
1456M Vikings--
1520B Ravens--
1634N Giants--
1735U Bruins--
1861A Crimson Tide--
1955L Tigers--
2045H Texans--
2113M Dolphins--
2244N Fighting Irish--
2326I Hawkeyes--
2480D Lions--
2525I Hoosiers--
2611T Longhorns--
2747F Gators--
2830P Boilermakers--
2950B Bears--
3070P Nittany Lions--
319C Tigers--
3214U Hurricanes--
3399D Cowboys--
3486W Red Skins--
3518O Rebels--
3688N Saints--
3727O Ducks--
3842J Zolecki--
3919Z Webster--
4063T Bear--
4131T Nadz--
4222T Egg--
4339D Hamilton--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


126V Wildcats52.5431311*185Running
2132N Cornhuskers-2.05130170Running
32244N Fighting Irish-22.89130165Running
42480D Lions-1L120160Running
52611T Longhorns-1L120155Running
61081F Seminoles-1L120150Running
7952T Titans-1L120146Running
83486W Red Skins-1L120142Running
91115U Knights-1L120138Running
1041T Aggies-1L121139Running
111634N Giants-1L120130Running
12758P Steelers-1L120127Running
131456M Vikings-1L120124Running
14319C Tigers-1L120121Running
15137P Eagles-1L121123Running
162045H Texans-1L120115Running
171955L Tigers-1L120112Running
181861A Crimson Tide-1L120109Running
191520B Ravens-1L120106Running
20395A Falcons-2L110103Running
21573T Buccaneers-2L110100Running
22128O Sooners-2L11097Running
232525I Hoosiers-2L11094Running
243399D Cowboys-2L11091Running
25698N Jets-2L11088Running
264131T Nadz-3L10085Running
272747F Gators-3L10082Running
282950B Bears-3L10079Running
29885U Trojans-3L10076Running
302113M Dolphins-3L10073Running
313688N Saints-4L9070Running
321735U Bruins-4L9067Running
333842J Zolecki-4L9064Running
343727O Ducks-5L8061Running
353070P Nittany Lions-5L8058Running
363214U Hurricanes-5L8055Running
373518O Rebels-6L7052Running
382326I Hawkeyes-6L7049Running
392830P Boilermakers-7L6046Running
404063T Bear-8L5043Running
413919Z Webster-10L3040Retired
424339D Hamilton-13L0037Retired
434222T Egg-13L0034Retired

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 84 °F, North 5 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


042Passing on the insideStop and go
019Passing on the insideStop and go
139Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
163Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
139Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended
222Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
242Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
242Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
242Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
222Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 73 °F, South 13 mph

Session: Qualifying

126I Hawkeyes--
28O Sooners--
318O Rebels--
498N Jets--
570P Nittany Lions--
655L Tigers--
786W Red Skins--
835U Bruins--
913M Dolphins--
1099D Cowboys--
1150B Bears--
1247F Gators--
139C Tigers--
1420B Ravens--
1588N Saints--
1634N Giants--
1758P Steelers--
1811T Longhorns--
1973T Buccaneers--
2081F Seminoles--
216V Wildcats--
222N Cornhuskers--
2352T Titans--
2427O Ducks--
2545H Texans--
2625I Hoosiers--
2744N Fighting Irish--
2839G Bulldogs--
2937P Eagles--
3061A Crimson Tide--
311T Aggies--
3280D Lions--
3395A Falcons--
3430P Boilermakers--
3515U Knights--
3685U Trojans--
3719A Tigers--
3814U Hurricanes--
3963T Bear--
4031T Nadz--
4122T Egg--
4256M Max--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14031T Nadz53.66771180Running
2318O Rebels-4.2475*180Running
34122T Egg-14.4570165Running
41420B Ravens-16.6270160Running
51811T Longhorns-19.2870155Running
6139C Tigers-24.9670150Running
73719A Tigers-30.4870146Running
8222N Cornhuskers-33.0270142Running
91758P Steelers-35.4470138Running
101973T Buccaneers-35.6670134Running
112625I Hoosiers-37.4170130Running
122081F Seminoles-41.5070127Running
133963T Bear-45.9470124Running
14570P Nittany Lions-1:01.4770121Running
153395A Falcons-1L60118Accident
161150B Bears-1L60115Retired
174342J Zolecki-1L60112Running
18655L Tigers-1L60109Accident
192352T Titans-1L60106Running
201099D Cowboys-1L60103Running
211634N Giants-1L60100Running
22835U Bruins-1L6097Running
23126I Hawkeyes-1L6199Running
243685U Trojans-1L6091Running
2528O Sooners-1L6088Accident
261588N Saints-1L6085Running
272545H Texans-2L5082Running
282937P Eagles-2L5079Running
292744N Fighting Irish-2L5076Running
302427O Ducks-2L5073Running
31498N Jets-2L5070Running
323280D Lions-3L4067Running
33216V Wildcats-4L3064Accident
34311T Aggies-4L3061Retired
35786W Red Skins-4L3058Retired
363814U Hurricanes-5L2055DQ
373430P Boilermakers-5L2052DQ
38913M Dolphins-5L2049Accident
391247F Gators-5L2046Accident
402839G Bulldogs-5L2043Accident
414256M Max-5L2040Running
423061A Crimson Tide-6L1037Accident
433515U Knights-7L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 58 °F, North 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 90 °F, South 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

170P Nittany Lions--
295A Falcons--
344N Fighting Irish--
450B Bears--
552T Titans--
62N Cornhuskers--
773T Buccaneers--
815U Knights--
96V Wildcats--
1061A Crimson Tide--
1185U Trojans--
1286W Red Skins--
1355L Tigers--
141T Aggies--
1580D Lions--
1681F Seminoles--
1758P Steelers--
1819A Tigers--
1947F Gators--
2018O Rebels--
2134N Giants--
2235U Bruins--
2311T Longhorns--
2426I Hawkeyes--
2599D Cowboys--
2614U Hurricanes--
2730P Boilermakers--
2825I Hoosiers--
298O Sooners--
3045H Texans--
3139G Bulldogs--
3227O Ducks--
3398N Jets--
3420B Ravens--
3588N Saints--
3637P Eagles--
379C Tigers--
3813M Dolphins--
3942J Zolecki--
4056M Max--
4131T Nadz--
4263T Bear--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11681F Seminoles50.930137*185Running
21061A Crimson Tide-11.51131175Running
33398N Jets-1L120165Accident
41286W Red Skins-1L120160Running
54263T Bear-1L120155Running
63588N Saints-1L120150Running
71185U Trojans-2L110146Retired
83813M Dolphins-2L110142Running
9815U Knights-2L110138Running
104131T Nadz-3L100134Running
1196V Wildcats-3L100130Retired
12773T Buccaneers-3L100127Running
133139G Bulldogs-5L80124Accident
14344N Fighting Irish-6L73126Accident
152614U Hurricanes-6L70118Running
16141T Aggies-8L50115Retired
172235U Bruins-8L50112Accident
182730P Boilermakers-8L50109Retired
192018O Rebels-8L50106Accident
201947F Gators-8L50103Retired
213637P Eagles-8L50100Accident
22552T Titans-9L4097Accident
23379C Tigers-10L3094Accident
241758P Steelers-10L3091Accident
25170P Nittany Lions-10L3293Accident
261355L Tigers-10L3085Accident
273227O Ducks-10L3082Accident
284322T Egg-10L3079Running
292311T Longhorns-11L2076Accident
302134N Giants-11L2073Accident
312599D Cowboys-11L2070Retired
323045H Texans-11L2067DQ
334056M Max-11L2064Accident
341580D Lions-11L2061Accident
351819A Tigers-11L2058Accident
36298O Sooners-12L1055Accident
372426I Hawkeyes-12L1052Accident
383420B Ravens-12L1049Accident
39295A Falcons-12L1046Accident
4062N Cornhuskers-12L1043Accident
41450B Bears-12L1040Accident
423942J Zolecki-13L0037Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 95 °F, North 2 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


322Smoking EnginePit for repairs
631Dropping FluidPit for repairs
631Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1363Dropping DebrisPit for repairs

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