Wednesday, November 18, 2020

2020-4 Twisted Metal Tour - Round 9: Bone Crusher

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The 3rd Wildcard round pits the Mad Hatters and Know U 2 against each other in the dirt figure 8.  The theme for the night?  Most Awards again.

Race 1:

At first it looked like Egg was going to run away with the first race and start making up points for I'll Kill You.

However, it became apparent that much cheating was being done and instead, the results were revoked for the 22, turning the win over to the next in line, Tnadz.  No awards were handed out in the first race, keeping things tied to start.

Race 2:

It was a curious finish for the second round.  Damage was moderate and laps at 20 for the first two.  This time, it was back and forth between Falcons and UCF.  However, the Florida team ended up winning with the most laps lead, scoring two precious points.  Scot kept the deficit small by getting a point but Mad Hatters were on the back foot.  Slab, having earned a black flag somehow, played out a strategy of staying at the line until the end.  This staved off a DQ and earned the Diehard.

Race 3:
Immense destruction at the start, seeing a big chunk of the field go out.  There was much slapping back and forth between Know U and the Black Smiths.  The Cornhuskers snatched first, not thrilling anyone.

The Bear survived assaults from nearly all of the Know U 2 team to finish in the top 10 (barely).

Zack also eeked out a finish with a coughing engine.  But it was a strong victory because he lead a lap and the most laps and earned the Diehard, easily crushing the Mad Hatters in a single race, despite losing the rest of his team before the end.

This puts Know U 2 solidly in first by 28 points.  However, there are 5 more rounds to go, and 15 more opportunities for teams to catch up and X Factors to come into play.  There are also two more Wildcards rounds, including the Leader v All finale.  It's very much anyone's championship.

Race 1

Track: BoneCrusher

Date: 11/18/20

Session: Practice

156M Max26.762
242J Zolecki27.015
331T Nadz27.824
455L Tigers28.374
585U Trojans29.168
620B Ravens30.247
711T Longhorns35.585
826I Hawkeyes35.678
981F Seminoles36.978

Weather: Cloudy, 74 °F, West 8 mph

Session: Qualifying

137P Eagles--
245H Texans--
36V Wildcats--
486W Red Skins--
51T Aggies--
620B Ravens--
798N Jets--
885U Trojans--
935U Bruins--
1058P Steelers--
1152T Titans--
1213M Dolphins--
1399D Cowboys--
1470P Nittany Lions--
1555L Tigers--
1618O Rebels--
1788N Saints--
1815U Knights--
1925I Hoosiers--
2030P Boilermakers--
2173T Buccaneers--
2214U Hurricanes--
2395A Falcons--
248O Sooners--
2526I Hawkeyes--
2680D Lions--
279C Tigers--
2811T Longhorns--
2939G Bulldogs--
3081F Seminoles--
3134N Giants--
3227O Ducks--
3344N Fighting Irish--
3461A Crimson Tide--
352N Cornhuskers--
3650B Bears--
3763T Bear--
3856M Max--
3919Z Webster--
4047G Slab--
4142J Zolecki--
4222T Egg--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14331T Nadz-8L120170Running
21213M Dolphins-8L120165Running
32939G Bulldogs-9L110160Running
41470P Nittany Lions-10L100155Running
5620B Ravens-10L100150Running
62395A Falcons-11L90146Accident
73461A Crimson Tide-11L90142Retired
8486W Red Skins-11L90138Running
9279C Tigers-11L90134Running
102526I Hawkeyes-12L80130Running
111925I Hoosiers-12L80127Running
12352N Cornhuskers-12L80124Running
134047G Slab-12L80121Running
141152T Titans-13L70118Retired
152811T Longhorns-13L70115Retired
162173T Buccaneers-13L70112Accident
172680D Lions-13L70109Retired
183134N Giants-13L70106Retired
191788N Saints-13L70103Accident
20137P Eagles-13L70100Accident
2151T Aggies-14L6097Accident
222214U Hurricanes-15L5094Accident
233344N Fighting Irish-15L5091Accident
241815U Knights-16L4088Accident
251618O Rebels-17L3085Accident
261058P Steelers-17L3082Accident
27885U Trojans-17L3184Accident
28935U Bruins-17L3076Accident
293081F Seminoles-17L3073Accident
301555L Tigers-17L3070Accident
31245H Texans-18L2067Retired
323919Z Webster-18L2064Accident
333650B Bears-18L2061Accident
343856M Max-18L2058Running
35248O Sooners-18L2160Accident
3636V Wildcats-18L2052Accident
373227O Ducks-18L2049Accident
383763T Bear-19L1046Retired
391399D Cowboys-19L1043Accident
40798N Jets-19L1040Accident
412030P Boilermakers-19L1037Accident
424142J Zolecki-20L0034Accident
434222T Egg138.251018*0Running

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 2 (3 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 92 °F, East 11 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


356Smoking EnginePit for repairs
847Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 84 °F, West 16 mph

Session: Qualifying

19C Tigers--
250B Bears--
320B Ravens--
434N Giants--
555L Tigers--
688N Saints--
72N Cornhuskers--
826I Hawkeyes--
995A Falcons--
1099D Cowboys--
1173T Buccaneers--
1285U Trojans--
1381F Seminoles--
1414U Hurricanes--
1537P Eagles--
1635U Bruins--
1711T Longhorns--
1815U Knights--
1913M Dolphins--
2052T Titans--
2198N Jets--
2270P Nittany Lions--
2344N Fighting Irish--
2430P Boilermakers--
2558P Steelers--
261T Aggies--
2739G Bulldogs--
2861A Crimson Tide--
2918O Rebels--
3086W Red Skins--
3127O Ducks--
3245H Texans--
336V Wildcats--
3480D Lions--
358O Sooners--
3625I Hoosiers--
3731T Nadz--
3822T Egg--
3947G Slab--
4042J Zolecki--
4119Z Webster--
4263T Bear--
4356M Max--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11815U Knights77.7171913*185Running
2995A Falcons-33.41190170Running
3826I Hawkeyes-1L180165Running
4336V Wildcats-1L180160Running
54356M Max-3L160155Running
62918O Rebels-5L140150Retired
7261T Aggies-7L120146Accident
81099D Cowboys-8L110142Accident
93245H Texans-8L110138Retired
102270P Nittany Lions-9L102139Retired
11555L Tigers-9L102135Accident
12320B Ravens-9L101132Accident
1319C Tigers-9L100124Accident
143731T Nadz-9L100121Accident
154263T Bear-10L90118Accident
161285U Trojans-11L80115Retired
171913M Dolphins-11L80112Accident
182861A Crimson Tide-11L80109Retired
194042J Zolecki-13L60106Accident
202430P Boilermakers-14L50103Accident
211173T Buccaneers-14L50100Accident
221635U Bruins-15L41102Accident
23250B Bears-15L4094Accident
242558P Steelers-15L4091Accident
25434N Giants-15L4088Accident
262344N Fighting Irish-16L3085Retired
273947G Slab-16L3082Running
282052T Titans-17L2079Accident
293625I Hoosiers-17L2076Accident
303127O Ducks-17L2073Accident
3172N Cornhuskers-17L2070Ignition
321711T Longhorns-17L2067Accident
332739G Bulldogs-17L2064Accident
343086W Red Skins-17L2061Accident
35688N Saints-17L2058Accident
363822T Egg-17L2055Accident
373480D Lions-17L2052Accident
381414U Hurricanes-18L1049Retired
391537P Eagles-18L1046Accident
402198N Jets-18L1043Accident
411381F Seminoles-18L1040Accident
42358O Sooners-18L1037Accident
434119Z Webster-19L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 66 °F, Southeast 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


347Smoking EnginePit for repairs
542Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 3

Session: Practice

188N Saints22.858
213M Dolphins36.553
334N Giants38.282

Weather: Cloudy, 82 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Qualifying

198N Jets--
21T Aggies--
361A Crimson Tide--
427O Ducks--
534N Giants--
611T Longhorns--
725I Hoosiers--
818O Rebels--
955L Tigers--
108O Sooners--
1158P Steelers--
1270P Nittany Lions--
1315U Knights--
1445H Texans--
1530P Boilermakers--
1681F Seminoles--
1737P Eagles--
186V Wildcats--
1939G Bulldogs--
2050B Bears--
2180D Lions--
2285U Trojans--
2344N Fighting Irish--
2435U Bruins--
2514U Hurricanes--
2695A Falcons--
2773T Buccaneers--
2888N Saints--
2920B Ravens--
302N Cornhuskers--
319C Tigers--
3226I Hawkeyes--
3399D Cowboys--
3486W Red Skins--
3513M Dolphins--
3652T Titans--
3756M Max--
3847G Slab--
3919Z Webster--
4031T Nadz--
4122T Egg--
4263T Bear--
4342J Zolecki--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1302N Cornhuskers86.302153180Running
2186V Wildcats-2L130170Accident
32695A Falcons-3L122170Retired
41939G Bulldogs-3L120160Running
53919Z Webster-3L125*165Running
6361A Crimson Tide-4L111155Retired
71315U Knights-4L110146Running
8725I Hoosiers-4L110142Accident
94263T Bear-5L100138Running
104342J Zolecki-7L80134Accident
111681F Seminoles-7L80130Retired
12108O Sooners-7L82132Accident
13534N Giants-7L80124Accident
143399D Cowboys-9L60121Accident
152344N Fighting Irish-11L40118Accident
16198N Jets-12L30115Accident
172050B Bears-12L30112Accident
18818O Rebels-12L31114Accident
19955L Tigers-12L30106Clutch
202435U Bruins-12L30103Accident
212285U Trojans-12L30100Accident
221270P Nittany Lions-12L3097Accident
231737P Eagles-12L3094Accident
242920B Ravens-13L2091Accident
252773T Buccaneers-13L2088Accident
262180D Lions-13L2085Accident
272514U Hurricanes-13L2187Accident
28611T Longhorns-13L2079Accident
29427O Ducks-13L2076Accident
30319C Tigers-14L1073Accident
312888N Saints-14L1070Accident
3221T Aggies-14L1067Accident
331158P Steelers-14L1064Accident
341445H Texans-14L1061Accident
351530P Boilermakers-14L1058Accident
363226I Hawkeyes-15L0055Accident
373513M Dolphins-15L0052Accident
383652T Titans-15L0049Accident
393486W Red Skins-15L0046Retired
403847G Slab-15L0043Accident
413756M Max-15L0040Accident
424122T Egg-15L0037Accident
434031T Nadz-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 9 (7 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 88 °F, South 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


1119Smoking EnginePit for repairs
1063Smoking EnginePit for repairs

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