Thursday, March 14, 2019

Pot Luck 2019: 16-18 Destruction Arena

The finale for the short lived 2019 Potluck is nothing short of spectacular with a run up to the very last race and a standings finish that is one of the closest ever in Tnadz Racing.

Live Stream:

Race 1:
Trying to follow everything that happened for 40 laps with a no damage race would take far too much time.  Instead, we'll look at the play of the race.  Zolecki, who had a great start and had been leading for a while, ended up getting knocked down the order after a bad time.  Then, with only a couple laps left, Smith was on pace to potentially grab a podium when Jamie blasted him at the intersection, sending him down to 6th.

Race 2:
Ross managed to avoid most of the carnage in the second run with moderate damage on for the win.  It was not without its close calls though as The Egg and Sandy stayed afloat for a good part of the race for a decent finish outside the top 10.

Race 3:
A slow start may have either kept Slab from a win or gifted him a 2nd, just depends on how you look at it.  But after spinning through the intersection on lap 1, he recovered and didn't get nailed on the track anywhere.

The only other surviving human, Smith, was fighting for a Championship win and needed to finish 4th after his Race 1 setback and harassment from The Egg.  While in 5th, he caught Coral with one to go and ran him into the wall.

But the 77 wasn't dead.  But he was damaged and went for the pits. Tnadz would have had to pass him by the start finish line to claim the spot but missed out by a second.  And that second caused him to place second in the points by...a...single...point.  What an ending.

The next series will go to the more civilized and cultivated world of road courses.  It's The Shorties: Roadcourse Edition.

Race 1

Track: Destruction Arena Superspeedway

Session: Practice

118A Johnson25.898
251J Marble26.842
375J Neels27.940
4357B Reiter28.828
500B Budd28.908
615C Podolski28.961
756F Loaner29.434
824K Kelleher30.100
9013T Nadz30.274
1021R Coy30.700
1111J Arsenault30.739
1219M the Meatman30.935
131M Grim32.329
14021T Bear32.359
15008J Zolecki32.468
16023G Slab32.499
1766R Mahlum32.514
1826C Macaluso32.683
1987B Cornthwaite32.693
2098J Lepage32.705
217D Scruggs32.746
2297D Matlock32.792
2390S Wiselteeth32.901
2429S Fullerton32.904
2533B McCarter32.937
2677D Coral32.938
2761L Loaner32.952
2853H LoveBug33.082
2988C Darling33.163
3067C Wanamaker34.060

Weather: Clear, 79 °F, Southwest 9 mph

Session: Qualifying

129S Fullerton--
21M Grim--
315C Podolski--
418A Johnson--
519M the Meatman--
675J Neels--
766R Mahlum--
87D Scruggs--
987B Cornthwaite--
1088C Darling--
1197D Matlock--
1233B McCarter--
1353H LoveBug--
1424K Kelleher--
15357B Reiter--
1656F Loaner--
1726C Macaluso--
1861L Loaner--
1951J Marble--
2077D Coral--
2100B Budd--
2221R Coy--
2311J Arsenault--
2498J Lepage--
2567C Wanamaker--
2690S Wiselteeth--
27013T Nadz--
28098G Slab--
29021T Bear--
30008J Zolecki--
31023G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


11197D Matlock164.9644017*185Retired
21726C Macaluso-26.31400170Running
321M Grim-1L391170Running
415357B Reiter-1L390160Running
51233B McCarter-2L380155Running
627013T Nadz-3L370150Running
71353H LoveBug-3L370146DQ
8987B Cornthwaite-3L370142Running
91088C Darling-3L370138Running
102311J Arsenault-3L370134Running
112077D Coral-4L360130Running
121424K Kelleher-4L360127Running
1330008J Zolecki-4L3613129Running
14418A Johnson-4L360121Running
152100B Budd-5L350118Running
162567C Wanamaker-5L350115Running
171861L Loaner-6L340112Running
182498J Lepage-7L330109Running
1987D Scruggs-7L332111Running
20315C Podolski-8L320103Running
211656F Loaner-8L320100Running
22519M the Meatman-8L32097Retired
232690S Wiselteeth-9L31094Running
242221R Coy-9L31091Running
2529021T Bear-10L30793Running
26675J Neels-11L29085Running
271951J Marble-12L28082Running
28766R Mahlum-16L24079Running
2928098G Slab-18L22076Running
30129S Fullerton-31L9073DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 99 °F, South 15 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


0008Passing on the insideStop and go
0098Passing on the insideStop and go

Race 2

Session: Practice

1013T Nadz31.507
2008J Zolecki31.875
3021T Bear31.963
453H LoveBug32.232
533B McCarter32.554
667C Wanamaker32.574
790S Wiselteeth32.621
856F Loaner32.636
926C Macaluso32.638
1018A Johnson32.671
1166R Mahlum32.730
12357B Reiter32.747
1321R Coy32.751
1411J Arsenault32.765
1551J Marble32.789
1619M the Meatman32.832
17098G Slab32.854
1875J Neels32.962
1915C Podolski33.026
2061L Loaner33.259
2187B Cornthwaite33.296
2297D Matlock33.396
2324K Kelleher33.443
2429S Fullerton33.493
257D Scruggs33.758
261M Grim33.807
2798J Lepage33.934
2888C Darling33.971
29061M Max34.887
3077D Coral35.819
31029T Egg36.048
3200B Budd1:37.557

Weather: Cloudy, 93 °F, Southwest 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

188C Darling--
290S Wiselteeth--
31M Grim--
415C Podolski--
561L Loaner--
621R Coy--
7357B Reiter--
897D Matlock--
97D Scruggs--
1067C Wanamaker--
1177D Coral--
1287B Cornthwaite--
1398J Lepage--
1456F Loaner--
1511J Arsenault--
1626C Macaluso--
1724K Kelleher--
1853H LoveBug--
1918A Johnson--
2075J Neels--
2100B Budd--
2229S Fullerton--
2333B McCarter--
2466R Mahlum--
2519M the Meatman--
2651J Marble--
27029T Egg--
28061M Max--
29021T Bear--
30013T Nadz--
31008J Zolecki--
32026G Slab--
33098G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


130013T Nadz181.1452015*185Running
2897D Matlock-24.29200170Running
32100B Budd-28.25200165Running
4290S Wiselteeth-30.97200160Running
52519M the Meatman-31.99200155Running
62466R Mahlum-33.90200150Running
7188C Darling-1L193151Running
81287B Cornthwaite-1L190142Running
92075J Neels-2L180138Running
10415C Podolski-3L170134Running
111511J Arsenault-5L150130Running
1229021T Bear-8L120127Accident
1327029T Egg-9L110124Running
141067C Wanamaker-12L80121Retired
1531M Grim-12L81123Retired
167357B Reiter-14L60115Accident
1732026G Slab-14L60112Running
1831008J Zolecki-16L41114Accident
191456F Loaner-16L40106Accident
201177D Coral-16L40103Accident
21561L Loaner-16L40100Accident
222229S Fullerton-17L3097Retired
231626C Macaluso-17L3094Accident
241398J Lepage-18L2091Accident
2597D Scruggs-18L2088Retired
26621R Coy-18L2085Accident
271918A Johnson-18L2082Accident
282333B McCarter-19L1079Accident
292651J Marble-19L1076Accident
3028061M Max-19L1073Accident
311724K Kelleher-19L1070Retired
321853H LoveBug-19L1067Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 80 °F, Southeast 4 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%



Race 3

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 91 °F, Southeast 2 mph

Session: Qualifying

1357B Reiter--
211J Arsenault--
387B Cornthwaite--
418A Johnson--
588C Darling--
697D Matlock--
767C Wanamaker--
819M the Meatman--
953H LoveBug--
107D Scruggs--
1190S Wiselteeth--
1200B Budd--
1377D Coral--
1424K Kelleher--
1521R Coy--
1675J Neels--
1751J Marble--
181M Grim--
1933B McCarter--
2098J Lepage--
2161L Loaner--
2229S Fullerton--
2326C Macaluso--
2466R Mahlum--
2556F Loaner--
2615C Podolski--
27008J Zolecki--
28061M Max--
29029T Egg--
30021T Bear--
31026G Slab--
32013T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


1588C Darling171.9282018*185Running
231026G Slab-15.94200170Running
31933B McCarter-24.63200165Running
41377D Coral-2L180160Running
532013T Nadz-2L180155Running
62161L Loaner-8L120150Accident
727008J Zolecki-9L110146DQ
830021T Bear-12L80142Accident
92556F Loaner-13L70138Accident
101675J Neels-14L60134Accident
11767C Wanamaker-15L50130Accident
12211J Arsenault-15L50127Accident
131357B Reiter-15L52129Accident
1429029T Egg-15L50121Accident
152098J Lepage-16L40118Accident
161200B Budd-16L40115Accident
171190S Wiselteeth-16L40112Accident
181751J Marble-16L40109Accident
19418A Johnson-17L30106Retired
20387B Cornthwaite-17L30103Accident
21181M Grim-17L30100Accident
22953H LoveBug-17L3097Accident
23107D Scruggs-17L3094Accident
242326C Macaluso-18L2091Accident
252615C Podolski-18L2088Retired
2628061M Max-19L1085Accident
271521R Coy-19L1082Accident
28697D Matlock-19L1079Accident
29819M the Meatman-20L0076Accident
301424K Kelleher-20L0073Accident
312229S Fullerton-20L0070Accident
322466R Mahlum-20L0067Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 1 (2 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 94 °F, Southeast 10 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 100%


12008Reckless drivingDQ'd: Scoring is ended

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