Thursday, October 31, 2019

Twisted Metal Tour 2019 4-6 Bone Crusher

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Extreme destruction at the first figure 8 of the series.  Short races and few survived.  Appropriate for Halloween it would seem.

Race 1: A handful finished during this race.  Tnadz stayed consistent and lucky throughout the run and took the win with his Rebels up in 4th.  The Saints helped Know U. keep a foothold on points with a 2nd.

Race 2: Even more destruction was had and as the laps winded down, nearly all the teams had a dog in the fight.  But one by one, they were knocked off.  Purdue was on track to take the win after Gut Slab died after landing but they intersected with The X Factor who was dangerously close to the front of the field.  In the end, The Buccaneers were the sole survivors with only a smattering of bonus points across the order.

Race 3: Full damage and 15 laps resulted in an almost identical finish as Race 2.  Slab survived much of the early onslaught along with his Gamecocks and proceeded to systematically wipe out the rest of the survivors.  By the end, he took a 1-2 and a boat load of points to steal the top spot in the standings.

Next is the first Wildcard race at Humpty Dumpty between the Egg Sandywiches and Dick Trickle's Strip Club.

Race 1

Track: BoneCrusher

Date: 10/30/19

Session: Practice

115U Knights20.294
299D Cowboys21.219
398N Jets22.671
425I Hoosiers23.108
534N Giants23.196
617S Cardinal23.319
719Z Webster24.300
888N Saints25.204
942J Zolecki25.433
1031T Nadz25.488
1163T Bear26.143
1295A Falcons27.315
1310B Bills28.983
1413M Dolphins29.085
1518O Rebels29.825
1647F Gators30.095
1727O Ducks30.181
1890S Gamecocks31.483
1961A Crimson Tide32.397
2070P Nittany Lions32.511
2139G Bulldogs33.019
2250B Bears33.059
2314U Hurricanes33.501
2445H Texans34.914
2558P Steelers35.079
2635U Bruins35.712
271T Aggies36.859
2873T Buccaneers37.503
296V Wildcats39.368
3026I Hawkeyes39.663
319C Tigers40.292
3223C Panthers42.272
3330P Boilermakers42.659

Weather: Clear, 79 °F, West 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

115U Knights--
299D Cowboys--
358P Steelers--
422C Bengals--
514U Hurricanes--
670P Nittany Lions--
744N Fighting Irish--
861A Crimson Tide--
990S Gamecocks--
106V Wildcats--
1195A Falcons--
1218O Rebels--
1347F Gators--
148O Sooners--
1523C Panthers--
1652T Titans--
1756M Vikings--
1881F Seminoles--
1910B Bills--
2088N Saints--
2145H Texans--
2286W Red Skins--
2313M Dolphins--
2450B Bears--
2539G Bulldogs--
2635U Bruins--
2717S Cardinal--
2826I Hawkeyes--
2973T Buccaneers--
3098N Jets--
3111T Longhorns--
3230P Boilermakers--
3325I Hoosiers--
3434N Giants--
3580D Lions--
3627O Ducks--
371T Aggies--
389C Tigers--
3963T Bear--
4031T Nadz--
4142J Zolecki--
4219Z Webster--
4355G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 86 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Race


14031T Nadz88.6941910*185Running
22088N Saints-16.05199175Running
33111T Longhorns-1L180165Running
41218O Rebels-2L170160Running
5106V Wildcats-4L150155Running
62635U Bruins-4L150150Running
73325I Hoosiers-6L130146Accident
8371T Aggies-7L120142Running
9514U Hurricanes-7L120138Running
10389C Tigers-8L110134DQ
112450B Bears-10L90130Accident
123230P Boilermakers-12L70127Retired
133434N Giants-12L70124Retired
14422C Bengals-12L70121Retired
153627O Ducks-12L70118Retired
161347F Gators-13L60115Accident
172145H Texans-13L60112Accident
182826I Hawkeyes-14L50109Accident
19148O Sooners-14L50106Accident
201652T Titans-15L40103Accident
211523C Panthers-15L40100Retired
222973T Buccaneers-15L4097Accident
234219Z Webster-15L4094Accident
241910B Bills-15L4091Accident
254355G Slab-16L3088Accident
26299D Cowboys-16L3085Retired
272539G Bulldogs-16L3082Retired
281195A Falcons-16L3079Retired
291881F Seminoles-16L3076Accident
301756M Vikings-16L3073Accident
31990S Gamecocks-16L3070Clutch
32861A Crimson Tide-16L3067Accident
332717S Cardinal-16L3064Accident
34115U Knights-16L3061Accident
35670P Nittany Lions-16L3058Accident
363098N Jets-16L3055Accident
373963T Bear-17L2052Accident
383580D Lions-17L2049Retired
39358P Steelers-17L2046Accident
402313M Dolphins-17L2043Accident
412286W Red Skins-18L1040Accident
42744N Fighting Irish-18L1037Accident
434142J Zolecki-19L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 3 (2 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 86 °F, Northwest 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%


519Dropping FluidPit for repairs
519Smoking EnginePit for repairs

Race 2

Session: Practice


Weather: Cloudy, 79 °F, Southeast 5 mph

Session: Qualifying

186W Red Skins--
252T Titans--
339G Bulldogs--
498N Jets--
527O Ducks--
670P Nittany Lions--
730P Boilermakers--
818O Rebels--
913M Dolphins--
1017S Cardinal--
1180D Lions--
121T Aggies--
136V Wildcats--
1410B Bills--
1526I Hawkeyes--
1650B Bears--
1788N Saints--
1815U Knights--
1961A Crimson Tide--
2081F Seminoles--
2125I Hoosiers--
2222C Bengals--
2344N Fighting Irish--
2445H Texans--
2599D Cowboys--
2623C Panthers--
2773T Buccaneers--
2858P Steelers--
299C Tigers--
3034N Giants--
3147F Gators--
328O Sooners--
3395A Falcons--
3411T Longhorns--
3556M Vikings--
3614U Hurricanes--
3735U Bruins--
3890S Gamecocks--
3942J Zolecki--
4019Z Webster--
4155G Slab--
4263T Bear--
4331T Nadz--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 86 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Race


12773T Buccaneers68.259201180Running
2730P Boilermakers-1L192175Retired
34155G Slab-3L174170Accident
42344N Fighting Irish-3L170160Accident
5252T Titans-5L152160Accident
6818O Rebels-7L132155Retired
74263T Bear-8L120146Accident
83890S Gamecocks-9L115*152Accident
9121T Aggies-9L110138Accident
10670P Nittany Lions-9L110134Accident
112222C Bengals-10L100130Retired
121017S Cardinal-10L100127Accident
133614U Hurricanes-10L100124Accident
14328O Sooners-10L100121Accident
151650B Bears-12L80118Retired
161788N Saints-12L82120Retired
172081F Seminoles-12L80112Retired
181410B Bills-13L72114Accident
191815U Knights-13L70106Clutch
203556M Vikings-15L50103Accident
21186W Red Skins-16L40100Accident
222623C Panthers-16L4097Retired
233147F Gators-16L4094Retired
24498N Jets-16L4091Accident
254331T Nadz-17L3088Accident
263411T Longhorns-17L3085Retired
271526I Hawkeyes-17L3082Retired
283034N Giants-17L3079Accident
29299C Tigers-17L3076Accident
302599D Cowboys-17L3073Accident
312125I Hoosiers-17L3070Accident
32136V Wildcats-18L2067Retired
33527O Ducks-18L2064Accident
34913M Dolphins-18L2061Retired
351180D Lions-18L2058Accident
362858P Steelers-18L2055Accident
37339G Bulldogs-18L2052Accident
381961A Crimson Tide-18L2049Accident
393395A Falcons-19L1046Accident
403735U Bruins-19L1043Accident
413942J Zolecki-19L1040Accident
422445H Texans-19L1037Accident
434019Z Webster-20L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (8 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 81 °F, West 18 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%



Race 3

Session: Practice

115U Knights29.988

Weather: Clear, 72 °F, West 17 mph

Session: Qualifying

115U Knights--
261A Crimson Tide--
39C Tigers--
458P Steelers--
56V Wildcats--
670P Nittany Lions--
780D Lions--
890S Gamecocks--
973T Buccaneers--
108O Sooners--
1181F Seminoles--
1244N Fighting Irish--
1399D Cowboys--
1435U Bruins--
1556M Vikings--
1611T Longhorns--
1713M Dolphins--
1814U Hurricanes--
1923C Panthers--
2026I Hawkeyes--
2186W Red Skins--
2227O Ducks--
2339G Bulldogs--
241T Aggies--
2550B Bears--
2617S Cardinal--
2718O Rebels--
2822C Bengals--
2930P Boilermakers--
3045H Texans--
3152T Titans--
3298N Jets--
3310B Bills--
3425I Hoosiers--
3534N Giants--
3647F Gators--
3788N Saints--
3895A Falcons--
3955G Slab--
4031T Nadz--
4142J Zolecki--
4219Z Webster--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Cloudy, 86 °F, Northwest 2 mph

Session: Race


1890S Gamecocks82.1901510*185Running
23955G Slab-3L120170Running
3780D Lions-10L52170Retired
4261A Crimson Tide-11L40160Accident
51923C Panthers-11L40155Retired
6108O Sooners-11L40150Accident
71611T Longhorns-12L32151Retired
839C Tigers-12L30142Accident
91556M Vikings-12L30138Retired
10115U Knights-12L30134Accident
111435U Bruins-12L31135Accident
124363T Bear-12L30127Accident
132227O Ducks-12L30124Accident
142930P Boilermakers-12L30121Accident
15458P Steelers-12L30118Accident
16670P Nittany Lions-12L30115Accident
1756V Wildcats-12L30112Accident
183534N Giants-13L20109Accident
191814U Hurricanes-13L20106Accident
20241T Aggies-13L20103Accident
211244N Fighting Irish-13L20100Accident
222186W Red Skins-13L2097Accident
231181F Seminoles-13L2094Accident
241399D Cowboys-13L2091Accident
252617S Cardinal-14L1088Accident
264142J Zolecki-14L1085Accident
274031T Nadz-14L1082Accident
281713M Dolphins-14L1079Accident
292718O Rebels-14L1076Accident
302339G Bulldogs-14L1073Accident
312822C Bengals-14L1070Accident
323045H Texans-14L1067Accident
332026I Hawkeyes-14L1064Accident
34973T Buccaneers-14L1061Accident
352550B Bears-14L1058Accident
363152T Titans-15L0055Accident
373298N Jets-15L0052Accident
383310B Bills-15L0049Accident
393425I Hoosiers-15L0046Accident
403647F Gators-15L0043Accident
413788N Saints-15L0040Accident
423895A Falcons-15L0037Retired
434219Z Webster-15L0034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (4 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 77 °F, South 7 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 110%