Thursday, October 24, 2019

Twisted Metal Tour 2019 1-3 GNC Carnival

Live Stream:

Pure chaos!  I haven't had a chance to go back through and review each race with pics.  Apologies.  However, in short:

Race 1:  Webster beat out the field and took the win, despite getting blasted by Tnadz on the final lap.

Race 2:  Tnadz struck back, taking the win.  Webster was well up the order but died close to the end, allowing other teams to close the points gap.  Slab was slowly lurking up the order, as was Egg.

Race 3:  Man Chest Hair United was sitting 1-2-3 for a short while but all members quickly were destroyed in the final laps of the race.  For a hot minute, The X Factor Notre Dame was up to second with a beeline to 1st when he killed himself.  Zolecki and Webster both finished in the top 10 to secure several more points and the lead.  Slab rallied to secure some points and keep his team right in the fight.  The Bear stayed steady and earned some good points along with his teammate, Egg, who took the final victory.

It will be glorious battle at the next track and our first figure 8:  Bone Crusher

Race 1

Track: GNC Carnival Stuntroad

Session: Practice

186T Nadz58.490
242J Zolecki59.920
319Z Webster1:00.371
422T Egg1:01.267
570P Nittany Lions1:02.990
645H Texans1:03.185
761A Crimson Tide1:03.252
831O Buckeyes1:03.601
955L Tigers1:03.614
1081F Seminoles1:03.627
1180D Lions1:03.715
1226I Hawkeyes1:03.723
1399D Cowboys1:03.744
1495A Falcons1:03.748
1588N Saints1:03.757
1639G Bulldogs1:03.850
1756M Vikings1:03.882
181T Aggies1:04.156
1958P Steelers1:04.206
208O Sooners1:04.227
2111T Longhorns1:04.255
229C Tigers1:04.268
236V Wildcats1:04.453
2414U Hurricanes1:04.528
2598N Jets1:04.605
2634N Giants1:04.614
2752T Titans1:04.652
2847F Gators1:04.730
2910B Bills1:04.946
3023C Panthers1:04.966
3150B Bears1:04.973
3225I Hoosiers1:05.031
3330P Boilermakers1:05.066
3427O Ducks1:05.163
3573T Buccaneers1:05.271
3618O Rebels1:05.331
3715U Knights1:05.410
3844N Fighting Irish1:05.554
3963T Bear1:05.623
4035U Bruins1:05.921
4117S Cardinal1:06.025
4290G Slab1:07.262
4313M Dolphins1:08.287

Weather: Cloudy, 87 °F, Southwest 14 mph

Session: Qualifying

127O Ducks--
223C Panthers--
314U Hurricanes--
415U Knights--
56V Wildcats--
673T Buccaneers--
758P Steelers--
895A Falcons--
926I Hawkeyes--
1010B Bills--
1131O Buckeyes--
1239G Bulldogs--
1325I Hoosiers--
1445H Texans--
1518O Rebels--
1611T Longhorns--
1755L Tigers--
1880D Lions--
1970P Nittany Lions--
2081F Seminoles--
2199D Cowboys--
2288N Saints--
2335U Bruins--
2430P Boilermakers--
2552T Titans--
2661A Crimson Tide--
2756M Vikings--
2834N Giants--
2913M Dolphins--
3047F Gators--
3150B Bears--
321T Aggies--
338O Sooners--
3444N Fighting Irish--
3598N Jets--
3617S Cardinal--
379C Tigers--
3822T Egg--
3942J Zolecki--
4019Z Webster--
4186T Nadz--
4263T Bear--
4390G Slab--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race


14019Z Webster51.813134*185Running
22834N Giants-13.77130170Running
31880D Lions-16.17130165Running
42756M Vikings-23.61130160Running
51239G Bulldogs-31.30130155Running
61518O Rebels-34.44131155Running
7338O Sooners-52.61130146Running
8223C Panthers-53.05130142Running
956V Wildcats-55.08131143Running
101131O Buckeyes-57.57130134Running
11314U Hurricanes-59.13131135Running
124186T Nadz-59.52130127Running
131755L Tigers-1L120124Running
14415U Knights-1L120121Running
15758P Steelers-1L124*128Running
16926I Hawkeyes-1L122120Running
174390G Slab-1L120112Running
182430P Boilermakers-1L120109Running
19895A Falcons-1L120106Running
201010B Bills-1L120103Running
211445H Texans-1L120100Running
221970P Nittany Lions-1L12097Running
23673T Buccaneers-2L11094Running
242552T Titans-2L11091Running
252081F Seminoles-2L11088Running
261611T Longhorns-2L11085Running
273822T Egg-2L11082Running
28127O Ducks-2L11079Running
292335U Bruins-2L11076Running
303047F Gators-2L11073Running
312661A Crimson Tide-3L10070Running
321325I Hoosiers-3L10067Running
333617S Cardinal-3L10064Running
342913M Dolphins-4L9061Tire
353598N Jets-4L9058Running
362288N Saints-4L9055Running
373444N Fighting Irish-4L9052Running
382199D Cowboys-4L9049Running
39379C Tigers-4L9046Running
403942J Zolecki-5L8043Piston
413150B Bears-5L8040Running
424263T Bear-9L4037Retired
43321T Aggies-11L2034DQ

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 7 (6 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 94 °F, North 12 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%


042Passing on the insideStop and go
019Passing on the insideStop and go
122Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
222Speeding in pitsStop and go
242Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
422Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
586Speeding in pitsDrive through pit lane
1090Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds
1090Unsafe pit entranceHeld for 30 seconds

Race 2

Session: Practice

186T Nadz59.900
242J Zolecki1:03.590
399D Cowboys1:04.581
414U Hurricanes1:05.120
595A Falcons1:05.157
681F Seminoles1:05.394
756M Vikings1:05.512
835U Bruins1:05.720
91T Aggies1:05.729
1061A Crimson Tide1:05.848
1123C Panthers1:05.992
1252T Titans1:06.000
1355L Tigers1:06.171
1480D Lions1:06.322
1573T Buccaneers1:06.622
1634N Giants1:06.637
1770P Nittany Lions1:07.272
1898N Jets1:07.390
196V Wildcats1:07.522
2015U Knights1:07.699
2126I Hawkeyes1:07.769
2247F Gators1:07.868
2339G Bulldogs1:08.036
249C Tigers1:08.146
2558P Steelers1:08.364
2644N Fighting Irish1:08.504
2788N Saints1:08.625
2830P Boilermakers1:09.154
298O Sooners1:11.235
3013M Dolphins1:11.398
3110B Bills1:14.507
3217S Cardinal1:31.370
3325I Hoosiers1:44.125

Weather: Cloudy, 81 °F, South 6 mph

Session: Qualifying

173T Buccaneers--
281F Seminoles--
38O Sooners--
426I Hawkeyes--
550B Bears--
627O Ducks--
717S Cardinal--
839G Bulldogs--
945H Texans--
1013M Dolphins--
1134N Giants--
1247F Gators--
1358P Steelers--
1488N Saints--
1599D Cowboys--
1611T Longhorns--
1725I Hoosiers--
1835U Bruins--
1955L Tigers--
209C Tigers--
2156M Vikings--
2295A Falcons--
2310B Bills--
2480D Lions--
2552T Titans--
2630P Boilermakers--
2798N Jets--
2818O Rebels--
2914U Hurricanes--
3031O Buckeyes--
3161A Crimson Tide--
3215U Knights--
3323C Panthers--
3444N Fighting Irish--
351T Aggies--
3670P Nittany Lions--
376V Wildcats--
3890G Slab--
3922T Egg--
4042J Zolecki--
4119Z Webster--
4286T Nadz--
4363T Bear--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race

14286T Nadz53.446133180Running
22310B Bills-2.24131175Running
31725I Hoosiers-40.18130165Running
41599D Cowboys-40.21130160Running
538O Sooners-40.27130155Running
64119Z Webster-1L120150Accident
7351T Aggies-1L120146Accident
81134N Giants-1L121147Running
93922T Egg-1L120138Running
103890G Slab-1L120134Running
11627O Ducks-1L123135Running
12550B Bears-1L120127Running
13426I Hawkeyes-2L110124Retired
141013M Dolphins-2L110121Retired
151835U Bruins-2L110118Running
163323C Panthers-2L110115Running
17945H Texans-2L110112Retired
183444N Fighting Irish-2L110109Running
192914U Hurricanes-3L100106Running
201611T Longhorns-3L100103Retired
212156M Vikings-3L100100Accident
222798N Jets-3L10097Retired
231488N Saints-4L9094Accident
241358P Steelers-4L9091Accident
252480D Lions-5L8088Accident
26209C Tigers-5L8085Retired
27173T Buccaneers-6L75*92Accident
283670P Nittany Lions-6L7079Retired
291247F Gators-6L7076Accident
303161A Crimson Tide-6L7073Retired
31376V Wildcats-7L6070Accident
32717S Cardinal-8L5067Accident
331955L Tigers-8L5064Accident
343031O Buckeyes-9L4061DQ
352552T Titans-9L4058Accident
36281F Seminoles-9L4055Accident
37839G Bulldogs-9L4052Accident
382295A Falcons-10L3049Accident
394363T Bear-10L3046Accident
402818O Rebels-10L3043Accident
414042J Zolecki-11L2040Accident
423215U Knights-12L1037Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 4 (5 drivers)

Weather: Cloudy, 80 °F, Southwest 9 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%

Race 3

Session: Practice

131T Nadz1:04.453
263T Bear1:04.897
330P Boilermakers1:05.997
499D Cowboys1:06.188
598N Jets1:06.199
639G Bulldogs1:06.244
752T Titans1:06.266
81T Aggies1:06.283
914U Hurricanes1:06.303
1047F Gators1:06.684
1126I Hawkeyes1:07.037
1223C Panthers1:07.080
1334N Giants1:07.254
1435U Bruins1:07.262
1573T Buccaneers1:07.471
1611T Longhorns1:07.476
1718O Rebels1:07.630
1850B Bears1:07.883
1927O Ducks1:08.070
209C Tigers1:08.143
2113M Dolphins1:08.250
2281F Seminoles1:08.926
2370P Nittany Lions1:09.069
2425I Hoosiers1:09.083
2588N Saints1:09.213
2661A Crimson Tide1:09.287
2744N Fighting Irish1:09.612
2815U Knights1:09.750
2980D Lions1:09.791
306V Wildcats1:10.623
3158P Steelers1:11.593
328O Sooners1:12.210
3317S Cardinal1:12.260
3456M Max1:12.605
3545H Texans1:13.533
3695A Falcons1:14.394
3722T Egg1:17.907
3886W Red Skins1:19.501
3990S Gamecocks1:22.409
4010B Bills1:23.627

Weather: Clear, 93 °F, West 7 mph

Session: Qualifying

126I Hawkeyes--
239G Bulldogs--
311T Longhorns--
495A Falcons--
545H Texans--
68O Sooners--
718O Rebels--
899D Cowboys--
914U Hurricanes--
1052T Titans--
1190S Gamecocks--
1288N Saints--
1381F Seminoles--
1444N Fighting Irish--
1517S Cardinal--
1670P Nittany Lions--
1798N Jets--
1825I Hoosiers--
1980D Lions--
2023C Panthers--
211T Aggies--
2286W Red Skins--
2315U Knights--
2430P Boilermakers--
2573T Buccaneers--
2661A Crimson Tide--
2710B Bills--
2835U Bruins--
2913M Dolphins--
3050B Bears--
3127O Ducks--
3247F Gators--
339C Tigers--
346V Wildcats--
3558P Steelers--
3634N Giants--
3719Z Webster--
3856M Max--
3931T Nadz--
4042J Zolecki--
4163T Bear--
4255G Slab--
4322T Egg--

Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Happy Hour


Weather: Clear, 32 °F, North 0 mph

Session: Race

14322T Egg50.186132180Running
24255G Slab-5.06130170Running
3914U Hurricanes-18.05130165Running
44042J Zolecki-18.65130160Running
53719Z Webster-21.88131160Running
61190S Gamecocks-35.22132155Running
7495A Falcons-1L120146Running
84163T Bear-1L120142Running
9545H Texans-2L110138Accident
102315U Knights-2L110134Running
11239G Bulldogs-3L100130Running
123558P Steelers-3L100127Running
131444N Fighting Irish-3L100124Accident
142573T Buccaneers-3L101126Accident
15718O Rebels-4L94*128Accident
162023C Panthers-4L90115Accident
1768O Sooners-4L90112Accident
18211T Aggies-4L90109Retired
193931T Nadz-5L80106Accident
20311T Longhorns-5L81108DQ
212710B Bills-5L80100DQ
222430P Boilermakers-5L8097DQ
231517S Cardinal-6L7094Retired
241052T Titans-6L7091Accident
25339C Tigers-6L7088Accident
263247F Gators-6L7085Retired
27346V Wildcats-7L6082Accident
282286W Red Skins-8L5079Accident
29899D Cowboys-8L5281Accident
301288N Saints-8L5073Accident
311798N Jets-8L5070Retired
322913M Dolphins-8L5067Retired
333050B Bears-9L4064DQ
341670P Nittany Lions-10L3061Accident
351980D Lions-10L3058Accident
363127O Ducks-10L3055Accident
371381F Seminoles-11L2052Accident
381825I Hoosiers-11L2049Accident
39126I Hawkeyes-11L2046Accident
403856M Max-11L2043Accident
413634N Giants-12L1040Accident
422661A Crimson Tide-12L1037Retired
432835U Bruins-12L1034Accident

Caution Flags: 0 (0 laps)

Lead Changes: 6 (7 drivers)

Weather: Clear, 78 °F, Southwest 3 mph

Pitstop Frequency: 1x

AI Strength: 95%

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